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Madrugada - Only When Youre Gone

Only When Youre Gone
: Only When Youre Gone
: 5.92 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 76 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 56 İndirme
: 03-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Madrugada - Only When Youre Gone )
  1. KindaWannaGetDrunk

    Se skeftome akoma 6 noemvri

  2. büşra ünsal


  3. Maria Maria


  4. Τι δεν μου πανε;

    Ο τυπας έχει την πιο ομορφη φωνη που εχω ακουσει ποτε μου χωρις υπερβολή

  5. Rodolfo Verdessi

    Muito bom. Uma joia musical.

  6. Lord of Command

    I know this song was meant for me. My mom just passed away, and I just put this on repeat

  7. Dimitrios Arnis


  8. Piotr Trypus

    ach, cóż za piękno.

  9. Τερέζα Γιαννέτα

    Just perfect....

  10. evija0802

    Voice that gives me goosebumps... Simply amazing!

  11. giannis tzanidis


  12. stella peri

    beautiful emotional song speak to the soul

  13. Ταβιθα Χατζηπαζαρλη

    !!!!!!!! ❤️


    Η μονη φωνη που σου κανει ερωτα....

  15. Dimitra Ydroxoos


  16. Carolina Rojas

    Qué voz!! tremenda energía. Woooowwwww

  17. Francheska Chatzipanagioti

    😢💔NM, why...?..miss you so much..

  18. Alondra Michell Zavaleta Montiel


  19. Josh Hiken

    Incredible music!!

  20. Artemis Antoniou

    im tired of in and out , i want to settle down ! to make a small home, in a grazing land's stone ...

  21. Javabeeker

    who does the female backing vocal?

  22. Blood Wizard

    vaov baya iyi

  23. Rosestar33

    Τέλειο απλά!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. boutlikhet massinissa

    ♥ _♥

  25. Geor Loy

    3:01 σ'αυτό το σημείο μαζί με την μουσική, έχει σταματήσει και η καρδιά μου! Μου κόβει την ανάσα η φωνάρα του, δεν το αντέχω!

    Geor Loy

    @Eru Ilúvatar :( :( :(

  26. MARGI 777


  27. Faby Nataly

    2019? ❤ Brasil ❤❤

  28. josef brunner

    the end is onley another ( end) begining life begining

  29. Emirhan Usta

    Sağlam aga

  30. Neaman Lerhmari

    No matter how good is the music, Youtube will always suggest me The Sky is Crying.

  31. - C O T T O N C A N D Y -

    Escuchar a este tipo cantar a la una de la mañ un gran placer.

    Sílvia Silva

    a la una de la madrugada? ;)

  32. Shari Denson

    Hey Velivas1 please could you change the photo credit to please, I finally have my site up and running! x Thanks x

  33. Goksen Kemer

    Only when I am gone, I have been converted to walking death............I am burried inside of my body.

  34. Brock Munger

    One of the best from Sivert. Actually one of the best from anyone.

  35. Duck Twacy

    Reminds me of the Doors "we want the world and we wan it now"

  36. Betül Koyuncu


  37. Treezebees B

    addicted to this voice.....

  38. Mira Pyrz

    Très beau . Merci

  39. Burak Ozyer

    I'm making love with my earpods..

  40. Alana Almeida

    Somente quando você se forSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forE longeSomente quando você se forEu vou precisar de um martelo e pregosPara construir esse amargo amargoEste testamento bruto na músicaIsso soa apenas quando você se vaiSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forE longeSomente quando você se forOhRudes são as línguas do amorIsso fala de misericórdia para todos nósE nos deixe apenas com uma musicaE nos deixe apenas com uma musicaAgora há um sussurro frio e ocoSussurroIsso consome meu corpo quando você se vaiSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forE longeSomente quando você se forOhE é só quando você se vaiE longeSeu fantasma se move através de mim dessa maneira especialE é um bom hotelMeu hotelVenha encher a escuridão desta cela de prisãoEu te amarei muitoE eu vou te amarBemEntão me enterre na cozinhaMe enterre na lojaOh, me enterre em todo lugar que você forNas sombras do corredorAh, porque nós não sabemos maisO que nós não podemos mais segurarEm dias como estes, nossas cabeças se enchem de fumaçaE nossas memórias envelhecemSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forE longeSomente quando você se forSomente quando você se forSó quando você se vaiSomente quando você se forE longeSomente quando você se forFoi emboraE foi emboraOh

    Clebinho Estudante

    Alguém que fala português e vê os vídeos do velivas ahahaa, maneiro

  41. Sheila Wibratt


  42. Boynuzlu Baykuş

    çayrek düşüncelerle mest olan bir beyin ve onu koruyan kafa tasının düşüncelerin yoğunluğuna dayanamayıp çatlama sesini duyuşum kadar saçma düşüncelşerle vakit yoğunluğunda kendimi çürütecek kadar çaresiz bir insanım...

  43. Despoina Angel

    Come for the darkness in this prison cell i love u long and i love u well..

  44. Γουέιντ Τρολόπουλος

    Τα λέμε Ελένη. Συγγνώμη που άργησα να σου δείξω πόσο σε αγαπώ.

  45. sasablink

    03:10-03:11 can you hear the whispered "so" from the background before the absolute silence?? 😍

  46. Anni


  47. MAr Mndç

    Pela vossa inimaginável paciência, bem hajam. Vida longa para todos.


    watching the cigarette smoke slowly fading, with a glass of whiskey by my side, listening to this masterpiece...saying all the things I never said... damn.. best 6:30 minutes of my life...

  49. Sandra


  50. Cap Head


  51. doxli pi

    love , love will tear us apart, again and again and again, through lyrics,through melodies, through memories,through visions of the imaginary happiness that will never be.

  52. Trip 420


  53. Sadira

    μου γαμαει την ψυχη....

  54. Μουσικά Ασθενείς


  55. Nektarios Marishta

    every second of this reminds me of you

  56. Teo Dalton

    xaireta m ton platano

  57. deetest logins

    As much as I love this song, there's not too much effort in the lyrics, but i think that's what makes you stop & let it draw you in.

  58. Isabel Neves

    And if I'm never gone? How they are sure?! So much arrogance.

    henning mathisen

    Isabel Neves 😂

  59. Tony B

    Wonderful & heartfelt. Leave us only with a song......after you´re gone....

  60. ioanna kogiorgou


    Nikos Sp.

    ontos ayth einai?

    Marie Jeanne

    Lana Del Rey?

  61. Nicola Bliemeister

    long time ever the best

  62. pi delta

    And our memories grow old...Λειπεις

    best of best

    pi delta i like your username.

  63. snow queen


  64. Luke Stevens

    Check out this singer (Leisha Stevens), she is amazing: cover is amazing in Italian/Latin

  65. villageidiotGR

    Rude are the tongues of loveThat speak of mercy for us allAnd leave us only with a song.THIS song.. ehhh

  66. Charles Bowyer

    ' Beautiful'!!...

  67. Bakema NL

    Another few cd's on the this is good!! Mark Lanegan comes to mind hearing this.

  68. Konan Delta

    I love you long and I love you well...

  69. Tricia Bentzen

    yes i love it i hear cohen mr cave and theyre from norway witha spanish name hahaha

  70. Sjouke Hoekstra

    Stones emotional resq

  71. Francisco Jiménezola

    i feel a lot of things with this group. The sound sems so deep...

  72. Nanette Rauth

    I absolutely love this mans voice,style,and manly self.

  73. The one Who knocks

    μια μηχανη να κανεις το γυρω της νορβηγιας και στα ακουστικα να παιζει αυτο το αριστουργημα...αξια ανεκτιμητη...

    Elli Karakwsta

    The one Who knocksΤι είπες τώρα.....


    Χαχαχαχαχαχ. Μήνα Φλεβάρη με 5-6 μέτρα χιόνι και -20 από Tromsø μέχρι Bodø. Πρόσεχε στους δρόμους τους ταράνδους , τα elg

  74. pe blanc

    oh...sometimes beauty is letting sadness in

    Shawn Patterson

    Leonard is Canadian

  75. TheGerakas

    They must be influenced by Gun Club!

  76. angelita Nortje

    ❤ the words

  77. Lorenzo Giancristofaro

    A girl friend of mine shared this song on facebook, its not even the kind of music i usually listen to but i must say im getting high just by listening to this over and over again

  78. Francisco Otón

    Great song and great band

  79. GoodVibesOfficial

    ♪♫♥ ;)

  80. Chandra Kanta

    Diese Stimme ist einfach nur rrrrrrŕrrr.....Die Band a Wahnsinn:)

  81. Chiara R.

    magari alzarla di una?

  82. born in gallifrey

    öyle bir ses tonu ki, kulağımdan girip ciğerlerimden çıkamıyor. ruhuma fısıldıyor resmen


    born in gallifrey benimle sevişiyor keşke fısıldasa

  83. mervelerden biri

    güzel ❤

  84. Josseline Boisis

    to share with your lover

  85. the whale

    leave us only with a song 🌟💗🌟

  86. Winnicki Jaroslaw

    Einfach Super Sexy!!!

  87. Cyprus Avenue :)

  88. Vaso Akinidi


  89. Michael Merle

    j'écoute depuis 15 ans et toujours fan. sacré groupe .une pensée à Robert buras parti trop tôt

  90. Yllka Ilazi

    If only this song didn't have such a constant repetition would have sounded so much better :/

  91. sally ly

    This Voice 💓💓💓Les Guitares 💓💓💓Les Mots 💓💓💓

  92. Korinabkv

    το πιο ωραιο τραγουδι στη γη νουμερο 2

    M.a. g.

    TheKorina15 το νο 1;;;

  93. Andrea Ianni

    beautiful, thanks for sharing :-)

  94. Vana Nikolaidou

    I love you long and I love you well..

  95. Szőnyi Vivien

    Eszi a szüvemet.

    László Henez

    Szőnyi Vivien Eszi...

  96. Mey Mollart Gutierrez

    Merçii Veloso , es una bella madrugada .. hoy una buena noche !!

  97. Sodom1zed


    Spyridoula Pdl


    viviana sketo

    xaxaxaaxa malakaaa

    Alice Mantziou

    Στο Rockwave?


    Πιο ειλικρινής τοποθέτηση δε γίνεται😎

    Mylife Mydecision


Only When Youre Gone Şarkı Sözü
Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Ve uzakta
And away

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Bir çekiç ve çiviye ihtiyacım olacak
Gonna need a hammer and nails

Bu acı aşk şarkısını inşa etmek
To construct this bitter love song

Bu acımasız vasiyetname şarkısı
This cruel testamented song

Bu sadece sen gittiğinde çalıyor
That rings out only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Ve uzakta
And away

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Kaba sevgi dilleridir.
Rude are the tongues of love

Bu hepimiz için merhametten bahseder.
That speak of mercy for us all

Ve bizi sadece bir şarkıyla bırak
And leave us only with a song

Ve bizi sadece bir şarkıyla bırak
And leave us only with a song

Şimdi soğuk ve içi boş bir fısıltı
Now it's a cold and hollow whisper

Sen gittiğinde vücudumu konsollar
That consoles my body when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Ve uzakta
And away

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Ve sadece sen gittiğinde
And its only when you're gone

Ve uzakta
And away

Hayaletin benden özel bir şekilde geçiyor
Your ghost runs through me in that special way

Güzel bir eski şehir
It's a nice old town

My hometown

Bu hapishane hücresindeki karanlığa gel
Come for the darkness in this prison cell

Seni çok seviyorum ve seni çok seviyorum
I love you long and I love you well
Öyleyse beni mutfağa göm
So bury me in the kitchen

Beni taşlara gömün
Bury me in the stones

Gittiğin her yere beni göm
Oh, bury me everywhere you go

Koridorun gölgesinde
In the shadows of the hallway

Oh, artık bilmiyoruz
Oh, for we do no longer know

Artık tutamayacağımız şeyler
What we can no longer hold

Bu gibi günlerde kafalarımız dumanla doluyor
On days like these our heads fill up with smoke

Ve hatıralarımız yaşlandı
And our memories grow old

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Ve uzakta
And away

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone
Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Sadece, sadece sen gittiğinde
Only, only when you're gone

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone

Ve uzakta
And away

Sadece sen gittiğinde
Only when you're gone
Gone away

Ve gitti
And gone away


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