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Maggie Lindemann - Obsessed

: Obsessed
: 2.82 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 89 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 68 İndirme
: 09-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maggie Lindemann - Obsessed )
  1. GoTuBeYouRSeLF2020

    Bruh bruh

  2. Meighan Lough

    I legit thought this was the *why you so obsessed with me ? boi I wanna know* IVE BEEN TRICKED lmao

  3. Lola Rosie

    I feel like they make the artists sound bad on purpose in these, even Billie Eilish sounds bad on some of these

  4. applejuice subliminals

    0:45 *what was she tryna do here lol*

  5. Clarice Ng

    she is much much better than madison beer. listen to pretty girl and couple of kids and ect.


    If x did this with take a step back he be like FUCKED UP FUCKED UP FUCKED UP

  7. aurora

    she's so talented

  8. Karly _N

    Aimed at Brennan?🤣🤣

  9. micku chan

    THE TALENT////////////////

  10. Brooke Harnisch

    She looks like Brandon’s girl 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

    Regina Marie

    Brooke Harnisch 😂💀💀

  11. •emmxa•

    𝐴𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑠 🅢🅗🅞🅞🅚🅔🅣🅗

  12. I am Big Chrek

    She’s obsessed with Brandon Arreaga

  13. Aarushi Jain


  14. kenzie

    is this about brennen? KJSKSKS

  15. smokn acezz

    She’s gonna get a good thrashing 🤣

  16. alina a

    i feel like she’s trying too hard to talk like madison beer. she needs more authenticity.

  17. Ziah U.

    I love u so much Maggie ur voice improve too much... Lavvvv u

  18. Lily Jurcic

    one of the only singers that sounds nearly the same live and no autotune- DATS MA GURL

  19. chloe rose

    Why do people watch this video just to hate on Maggie, like grow up and stop spreading negative comments. Smh 🤦‍♀️

  20. AurelioJuarezCortez. A

    https://www.twitter.Com/#AurelioJuarezCortez.Onecom com

  21. K Z

    She’s so pretty tho like girl howww

  22. myccp edits

    she talks and looks like Madison beer

  23. Chris Mccullough

    That word play was badass

  24. Sziszi Berki

    **brennen taylor left the chat**

  25. StrawberryNinja Nibbles

    Dem no-prep veneers tho. I need me some

  26. Maddy Evelyn


  27. Meiliza Triyani

    she looks alike Madison Beer

  28. Pasta Bowl

    Don’t come at meI love you Maggie but..that foundation (NO HATE!!)

  29. Ari V

    Its definitely about brennen 😂😂

  30. Mahmudul Hassan

    how r u pretty girl

  31. cass.


  32. Angélie St Amand

    Shes a goddess

  33. Freya • Gaming

    Girl you don't need no auto tune ur naturally talented ❤️ you

  34. unknown 11

    She's so cute😍😍

  35. millie rose

    she is so fckin pretty!

  36. GirlyGaming

    did madison beer and Megan Fox have a baby or what? Squad: M.F., M.B., and M.L.

  37. madi Medina.

    *brennen taylor has left the chat*

  38. Matt Nolan

    Vocal fry

  39. Amunchiez

    She reminds me of Madison beer but with better vocal projection if that makes sense

  40. Tiffany Emm

    When you think you’re different but you’re really the same ***

  41. Nada Al-kanash

    She is so cuuute!

  42. Kiki Kannibal

    She's so amazinggg

  43. l l

    She lowkey looks like Woah Vicky

  44. XxBurgerLoverzxX

    Okay genius has invited someone that will not become meme (yet)

  45. Sophia Saiz

    Is this the girl in the video with Carter Reynolds?

  46. Mandy Olivia

    She reminds me of Madison beer

  47. Kaydee Reed

    Girl you is a goddess

  48. so anyway

    “we’ve all been with someone” no. i can promise i haven’t lmaoo

    bleach ♡

    so anyway very cool kanye

  49. SxryptS

    Hurt this artist and i'm gonna make it my life's mission to hunt u down and eat u alive!

  50. blondewildangel1

    Yikes 😬

  51. blondewildangel1

    I don't think it matters if someone pays attention to the m selves. I ts a ego thing like ur btr the n another person. Or?

  52. blondewildangel1

    I don't think I would have wrote it this way cz uu well guess wat I m obsessed withmyself to that s not showing h I'm btr

  53. Kaia Huot

    these hand motions LOL

  54. K S

    The missed matched foundation distracts me so much

  55. K S

    What was that hair thing at the start when she first sung

  56. T x

    Ok but she literally looks like woah vicky but in a cleaner version.

  57. danenya qristiana

    she kinda looks like Madison beer

  58. Mei Cringei

    I really dont think that this song needs a lyric breakdown....its pretty self explanatory

  59. Val M😂I’m sorry but not really

  60. weird flamingo

    Taylor swift ft maggie lindeman or Maggie lindeman ft taylor swift

  61. Kacey Xx

    Wow she’s so beautiful

  62. Mia Riley

    Maggie slender man

  63. LyN 3112

    Stop saying that she looks like megan fox megan is a queen she is...uhm..not sorry

  64. Latrice

    No rhtthym not catchy at all

  65. Pearl smoking a cigarette

    *U N D E R R A T E D*

  66. Wesley Delaronde

    *welcome to my kitchen**we have bananis**and avocadis*

  67. Giovana


  68. niya

    2:16 I literally imagined that when it came out

  69. yasmineee03

    Too basic for my liking tbh

  70. person of interest

    "got more muscles than the ocean..." wtf??? 😅

    Savannah Rose

    Like the shellfish

  71. Julia Lopez

    Maggie is so freakin gorgeous omg 😮

  72. Sara Molla

    Is it just me or is she singing to fast

  73. Maggie Lindemann

    I find it so awkward when their singing idk why

  74. Vijendra kumar Ojha

    I love you

  75. mollie lindman

    You and my sister have the same name

  76. Bonzi Beno

    *cough brennen taylor cough*

  77. Ammar Rexha

    I am from Germany and you're so beautiful

  78. tiffymarieseesthetea marie

    Maddison beer!!?!?

  79. Thanos

    We ain't gonna point out that mismatched foundation

  80. Denice Dante

    She improved ~~❤️❤️❤️😩😍😍

  81. Tree Trunk

    How long has she been smoking cigarettes.

  82. Carol Jenner

    She is SO pretty

  83. Aly


  84. Moonlight bæ

    If Selena Gomez & Megan Fox has a Child :

  85. Aestheticlly Special

    my 'best friend' always acts like she cares about being a shitty friend but the next day she'll completely forget about everything. Some friend am I right?

  86. Zahrah Fakier

    She looks kinda like a mix between Madison beer and woah Vicky but in a good way


    oh no no, she looks like Madison Beer only. when I discovered I thought they were half sisters or something with different last names

  87. Nads Sparkle

    Such a good singer and a great song ❤

  88. ميغيل مارتينيز

    She looks like Madison Beer

  89. Mya Turner

    Maggie is so adorable

  90. Tamiah R.

    She looks like Madison Beer and Bea Miller had child

  91. Starlight Luna

    She’s so pretty..damn

  92. Kayla Mass

    maggie SLENDERMAN

  93. noor yeol

    those lyrics don't need explanation LMAO

  94. Ava

    Fuck no

  95. Gloupsublimals

    I freaking love her❤️

  96. Tori.B


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