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Julio Iglesias - When I Need You

When I Need You
: When I Need You
: 4.00 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 253 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 101 İndirme
: 21-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Julio Iglesias - When I Need You )
  1. fatboy andbald

    I'm straight, but if a guy sing this for me, i'm gay.

  2. Rani Marlina

    I am listening to this music now on November in 2019

    eVa' aMoi

    i'm here too sweety, music that stands the taste of time...

  3. Ligaya Gallardo

    Love it the oldies song's...😘😘😘

  4. Donald Haris

    When i need 14

  5. Nuray Aydın

    🎶 🎵 ❤ 👍 💃

  6. Gretchen Gultian

    Very nice song



  8. Simangele Nxumalo

    Who is listening now November 13th 2019

    Norma Pearson

    Me, always enjoy this singer

  9. alexandra maria socaciu

    Amazing man! I love your music! I love you 💞💞

  10. غرباء في الليل


  11. Santi Kridayanti

    Realy need you ...need your love ....

  12. Eduardo Casupanan

    I really love this can feel the emotion.

  13. Sri Budiarti902

    Damn, his voice !!!💜

  14. Anne Phair

    Like father like son xx

  15. Corina

    Fantastico! Mi accarezza l'anima con il suo modo di cantare... così sensuale!

  16. Priscilla Moe


  17. Julius 123

    The legend

  18. aimée Randrianarison

    Ce que j'aime le plus.

  19. awang budi hartono

    when i need you im just close my eyes and call aliamr 😭😭😭

  20. Takata Igada

    will love this song forever

  21. Ryan


  22. Black Side

    الاغنية روووعة لكن حركات المغني شوي هبلة قللت من جمالية الاغنية 🍃🍂

  23. Luisa Hill

    Para mi sus canciones son perfectas y completas con sentido

  24. Karesia cassis

    I love his voice so passionate ♥️


    Who with me nov 19

  26. Nicky Jenkins

    I love all his songs all these years and I have no idea who was the singer ❤️❤️❤️

    andres leon

    His is a Spanish gay

    Stein Heim

    originally sang by leo sayer in the 80 and this is julio iglecias who covers it

  27. kawtar TV

    هوا انا وحدي هون مافي واحد عربي نعبر سوا الله على حض مافي رومنسية بالعرب هههه😅😂😂😂😂😂😂

    صفاء الخفاجي

    مع احترامي لتعليقك ألعرب قمة بالرومانسية وأنا أولهم ...كلمات واقعية بالأشتياق للحبيب واداء رائع .🌹رجاءً لاتحكمي على ألكل🌹 🌷رغم مزحك بالتعليق🌷

    صفاء الخفاجي

    لا ياكوثر جرحتيني هههه

  28. Pamela Bauernfeind

    who's listening? I am he has such a heart in his music. He makes me cry. He touches my heart and what I have gone thru....I love youJulio

  29. Joseph Rousseau

    October 29 2019 Fl

    Ani ani

    Joseph Rousseau. The same for me listening my favourite songIn oct 30,2019

  30. Robert Donev

    I need you and love you, Gabi

  31. Robert Donev

    Te ljubam I posakuvam, Gabi mi nedostasuvas

  32. Lena K

    Не устаю слушать

  33. let's talk about things

    I think this man come from another planet. Its incredible.

  34. Tony Doherty

    Just as good as Leo sayer near enough

  35. Graciela Cortez

    Eres único romantico. Siempre escucho tu musica merelaja. Como dise sierro mis ojos. Y metrasporta amis tiempos

  36. Ana Gualdoni

    when i need you you undertand me you want me no problems 9 07 1939 bel

  37. Zul Karnain


  38. Harry Lievestro

    not much love maybe for you all women

  39. Harry Lievestro

    enrique is beter

  40. Harry Lievestro

    ketonen ongezond

  41. Harry Lievestro

    julio enriques dad

  42. Zozo Zoza

    صاحب القناة ياريت تضع في الاغانى ترجمة هاتكون افضل بكتير

  43. Sulu Kemunting

    Went i need someone behind me, he gone forever until now but my love still.....

  44. Jose Manuel Basante

    Grande Julio!

  45. Karmen Schlesinger

    What a Soulful Song , i close my Eyes and listen .... <3

  46. Ana Gualdoni

    gracias abuela filo manda bendiciones a los que me dañan que dañan a mi hija vos eras una mujer sabia con todas las letras jugamos loteria besos no pude despedirme de vos belu

  47. sutrisno ino

    23 10 2019


    I hope this type of song s back someday

  49. Egy beast

    Forever Julio ❤️❤️

  50. Rita de Graaf

    When I nee you, When I need love. ROMANTISCH AND BEAUTIFUL. 👄🌹🐝❤

    sashi septia

    bikin meleleh lagunya...salam from indonesia

  51. Ildenir Everton Cutrim

    ele não é americano, mas é um campeão mundial.é uma estrela da música, nunca vista.

  52. Anastasiia Sorokina

    When you need me...

  53. Alla Nobleton

    Julio Iglesias is a dream of every woman about perfect lover with seductive voice

  54. Budiono Kurniawan

    Who is listening on October 9?

  55. Feberius Gulo

    I am just watching thissaa

  56. Loli Rios Nicuesa

    Pero queeeeee bonita

  57. lixin su

    I am listening now (10/6/2019)

  58. joaquim relvinhas

    i have been listening to you r music since i was a teen , and still enjoy it today as almost 60 , its a good feeeling when i listen to your music , obrigado from portugal with carinho

  59. escritoragaviota


  60. Khanh Quach

    Em gai tra cuc Phan boi chau tp hai phong

  61. Chester Milo

    Oct 10 19 just wow!

  62. Biggie Ismet

    October 4th'2019

  63. Novita Handayani

    04 Okt 2019

  64. ParaZit

    who is listening september 2022

  65. Emilia Borgini

    Quando ascolti la voce di Julio Iglesias mentre canta le sue canzoni meravigliose tutto intorno a te sparisce ti trovi in un altro mondo ti sembra di volare e stupendo Emilia

  66. Steevens Apollon

    This song talks for me 🔥🔥

  67. Ismail Mustafa

    who's listening 1october 2019

    Bonganie Monaheng

    I listen every day

    Sfida la vita

    Oct 27th 2019

  68. Kelix Dz


  69. Muraya Muraya

    Oct 2019

    Ana Gualdoni

    julio cinco letras j u l i o 9 de julio 1939 a los que pinen no ingresan en mi vida belen

  70. Bala Cyrus

    You people who keep asking if we listening in 2019 or whatever are all annoying.

  71. Anik Yayan

    I like you......

  72. Karen Semesi


  73. abdelhadi laassab

    هل يوجد عرب هنا نحن نحتاج الحب نحتاج من يشعرنا بالحب نحتاج يفهم كل معاني الحب ......

  74. 김나라

    옛날에도 좋앗지만 지금도 좋다.아름다운 추억도...

  75. Andy Prasetyo

    Wheen i neet you slu di ingatan ku ... saat cinta monyet 😅😅😅😅😅

  76. Andy Prasetyo

    Lagu ni tak pernah ku lupa kan mulai aku sekolah SMP ....

  77. Felicidad Saraza

    🥀ria condino,sept.27,2019great songs just for u hearts i hope u likes this wonderfull song of JI.🥀🥀🥀

  78. Poziah Othman

    I love this song so much 😊

  79. Angelina Puim Santos

    Love Julio

  80. osama ezzat

    same to me

  81. Jucelino Santana

    Boa tarde á todos os românticos 23 09 2019

  82. Yvonne Wapperom


  83. Adelaide Mpofu


  84. Pamela Bauernfeind

    I grew up with you. I danced around my living room with my 2 year old daughter to moonlight lady. Yes we danced to moonlight lady at her wedding reception. I know you will never read this but that's okay. I still love you. It breaks my heart that so many of my idols are dieing. Makes me think I may die soon. Love you so much......

  85. 이은굥

    I am listening to this music now on September in 2019



  86. Rita de Graaf

    Julio Iglesias. When l need love. Beautiful song.Passie en.emotie.👄

  87. 한영수

    감미로와요. ♡♡♡

  88. Solly Mitchell

    Beautiful 14 September 2019.Wake up with my love by mi side

    Rita de Graaf

    Beautiful song. Julio Iglesias. Wen l need love. ❤👄🌹

  89. Mary Mwiu

    September 13th 2019...

  90. Teresa Laylay

    This song is the one my favorite sung by Julio Iglesias.

  91. Airan musictribe

    my favorite song ever

  92. Desi Susilawati

    Aku kesini gara gara pak habibie suka dengerin lagu ini....

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