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Lykke Li - Im Good Im Gone

Im Good Im Gone
: Im Good Im Gone
: 2.91 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 39 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 25 İndirme
: 08-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lykke Li - Im Good Im Gone )
  1. Yasmin E

    I am not surprised to see Robyn.

  2. Pittsburgh Flip

    Clearly they don't know the meaning of Acoustic. lol

  3. Stephen Robinson

    Haven’t seen this video in years

  4. aaron garrido

    Omg Im enyoing my good taste of music 🤤🤤🤤😂😂😂😂


    No words


    Oh my my god please ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😵😵😵😵



  7. Sebastian Romero

    2019... still my favorite

  8. Garibaldo55

    A Robyn ♥

  9. luis avalos

    Man. This song takes me back man.

  10. Vabirlly

    Does anyone know the music that she's playing on the tape recorder in the end?

  11. serg top

    ебана бездарность

  12. Lord Vacuity

    I'm reminded of Isadora Duncan for some reason right at the end there.

  13. Atocha Crespo

    love it! but where is the Robyn credit :(

  14. Affenfaust

    The blonde with the black turtleneck also has an incredibly beautiful voice, am I right? Die blonde mit dem schwarzen Rollkragenpuover hat auch eine unglaublich schöne Stimme, habe ich recht?

    Countess' Slave

    That’s Robyn.

  15. Ana Evelyn Crazy

    A mulher é tão maravilhosa que canta bem até com alto falante ...pqp

  16. Superhero Comics Takeover

    Wtf?!? I DID NOT KNOW ROBYN was friends with her?!? this is awesome!

  17. Shon A.

    Guys, it's December 2019, where is this angel at now?

    julia g.

    Shon A. she is a sad bitch now:/

  18. BarbART

    2019?!! <3

  19. Вентиляция кондиционирование



    Fifa 09 😆

  21. Jamon Herman

    When I spank my monkey,And I'm all alone.You say you still smell it whenYou get home.

  22. Murilo Henrique Pedrosa

    Ugh I love Robyn so much


    I love this but I can't stop thinking the room smells like armpit


    The blonde with the black turtleneck also has an incredibly beautiful voice, am I right? Die blonde mit dem schwarzen Rollkragenpuover hat auch eine unglaublich schöne Stimme, habe ich recht?

    Deen Quoi

    Affenfaust no

  24. NOWtheband


  25. UMMAA


  26. Ana Quijada

    🇸🇪 bitches ❤️

  27. shantyy salazar

    Love her music

  28. Tuna Özmeriç

    my acne is gone. my soul is cleansed.

  29. Shanti Rawat

    Who is watching it in 2017 ❤❤

  30. King Vantom

    Fifa 09 😢

  31. Ehsan Dreige

    Linda interpretação,maravilhosa.

  32. Sixxy Quinn

    why is she rockin out with Draco malfoy and snape on the harmonica

  33. Rafael Maximiliano


  34. blank et

    I'd marry her in an instant

  35. Amelia Luna

    I like this song ☺️

  36. gsxr2fst498

    What's with the chicken dance

    keith lawrence

    That's rhythm

  37. Zeljko Radzic

    That 1:47 face expression... :)

  38. duvy1234

    Tons of drugs involved of course ;)

  39. David Esquire

    Wholly Nachos & Newcastles #Robyn is singing with #LykkeLi! Right on! 👍😎🍻🍺

  40. Lady Of Starfall

    Does anyone know the song she was listening to right at the beginning?

  41. wibez fernandez

    Wow, amazing

  42. Kitty Estes

    I feel like there is a Tom Waits shout out somewhere in this :P


    stole an iPod and it had so much music on it! I'm talking thousands! this was one of em lol use to get high af and listen to the iPod and I didn't even listen to this type of music. but I love it now.


    @Notyouitsme karma got my ass 😂

    Mikhaila Fendor

    lol! I think you stole my iPod. glad you enjoyed it

    Mikhaila Fendor

    lol! I think you stole my iPod. glad you enjoyed it


    +camron sandoval haha! 😜


    +camron sandoval i hope u stopped using drugs 👍🏻

  44. Veronique Saiya

    Love this raw and creative version.


    The blonde with the black turtleneck also has an incredibly beautiful voice, am I right? Die blonde mit dem schwarzen Rollkragenpuover hat auch eine unglaublich schöne Stimme, habe ich recht?

  45. John Rain McManus

    The Shawoman... rules.

  46. Kevin Henry

    love u lykkeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  47. Elizabeth Verhoeff

    What's the name of the song she was listening to in the begin and after she was done singing?

    dirty Sanchez

    rick astley - never gonna


    Darude - Sandstorm

    mago lago

    lol both of you can fuck off

  48. Chikku Cheriyan

    what's the song she's listening to?

    Liesbet Leyers

    Still waiting for the answer tho

  49. Maria Mariano

    that sweedish talent tho~~~~+++~~~~

    Ephie's Way

    The Swedes are always killing it!

    Taz The Knees


  50. JP Barbagelata

    I want Lana Del Rey to do this, make up for her not very good live performances. This is great.

  51. Наталья Лисица

    Is it Robyn singing with her?

    sejdaren Ilmarinen

    thanks....that realy made me laugh

    Julz Love

    @masna mast 😅👍


    The blonde with the black turtleneck also has an incredibly beautiful voice, am I right? Die blonde mit dem schwarzen Rollkragenpuover hat auch eine unglaublich schöne Stimme, habe ich recht?


    @Affenfaust Its Robyn , another Swedish genius

    Stop Jazz

    it is Bobyn

  52. casiax95

    I love this video, I watch it on repeat all the time lol


    The blonde with the black turtleneck also has an incredibly beautiful voice, am I right? Die blonde mit dem schwarzen Rollkragenpuover hat auch eine unglaublich schöne Stimme, habe ich recht?

  53. Nataly Ternero

    OSIGASIAGSOIAGSIAOGSA <3333333333333333333

  54. Maroo IsHere

    Omg!! This is probably the coolest video EVER! Robyyn is dancin!!

  55. Giorgi Gordeladze

    I don't know why but i always hear "If you say I'm not okay, well, that's the goal!" 

    Bambi Steps

    @Giorgi Gordeladze i hear "if you say i'm not ok then might you should go" :v

  56. Oz Okc

    this woman...

  57. axxx23rus

    голос от  бога

  58. David Rodes

    thats robyn? awwwww amazing

  59. Michele Ferringo

    I'm ego tripping

  60. Michele Ferringo

    greg may have written the code

  61. Mikey Rush


    Karl Baggovut

    @Michael Colungaim not trying to be anything, im just saying how stupid you look

    Mikey Rush


    Karl Baggovut

    @Michael Colungawhat am i trying to be?

    Piss Off

    +Michael Colunga ....Amen Brother!...i could not agree more!

    stephanie berenz

    @Karl Baggovut four years later and #YOU look dumb , bud

  62. Lee Kee

    Robin wants to sing her song for her

    Kevin Andrew

    lol so funny

  63. Marisa F

    This is awesome

  64. nath909

    "Lovely stuff" - Shakin' Stevens.

  65. Torri Wall

    this is probably my favorite video of a live performance EVER!!! This performance is out of this world!!!! I literally watch it on repeat

  66. anıl anar

    It's a good reason to fall in love with Sverige. Tack so mycket Robyn og Lykke Li. Det song er so fantastisk.

  67. Heartly Chase

    Robyn totally killed the song with her awful voice.

  68. Martin Jakobsen

    This is better than the original one!

  69. Devil in Her Heart

    OMG and that's Robyn right there! Love both!

  70. Crystal Core

    Im gonna put this here. I've got nothing to lose, other than a few moments of your time. I need your help...... If it is only criticism, I wish for you to give it to me. If you like what you see/hear, maybe even become a fan. I am not like what you hear on the radio, but I have more than this computer screen has to offer. I sing in open mics around my area, My name is Crystal Core. If you have the time in your day, to leave a comment, or subscribe.Feel Free to Ignore.THANK YOU

  71. Affenfaust

    Ich liebe ihre Stimme.

  72. Lorenia Peraldi

    And this is how i fell in love with her

  73. olej

    jebana....robi klimat:)

  74. Alex Hardmen

    this is retro and future....not.i don t know....

  75. Beatrix Bodó

    Wow, this Robyn person has a truly annoying voice, in my opinion.


    This is the best version *_* I love you <3 you little piece of art!

  77. p g

    wow Robyn

  78. Maddie and her Guinea Pigs

    Really good to see Robyn in that environment, studio and relaxed.

  79. Anni1984able

    also ihr fasziniert mich irgendwie!! euer stil ist geil..........

  80. unmissedrose

    Is That Robyn?

  81. cuscinotigrato


  82. Songaclan United

    starke nummer

  83. Lindy Shelton

    I love this song but this performance sucked. Give the mic to Robyn for fucks sake!

  84. GreyGooseWiggles

    haha that comment made my day :D

  85. lone ut

    sounds like shit

  86. ffffWhite555

    Always that i run into this video i think wow really great things happen sometimes

  87. Liza Gleez

    Two of my favorites singers I love bout

  88. Lauren Joyner

    What microphone is she using?

  89. Lauren Joyner

    Her voice is unique and amazing. ^.^

  90. Gomez Pants

    was she your ride too?

  91. Vilazinha

    it's better that way

  92. lilsi93

    why is robyn there?

  93. MrMurdoch80


  94. PunaniLicker69

    lol weird people

  95. Bella Robinson

    She's so unique and talented, i just love her style-3

  96. krakfanskap

    I talked to robyn once. She told me that they were out of toilet paper in the ladies room. fml

  97. kevinfuckingweeks

    That's it. I'm moving to Sweden.

  98. A Bary

    I want to be apart of this band

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