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Jason Derulo - If I'm Lucky Part 2

If I'm Lucky Part 2
: If I'm Lucky Part 2
: 3.38 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 98 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 55 İndirme
: 07-12-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Jason Derulo - If I'm Lucky Part 2 )
  1. Monique

    kenny and big will...... a duo i would die for

  2. Just JanelleR

    Jeremy was a beast in this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  3. Lauro Conde

    Mejor voy a denunciar esta canal por Bailey

  4. Lauro Conde

    Mejor que no baile Bailey

  5. laid kassana

    I hope i van dance like you

  6. U D


  7. Daniela Ramos

    I'm going to dance that day of the dead song I'm from Mexico I'm going to dance with my friends in my house

  8. B.P. from Turkey

    Gabe killed it

  9. Soberano Channel

    I really love you Matt Sreffanina , all your choreography i love it all 100%

  10. Leilani Mcdonald

    Everyone. I REPEAT everyone killed this freaking shit.

  11. byron kenyaner

    amazing and dope too you have killed it guys perfect

  12. Peggy Bachmann

    Mega so Amazing

  13. Mohamad Ismail

    Gabe de guzman 🙌🏻💯 WOW perfekt 🔥🔥🔥

  14. J'van Dave Zacarias Haohao Babatoan

    I really want the tutorial

  15. HR SONI

    Please tutorial on this.. Please brother

  16. Awesome Me.


  17. Marie C

    4:40 WTF???

  18. gamingwith giscombe

    Go ken 😘😘😘

  19. Trixiagael Tan Pasion

    aye aye ken san jose!

  20. ayes saint

    Is it wrong for me to say that I'm only here for one person and that's Kenny..?? 😘😍😊😊😂#just love..#from PHILIPPINES TO 💗💐😘😍😊

  21. Kim Taehyung

    Gabe killlllleddddd this 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  22. Mudonwa Sharon

    Wow I like this guy wow

  23. Jaz Mackay

    Where have i been? This is so amazing. Absolutely my fav xo

  24. Dominique Engelrest

    Copy of the style of Willy William in "ego"

  25. Zalman Galaydh

    I can't see anY commenT aboUtThe LasT speach of *Jason_derulo* His Turning story 😂😂😂😂

  26. Hunter Humbles

    5:09 mine now!

  27. Im ov

    Mat, this is surely one of your best creations thoughtful man...Amazing!!!

  28. Michtendo

    In the Seconds Group the Boy in the middle he can do it really fast

  29. Sayuhi Sakihama

    Jason cat❣😍

  30. Andy Zhang

    5:04 damn that drop is so clean...

  31. Ivone Couto

    amo vocês amei

  32. RXAN_ ROSE

    I wish I could dance like that

  33. RXAN_ ROSE

    You are a great dancer

  34. Yvonne

    why do i feel like bailey disappointed when she wasn't in sync

  35. Sana Usmani

    I luv u man I have no words to appreciate yr dance Love u 😊😊😊😊😊😊👌👌👌👌👌

  36. Sydnie Wilson

    Ken was my favorite

  37. ʀᴏsa goмeѕ


  38. Januza Amorim

    Kenneth and Gabe you are very wonderful❤👏

  39. Asish Balasundaram

    The kid in the background is damn annoying, there is a difference between being enthusiastic and wanting to be seen in the camera

  40. m wizard

    6:02 ohhh that kid shuld be dead

  41. _Shin- -Hoseook_

    Damn Gabe.

  42. gale ching

    this one of my favorite video... damn kenny's move is soo smooth..

  43. E. A.

    OMG this video is just amazing ❤💎🔥

  44. cesar castano

    great! this is fab!

  45. Priscila Ayelen Britos

    Gabe el mejor❤

  46. Daidi Fanta

    I guess I prefer it when Gabe dances alone because watching him in that group, seems like he overdid most of the routine. Sometimes, less is better. Would have looked much better if he did it alone. I thought Kenneth and Trinity were the actual standouts in this video, they did it perfectly and it didn't feel overdone

  47. Freya Kerrigan


  48. B.P. from Turkey

    Kenneth and freestyle at the endAnd of course amazing choreo from matt

  49. Pinky Tarafdar

    Plz plz make a tutorial for this particular song..eagerly waiting from india🇮🇳

  50. NinjaStyle Plays

    Will from fbe I think

  51. Stophia Pierre

    Gabe always over-deliver / I love it

    Stophia Pierre

    When they ask Gabe to give 100% he gives 100M

  52. waves xo


  53. Abbie Cao

    Kenneth is on a different level.

  54. Abbie Cao


  55. Daidi Fanta

    Dude in braided dreads was awesome

  56. Gaming Now

    Matt Kenneth and Will killed that !

  57. Sophie Lambert

    Omg Gabe killed it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  58. m wizard

    that kid in the back so annoyingg bruh

  59. Shellie Symone

    Yes Matt you are my favorite have you ever been on my favorite god

  60. irais her

    Nunca había visto bailar a alguien con tanta pasión amo tú canal se nota que eres un buen profesor y afectuoso con tus alumnos 🔥🔥🔥

  61. Carlen Davis

    Gabe always being extra lmaoo😂 🧡

  62. Just Another Human

    Wtf Jeremy Strong is an entire killer! That was amazing! He’s amazing!

  63. natacha pem

    Here in Dec 2018; good memories...

  64. smartiarna Brave

    I only came here Xbox of Bailey,matt and Kenny choreography so dooooope big up guys love you all

  65. Amanda Turrubiate

    Anytime Kenny is in a video he just steals the show I can’t look at anyone else 😍❤️

  66. Elisa Moreno

    That guy in the front in the minut 3:15 really killed it, i love the way he moves

  67. Thiago Rammi

    Não canso de assistir, pra mim é uma das melhores do Steffanina

  68. Gabriella Szilvás

    Omg😍😍The little boy on the left...annoying🐥

  69. BlackuZ

    fai schifo

  70. Gabriella xo


  71. Hasbi Assiddiqi

    The boy with bailey so annoying he must do solo dance not in group because he just want attention never think the choreography

  72. Amy Tomazin

    I'm trying to find Kenneth's chicago shirt to buy. I can't find it anywhere :( Kenneth, where did you get it from???

  73. carai de asa


  74. Ashley McClain

    Why is no one talking about the freestyle at the end? Bdash? That dude makes you FEEL things when he dances: elation, joy, excitement, danger. I was mesmerized.

  75. Mimi A

    The one w/matt was lit tho I can't stop replaying 🤤😻

  76. Michaela Joanna Rex


  77. Kike Yinks

    Jeremy really made this song.

  78. Surya Ortega

    Hi , do say my name by bebhe rexha ... bye 😙

  79. YTK Thunder

    I'm watching this in 2018 and this is Terrific

  80. Soma Sengupta

    Awesome....the best...Matt you are absolutely delight to watch...God bless....mesmerizing...splendid....outstanding...just dreamlike...n ur dancers are all dancing angles.....

  81. Laura Dennis

    Is there a tutorial for this one?

  82. Just Ace

    0:21 dude be like "I call bullshit on dat boi"

  83. Durba Das

    Shit Gabe you almost killed me!! Kenneth you are the best as usual your movements are very clear. Matt you killed it nice choreograph btw! Love u guys so much. So creative as usual! Make more Matt ❤️❤️❤️🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🥰🥰

  84. Fatima felch

    OMG I love Kenny he is my fav I really want to meet him in real life he is so cool he is my fav

  85. Chelsea Rules!

    who thought Bailey was just tired and being a little slow, but then realized that she was going her own pase. and being just, Bailey 😊

  86. Thiago Rammi

    Acho muito difícil fazer esse início 😂

  87. Thiago Rammi

    Incrível o solo do Jeremy Strong 😱

  88. Thiago Rammi

    02:32 olha o Ken que mito 😱

  89. Thiago Rammi

    04:41 olha a finalização, cheio da ousadia o Gabe

  90. raphaela andraide

    angola 2018 uhhhhhhhhhhh

  91. Ana lilia Olguin vargas

    blue shirt guy please!!!

  92. Jaydon yks

    how to dance?

  93. standoff player gg


  94. Thiago Rammi

    O Gabe e o Ken sempre acima da média, incríveis

  95. ilhem xo

    gabe sweetheart can u pls marry me already

  96. Ramona Hadj


  97. Jemimah Cezanne

    2:41 *_i can't freaking breathe_* *_this is my 10063929297373729th time watching this_*

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