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Mötley Crüe - Shout at the Devil

Shout at the Devil
: Shout at the Devil
: 2.98 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 105 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 93 İndirme
: 11-12-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Mötley Crüe - Shout at the Devil )
  1. folladordeprostis

    Coming back in 2020!🎸🎸🤘🏻😛😛🤘🏻

  2. Anthony Mcc

    The 80s much music and ass ..god I wish I had a time machine

  3. Checkerzzz gaming Hi

    See Even Angels Need Demons To Feed the snake All spiritual not physical

  4. Lord Chanka

    man the 80's seemed like a cool time to be alive

  5. Anthony Martinez

    The Oz found this band in a bar made the his opening band

  6. jackbtlr17видео.htmlNew band smoke and shadows crüe influenced

  7. Shawn Begley

    FUCK THEM LORD !!!,,,, 👑

  8. Shawn Begley

    Death By Blunt Force Traumatic Videos !!!?,,,, 👑

  9. Shawn Begley

    Blame trump and jessie !!!?,,,, 👑

  10. Shawn Begley

    Its a Go !!!,,,, 👑#SpottedOwl !!!,,,,

  11. Mathew Mcchristian

    I hope they perform this live in their 2020 tour

  12. Jack Bozo

    The band that makes parents concerned

  13. Chesterfield_ 906

    Thank god for Mic Mars

  14. Erwin de Vries

    Who's here because of Saints Row 3?

  15. Enoc Vazquez

    2019 1:21 am and here lol

  16. SuckMy Tentacles

    I'm here cause Mick is paying for me to go to their concert :)

  17. Daniel

    1:36 my favorite part

  18. Steve Hunt

    I'm here bcuz they've been my favorite band since 1983. The same year i got this album. And as soon as I heard this album, they were my favorite band!🤘

  19. Kimberly Weaver

    First tape I ever bought! I was 13 and got it at Turtles. 😂 I feel so old.

  20. Mike Scott

    No I am not here because of “The Dirt”. I am here because I graduated HS in 1985 and this belongs to my generation. And FWIW, checkered Vans belong us too, kids.

  21. vegabonzo73

    Best hard rock song outta the 80’s.

  22. Carlos Padilla

    If. Are. Coming back i hope. They get mentally and. Physical ready

  23. Kaitlyn Lee Hagar

    They're back in 2020 hell fucking yeah

  24. Michelle Hartley

    I'm here because of the reunion!

  25. Egidio Ruffolo


  26. BGMJ

    i'm here because of what happend vince neil singing voice, he was better in old days but now he sucks

  27. Lance Hernandez

    🎼SHOUT!!...SHOUT!!...SHOUT!! 🎵

  28. Checkerzzz gaming Hi

    I Gave You The Light SATAN Now work Bitches 666 Rock On SATAN Home

  29. lucifer Abraão

    Hi what iam Brazil

  30. sweldon514

    I’m here because I bought the album the day it debuted. #Git

  31. Magic

    anyone else here from the party from stranger things season 2?

  32. Debbie Probst

    The truth is the devil is good

  33. Debbie Probst

  34. Debbie Probst

  35. Debbie Probst

  36. Debbie Probst

  37. Saya Acho

    I came here after the movie the dirt.

  38. Debbie Probst


  39. Anthony Martinez

    Okay peeps Ozzy found them in a bar from then Motley became the opening band on dieresi of a mad man torero

  40. AFL god

    I was here after the dirt

  41. tainty freshness

    how did Vince Neil get so fat?? he used to SLAY pussy....but now it looks like he slays Big Mac's for a living.

  42. nicko boyo

    Kids don't know they're born these days! THIS is music!!

  43. James Tressler

    Back in 83-84, I was in sixth grade, and the tough kids used to blast this song in the back of the bus. The driver didn't care. Memories.

  44. Nate A Thompson

    Shout shout shout out at the devil

  45. Bob Hope

    For it’s time it was heavy !!! Now it’s basically punk lol I like seeing the ages back then and now lol

  46. 5sos's suckkk

    Im here because of guitar hero 2


    Voll geil

  48. Vitor silva

    Motley crue is awesome, but i think vince's voice is so lame..

  49. Alex Perales

    No I am the fucking the devil 👺😈👿

  50. Don Puckett

    Ashley wants a nice home sweet home and don wants a nice home sweet home

  51. Thomas Jackson

    One word Badass

  52. DrClawizdead

    This is the music I grew up on in the 80s.I feel kind of bad for 2000s kids.

  53. Adrian Montero

    in retrospective it's incredibe how musically bad this group is!

  54. Ryan Asuncion

    almost 300 lba

  55. Richard Centkowski

    When the cruel was awesome ( listening in 2019 ) \m/

  56. Cesar Serrato

    I remember going to the concerts and people outside telling us to repent yeah whatever I still would go in Iron Maiden ,ratt, poison, Ozzy, Quiet Riot Judas Priest so many others

  57. Easter Noodles

    who was here before the memes and the movie and who knew mgk played in the movie ruined it for me

  58. Graff TV

    This is fucking incredible. I love you

  59. johnny b

    Hell yeah!!

  60. Egalitarius

    too 80s for some people

  61. Will Morgan

    Got this from stranger things and this song is awesome

  62. Irsan Septian

    Guitar Hero brought me here

  63. Crystal Richeson

    Shout at not with the devil!!!I used to hide and listen to this when It first come out! Mama would've died if she ever heard her 10 year old daughter listening to this ;while my older brother was down the hall in his room listening to ozzy and van Halen!

  64. команч боярышников


Shout at the Devil Şarkı Sözü
Now listen up
She's razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart
Now she's a cool, cool black
She moves like a cat
If you don't get her name
Well you might not make it back
She's got the looks that kill, that kill
She's got the looks that kill, that kill
She's got the look
Now she's bulletproof
She keeps her motor clean
Oh, and believe me, you
She's a number thirteen
The clock strikes midnight
She's lookin' louder and louder
She's gonna turn on her juice, boy
Well then she'll turn on her power
She's got the looks that kill, that kill
She's got the looks that kill, that kill
She's got the look
She's got looks that kill
She's got the look
Now listen up
She's razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart
Well she's a cool, cool black
Moves like a cat
If you don't get her name
You might not make it back
She's got the looks that kill, that kill
She's got the looks that kill, that kill
She's got the look

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