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Memo Gelo - Qolü Qise

Qolü Qise
: Qolü Qise
: 5.90 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 100 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 74 İndirme
: 11-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Memo Gelo - Qolü Qise )
  1. CallMeRalph !

    Submarine was invented in 1620.People in 1619:

  2. Aditya Sawant

    Builder hall 9 when it will come

  3. a Josep thing

    Barbarian *2 years in the water and still alive and the master builder rides him*Aquaman and boats: I quit my job Me: it must be all the fishs and Minecraft magma blocks man let me tell you it will tarn you in to a god in no time

  4. G3n4o

    Those water physics tho impressive

  5. Aidan Mode

    Can somebody riding a barbarian be a troop? Plz

  6. Shiva Dubey

    Bro i need free th12 max legend id

  7. General Grievous

    Physics: how long are you gonna hold your breath?Barbarian: *yes*

  8. Alejandro Fernández

    Pobre bárbaro

  9. Toshy

    0:51 *holds air*0:56 *l e t s g o of air before even going underwater*

  10. DUDSFG4

    Man yelled the whole time so he could’ve hold his breath longer wow

  11. Pancake

    Barbarian: Screams underwater for 2 yearsMaster Builder when he chose the barbarian as a ride: *sweats profusely*

  12. Stuneixx

    Where’s is he goin?

  13. Ev Auzi

    Very lol barbarian😄😄😄😄

  14. Godzilla stop motion animations

    0:15 do you see the goblin

  15. Pause Animation studio

    Legends say that barb is still in the sea...

  16. Rey Boo

    Algun español?

  17. Creeper 900

    barbarian: leaves again to go to his village builder: what a nice walk starfish: no, I didn't leave, I'm coming back

  18. Ramses Zamora

    Like si lloraste

  19. Dwi Angga Boy

    Welcome O.T.T.O :)

  20. Rurouni Kenshin Himura

    Cool Graphics 👍

  21. Sara Muhammad

    And the family of websites focused on the phone and fax number of the most popular properties in the morning 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  22. Axelos2008 YT

    Fue hace 2 años??? Ya me siento viejo :0Parece que fue ayer que salio el taller del constructor :')

  23. MHANX Palil 340

    Plot twist : the real master builder was dead but the barbarian still save so he replace the master builder. And that why master builder can acroos two mode

  24. CNA Gamer

    Hell na im not restarting my base to 9

    CNA Gamer

    You did not explain your self

  25. j.r.d.l

    I'm guessing clasharama isnt happening anymore

  26. Gamer 09

    Where the master builder going???

  27. Natural NatureLevitation

    2 years later and master builder is coming back

  28. رضا عماد


  29. Shardul Khanna

    We would be going to have a Otto hut soon

  30. Friday Night

    Iam quitting if supercell is removing global chat from coc

  31. Jordy van someren

    0:15 how long was that goblin there

  32. Veysel Ertoganete

    open global chat otherwise no one will play!!!!!!

  33. Tio Goku animes

    O servido tá em manutencao

  34. Leonardo Andreé Villacís Solórzano

    Proximamente, el monta bárbaros xd

  35. Ghaith Matar

    Barbarian rider is the exlir version of the hog rider

  36. kotha kotha

    He’s been travelling for 4 months ⏱🧭

  37. The dude guy

    Everyone: THE BARBARIAN SPENT 2 YEARS UNDERWATER Me: wait till you find out about fish

  38. DAN4IK

    its darryl

  39. Justin Oranje

    Thats why the barbarian run into the water 🤣😂

  40. ارمور هيرو ارمور هيرو


  41. 【EQuack FighterA】

    In minute 0:51 barbarian hold breath. And then he Scream again😂

  42. i nEeD eYeS

    0:49 Boat : am i joke to you?

  43. KeeganKraze

    I love how the barbarian holds his breath, but then just starts screaming

  44. Boii with No Subs

    Master Builder be like " ight,imma head out"

  45. Angel Gamer156

    Noooo siempre odie a ese constructor cuando supe que ers el cerdo del montapuercos pero no quiero que se valla 😢😢😢no sabes lo que tienes hasta que lo pierdes 😣😣😣😟😟

  46. ติวเตอร์ -sornangkrit

    Babarain can breath under warter

  47. Carlo


  48. It’syoboy 15

    So it took 2 years to get a builder hall 9

  49. ThatRecon

    Bye bye Town Hall

  50. The Serpent

    Just when!

  51. Cristina Ramos

    Could Be the Builder Hall 10 Will have a new troop and Defense

  52. Jackson M.

    I remember that barbarian I loved that video when it was first released

  53. Rad Clasher

    This video is uncanon, because if you saw the builder base reveal trailer, you could see the barbarian come out of the water, and onto the builder base, and now hes in the water?

  54. Joaquin Yharif Cejas

    Bay bay builder of builder base

  55. brandex brasil

    0:15 drowned goblin / duende ahogado :(

  56. robicaaa

    barbarian: this time im gonna try to hold my breath longer*starts screaming 5 sec later*

  57. Carnage 3006

    Around 8000 or 7600 BC: Boat was made2019: Barbarian submarine was made

  58. Thisismyboy Yeetboy

    0:22 CLAP TRAP ??

  59. Sean Almario

    If you want to ask why it took him 2 years...*_It's because of his eyes closed._*

  60. Leslie Kim

    Who can breath underwater in 2mins?Barbarian: Yes

  61. A random unvaccinated alien

    I like it how the sword has no rust at all

  62. Skunk Squad

    0:52Anybody realized that he didnt hold his breath to swim underwater but to *scream* underwater

  63. Thomas Leathley

    Barnarian:huah master builder: what the

  64. Felipe Gabriel

    deixa eu ver se entendi, depois que eu melhorar a casa do construtor para o nível 9 ele vai ir pra minha vila principal?

  65. James Weatherly

    *gives otto hammer and takes wrench*40 seconds late*has hammer*

  66. Samaz_Gaming24Live

    Man It is funny to hiw the barbarian hold his breath to go under water then he starts yelling out 😆 Lol

  67. Yusias

    Oouhh 😄

  68. Kobi Chhobi


  69. Qais Ismail

    0:14 goblin anchor


    bilirsiniz s

  71. Aubrey Lindsey

    Woah, Hold Up! Is The Voice Actor Of The Builder Lotso's Voice Actor From Toy Story 3?! It Sounds Like Him

  72. Luigi Misdorp

    Me: i am the only one who can survive more than 30 minutes under waterBarbarían: are you sure? Hold my elixir

  73. Roadkill

    *The New Species**Barbarian Turtle*

  74. Egg

    Otto kinda cute

  75. fun entertainment

    Barbarian:**arrives**Builder:let's go Boat:**whispers** I'm disappointed

  76. fun entertainment

    The Roses are redThe violence is violent And a barbarian can hold his breath for 2 years

  77. Sivaperumal Sivalingam

    Guys anyone want to join us

    Sivaperumal Sivalingam

    Join and enjoy

  78. Oslawiony

    The way barbarian ran in the water made my day, even if I saw this already

  79. Amteloletom

    Those barbarian and builder defies the law of Biology

  80. UppishChaff

    Cant wait to see the major update in 2 years

  81. Just a Channel

    NEW TROOP?barbarian rider

  82. ok no

    Why is no one talking about the goblin too

  83. Vinay Badlani

    Night side wonderful

  84. L: P

    I’m new to clash of clans,can anyone pls tell me how to get league medals

  85. ايهم احمد


  86. cheater feet

    Dayam they really knew back then

  87. vijay chavda

    Barbarian 👑

  88. Killer Knight

    WHY PUT IT ON BUILDER HALL 9 I was so close then my tablet broke and I lost all of my work

  89. I S A A C T H E S N I P E R :D

    Poor barbarian :v

  90. xXdark___ killerXx

    See you master builder in 2021 cause it took the Barbrian two years to get to the builder base

  91. Manash UNIVERSE

    🤗🤗😧😧😂😂bye bye builder

  92. Galaxy Xxlover

    Wait so he can hold his breath for 2 years

  93. Индира Сарбалина

    so no 2 year ago see you soon

  94. قيس سعيد

    كلاش سرق تم حضري الله يلعنكم😢😢

  95. Agumon Greimon Wargreimon

    otros 2 años despues 😂

  96. you gay

    i hate the builder base

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