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Jason Derulo - Make It Up

Make It Up
: Make It Up
: 3.36 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 94 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 73 İndirme
: 06-08-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Jason Derulo - Make It Up )
  1. Kiroshito Komi224

    Jason.... Why u looking at my gurl Ava like that??

  2. Solo 93

    Heard this playing in WSS for the first time, and I like it. They killing it. 🌠

  3. Milly S

    Jaaaaaasoooooon xD

  4. Juri Jakimuk

    This song has so complicated melody/ chords... I bet there are less covers of it than other songs of Jason's :)

  5. Roblox 1031

    i'm sorry,0:57-1:01 :3

  6. Roblox 1031

    0:57 is my favorite part xD

  7. Melanie Hedges

    Hi I love Jason so much xxxxxxxxxx ❤️

  8. Almost1979

    Jason who dressed you? MY TEAMAva who dressed you? MY SELF

  9. Michael Francis

    Ava Max's first collab

  10. vladimir

    troppo bella questa canzone

  11. Linda Conran

    You’re a beast Jason Derulo but in a bad way

  12. Linda Conran

    Tell Jason Derulo too shut up

  13. Linda Conran

    😍 Ava max

  14. Linda Conran

    Hate you

  15. Linda Conran

    You stole Ava Max you silly beast🤬

  16. Nick Tran

    OMG Max

  17. Tugs Ochir

    Am i the only one who recognized her nipple piercing lol

  18. Wojciech Dobija

    2:09 ewww Ava ಠ_ಠ

  19. Nick Tran

    OMG 😮

  20. Liang Juat Tan

    Who decided to watch this video because it feat:Ava Max

  21. Qadir Baba

    is that Ava Max

  22. Noëlani Bernardus

    Love it

  23. Hello 123

    Jason Derulo = Chocolate Ava Max = White Chocolate

  24. Friendy Advice

    Good song ... shame about the video lol

  25. Friendy Advice

    Shocking video .... so bad lol

  26. Caleb Porter

    Who else is just here for Ava? Like if you are. ❤️

  27. No One Important

    I got a FULL Torn MV by Ava Maxadd before this...LOL

  28. Phoebe TonQueen

    I’m her for Ava and Jason DruloEdit: Who tf is Vice?

  29. addrianjame sampan

    Ava max💓💓💕

  30. Prudence Mbethe

    Ava she looked soooooo good I started to get jealous

  31. WolfieLove EDITS

    Lol avas whistle is gettin popular here 😂If you didnt see her cover of holy night then check it outTheres a whistle of ava there and that will snatch yo wig 😂🤯

  32. Rebecca Playz4life

    0:16 that is supposed to be demonitized that is disgusting

  33. William

    why am i now hearing this shit smooth

  34. Barb Losco

    Shoes how Ava max is a hoe lol

  35. Lil Mike Olivarez

    Bro what's with Ava's hair? It's not bad but it's a lil funny.

  36. paris Jamison

    I love your songs

  37. Hannah Ronan

    Thought Jason was wearing sliders. Well I was wrong.

  38. Natalie Love


  39. Diego Borja

    The uhuhuh in the chorus reminds me of another song.... how was it call?.... can I get some help?

  40. Madson Silva

    à AMEI à música maravilhosa demais AVa lindaaaa

  41. gabriel rayez

    Ava is better

  42. Ariana Amortina


  43. Lenn Bess

    This collab seems...unexpected

  44. Grisou Lps

    2:26 best part

  45. laleliization

    Das Video ist schieße aber Ava schaut immer gut aus und macht es besser als der Mann

  46. _ユッケ


  47. Ruby Cat

    (I am here for Ava cus shes the flipin best and is my favorite singer!) But Jason is hope too (WOW Ava with the whistlin doe bruhhh!)

  48. enchantae


  49. Daniel Salazár

    1:20 por que le mira hay abajo

  50. emily banfield

    My eyes were focused on Jason's belly button wtf

  51. Daniel Salazár

    2:10 😡😠😰

  52. Yoonji Min


  53. Sandhya Nadan

    Ring ring!

  54. Sandhya Nadan


  55. horizon Creepy

    This song is underrated

  56. Lauren Hennicke

    I will just say this if anyone fight you have to make it up

  57. Kikaluch !

    Oh my goodness I just realized this MONTANA TUCKER is a background dancer!!!! By the way this is my favorite song😁

  58. Chris Gavin Kal-El Phoenix Kubica Pretorius

    oh fucking ew. only 0:06 seconds in, and yellow bikini girl proudly showing off her thicc pussy wonder this only 4 mill'd be a good song without these toxic visuals lol

    Kikaluch !

    It's just a song you can look at the lyrics if anyone has a problem with it lol

  59. marek duda

    ava is a stars stars omg!!!! please like thanks.

  60. Wendy Williams

    Y’all I swear to god one of the girls in the pool is Iris from the flash

  61. Alex Wong

    I see AVA MAX,i give like

  62. Natia Tkhelidze

    August 2019? 💞

  63. Flying Dutchman Gaming

    So overdreven uhh

  64. Megan Fox

    I'm here do the back-flip Split.

  65. Just me

    Watched it in 24/8/2019 9:09 Morning 🌄 Saturday .1.9K(comments) 51K(like) 3.1K(dislike)

  66. Catlord Goddess199

    2:21 ⊙~⊙

  67. Titus Peniel Waruwu

    Ava max with Whistle..

  68. Emmanuella O

    So a new member has joined the whistle for pipes club 👏👏Consisting Ariana, Leona and Mariah

  69. Eglantine KRAX

    C'est bien juste parce qu'il y a avait max sinon zero

  70. val 2018

    Ils font la chèvre, sa me fait rire !! 😂😂🐐🐐


    Does Ava has nipple piercings @1:45

  72. Kim Ermac

    Did anyone catch her whistle?

  73. Mary Loves

    That whistle 💕

  74. Sandhya Nadan

    Bezza violin

  75. Small Hearts

    Ava is underrated omg

  76. Raj Sunar

    Only cos Avs m watching this

  77. Kevin Wright

    the guys are dressed like pimps lol

  78. I LiKeChEeSe

    I came for Ava Max!

  79. Artur Koziar

    Hhmm... IMHO That dude resembles Michael Jackson!

  80. Benny Garr

    Ava Max is so beautiful

  81. Football Freak

    He does dybalas celebration when he is standing on the chair anyone else spot that out

  82. Funny Derpy Shorts

    This song is underrated

  83. Katia Chaudy

    Les français vous êtes là? 😁

  84. Rachel eillena

    Ava looks like Leah ashe

  85. Rickmix


  86. JONE 0204693

    I love u ava

  87. Kira Sutoka

    I only liked it cause of Ava sorry Derulo! 😂

  88. Caleb Belkin


  89. ChaneeSeatan UK


  90. EcoRI

    I'm the only one who is not here for Ava? Well... just kidding. I'm here for her too.


    OMG LOVE CAN I SING WITH YOU DUDE?????????????????

  92. Saixx 1629

    Like only Ava Max

  93. Stephanny Brum

    Ava max= tudo para mim

  94. Teresa Darland

    I love Ava Max she is unique and i wish she will make more songs !

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