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Kyla La Grange - Vampire Smile

Vampire Smile
: Vampire Smile
: 2.71 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 43 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 33 İndirme
: 27-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Kyla La Grange - Vampire Smile )
  1. stoneyhigh05

    It's a shame this song is short

  2. Joshua Gareau

    Any btvs fans in here?? This song reminds me if spike and his feelings towards buffy in the earlier seasons

  3. BarbaraKean FromGotham

    This song is perfect for series Gotham. For Barbara Kean and Jim Gordon.

  4. cooking with keem #The dancing chef

    Still playing her in 2019

  5. Lady Blue

    Discovered this song about 5 years ago as a book by the same name was created on Wattpad and it kinda changed my life....😔

  6. wiltedsarah

    I just think of Jessica and Hoyt from True Blood when I hear this song 😂

  7. KingFluffs

    Proxies did it way better.

  8. kevin kigen

    Baby I need a friend,But I'm a vampire smile, you'll meet a sticky end.I'm here trying not to bite your neck,But it's beautiful and I'm gonna getSo drunk on you and kill your friends.💜❤💜

  9. Юра Маяцкий

    Мне, нравится эта девочка)))

  10. Skye Why

    Fred x hermione edit brought me here.

  11. Gesti Kapaj


  12. Valerio Piccolo

    Such a well put together video here. Impressive imagery.

  13. Арина Ускова

    Baby you need to leaveCause I'm getting drunk on your noble deedsIt doesn't matter that they don't get doneWhen I feel this cold they're like the fucking sunBaby I need a friendBut I'm a vampire smile, you'll meet a sticky endI'm here trying not to bite your neckBut it's beautiful and I'm gonna getSo drunk on you and kill your friendsYou'll need me and we can be obsessedAnd I can touch your hair and taste your skinThe ghosts won't matter cause we'll hide in sinBaby you have a choiceCause you burn my ears with your magic voiceI'm a paper doll, you can tear me upWe'll be the broken lovers with the poison cupAnd we'll draw in breaths like we don't have airOh god, look at me, don't you even careThat I'm dying in the cupboard underneath the stairs?Steps stamp on above my headBaby you're cruel to meBut you see I love it when you make me pleadI want a scar that looks just like you'till then I gotta learn to be a wiser foolBaby you need to leaveAnd I know you knowThat's why you keep ignoring meBecause if you don'tGonna run me down, let myself go

  14. Jalmari6 ;D

    Forever and always

  15. Filopay -

    I'm so in love with her voice <3

  16. Good line

    Masz piękny głos

  17. Maicon Mendonça

    Essa música 😯😢

  18. Lady Blue

    One of my favourite songs...the one i constantly sing!!! 😭😍😭😍😭😍😭😍😭😭😍😍

  19. Lady Blue

    Vampire Smile on wattpad braught me this song so many years ago...i love them both😭😭😍😍

  20. Shae Shero

    Underrated :/

  21. Guess Whocifer

    Deliciously Delightful.#WorldSmileDay

  22. Maria Ljungström

    The most underrated artists are the best!

  23. suraj panicker

    She's got amazing voice and is also so kind to people :)@kylalagrange

  24. Am979100

    This is the only song I like from the album due to the music. Can anyone recommend similar please?

  25. Zeidra Senester

    +Cyber Nightcore brought me here thanks to his male night version. Thanks for this !

  26. jayce emmanuelle Donley Scorpio

    Very amazing singer.she is one best singer out there. I just wish she has more popularity

  27. Lievrehare

    This song needs to be extended!

  28. BlackhawkX02

    Can't believe i heard about her until now, that's what happens when you have shit like Nicki Minaj, Justing Bieber, Rihanna (a few years back), Miley Cyrus and others alike hoarding the industry, real art like Kyla's gets lost, it's a crime against humanity and culture in general.

  29. Lecapture

    Great voice - great song

  30. Vincent Yong

    720p=240p = =

  31. jayce emmanuelle Donley Scorpio

    she needs more credit for her amazing work

  32. Truly Magical

    Watch its a war by blackbird

  33. Truly Magical

    Found this years ago , gonna get drunk on you and kill your friends

  34. Chuck Norris

    Songs like this? And what do you guys think its about?

    Precious Cosmos

    Chuck Norris a year late, but I see it as a girl who knows her flaws - she sucks the life out of people and is obsessed with a guy who says a lot of pretty words but can't or won't deliver with action, but she gives herself to him anyway and probably hurts him too, so she's starting to realize he has to go to save them both

  35. Maret Jacobs

    This is one of the best songs ever

  36. Rain Ner

    great song love it ^^

  37. GAIA H

    i was obsessed with her a few years back, so happy to hear this song again

    Mike Miller

    I am still obsessed with her music! IT IS PERFECT

  38. Spirit TeraGmBk

    the picture its horrid...


    +lou-ann afognon the hell you're talking?

  39. Parker The Skittle

    I wish you could get drunk on beauty causes she mesmerizing

  40. Torture by desire

    Love this track on so many levels

  41. Hugh Mungus

    "Don't you even care, that I'm dying in a CUPBOARD UNDERNEATH THE STAIRS."Omg, Harry.

    Haven flowers


  42. CloudStrife1771

    This Whole song reminds me of the Witcher Books and Games, Especially the character Regis

  43. Pan x

    best artist so far i just can't believe why ppl don't know that she exist

  44. skbord8 reyes

    💬a beautiful song 💏

  45. Heinz Otto

    Yes! This is awesome! Please make more music like this. I love your lyrical metaphors and the emotion you convey in your voice.... This is my favorite single, followed by "Been Better" and "Heavy Stone".

  46. Black Emperor

    fucking great lyrics people...

  47. Oscar Caceres

    kyle married me baby

  48. shabyvideos

    How have I just now come across this song? This is absolutely brilliant.


    Same :)

    Sean Ricciardi

    shabyvideos least you made it a year sooner than I did!

  49. Anderson Lipa

    I listen to this song several times during the day. I Love!

  50. Copito

    Good for twilight

    Drama Queen

    No the vampire diariea is best

  51. eva nina

    i freaking love Kyla La Grange so much! Her songs are so different and original and her voice is so beautiful.

  52. SoFish Antonio

    does anyone know what is actually going on in this video?????????¿


    @Lolzfor Eva same


    i'm thinking of hannigram while listening to itso obssesed with this song


    Hahaha, I literally just came here because I'm doing a Hannibal rewatch and vetting songs for a Will/Hannibal fanmix.

  54. Brendan Perperian

    The power of the metaphors and symbolism is truly powerful and amazing. Kyla Nailed it on this one. I hope it becomes a number 1 song on iTunes

  55. Emilia

    She is such an amazing but underappreciated artist

    Edi Murgic

    +Lua xvdrea I totally agree,since my discovery of her i have been addicted.So much quality

    Nonato Junior

    Same here! o/

    Valerio Piccolo

    @Army•Tea _ aeT•ymrA agreed

    Jan Klíma

    You´re right, but it´s simply part of this world, because there aren´t enough people to appreciate good music. Good for us, that we´re on good side :-)

  56. windbetweenyouandme

    woooooooooo!! Awesome song. Great job kyla... i trust in your talent!

  57. DRAGON 88

    Kyla Backshots!

  58. Patrisha Lyons

    BEST MUSIC ARTIST EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. JimmyyCheww

    Love this girl. She's good! 

  60. Gun

    You like vampires? Than watch Hellsing and Hellsing ultimate!

    Sunny Faust

    Gun ayeeeee!!!

  61. Matthieu Lavoie

    Why do I love her??

  62. Maja Toncinic

    This song doesn't have enough views! Stupid people with no taste for music

  63. Bea D

    I like this best

  64. Kyleigh Murphy

    The song is good, just that the video its a bit odd

    matthew tracy

    The song is no way normal so what do u expect

  65. sanakizaki

    Too perfect.. Just found her.

  66. Sonne Max

    this video is porn from my perspective ,but a nice song

    Emily Young

    How is this porn to you?

    Sonne Max

    oral satisfaction half video wtf,you have no dirty mind

    Emily Young

    @Sonne Max Well generally porn does not refer to a nice sound and you very well knew that.

  67. Emily Young

    The Carmilla feels right now though! If you like vampires (or even if you don't tbh I wasn't big on them until I got hooked on this show) go watch Carmilla the webseries here on YouTube. It's absolutely fantastic! New episodes Tuesdays and Thursdays!


    Lol, just came here from that video and found myself a new fav artist..


    How do you think I get here? :D I love Carmilla! Can´t wait for movie. <3

  68. Roon

    just yes. yes.

  69. Tiffany McCabe

    kyla is bae

  70. lickmetender

    yah getting my twilight fix here, yah baby

  71. L Free

    ahh my gateway song to the rest of her magic. Next i tried CutYourTeeth, and soon after, Fly. I've been hooked ever since, a hardcore, heavy listener. Multiple hits a day, always on my mind, always wanting more. 

  72. YouShallGoNow

    143 people don't know what good music is


    154 unlike now? Who are they?

    Asia Raven Brook Pettus

    172 now 😒


    +hooklovesemmaswan 177 now

    Fiona Wulf92

    YouShallGoNow 215...

  73. Jose Javier Concepcion Rodriguez

     amoo tanto esta canción *-*

  74. Alex Winter


    Natasha Boyd

    How is this stupid this is the best song ever so before you go judging people i would like to see how much better you can be

    Luther McDonald

    if you're talking about the video, agreed

  75. twilightselena4eva

    remember listening to this two years ago, it's kinda a shame she never really got that big. 

    Jonathan S.

    Because she's too REAL, you can FEEL every chord, every letter coming from her heart. The big audience only likes fake cr*p. But what a freaking talent she is.

  76. shahroon paryzad

    i man i need to clean up go to the market and really need to shave but i cant leave the pley button alone ...........or the play button cant leave me alone hmmmm

  77. No Thank You

    I love the song but she's a werewolf not a vampire so can someone explain the video to me plz

  78. Jamie Greenwood

    If you love this song as much as I do then take a moment to check out my cover:'s awesome.

  79. Komatme Bro

    My name is Kyla but I am using my dad account

  80. El As

    I love u Kyla:P

  81. Wish Hebuka

    This song should be featured for Vampire Academy movie, it fits perfectly.

  82. jakob triva

    And I can touch your hair and taste your skin,the ghosts won't matter 'cause we'll hide in sin. :3

  83. SmallSauce

    so many beautiful metaphors in this song

  84. Absence


  85. Austin Traylor

    A better love story than Twilight

  86. Brian Perone

    This is so beautiful. I can't wait for her next album in June. Ashes will be hard to beat I feel, but she'll surely give us something great. <3

  87. Jason Teague

    I really enjoy her cute voice.

  88. predescum

    Cool song

  89. Miunchauzenas Nesakysiu


  90. SteathyRainbowNinja

    no she can't steal my name lol

  91. BrianWakeJameson

    просто бесподобна!

  92. Chris Jones

    I just found out about her today. And now I'm in love with her songs. <3

  93. Wilhelmina Padron

    A full mind...

  94. DolBeatsEZCK

    - Tetszik, energiabomba! -

Vampire Smile Şarkı Sözü
Baby you need to leave
Cause I'm getting drunk on your noble deeds
It doesn't matter that they don't get done
When I feel this cold they're like the fucking sun

Baby I need a friend
But I'm a vampire smile, you'll meet a sticky end
I'm here trying not to bite your neck
But it's beautiful and I'm gonna get

So drunk on you and kill your friends
You'll need me and we can be obsessed
And I can touch your hair and taste your skin
The ghosts won't matter cause we'll hide in sin

Baby you have a choice
Cause you burn my ears with your magic voice
I'm a paper doll, you can tear me up
We'll be the broken lovers with the poison cup
And we'll draw in breaths like we don't have air
Oh god, look at me, don't you even care
That I'm dying in the cupboard underneath the stairs?
Steps stamp on above my head

Baby you're cruel to me
But you see I love it when you make me plead
I want a scar that looks just like you
'till then I gotta learn to be a wiser fool

Baby you need to leave
And I know you know
That's why you keep ignoring me
Because if you don't
Gonna run me down, let myself go

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