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NF - Therapy Session

Therapy Session
: NF
: Therapy Session
: 5.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 111 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 67 İndirme
: 04-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (NF - Therapy Session )
  1. Jehan


  2. Kyle Jones

    NF copes making music I cope listening to it

  3. MWY - Melody With Yuvi

    There ain't song of NF that I don't relate to

  4. shauna cummins

    i just found out about him but i knew one of his songs i’m probably gonna have abou 3 new playlists with all theses song in them

  5. Brady Davidow

    I'm of of the people that gets happy from your music. Simply be cause I can relate and I know I'm not alone.

  6. Tailor Danley

    Yeah, I gotta say like a month agoI was talking to fansAnd one of them pulled me aside and said"We never met but I swear that you know who I amI been through a lotI don't know how to express it to peopleDon't think that I can but I got that mansion CD on rotationThat's real for me Nate, you do not understand"It's crazy for meKids hit me up, say they slitting they wrists on the dailyThis music is more than you thinkDon't book me for just entertainment, it's entertainingHearing these parents, they telling their kidsMy music is violent, you gotta be kidding meI guess that your definition of violence and mineIs something that we look at differentlyHow do you picture me ah?Want me to smile, you want me to laughYou want me to walk in the stage with a smile on my faceWhen I'm mad and put on a mask, for real thoughI mean, what you expect from me?I'm tryna do this respectfullyThey say that life is a raceI know my problems'll probably catch up eventuallyI do my best to be calmHow you gon' write me and tell me you slaughter my family?That's just a glimpse to the stuff that get sent to meThese the parts of my life that'll never see, wooI am aware it's aggressiveI am not here for acceptanceI don't know what you expect hereBut what you expect when you walk in a therapy session?Therapy, therapy sessionTherapy, therapy sessionThis girl at the show looked me in the faceAnd told me her life's full of dramaSaid that her dad is abusiveApparently he likes to beat on her mamaI got so angry insideI wanted to tell her to give me his numberBut what you gon' do with it right?You gon' hit him up then he'll start hitting her harderThat's realThese kids, they come to my showsWith tears in they eyesImagine someone looking at youAnd saying your music's the reason that they are aliveSometimes, I don't know how to handle itThis type of life isn't glamorousThis ain't an act for the camerasYou see me walk on these stages but have no idea what I'm dealing with after itI put it all in the openThis is the way that I cope with all my emotionI'm taking pictures with thousands of peopleBut honestly, I feel like nobody knows meI'm trying to deal with depressionI'm trying to deal with the pressureHow you gon' tell me my music does not have a messageWhen I'm looking out at this crowd full of people I know I affected?Ah, I got some things in my life, I know I should let 'em goLet me jot it down, let me take a mental noteI put it all in this microphone, think about that for a minuteWhat is the point of this song, I'm just venting but what you expect from a therapy session?Therapy, therapy sessionTherapy, therapy sessionWhat you think about meThat doesn't worry meI know I handle some things immaturelyI know that I need to grow in maturityI ain't gon' walk on these stages in front of these peopleAnd act like I live my life perfectlyThat doesn't work for meChristian is not the definition of a perfect me, wooI ain't the type to be quietI ain't gon' sit here in silenceIf I wouldn't say what I say to your faceThen I promise you I wouldn't say it in privateI am not lyingPeople go off on my page and I'm trying to quit the replyingBut this is ridiculousI'm passionate man, I really mean what I'm writingYou want me to keep it 100? Okay, I'll keep it 100I see a whole lot of talking on socialsBut honestly, I don't see nothing in publicI kinda love it, yeah"Why don't you write us some happy raps?That would be awesomeAll your music is moody and dark, Nate"Don't get me startedYou wanna know what it's like if you met me in person?Listen to my versesThis music is not just for peopleWho sit in the pews and pray at the churchesI won't reject itI don't expect everyone to respect itI don't expect you to get my perspectiveWhat you expect from a therapy session?I mean, I think sometimes people they confuse what I'm doingI write about life, I write about things that I'm actually dealing withSomething that I'm actually experiencing, this is real for meLike this is something that personally helps me as wellI'm not confused about who gave me the giftGod gave me the gift and he gave me the ability to do thisAnd he also gave me this as an outletAnd that's what music is for meWhen I feel something, whether it's angerUm, it's a passion about something, or frustrationLike this is where I go, this is, that's the whole NFrealmusic thing manThis is real for me, I need this, this is a therapy for me

  7. Burger Tree

    I have too many long sleeve shirts.

  8. Autumn H

    I wish I could go to one of your shows

  9. jpkillen it

    teacher: Why aren't you doing your test? me: *shows her my NF playlist*teacher: *writes down a 100 on my test*

  10. jenetra Hamm

    What up with the vid because it is amazing


    Helllllllll- O

  12. Apex legends

    The people who disliked need a theraphy session

  13. Paulina Astrola

    Love NF! He has no idea of how powerful he really is!

  14. Dark Knight

    This song helped me with my depression and other things.... thank you so much for this life saving song Nf

  15. Jens van Benten

    i mostly hate the things like a ranking system on high schoolit is there and every body knows that but nobody say things about it(maybe my english is not the best because i'm dutch)

  16. Colton Walker

    I just wanna give Nate a hug. He sounds so hurt and in pain..

  17. Kevin Becker


  18. Cal C

    I advise you to listen

  19. Andrew Moe

    Sometimes I might feel suicidal but when I came to NF all that left as soon I heard this song and if NF was not here I honestly might not be alive at all and all his song have a meaning and that always hits me really hard and almost made me cry one time and that’s how hard it hit me and I used to feel very tight and stressed but now I feel free and happy all to NF man really though.

    Andrew Moe


  20. pt sd


  21. Customer Service

    It’s fine to be inspired by someone but this guy just downright copies eminem. Everything. Ahhhh

    pt sd

    Shut up


    Im not depressed and I do have few friends... but I'm getting bullied and my stepdad is abusive and I've got anxiety which makes it impossible to be friends with me for long times... but as long as I smile and say the right thing it is fine...

  23. Aidan Meyer

    He is the Best

  24. Brandon Letterman

    This song................... is 1hundred

  25. Unknown GachaAddict

    Nate is amazing

  26. Maria Dixon

    You help more people than you realize... you're our therapy session! I appreciate your music cause it's real and it takes courage and talent to put it out a big THANK YOU!!

  27. James Demoin

    What you going to do callem up , what you going to do eye for an eye Nana . Just move forward worst case senero leave . Never get angry be collected peaceful. The grass is greener do your job . If they jealous then your doing something right . He sees all don't worry because he never disappoint s . Run from hate , Trump

  28. Kayleigh Zopfi

    .i do not incompletely complete my actions without communication regarding all impacted awaringly.

  29. Uriah Swope

    SOOOO MUUUUCCHH BETTER that the git up by blanco brown

  30. Gåçhã_ Pøtåtø

    NF, thank you so much for your greatness! Some people just don’t know how great you are. I struggle with my anxiety and it’s to the point where sometimes I almost hyperventilate.. I love your music

  31. Elizabeth Byrd

    Let us be your therapy then. Live for us. Let us be there for you and see you working that stage and opening your heart to us. You're doing your best and that's all that matters babe. You're working, you're grinding, you matter. Never forget that. You have fans who are more than fans. They're people in your shoes, people who can relate to you.

  32. Xd_Instant YT

    Nathan you should do a song with a rapper named token you both have the same style really you both are fast and idk I’m just saying it would be fire

  33. Xxluna_jay&isabella tiktok name: luna_jay127

    My mom said I'm not allowed to watch u but I still do bc I love ur music it makes me escape my sadness

  34. Lungelwa Sithole

    Nf is the realest Rapper I know, he put as it is no sugar coating. I can relate to most of his tracks 💪🏾💯💯💯💪🏾

  35. KMC

    So glad I found this song. ❤️

  36. star_panda girl

    waitI want to know is the abusive girl's dad part about"her mom likes to hit on her dad" is that part true?,cause if so I am trually sorry and that's bad.and seriousand hope she's doing better & she get's help with it

  37. Dawn time

    thank you NF you have found the words I was never able to say. All those dislikes are people who judge others so they don't focus on the people judging them. I wish I would have listened to you sooner. I have had several suicide attempts and then I found you and they all stopped. Thank you for this I don't feel crazy anymore

  38. shonndontcap Man

    knock off eminem🤣🤣🤣

  39. Bryan Brown

    best rapper out today

  40. Mike Schumacher

    Your music is theropy for me. Im 41 and your love for Jesus and your ability to help the lost and hopless that most Christians see as just sinners without hope helps me. I'm not prefect but i am saved. Damaged but saved. Jesus loves me as much as anyone else. I'm hopless to the churches but i'm loved by God. Nate this is THEROPY for me. YOU ARE MY THEROPY. Jesus is my savior but you can relate. Keep up the Theropy for the damaged soules like me

  41. Galaxy Møøn

    I know how you feel about your mom ,mine abandoned me and my dad

  42. Taylor Dominey

    Absolutely insane, raw talent. So glad I discovered his music. 🙏🏻

  43. Jason Snowder

    Your music is my therapy session

  44. Marco Friera

    I agree with nate music is my therapy i dont write all the time but i do write down my thoughts now good or bad recently its been a lot of bad but that's therapy. Nate your life parallels mine thank you for making music.

  45. Tyler Rogers

    this is real im only 11 but i can tell

  46. Galaxy Møøn

    I feel you

  47. Billy Small

    How you go right me and say that you will slaughter my family that hit hard

  48. Tommy Mendez

    7.8k dislikes are lil pump fans

  49. Damian Casnet

    Hey Nate, how's life?

  50. MackGaming Channel

    5:18 so what was that about?

  51. RenewedFaith

    Thank you for your music!

  52. jp vog

    What is he saying!?😁

  53. toxicity_is_key7

    NF highlights the fact that its mostly kids that look up to rappers that dont mumble cause theirs emotion in every non mumble rappers song

  54. Billy Bob

    My parents don’t except me because I’m gay. I don’t know what to do, I have no where to go. I just sit in a corner and wait for everything to become good. But I never get a happy ending in life.

  55. Billy Bob

    This music is the only reason I’m still alive to this day. I’m scared to live, but I’m scared to die also.

  56. Family Glover

    His music is real.Don't judge him. NF+Real=Real mUisc

  57. Katrina degroff

    see this is what i like bc he dose not sware and all this is true and ngl i love his songs

  58. Heyalll

    Nf is a legend Anyone who says he isn't should go to a therapy session

  59. Nic Oleann

    When you don't need to curse and spend so much money to look cool. This artists deserves more attention.

  60. pank timez

    Its true you really get what i feel.... The kids at my school hate me I have anxitey and depression from something that happened this year and aunt got murder by the man that was more like a father to me than my on dad....i don't understand why he did and why he would leave us all behind I'm lost and alone i feel like have no where to go spending my days running from the kids that would throw pencils and papper its tireing i feel like my only best friend is that blade i keep locked away

  61. The Studio

    My father is emotionally abusive and denies all of it. In am currently hiding signs of depression and fakin that I got over it. I’ve had suicidal attempts in the past and I eventually had my first cut. I told my mom and therapist. But it’s do painful to have someone that emotionally or physically abuses you. I’m thirteen going in fourteen. Stay strong to everyone relatable or not

  62. Nathan

    I was in the middle of the song and YouTube pops up it’s stupid free trial for music or something

  63. Brother D

    Just learned who NF is and every single song seems to somehow relate and this song is to a T, very moving strong lyrics. New fan 100%



  65. Katelyn Hutchings

    I've been waiting for ages for a rapper like NF. Good job dude I legit love you. And not only you know what I feel but I know what you feel dude so you're not alone. Bless your soul

  66. Jamer's Channel

    I am gonna show them both Eminem is perfect for some good vibes and NF is as good as Eminem but for like sad shit

  67. Flakes The Great

    Yeah this is cool... would be nice if he stopped having rich problems though..

  68. Liz Milne

    I’m going to your concert

  69. Donnie Martin

    Can change your whole life in music wanting to be here cause we have unfinished business to take care of n protect the ones in our life to see they make it too cause they look up to you n you cant just leave them forever what will they do then follow you out when we have our whole life to stick together I'll be your one you can call no matter what you going thru theres things in life we experience we keep locked inside cause theres billions of faces only few will be let in to know you have one friend by your side 814 624 9396 sometimes we need music n each other

  70. Chicago Blue

    Thanks NF, now that my daughter listens to you she doesn't want therapy and cuts her self! But no, it's not coming from expressing so much anger it's good to let it out! It's ok to be so sad and bitter and sing it and write it!!! No bad words👏 Black darkness, and anger screaming, yelling, is a blessing?? 🤔 This is the world we live in...

  71. JC Expeditions

    I have now listen to this song about 4 times every day for 2 months now.... NF the GOAT!

  72. Arsalan Alizai

    All these dislikes are people that don’t understand NF’s message and think this is a joke.

  73. Bahman Fard Sanei

    ❤️ thank you for this. 🙏

  74. NN man

    Whenever I feel depressed, I listen this song with the music video. Nate is a real therapist

  75. Amber Hill

    Is that young Conor Maynard?!? The kid cutting?

  76. Kaylee Spencer

    The therapist told me to not live in the past. How can I not. I live in th past bc I dont want to live in the present. I have problems. My family only yells at me when I tell them. Thank you NF.




    This comment is written for no reason 😃😃😃 have a wonderful live listening nf

  79. michael haerle

    Love for NF

  80. Jon & Maddie

    My girl freind changed my life i love her

  81. Omar Barron


  82. The Wrestler

    Almost cried ngl

  83. feriel feriel

    I don't understand how could people think that your music is violent !!! ?? I really can't get it at All. NF music is one of the purest

  84. Kymmie Smith

    This song gav me chills

  85. David Kegarise

    This song saved my life

  86. Zulneki

    My parent said rap is shit... Me? I said to them THIS IS NOT RAP, THIS IS REAL MUSIC

  87. Mr. E

    I was here when it was 500 views glad to see your up brother

  88. The Watching Crows

    Me: *playing this*My brain: We're gonna cry now. Me: Fair enough.

  89. Ottis Johnson

    I find this strangely easy to master-bate to..

  90. mk mk

    so I deal with depression and other stuff and so I am listening to this song my mom comes in takes my freaking phone and says y r u listening to volient music and I said he's music is not volient it's real music not volient music I got grounded for a week but it was worth it and I can totally relate to this song#NFisthebest

  91. April Hawkins

    Sing brother. I have a suggestion tho .. put ur faith in a couple songs I know he's mentioned it but to sing an album all about faith and how it can help as well because me personally as an addict n mental health patient prefer church over na or aa .. because when you are right with God it helps alot.. not completely but alot you have to fully trust in the Lord to be completely I think n I struggle

    April Hawkins

    But being obedient is not easy n I struggle

  92. April Hawkins

    It's like he's talking about me. It helps .

  93. April Hawkins


  94. April Hawkins

    This the best singer well rapper since pac flat out #REAL

  95. Xai Lor

    Cane hard with it on this one!! Respect

  96. Logan Woodruff

    One of the Greatest Songs ever written.

Therapy Session Şarkı Sözü
Yeah, I gotta say like a month ago

I was talking to fans

And one of them pulled me aside and said

"We never met but I swear that you know who I am

I been through a lot

I don't know how to express it to people

Don't think that I can but I got that mansion CD on rotation

That's real for me Nate, you do not understand"

It's crazy for me

Kids hit me up, say they slitting they wrists on the daily

This music is more than you think

Don't book me for just entertainment, it's entertaining

Hearing these parents, they telling their kids

My music is violent, you gotta be kidding me

I guess that your definition of violence and mine

Is something that we look at differently

How do you picture me ah?

Want me to smile, you want me to laugh

You want me to walk in the stage with a smile on my face

When I'm mad and put on a mask, for real though

I mean, what you expect from me?

I'm tryna do this respectfully

They say that life is a race

I know my problems'll probably catch up eventually

I do my best to be calm

How you gon' write me and tell me you slaughter my family?

That's just a glimpse to the stuff that get sent to me

These the parts of my life that'll never see, woo

I am aware it's aggressive

I am not here for acceptance

I don't know what you expect here

But what you expect when you walk in a therapy session?

Therapy, therapy session

Therapy, therapy session

This girl at the show looked me in the face

And told me her life's full of drama

Said that her dad is abusive

Apparently he likes to beat on her mama

I got so angry inside

I wanted to tell her to give me his number

But what you gon' do with it right?

You gon' hit him up then he'll start hitting her harder

That's real

These kids, they come to my shows

With tears in they eyes

Imagine someone looking at you

And saying your music's the reason that they are alive

Sometimes, I don't know how to handle it

This type of life isn't glamorous

This ain't an act for the cameras

You see me walk on these stages but have no idea what I'm dealing with after it

I put it all in the open

This is the way that I cope with all my emotion

I'm taking pictures with thousands of people

But honestly, I feel like nobody knows me

I'm trying to deal with depression

I'm trying to deal with the pressure

How you gon' tell me my music does not have a message

When I'm looking out at this crowd full of people I know I affected?

Ah, I got some things in my life, I know I should let 'em go

Let me jot it down, let me take a mental note

I put it all in this microphone, think about that for a minute

What is the point of this song, I'm just venting but what you expect from a therapy session?

Therapy, therapy session

Therapy, therapy session

What you think about me

That doesn't worry me

I know I handle some things immaturely

I know that I need to grow in maturity

I ain't gon' walk on these stages in front of these people

And act like I live my life perfectly

That doesn't work for me

Christian is not the definition of a perfect me, woo

I ain't the type to be quiet

I ain't gon' sit here in silence

If I wouldn't say what I say to your face

Then I promise you I wouldn't say it in private

I am not lying

People go off on my page and I'm trying to quit the replying

But this is ridiculous

I'm passionate man, I really mean what I'm writing

You want me to keep it 100? Okay, I'll keep it 100

I see a whole lot of talking on socials

But honestly, I don't see nothing in public

I kinda love it, yeah

"Why don't you write us some happy raps?

That would be awesome

All your music is moody and dark, Nate"

Don't get me started

You wanna know what it's like if you met me in person?

Listen to my verses

This music is not just for people

Who sit in the pews and pray at the churches

I won't reject it

I don't expect everyone to respect it

I don't expect you to get my perspective

What you expect from a therapy session?

I mean, I think sometimes people they confuse what I'm doing

I write about life, I write about things that I'm actually dealing with

Something that I'm actually experiencing, this is real for me

Like this is something that personally helps me as well

I'm not confused about who gave me the gift

God gave me the gift and he gave me the ability to do this

And he also gave me this as an outlet

And that's what music is for me

When I feel something, whether it's anger

Um, it's a passion about something, or frustration

Like this is where I go, this is, that's the whole NFrealmusic thing man

This is real for me, I need this, this is a therapy for me

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