I have anxiety and depression and it hurts so much so many people make fun of me when I cry or have panic attacks
I really like this song that Mabel gave us it's always been my fav song from her she is just a modern singer with style and shows that she has thoughts Mabel lol
I mostly have hidden depression or anxiety.. I think a lot about death, suicide and even try to.. But I dont cry about it.. Edit: I really hope that everyone including myself can get through it
She or he I CAN'T pornhub ,💋💋💋💋💋
my therapist: evrything u say here stay heremy youtube recommendations...me: how those it k it thn
I ADORE YOU👑👑👑👑👑💋❤💙💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟👍👌
best song ever and now its my favourite
You will become rich in 2020Like to activate
How did I miss this gem?
was just searching random things on youtube, and then i searched "ok".didnt mean to find this song, but im not disappointed. this made me feel a lot happier, thank you. beautiful song :)
*hey,drink water,breathe and smile.it's okay,pain is like a **bird.it** will fly away eventualy.i love **you.be** strong out there❤🌎*
I don’t even know if I have a mental illness but I relate to this song SO MUCH
love this!
for all those people that disliked this song is so much better than something you will ever hear and even if you don't have depression hear voice god you go girl never stop
I have known so many people with anxiety and I never understood it. And I never asked because I didn't want to offend. But now I get it. It's not one thing that's easy to define. It's just this... paralysing disability to function properly. Sometimes you can't breathe, sometimes you can't sleep, sometimes you're good and sometimes you're not. No one understands and no one asks. I am sorry I never did, but I feel it now too.
how does she not have 3 million subs and 1 million likes on this song yet
Love the music video as well!
Me:searches ok RU-clip: Ok anxiety anthemMe: finally something that is for me I’ve lived an year with social anxiety and my parents say it’s a face and I always fake a smile...basically the lyrics for this song
My fave song😭😭😢💖💖💖💖💖
I just recently had such a bad anxiety attack and i didn't know what to do. I just felt so alone. I talked to my mum about it but she didn't understand how uncomfortable it is to not have control over yourself or the way you feel. She told me, you'll get over it, and i just said 'yea okay' because what else do you say to someone that won't be able to help you because they just don't understand what you're going through. I never used to suffer with anxiety. Whenever i heard someone talk about it i would think they were just being dramatic. Its not being dramatic, this is serious. I get anxiety almost every week now and it just gets worse and worse.So when this song popped up i was like ok let me give it a try, and i cried because for the first time, i can understand what people that have to deal with this actually go through. I know how it feels to be helpless and alone. It hurts. It sucks. But this song, i love it, and yes.... it will get better. To anyone reading this that has attacks or just has to deal with any type of anxiety, it will get better. You will feel better. I will feel better.
Eu escuto essa linda música antes de joga meu futebol mim deixa relaxado
thankyou mabel for making me feel better
Like: Mabel's ponytail Comment: Ariana's ponytail
This is a great song and it hits close to home because my friend has anxiety and anxiety and depression is a real thing and it should talked about more and helped more...thanks Mabel
Why her lips nvr close
I feel this song . I have anxiety and panic attacks , i have nights when it was hard to sleep . Its soo difficult . Everyday i feel like the world judge me or look at me and say bad words , making me feel inconfortamble . Please people , be suportive ! Try to be better , to do better , because of our bad world and our bad people we lose hope . People judge a lot and i am tired of this.
this song is like helping me get through life rn
Thank you ..🤗
Ive been listening to this the whole week This defines my social anxiety problemes
I listening to this song while In tears because me and my forever friend “a friend I wanted to be friends with forever “ aren’t friends anymore and I posted him that I’m thankful for him because I am but now I’m just remembering our times together and it’s hurts so I play this song when I’m sad because i can just cry and hear her sing because she is helping me in the long run with this song but everything’s gonna be okay right 😫😔
I have anxiety and i fell sick almost every day before school and i am shaking and having panic attacks. I am so happy i found this song. Couse music is the only thing that makes me better.💔❤🎶
Best song of 2019 ❤️
I have panic attacks and I had one in school the other day I just acted I was fine and just sat at my desk doing my work.i was shaking it was hard to breathe and I was having heart palpitations. And yesterday my uncle died
I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder. Its difficult but this song helps me so much 🖤 Thank you Mabel
Finally i found a song saying exactly what i feel, Thank you so much Mabel you helped me ❤😥
are you talking to me?
So glad that there are (more) songs about anxiety. It is out there, a lot of people are going through the same thing, the same horrible feeling and it is OK to talk about it! Sending positive vibes to all of you 🙂
Who's watching this in November 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢This song makes me cry.........i have anxiety and i never told my friends about it .....i never even told my bff ...they all think i just act weird ..but i actually anxiety ..every time i go to school i feel sad try to cover it up ....i go to the bathroom and cry .....no body knows about my anxiety not even my mom
It’s ok to not be ok.. but it’s not ok when you don’t know how to deal with it 💕
I love this song, if I would be a singer I would love to collab with her 💗
This was so true for me and then I decided to change things and now I am so much more happier and this song really helped me
Dupa Lipa or Anne-Marie ?
Took you this long to get it smh
Ol' meme
you said i was ok. you said i was such a woman for feeling upset. you didnt know about the demons in my head. you called me weak, a loser , a weirdo that just wanted attention
It’s ok not to be ok ❤️
I love this song.
i’ve been through a lot for the past 2 years. i have sleep anxiety and this songs fully describes the feeling. i’ve had so many sleepless nights and haven’t told anyone about it. i’m hurting but this song helps me a lot. i came out to my parents and friends about it and i feel free now. i have never taken any medicine but i’m on my recovery process. just wanted to let you know that everything will get better if you believe in yourself. i used to have the attacks every night and now i have them 2/3 times a month. so grateful 💗
‘Tomorrow’s another day’ That’s the problem... I don’t want to live another day😕