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MKTO - Bad Girls

Bad Girls
: Bad Girls
: 3.53 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 48 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 32 İndirme
: 29-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (MKTO - Bad Girls )
  1. Thamili Beatriz

    Um deles é alérgico a abacaxi

  2. Jack Sparrow

    Hit like for lucifer morningstar

  3. nadira takki

    📲Whatapps *00212.644.626.928*يــا بــنــات🙋‍♀️ أي وحـدة مــحــتـاجــة مــعــلــومــات بـتـاع تـكـبـيـر الــصــدر👍 والأرداف👍بـنـصـحـكـم👈 تـراسـلــي الـطبـيـبـة👩‍⚕️ الــمــخــتــصــة فــي الـتـجـمـيـل🤩 أعــطــتــنــي وصــفــة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم يـوم وحـصـلـت عـلـى نـتـايـج عــن جــد تـجـنـنالـواتـس اب *00212.644.626.928*📲

  4. A. Ray

    MKTO: *gets kidnapped*also MKTO: *plays with a swingy doll thing*

  5. Austin Saliba

    This shit go hard

  6. Jadee Thirlwards

    Mad underrated song

  7. Anshuman Singh

    They did 10m just cause of Lucifer. 😈😈 S2 E17

  8. mackzil dmonte

    Lucifer brought me here😁

  9. Metro Concerts

    Imagine actually being kidnapped by beautiful woman and being brought to this place...

  10. MultiFanSarah

    1:18 girl in front is my favorite girl

  11. Autumn Farmer

    Shoot thought they liked the classic girls

  12. Michael Francis

    Wonder if someone could make a remix with M.I.A. or Azealia Banks or Missy Elliott

  13. TARDIS MarvelEarth616

    Thats weird, I don’t recall this song and I thought I listened to all of their songs.Edit: Nvm it took me until the chorus to recognize it

  14. idontwannahaveanaccountname lol

    What happened to that girl from 1896

  15. David Connor

    "Let's get this pajama party started."

  16. Lee Luram

    This got me well.

  17. lisa van dorp

    Me thinking those girls are very pretty, no not jealous just gay

  18. Wilco Degreef

    goe number maak er meer met womenen net zo als deze mor zoals dit

  19. Gina Kim

    such an og bop

  20. mooxbelle

    This is why I question my sexuality :) I’m either bisexual or just a complete lesbian JSKDKS

  21. Dilara Ayse Murt

    Even though they had the chance to leave they still came back what idiots

  22. Tiana Leyone

    i mean i want a future but for you tony, i’ll be ur bad girl x

  23. Iveta Hospodárová

    these women <3 my gay heart just melted

  24. Ronald Allan

    Lucifer brought me here

  25. Ana Dos Santos

    Garotas Más(ahh yeah)Tarde da noite, ela pegando fogo.Me ligando de números que eu não reconheço.Fico imaginando se há mais alguém no quarto.Ela diz que eu sou louco, nah baby, é você.Faz de tudo para encher seu copo.Eu sei que tudo que ela precisa é ter o meu amor.Eu gostaria que fossemos como Johnny e June.Ela quebrou meu coração e me deixou no quarto.E eu sei que, eu deveria esquece-la.E eu faria isso se eu pudesse.Ela é uma grande confusão, mas eu confesso.Droga, ela me pegou de jeito.(Refrão)Porque eu amo as garotas más.Que fazem coisas ruins.Gostosas com atitude.Amo as garotas más.Como um sonho ruim.Não devia querê-las, mas eu quero.Cantando (ooh oo-ooh oo-ooh)Todas as garotas más cantando (ooh oo-ooh oo-ooh)Yeah, todas as garotas más cantando.E eu não posso, ajudar, não.Droga, como é bom quando se brinca com uma garota má.Ela tem o corpo como de um carro veloz, celebridade.Eu faria qualquer coisa para ser seu guarda-costas.Ela gosta de ficar nua e nadar em piscinas.Ela é gostosa para quebrar todas as regras.Caindo muito rápido, eu poderia falhar.Uma vez no lado mal, não há mais como voltar.Eu só quero ver todos os sentidos que ela dança.Ela está num ponto onde não há nada a perder.(Refrão)Eu amo as garotas más.Que fazem coisas ruins.Gostosas com atitude.Amo as garotas más.Como um sonho ruim.Não devia querê-las, mas eu quero.Cantando (ooh oo-ooh oo-ooh)Todas as garotas más cantando (ooh oo-ooh oo-ooh)Yeah, todas as garotas más cantando.E eu não posso, ajudar, não.Droga, como é bom quando se brinca com uma garota má.Ela é má, ela tem o meu número.Tão quente ,mais quente do que Vegas em August Donna SummerClasse alta, debaixo das cobertas.Nós acordamos grudentos, presos uns aos outros.Ela consegue o que quer, ela pega o que precisa.Em cima de mim, ela é baixa, mas isso não é um problema para mim.Um pouco do inferno, mas ela me leva ao céuEla minha Bond Girl , eu sou MKT-007(Refrão)Eu amo as garotas más.Que fazem coisas ruins.Gostosas com atitude.Amo as garotas más.Como um sonho ruim.Não devia querê-las, mas eu quero.Cantando (ooh oo-ooh oo-ooh)Todas as garotas más cantando (ooh oo-ooh oo-ooh)Yeah, todas as garotas más cantando.E eu não posso, ajudar, não.Droga, como é bom quando se brinca com uma garota má.

  26. Hannah Lambert


  27. Lustiel Winchester

    I am a passive bitch, any of them can kick me and I would appreciate it

  28. sKsK aNd I oOp

    Anyone came from edits

  29. Elina Shane

    Maze , Chloe , Charlotte , Linda , Ella From Lucifer !

  30. Caetlynn Jones

    I am just remembering that they exist *puts all songs on playlist*

  31. Jessica Velez

    my bi ass can’t handle all this hotness how tf did i not see this before?

  32. Steven Aspeling

    I love you Malcolm and Tony

  33. Aspirracy

    2019 anyone ? or am I Alone XD

  34. Gamze Aydın

    Türkler nerdeeeeeeeee

  35. Bori Sz.

    That Hungarian flag on his coat?!? I'm Hungarian!! 🇭🇺🇭🇺

  36. vivicyann


  37. Rhynhardt Van Oordt

    there are literally DOZENS of gorgeous women in this video and my gay ass be looking at a fully clothed Tony

  38. Nara June

    Oh so this was the beginning of the kinky generation

    Assassin 0207110

    Nara June yes

  39. heidi den boer

    i could not tell you how many times i have listen to this even if i wanted to ;)also sexy part 1:53

  40. steven goulding

    Bad I can handle It's Evil that gets me :P

  41. Gheorghe Lazar

    So being bad isn't that bad after all!😉

  42. Ned Riley

    This song is so underratedWho’s listening in 2019

    K9 FAK// Future And Known

    I agree


    I totally agree

  43. 王川


  44. Noizy girl

    Mazikeen would fit perfectly here 😂😂🖤

  45. Macar00ni Gaming

    hot damm

  46. MAR lyin

    2019 :")

  47. Jacob McCluskey

    Amazing song rock 😎 😎

  48. lindl taylor

    why are they so underrated?


    Alguem português

  50. Lost croissant

    why is no one talking about how hot tony looks in this?

  51. mashka Mari

    I LOVE YOU MKTO!!!!💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤

  52. Drew

    My uncles girlfriend is in the beginning when they get to camp shes the one on the bike

  53. Comunidad LHLNZR

    1:01 Dammmmm that SHOTTTTT!!!!!!❤😍😍

  54. Brielle Cole

    Is that Taylor Swift 😂😂😂😂😂😂 1:10

  55. iToxic_Hamster

    Is he dutch look at that flag on huis jacket

  56. Shrimp Clothes

    why are girls hotter when they have a bad girl look its rly a mystery

  57. crybaby bitch

    I realize now why I loved this video so much as a kid I was gay as Fuck


    2019???????? Plis. I know im not alone😭❤❤❤❤

  59. João Paz

    MKTO band girls

  60. Shreya Logophile

    Bad girls rock 🎶🎸

  61. Marlena Kakolewska

    Mkto przyjedzie do Polski

  62. Florence Wilde

    Bad girls for boys. New toys, now with more leather, playing like they have power, but the ones who really enjoy that are MKTO boys. Ok, so now in the feminism years, we are objectified and a fantasy again. Groundbreaking.

  63. Teresa LaLaLandreth


  64. Ichigo Kurosaki

    Am i the only guy here?

  65. afootineachworld

    If the roles were reversed then people would say it’s sexist, which means it already is.

  66. atiqa saari

    Lucifer bring me here

  67. Janaína Brito

    Why do guga look🥰

    Janaína Brito

    Aw two the os cloock

  68. Janaína Brito

    Amo vcs me manda um comentario

  69. connor dunsdon

    everyone go to any youtube video and type the word awesome, your bar goes rainbow

  70. Lauren Faison

    This is Interesting

  71. NM Somodi-Spence

    Imagine the genders reversed in this video tho😬

  72. Rosely Pereira

    MKTO Amazing

  73. Josiah Burnham

    tony is dirty from dirt but is cute

  74. Megan Williams

    hit me with a truck 🤪👊🏻😍 both dem dudes hot as shit

  75. Abbe King Of The Loser's

    And people ask why im bisexual

  76. a was here

    If this aint the best part 3:37


    Lucifer brought me here

  78. vishal jaravta

    I listen this song in Lucifer series and I am right here searching the song!


    A melhor dupla q eu já vi amo muitooooo

  80. Awesomelady 1233

    Just came from “Classic”......*there Might be a difference*

  81. adam fair

    I’m pretty sure I saw Cheryl from Riverdale

  82. Pewex

    *2019 ?*

  83. Jiya Raj

    Ok but I was literally obsessed with this duo in 2015 little 11 year old me.

  84. Denis Hlomadon


  85. Sage Playz

    She a hot mess but I confess, DAMN SHE GOT ME GOOD! LOOKIN’ HOT WITH AN ATTITUDE! *reSPecT*

  86. 0whydon'twelover0 0000

    This song is sooo underrated bro

  87. Thamira Bakayoko

    Here from Lucifer!

  88. malu vieira

    I love this song 2019?

  89. yxmmy Snacc

    I still fucking love this

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