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Gala - Freed From Desire

Freed From Desire
: Gala
: Freed From Desire
: 3.27 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 10128 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 10029 İndirme
: 02-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Gala - Freed From Desire )
  1. Seuls music

    Notre Cover de gala

  2. nicky5781

    C'était quelle année ?

  3. Dieynaba Ndiaye

    La dance africaine waouh précis du Sénégal fierté

  4. Jeferson Penha

    Muito gata a gala

  5. joyce geo

    À l'époque j'écoutais ce son alors que j'étais encore qu'une toute petite gamine; et aujourd'hui, à 30ans, je l'écoute encore avec autant de plaisir ... belle prestation...

  6. poliana viera

    Essa música é top demais e música boa é inesquecível eterna 🎶📻📻☝🏼

  7. Fabiano

    Ma che bella ragazza!!!

  8. flocote

    Muy buena la coreografía y Gala impresionante!

  9. Gregory Cougoulic

    Une très belle femme

  10. Beto Cabrer

    Genia!!! Que voz tan particular,y una música hermosa!!!

  11. Vatroslav Markus

    She is French?

    casa de nomades


    Vatroslav Markus

    casa de nomades grazie

  12. DoDô D J

    Che Ragazza.❤#Love90sLoveGalaRizzato

  13. Fabiano

    j'aimerais être son legging..

  14. Fatou Fall

    Magnifique le mélange électro avec les danses sénégalaises

  15. Jean-Marc Cousin

    Elle n'a pas changé la goudou macaroni:)!

  16. Domancy Musumara

    Elle.est charmante , waouah je craque 💞💞💞 .

  17. Chronotron Omega

    Жаль девушку, продалась тварям .

  18. marie0667

    Elle me faisait déjà délirer ya longtemps..tjs aussi mignonne...Merci pour cette prestation

  19. arno33arno1

    Bon jetais amoureux d'elle lol

  20. my penis is unbelievably small, but

    Disgusting singing... of

  21. bist bot

    It's so bad

  22. Janderson PP

    Amo a Gala, mas que coreografia horrorosa

  23. Светлана Светлана


  24. Peter Vamosi

    She is looks better than before ❤️❤️❤️

  25. domino

    Gala piękna jak zawsze! 👍

  26. Demba Sangare

    Tadic on fireeeeeeeeee

  27. Алиса АА

    Ужас! Студийную запись лучше слушать,живой звук отвратителен.

  28. Cleiton Santos Costa

    Gala - Freed from desire 2019?

  29. Дмитрий Смирнов

    За то не под фонограмму)))

  30. Damien Serrano


  31. Yann Vape

    Aaaaaaaaah Gala toute mon enfance

  32. Bellickdo21

    Elle est encore bonne wallah

  33. DERNEY Félix

    Gala love forever ❤❤❤

  34. Ricardo Milos


  35. Symon SQN

    Já ví um monte de vez, e estou vendo de novo! Show! Muito bom , legal d mais! 😄😄😄😄👏👏👏👏👏Anos 90, tempinho booom!

  36. Ivan S


  37. Николай З

    Очень круто в живую!!!!!:-)

  38. Ra Mighty The 1

    Dumbest performance EVER!.

  39. Dridi Mohamed

    Elle est toujours belle Gala 😘

  40. Yassine Bounghaisse

    Tadic on fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥❌❌

  41. Boris Garcia

    Bella Gala en 2019 t sigo escuchando

  42. Ádam Polgár

    Gala Rizattó gefällt mir sehr gut. (irgendwann wurde Caruso Opernsänger genannt oh Caruso Glückwunsch zu seiner Stimme: Er sagte mir, ich solle nicht gratulieren, aber der gute Gott gratuliert zu dem Glück, dass ich mit solchen Stimmbändern geboren wurde)(Aus den Strahlungstypen, die keine Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Röntgenstrahlung sind, aber bei allen Musikdarbietungen werden 10 -18 10 bei -21 10 Sekunden -20s 10 bei -23 Meter großen Energiekugeln aufgelöst vom Elektron)Ich beglückwünsche den Guten Gott, dass die Gala Rizatto Freeedfrom-Begierde die Strahlung befreit, die gut ist, aber das Kleid ist nur eine Villa aus Schmuck und die Erlösung der apostolischen Gesetze der Atombombenexplosion in Luxus und Glanz und Schmuck.Ich kann den guten Gott ertragen, dass er im Deck ist, dass, wenn das Leben der Menschheit beschleunigt wird, indem die jetzt unerfahrene Gala Gala von Desire einbezogen wird, die Worte von Sharon Stone Brigitte Nielsen von Alexa Katis Hérics Zsuzis in das Juwel des Juwels blasen. Natürlich war atomarer Messiasrauch schnell glücklich.

  43. Ádam Polgár

    I really like Gala Rizattó. (sometime Caruso was called an opera singer oh Caruso congratulations on his voice: he told me not to congratulate me, but the good God congratulations on the luck that I was born with such vocal cords)(out of the types of radiation that are non-alpha beta gamma x-ray but all music music releases 10 -18 10 at -21 10 seconds -20s 10 at -23 meter-sized energy spheres dissolve from the electron)I congratulate the Good God that the Gala Rizatto Freedfrom desire frees up the radiation that is good but the dress is just a mansion of jewelery and the redemption of the apostolic laws of the atomic bomb explosion in luxury and sparkle and jewelry.I can stand the good god that he is in the deck, that if the life of mankind was accelerated by including the now inexperienced Gala Gala from Desire then the words of Alexa Katis Hérics Zsuzis Sharon Stone Brigitte Nielsen are blowing into the jewel of the jewel. Of course, atomic Messiah smoke was happy quickly.

  44. Ádam Polgár

    Én nagyon bírom Gala Rizattót. ( valamikor a Caruso nevű opera énekesnek mondták ó Caruso gratulálok a hangjához: ő erre azt mondta ne nekem hanem a jó Istennek gratuláljon hisz az szerencse, hogy ilyen hangszálakkal születtem)( van a sugárzásfajtákon kívűl amik nem alfa béta gamma röntgen hanem zenei minden zene sugárzást szabadít fel 10 a -18 10 a -21.-en másodpercenként 10 a -20.-on 10 a -23.-on méter méretű energia gömbök oldódnak ki az elektronból)Én gratulálok a Jó Istennek, hogy a Gala Rizatto Freedfrom desire felszabadít egy olyan sugárzást, hogy júj de jó a ruha csak kastély ékszer és afizikai törvényszerűségek megváltása éretlmében az atombomba robbanásból luxus és csillogás és ékszer ruha.Bírom a jó istent, hogy benne van a pakliban, hogy ha az emberiség életét gyorsítaná a mostani már nem élőket is belevéve is a Gala Free from Desire akkor iszonyú gyorsan az Alexa Katis Hérics Zsuzsis Sharon Stone-os Brigitte Nielsenek mondánák búj bele az ékszer csillogó atom messiás füstbe persze örült gyorsan.

  45. Maxwellborges Borges

    Esse ifood tá foodendo o vídeo!!!!!

  46. Lee Bee

    Great performance! This girl does it all LOL :) I'm glad they didn't mess with the musical arrangement or try to "modernize" the song. Oh and is it me or does she have _way_ more of an Italian accent here than on the record?

  47. Alexxey Averkin


  48. Доброй Ночи

    нахуй ты переигрываешь

  49. Амираша ТВ

    Че за секта

  50. Symon SQN

    Uhúuuuuulllll ❤❤👏👏👏👏👏

  51. przemek dąbrowski


  52. Ampleforth James

    Terribly conceived. What’s up with those dancers?



  54. 1000 000

    Как это ахуительно просто...

  55. xXCadudsXx

    Ta linda, mas a voz ta sofrida.

  56. Abe Fly

    #2019, je trouve que elle ressemble grave à Octavia dans la série The 100

    Ndl Ben

    OK je vais vérifier.Les ressemblances m'ont toujours intrigués 😂👌

  57. Xavier RIOU

    Une chanteuse d'Eurodance qui chante en live ! Chapeau bas Gala ! Prise de risque et le tout en dansant. Un grand bravo

  58. ИМХОТЕП 2

    Ёб..ная тётя, как ты постарела!!!

  59. Hasan rando est le meiller

    Réspèct to three artists ! الإحترام

  60. alex voronov

    abbiamo capito a 2019

  61. Francisco Alberto

    Congratulation in chanel top show.

  62. Leandro Scudeler

    Canta muito e continua linda. Brazil 2019

    anderson Ribeiro

    Linda linda...estava no formol😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  63. Janio Eterno

    Gala eu sou seu futuro galo . Kk canta muito. 1997.

  64. Evangelho Evangelho

    Tah gata a gata 💕

  65. Geovani Cangussu

    Linda e Talentosa! Saudades anos 90

  66. Marcelo aizen

    Gala linda

  67. Aline Rocha

    Maravilhosa ❤️ marcou a minha adolescência ♥️

  68. Valcir Firmino da Silva

    Essa mulher é maravilhosa, linda...e talentíssima!!!!

    Luiz Guilherme Moreira Sales

    Eu também acho Valcir também gosto de Galã 😎🇧🇷

  69. Wagner Menezes

    que belo

  70. domino

    Gala nr 1 !!!

  71. Dalmatian Devil TV

    This performance is disaster!! I love this song but this is sad

  72. Marek Szmidt

    oh my god shes a goat

  73. Reylie Ones

    She is more beautiful than 22 years ago. Holy...

  74. Luca Maistrello

    Esplosione ormonale mostruosa ...

  75. Laércio Almeida

    2019 give a like ?

    Symon SQN

    16/06/19 eu estou aquí 😉!


    @Symon SQN 14/10/19 e nois

  76. Javier Cacao

    wow she still looks amazing. Even better, I would say.

  77. Жасулан Туреханов

    Will Grigg's on fire

  78. Ricky Negrão

    Continua linda e não envelhece

  79. Francois bogoss

    oui mais beaucoup de fausse note quand même sa change de l original

  80. Dave Blackwell

    Pure beauty



  82. Cristian Nassa


  83. Francis Benoit

    Pourquoi on a des migrant débiles à 80 de Q.I qui dansent?

  84. Witcher Crafts

    I'll have whatever Cryogenic Treatment program she's having....

  85. Eletro Informática

    Extremamente Linda!

  86. Santana jose

    que voz!! canta muito! saudades de 1997

  87. Roberta Priscilla

    Que voz😎 lindíssima 😎top das galáxias 😃

    Isaac Gama

    Top das galáxias

    Marcelo oliveira dos santos

    vc que é linda

  88. Ck Dragonborn

    Ayyye....she hiting some Senegalese dance moves👌👌...she's awesome...great kids memories

  89. Andrea Longo

    ... E canterò... FORZA GENOA facci un goal! 🔴🔵

  90. Med Jay Paris

    Beautiful & talented ! She sings live ! Bravo

  91. Abelardo Filho



    Livre dos desejos!!

  93. Regiane Sousa

    GALA ❤❤❤❤🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  94. prealba tausha

    My love has got no moneyIl mio amore è senza soldiHe's got strong beliefsHa forti convinzioniMy love has got no powerIl mio amore è senza potereHe's got strong beliefsHa forti convinzioniMy love has got no fameIl mio amore è senza famaHe's got strong beliefsHa forti convinzioniMy love has got no moneyIl mio amore è senza soldiHe's got strong beliefsHa forti convinzioniWant more and moreVuoi saperne di più e di piùPeople just want more and moreLa gente vuole solo piùFreedom and love, what he's looking forLa libertà e l'amore, quello che sta cercando diFreed from desireLiberato dal desiderioMind and senses purifiedMente ed i sensi purificatiFreed from desireLiberato dal desiderioMind and senses purifiedMente ed i sensi purificatiFreed from desireLiberato dal desiderioMind and senses purifiedMente ed i sensi purificatiFreed from desireLiberato dal desiderioMind and senses purifiedMente ed i sensi purificatiNananana...Nananana ...

  95. Aydınlatma Platformu -AP-


  96. Cefims Soas

    wooow good lord , unglaublich

  97. A d

    Few things here:Dance music with a live band ✔️Singing live ✔️Dancing whilst singing live ✔️✔️Doing the above and being 42! ✔️Dear god

    Lee Bee

    That's exactly what I thought. What a performance!

  98. Belìn

    Did she run a marathon right before giving this performance?


    It's called actually singing live instead of the lip syncing 'popstars' dancing like crazy and sounds absolutely perfect with no breathing sounds

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