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Lil Wayne - feat Bruno Mars-Mirror

feat Bruno Mars-Mirror
: feat Bruno Mars-Mirror
: 3.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 268 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 87 İndirme
: 14-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lil Wayne - feat Bruno Mars-Mirror )
  1. vicky jutt

    Rip sala 😪❤ fc nantes

  2. Giovanni Caban

    Love the beats

  3. Lukas Saust

    Könnte gnau so gut ein Wolke 10 remix sein

  4. Riven Gallagher

    Rip Sala

  5. Carl JOHNSON

    Never die!!

  6. Marac YT


  7. MrHotRice

    Hazard is gone

  8. Нейкаб


  9. Adin Ghimire

    Hazard 😭💙

  10. Max 117


  11. ItsKushal MF

    Why not on spotify?

  12. Daniel Assassin


  13. gilletteabdul Tv

    Mero der klauer

  14. Balkanski Uzumaki

    Shinobi Never Die!!!


    Rip Sala❤️ even tho I don’t ficking know what that means


    He was a soccer player that died in a plane crash and someone made a tribute to him on Instagram with this song

  16. Capitan o

    Baby komm wir geeeeehn'...

  17. Yasin Arslan

    Alle schreiben geklaut weil man ihm nichts gönnt wie man sieht ist der Beat ein freebeat

  18. Rui M.M.O

    Das klingt aber Mega nach Mero Wolke 10

  19. Besim Gjoci

    Mero did a new Remix! He is a German Rapper!The Song is "Wolke 10" The Germans must be proud.

    Niro0301 YT

    No Massiv did it First with lederjacke

  20. sweetleek •

    400k views nur von Mero

  21. sweetleek •

    Wie alle von Mero kommen ❤️😂🤙

  22. No Name

    Sind die QDH family da?

  23. Asya Kizilay

    Was für mero nachmacher komplett gleich wie wolke 10🙄

    xKingSnipZ _YT

    Junge was laberst du mero hat lil Wayne nachgemacht du Bauern Schüler

    Asya Kizilay

    TRS-_v Gaming hdf du kleiner chill doch woher soll ich wissen

  24. Leon Gomez

    Lil Wanyes Label wird ja mal sofort die Anwälte callen

  25. Sara C

    wer ist hier auch wegen mero😂

  26. Emine Sagir

    Wer ist wegen mero hier😂

    Emine Sagir

    @DARK- 0207 das ist komplett wolke 10

    Sanchooo 09

    Haha sogar beim remix

    HJ TJ

    Wer ist Mero?

    Privat Acount

    ich dachte das original kommt von noah😂😂😂

  27. zeynep bağ

    Turkey den gelenler kendinizi belli edin

  28. Beastmodefifa

    Komm wir gehn Richtung Wolke 10

  29. Gold Army

    RIP SALA🙏💔

    Creative Gamer

    Gold Army y is everyone saying rip sala?????

    Gold Army

    Wtf do you mean

  30. Not SebbyWebby

    Rip Sala❤️❤️❤️

    Not SebbyWebby

    The neutral respect to Sala, please comment with❤️❤️ for respect and love to him.

  31. Eduardo Alvarez

    Anybody here from the Emiliano Sala tribute video? I wish he had the chance to play in the Premier League 😭

    • Brian •

    Eduardo Alvarez skiller7i huh

    • Brian •

    Rip Sala 🙏

  32. Aikal Arief

    Is same like Song happy now zed FUCKING COPY SONG

  33. bartolomeu Sanchpson

    Escucho esta canción y me hace recuerdo a un jugador que ya no esta con NOSOTROS, EMILIANO SALA!!!

  34. arsenal snap

    RIP SALA 💔

  35. Palamut Samet

    Çok iyii be

  36. Kla Ron

    I’m not that type of guy that shows feeling but this make my feelings came out fo my body and brings back old memories...

  37. Kurama MoDe

    S H I N O B I N E V E R D I E

    Carl JOHNSON

    Yes never die

    R E Y F A N


  38. Juice TV

    I have a question, Do you use your songs in your gaming channel?

  39. Melanie Wall

    Really beautiful. I'm so behind in music, these days. I had just found the original song and thought it was new! But great job!

  40. YaBoiKai235


  41. فهد العباس


  42. Top Sattaz


  43. Prasun Jaiswal

    This songs give goosebumps while hearing in my home theater

  44. CVGX

    @Trap Warrior can i use this song in my video?

  45. Alan

    Balotelli vs Kimpembe 😁

  46. Hoop Squad

    Finally found it!!!

  47. Milivoje Terzic

    Shinobi never die ❤

  48. manutd 10

    Phone ringtone...immediatley!

  49. LynchX

    Sick dude damn

  50. guido7095

    im so glad that he didn't put lil waynes bullshit on this masterpiece

  51. jyssy

    goosepumps! :(



  53. M.A

    Thank you shazam .

    Mohamed Elmi Muse

    Yeah me to i

  54. xaligla

    Anyone else think this is better than the original

  55. Aymen Bessioud

    woooooow its good chance !!!!!!!!!!

  56. Chimp142 Gaming X

    Sound cloud wont work

  57. mrsaspay

    oh my i lkie this song teaaaaaaaaaaah

  58. منوعات العالم

    الي بكا عشان الاغنية لايك


    منوعات العالم مافيها شي يخليك تبكي؟

  59. N TM

    please put this song on spotify

  60. Ew Ali

    Tbh it really sounds emotional, But it’s alright I still really like it tho, (I keep on repeating it)

  61. Rambo

    *Br Aki?*

  62. Caden Gines

    loved it

  63. Julian Collot

    This version makes me start to cry when I’m high. It’s just so beautiful

  64. Bakutodo uwu


  65. anon

    *me when the drop is building up* im feeling this beat, im feeling it, im feeling it, im feeling it, im feeling it, im feeling it, IM FEELING IT!!! *base drop* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Twizz Desire

    anon stfu

  66. S Canales

    put it in spotify please

  67. Bogdan MoiseTM


  68. mario novembre mario novembre

    iii loovveee iitt!!!! 😍😍😍

  69. djouk lonzo

    j'aime ce bit

  70. Anthony Samson-Carter

    its awsome as f###k

  71. Rubilee snachez

    this was the 2nd song on YouTube I ever in my life Listened too the first was heartless

  72. isi

    favourite song💕

  73. Ken

    the most underrated song i know to date..

  74. Kegoblogan Bumi Datar

    this good

  75. Damir Eagle

    Great shit

  76. lennard niewold

    please on spotify

  77. slak

    i need lyrics right now

  78. Duu :v

    a casa caiuuuuuuu



  80. Channel Z

    Nice, i like it ! Take a look on my channel if you want. XD

  81. Zack kyuno

    pukimak punya lain

  82. McKingStar Klopp

    is copyright???

  83. Sparky

    I think I broke the replay button.......

    hehheee he

    so lame

  84. Fredsterlegend1


  85. Ortizle

    When I heard my the most amazing drop I ever heard, my jaw went to the floor... Amazing

  86. jasmyne

    could I please use this song in a edit?

  87. Thabisile Mabaso

    +Nelisa Mabaso

  88. Angela Blazquez

    love music

  89. Angela Blazquez

    k chulo porfavor😍

  90. Arthur Benoit

    putain c deprimant mdr

  91. Tavares Erick

    cassius stanley Montage with this song

  92. Mohamed Abdiaziz

    emotional music

  93. Mohamed Abdiaziz

    Sorry really it touched my heart is going to blow up any one feels like me 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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