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Louis Armstrong - Black And Blue

Black And Blue
: Black And Blue
: 5.09 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 90 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 56 İndirme
: 08-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Louis Armstrong - Black And Blue )
  1. Marilyn Jackson

    His only sin is in his skin!! Heaven help the Black race!! This man was letting the world know just how bad America was treating Black people!!!

  2. Assassination Archives and Research Center


  3. MrWiesel79

    His powerful voice is combined with the goosebumps giving lyrics so strong, that it needs all instruments to keep quiet, just to bring the full spectre of emotions to us. What a genious of music he has been!!!

  4. james gagliardi

    stuff like this...part of the reason the whole world looks at america in jealous amazement with jaws dropped and eyes popped.

  5. ben daubitu

    First time for me to hear this music...Dammn.👍👍👍

  6. Marilyn Jackson

    So sad for a Black man to ask God why did he make me so Black and Blue!! That came straight from his heart!! This is what America have done to our Black men especially the beautiful dark brothers who thinks their Blackness is ugly!! Ny Lord, this makes me cry. That old devil made us think we were a curse race!!!

  7. Товарищ Сталин

    армстронг русский

  8. Jill Heppy

    Louis hBlack and blue. This is the old classic blues I do like to aer it now and then am a blues baby lover 🎷🎤🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼😎💋⚘⚘⚘🎼🎼🎼🔥blues baby.!

  9. Shahan Mughal

    What did I do to be so BLACK and BLUE...

  10. nora Pothoven

    Such a sad song💔🙏🎺🎼🎵

  11. Shahan Mughal

    Love the soundtrack

  12. Bill McAlpine

    Hearing these 2 horns? I can't like this enough times. The song makes sad truth beautiful.

  13. Товарищ Сталин

    они фонограмы не знали.

  14. Maria Quelqu'un


  15. Guitar Man

    Incredible performance from Mr. Armstrong.

  16. Babatunde Phillips

    I've been his fan all life and never have I heard this track. Lyrics so deep and it's been on replay. God bless Great satchmo

  17. Charles Ford Jr

    The amount of sweat that was always on this mans face continues to amaze me every time.

    Cole Younger

    You may be gay.

  18. Fernando chevarria vucetich


  19. Sandra Jones

    😄”Even the mouse ran from my house.” A little humor in an otherwise sad song.

  20. young hustla

    2019 who is her ?!

  21. Blitz_MEOW 69

    2:23 note to self

  22. John Astrup

    All the stars.Wonderful Louis.

  23. Leon Brown

    Got this song and a whole lot of other Louie Armstrong songs on cassette tape and CD back in the 90s. This is an incredible deep moving song. Says so much especially for the time that song was written,sang and preformed. And still says so much for this present day WOW!

  24. MrWillcapone

    Andy Razaf was a genius

  25. Regan Donaldson

    As a child my dad played this on his horn so long ago. In 2019 I finally learned the so so sad words. Duh, the BLUES

  26. pablo Lago

    fue y sera lo máximo de lo máximo....nadie lo podrá igualar

  27. NEXTER 38 TM


  28. Esther Solano

    Outstanding....nobody but...Louis Armstrong..never again an artist of his stature ..never !!

  29. Clarke Laidlaw

    Yet another classic Fats Waller tune.(no he did not write any of his own lyrics)..what a wonderful trombonist in Tyree Glenn.goose bumps when I hear him play on slow numbers..And Louis,well i don't have a vocabulary broad enough to explain his greatness,so I will borrow from a Johnny Mercer song'Too Marvellous for words'.

  30. Dan Maftei

    A sublime singer.

  31. nixon renee jota jaspe

    No hay nada MEJOR.....


    Thanks Africa

  33. Stepha Holic

    timeless. and his voice is soooo special. I wish we had more mainstream artists who shared a queer sound such as his. he's LITERALLY unmatchable. no one could share what he has.

  34. Frank S.

    Thanks Austin. Memories that are unforgettable. MDR my TV station.

  35. Tuba Chris

    Is there a transcription?

  36. Melanie Fregeau

    He is very old he must have a lot of time in life for so many songs to become famos

  37. John Jurkewicz

    Ilove listening to Great songs like is and I love it

  38. Clarke Laidlaw

    music by Fats Waller,lyrics Harry Brooks and Andy Razaf..Razaf,a singer,poet,and great lyricist wrote many of Fat's songs.he also wrote the lyrics for Eubie Blake's wonderful standard 'Memories of You'..I've seen that trumpet playing,jazz singing..scatting dude somewhere before...guess his name will come back to me later...I don't imagine he ever amounted to much in the jazz world.

  39. Austin Casey

    For those of you here from Ellison's "Invisible Man" please check out the 1931 recording Ellison was referring to in the book:

    Bäsõ Prę

    But in Elison's novel it reflects Diffinitlly the Oposite idea .. The real song tells à story of a woman who was waiting for her beloved i think.. But Elison's novel has nothing to do with Love.. It's all About how whitey Whites so him or PPL with color in general.. Generally all I can say.. Ellison Is just a great writer.. Despite dirty scenes in the novel 🙈😂😂💔


    thank you! that's exactly what i'm doing here.

    Adam Riga

    thanks man

    תמר 2016

    0לאונרד כוהן@Jae Malek ללאן

  40. Rinaldo Alberti

    questa e la melodia del ritmo tromba inegualgliabile ciao sachacmo

  41. Waldeli Luizsilva

    alguem curtindo louis armstrong ?

  42. Jeanne Graves-Stehman

    Why does it seem that people will give all the credit to the performer, not that Louis Armstrong doesn't do an awesome job singing this song. However, credit should go to the composers, the rare writing team of Andy Razaf, Thomas "Fats" Waller, and Harry Brooks. I'll be in possession of this rare piece of music very soon. Look me up at Peace!

  43. Jahmaine Williams

    this is a jazz song and to be in the show ans make sings you have to know how we all stared

  44. Andrew Wasowicz

    This is a beautiful and very relaxing song. I should listen to Louis Armstrong songs more often because I have stressful days very often..

  45. Elizabeth marino

    Thanks for the lyrics. Wanted to learn this song.

  46. Maurizio Cirillo

    I'm 55 was 14 when i was caught by Satchmo's Music never stopped listening to Louis since

  47. juan garau


  48. David Brillert

    This is the best!

  49. ako456

    “Black and Blue” is a 1929 jazz standard composed by Fats Waller with lyrics by Harry Brooks and also by Andy Razaf. It was introduced in the Broadway musical Hot Chocolates by Edith Wilson.

  50. Craig St. Cyr

    Louis was the self-aware court-jester.

  51. Lotus rainbow

    Listening to people like him made a girl like me in a remote city of India think of what the author wants to convey to the audience.....and when as a young lady I actually visited the places called U.S.A.....I had learned to love these people and cry to see Beyonce's Lemonade and feel proud to see her work, as if I belonged to the community... God bless America!

  52. Luiz Prado

    This is what I want in my funeral!

  53. Gulehmed Musayev


  54. Lawrence Bartholomew

    What did I do??? When I'm still the question and the answer.

  55. Fiona Eller

    Ewig lebst du ,Liebster Freund Aller Menschen 1-1++

  56. jorge vergara

    Extraordinario. Mi simple pecado está en mi piel, que hice para ser tan negro y triste. Desgarrador mensaje de racismo

  57. star night

    Yah, yah, yah, racisim and stuff, whatever I just agree with the white on the inside part, and this song makes me crack up.

  58. NumetalxForever

    this music is sample rap

  59. Retro_Miami

    классно у вас было

  60. Lv2flair

    Awesome song but flash foward to 2018 and many whites want to be colored like the NAACP white woman who tans and makes her hair curly on purpose to look black. Lmao

  61. Diego Gallardo Guerra

    Aprended. Politicos

  62. Analbert Shwuggenduggen

    huh? mdr? that's a german

  63. Özgür Bulut

    I like sis kebab and Louis Armstrong

  64. Strahinja Milosevic

    This is one very sad song

  65. Gyasi Stinson

    Simply amazing beautiful........ 🔥

  66. Jerry Waldman


  67. Yuriy Uryasov


  68. Freire Trompete

    Viva a música

  69. Piripi Evans

    What a talent

  70. aurelio galdez

    magic, magic ....

  71. Elmina Baptiste

    wow awsome song from mr arm strong classic muiscn

  72. norberto ofengenden

    un cortejo funebre sobre las calles de nueva orleans

  73. joji dep

    I'm not black but I'm Always blue :(

  74. John Sheehan

    Because every thing you stand for you are told is wrong isn't wrong at all

  75. Briana Porter

    Invisible Man brought me here. One of my favorite books of all time. Huge fan of Louis Armstrong as well. Glad to have heard this song.

  76. Ricardo Mariuzzo Turquetti

    Perfect !! Blues

  77. Counter-Weight Official Channel

    4:52 when you see kids your age bullying a pre-ker and you can't do anything

  78. Counter-Weight Official Channel

    I love the solos, like most of his music. Just a pure master

  79. Namotecs

    Yoda (?)

  80. Jose Donati

    sublime nectar para el corazon

  81. زاهر بلال

    i was reading a series of articles about rock music history, they started talking about the first wave of country and western music, until they talked about the beginning of blues music. so i understand now it's very sad music talking about the persecution of the blacks then and somehow i find my self here, listening to Armstrong for the first time! im fell in love with him from the very first sight!

  82. Batcavesales Batman

    Louis Pops sachmo Armstrong lived what he sang about. He was allowed to play music for the whites but not actually allowed to talk to them . The band was kept in separate room until it was time to play then rushed out after. He grew up in a hard town in a hard time but broke down walls . His addiction to his herbs are what eventually took him from us . He said “ it’s gets you clean” . If you see later films of him he is very thin but still smiling . They say he smiled up till the end . Thanks pops! You filled the world with rainbows.

    David M. Levine

    that's horseshit, btw. what killed him was, if anything, his "addiction" to not slowing down and continuing to tour although he as warned it'd kill him. read some history, for godsake.

    Rose Stewart

    He did actually tour world wide if it makes you feel better. My dad saw him twice and there was never segregation here. He would have stayed at the best hotel in the city.

    QT Allen Andrews

    Batcavesales Batman ...."his herbs took him from us"??? Huh. Some bs....he died an old man.

  83. Eric Hall

    How this music, so subtly soul-moving, appealing too a "state of mind", and there goes the applauds

  84. Saul Amezcua

    im here because of "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison

  85. Wender

    This is absolutely incredible, shame there is nothing these days like this :(


    Wender I think the closest thing we have is Big Bad Voodoo Daddy


    @Anoty the vocalist doesnt have the oomph in his voice though

  86. Birdwoman58

    Still relevant, today.

  87. Stan Williams

    The one and only Satch. Never be anyone else like hime ever again


    men, that clarinet is so deep.

  89. lisa silverman

    It's been years since I read INVISIBLE MAN. The book and the scene and song were referenced in Martin Lee's book, SMOKE SIGNALS. I just listened to it for the first time. What a horribly, horribly sad song.




    If you close your eyes to listen, you shall hear "I'm =RIGHT= inside"! Being white makes no one good. This is a familiar probl em to me.

    Jacob Zimmermann

    The original lyrics say "I'm WHITE" - as in innocent of any crime. He may have chosen to sing "I'm RIGHT", presumably within his rights, or right about being "blue" at the way they treated someone for his skin color, but I don't know what makes you infer that he meant that being of white color is no good. In fact Armstrong was very much along the Martin Luther King lines of colorblind democracy and justice, rather than Malcolm X's identity politics, so trying to see some form of anti-white racism in this is a great insult to his talent and his beliefs.

  92. Aracelly Villa

    Sensacional personaje

  93. Trinh Dang Ngoc

    marvellous. thank you

  94. aziatic williams

    I heard this song in music class

  95. oj shilinski joy for me -- no company, even the mouse...

  96. Paul Tidiman

    The Boss,,,,,Ask Wynton lol,,thankslove louis,,


    Only Mr. Louis.

  98. Raymond frierson

    Show yo right

  99. Abdelhamid Gahbiche

    The Color Line exhibition at Musée du Quai Branly brought me here.Magnificent.

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