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Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass

All About That Bass
: All About That Bass
: 3.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 184 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 137 İndirme
: 16-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass )
  1. teodor

    listening to this cuz im bored at 3 am

  2. Marcio Silvii

    Se alguém for brasileiro decha o linke

  3. Angela Phillips

    Skinny ppl telling chubby folk that they need to not discriminate against the skinny for being skinny is like white ppl bitching at black ppl for being racist toward white ppl. I get that we should be ALL INCLUSIVE but white ppl and thin ppl have enjoyed ages of being the majority or the standard of beauty while the others were eclipsed by their shadows. I get that you can’t help your race of if you’re too thin or too fat in some cases but how about you let the ppl who have NOT enjoyed prolonged prosperity and adulation have THEIR moment? For chrissake

  4. Emily Reeve

    Anybody else through it was "No trouble" 😂😂

  5. las gamers primas

    Like si se parece a mis pastelitos

  6. HeyitzRitha!

    I'm back because of Nick's "Most Musical Family"

  7. Monish Kumar

    Stunning Work, I enjoyed it a lot!, See this New Album 'Monish Jasbird - Death Blow', channel link , you might like :)

  8. Apple LPS

    А я то думаю, кто поёт такую прекрасную песню? Бог просто

  9. Erick Rojas Sevilla


  10. Ömer Faruk Aydoğan

    Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene!

  11. Pedro Ramos

    Like si se parece a cris de mis pastelitos

  12. Rama Tariq

    this song send an amazing message

  13. Manu Schmidt

    Amo esse musical dez de 3 anos de idade hoje tenho 7 anos

  14. Irresponsible Adulting

    this song was pure shite

  15. Sandra Nunes


  16. Boris Horvat

    Otvoreni radio ne bi preživio da barem jedan dan ne puste ovaj "hit".Gadi mi se ova debilana od "(s)hita".

  17. Lisa Gonzales

    Ok My beautifully bassey ppl ..CATURDAY AGAIN. GUESS WHAT ?START this PArty RIGHT ..iNEED BASS.. MOMA SYS UPPER THIGH AREA..SERIOUSLY VISION COMING in..oh yea tooRIGHT RATHER INVENT THAN SQUAT IT.....I love YOU HAPPY SATURDAY NOT CATURDAY All about you....REMEBER BOY'S and girlsStop stompdomestic #violence.buyware beware..Never confuse abusefor love .ok ok..Bruhs and bruilsThey will their human specimens Like it start at 7 almost 8 years old..They WILL TAKE YOUR HEART TRUE.. FACT SUM WILL STUMP stomp it ..BREAK it WHILE Ur picking up..tiny glass shark sharp. pieces .. HOLD UP hes NOT DONE YET.!!.Booty bounce it!! NEVER ..A BOOTY IN BUShIN.. HEIGHT WEIGHT PORTIONED.. All ABOUT ThaT BASS.. JUST waiting..Give me a damn guitar!. ill Try anything once..2* if my brain saysoh my my my ..define as :brain arousal..

  18. Lyly_gacha

    Qui regarde sa en 2019😂

  19. R S


  20. The Joker

    Pusing pala berbie :v

  21. MobileDoomspirePlayer

    2:06 when you’re home alone

  22. Juna dan RENO Rjd


  23. alexey yakovleo

    Что за отстой?! Может ошибка, 200 просмотров наверно, не и то много для такого г..

  24. Väłï Ävăkïñ

    O ascultam cand eram mic !Hai romani sa vina cu un like puternic💪❤❤❤

  25. Banana Muffin Toast

    *You should uplift a body shape without bringing other body types down*

  26. Johanna Olson

    2015: I like this song2019: ooh damn she cute

  27. Jeremiah Grant

    This song is kinda offensive to skinny people

  28. Yael debrosse

    who esle is here because of the ranch on netflix episode 1 season 1

  29. CMT CMT

    love the vid

  30. Dan Gibson

    Is it just me or does it feel like it was a week ago that this song first game out 😂😂😅

  31. jason bishop

    Great voice like ...I just seen with Taylor Swift


    sos una pera

  33. john musau

    Is it just me, or is Meghan a happier version of Adele?

    lemurian chick

    LOL! They do resemble one another.

  34. Dooper Shadow

    This is perfect!!

  35. EDUZIn

    Cadê os BR nessa joça?


    wow yeet

  37. Niah Valencia

    This type of music is not easily found, others take out music showing off their waist...

    Gabby Dempsey

    Niah Valencia lmao your here in 2019 too😂😂😂👍

  38. F4ADE

    I hate this song so much

  39. Gloria Valladares

    Quién viene del roast de gris 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

  40. Claudete Santos

    all about i love you

  41. Nick M

    I'm all about that bass. JarJar Bings. JarJar Bings

  42. Nahian Nurjamal

    I love you so much and your songs.Love from Bangladesh.😍😍😍

  43. Sixten Julius

    i fiil its a bad SONG!!

  44. Geraldine Jaramillo

    Eres la mejor

  45. Brave Lil' Toasty 1273

    While every classmate I have is Fawning over K-pop, here I am watching lyrics I can actually understand. Anyone else?

  46. Imdb Truth

    Nothing particularly wrong with the song, except I've seen moms exposing their young daughters to this song like it's cute.

  47. Sara Faccioni

    CIAO MEGHAN sono una tua fan.......

  48. 10,000 subscribers challenge till 14 February

    I'm here after watching Jihyo's performance during sixteen..

  49. Chawii Chawngthu

    I came here after I watched Bart Baker's parody of this sonh😂😂

  50. Bridget Dlamini

    All the right junk in all the right places🤔 and all my junk chooses my tummy😢

  51. krazy khalise

    i hope you guys know this is for skinny girls who shame big girls .. Not juss for skinny girls in general .. .

  52. Vitória Camily

    ILike ❤❤❤

  53. Salma Mahran

    I watched this because jihyo sang it

  54. Chuck E

    Shes here to tell you 'every inch of your Body is Perfect from the Bottom to the Top unless your Skinny'. Im here to tell you 'you are Perfect no matter thic or Thin' 💓💓

  55. Puff Kanin

    Can y'all stop being salty and enjoy the song

  56. Elvis alaska

    Brasil alguem em 2019

  57. Irish Bornew Guerrero

    5.7 Billion more people then all people and humans and even babies will see this vid!😜

    nara silva

    São 7 bilhões '-'

    nara silva

    Are 7 billion '-' ( i dont speak inglês kkkkkkkk)

  58. Stephanie M.

    So cool meghan i like your music video keep making some videos thank you♥️

  59. sugarspice

    sad how this is about thickness only. us skinny girls get body shamed as well. "eat more", "real women have curves", "only dogs play with bones". you cant just expect people to feel bad about oversized people. and yes, you cant expect people to feel bad about skinny girls either, but its the same. now stop saying "thin girls get more appreciation" like no they dont. when someone says something disrespectful to an oversized person, people say "oh dont listen", "you have curves, just what a guy wants", "ignore him/her". when us skinny girls get body shamed, people say "get over it", "skinny bitch". thats what you call appreciation? thats body shaming.

  60. Char Z

    2015: i love this song!2019: wait this was by meghan trainer?

  61. karen xd

    Cata bom bom

  62. karol estudio:D

    Mis pastelitos!❤❤🥰

  63. ana rosmery mamani alanoca

    2019 some?

  64. amsterproking omg

    my dad love to the this sing

  65. Alaysha Coleman

    WOW the Oh heck now

  66. Rayman Ramlall

    Lizzo took your place now

  67. Tony Basso

    Huehue br

  68. Daniel olliroM

    Like si te gusta mas el roast yourself de mis pastelistos

  69. Eason Leslie

    THE DUDE😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😟

  70. R3N4T0_ GACHA

    Is that chubby one on the meme?

  71. Vanelli Miranda

    this song sucks

  72. Miguel Angel Rdz Mdo

    Hay otra cancion parecida a esta, es como hip hop alguien sabe como se llama?

  73. the forbidden

    Every inch of me is perfect from the bottom to the top because I'm shining watch me sparkle like a diamond in rough💛🦀

  74. jungkook uwu

    from the bottom to the top.

  75. POngs POnG

    2014 "All About That Bass" 2.3B Views2019 "Wave" 4.5M ViewsWHAT HAPPENED

  76. POngs POnG

    Please support Meghan New Songs "Wave"

  77. Shiuli Sinha

    Who are all listening this because Jihyo (twice)from sang this

  78. Marie Brown

    Glad Beyoncé passed this up

  79. Ana Paula Paloco

    que música lindaaaaaaa


    All about that bass .. Wow like ❤❤❤

  81. WT F

    I love the meaning of this song 💗

  82. Adam Aryan

    Finally..I found this for 3 years

  83. canal da vivi

    Hello kkkkkk


    835 mil magrelas deram deslikes.

  85. The Bullydog

    There's something wrong with the fat boy

  86. Scorpius Jones

    Should be "all about that appropriation" 😂

  87. Mariah Ford

    We no that shit aren't real bodey bodey

  88. Bnha Lover

    No way this was made in 2014-

  89. Marissa Lee

    imagine debating in comment section, damn y'all are fragile and insensitive mfs 😂just enjoy the damn song, I'm skinny but this song is fun af

  90. ○《「LISA」》○

    Kpop fans, this kinda sounds like a Meghan Trainor collab with Jihyo from Twice and SomiLike if u agree uwu⬇️

  91. chaketa King

    I'm sorry but I wouldn't have a fucking girl holding my ass

  92. chaketa King

    OMG...listen closely to the song..this is a good time "it doesn't matter what size is perfect ur perfect from the bottom from the bottom from the top"

  93. chaketa King

    Am I the only one that lived the fat man😗

All About That Bass Şarkı Sözü
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass (bass)
I'm all about that, all about that bass
I'm all about that, all about that bass
I'm all about that bass, no treble
We gon' take it to a whole another level
We know that shit ain't real
We know that shit ain't real
We know that shit ain't real
We know it's photoshoped
We know that shit ain't real
We know that shit ain't real
We know that shit ain't real
We know it's
'Cause you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Because you know I'm all about that bass,
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass

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