mp3 indir dur

GFriend - Navillera

: Navillera
: 3.25 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 88 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 63 İndirme
: 20-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (GFriend - Navillera )
  1. ForeverBuddy

    *58M BEFORE 2020?*



  3. donuts production

    Buddy annyeong

  4. student buddy 2

    [update]:GFriend MVs- unlocked 450K(+) Like in Youtube |#01 TFTMN (2018)#02 Fever (2019)#03 Navillera (2019)#04 Rough [NEW]#05 Sunrise [SOON]🍒congratulations buddies

  5. Eunha Jiien


  6. Jason Dou


  7. daniel270108

    Their second 56MCong❤❤💚💚💜💜💙💙💛💛In 3years56.70M

  8. jeisonBuddy bertelOnce

    ¡¡ Stream Navillera !!60M!! ^.^

  9. Al alfansah

    Eunha parah visualnya

  10. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    694k fight!ng... :)

  11. Panji Sudoyo

    I like these mv that theyre natural not with special effects and drama just them having fun and enjoying themselves

  12. Azkal Saktono

    Late 2019 here🙌



  14. 추룹멍이

    이건 예린이 귀신같음

  15. 슈덤찡Tv

    예린이는 죽었지만..자기는 사람인줄안다

  16. no enemy

    그데 예린이진짜귀신이여서안도와준거깔?알는사람 대글로

    no enemy

    진짜무서워 정말귀신이었을까????????

  17. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    677k fight!ng... :)

  18. ForeverBuddy

    57M soon



  20. Larissa Souza


  21. Dave Bacarra

    Navillera likes (2019.11.14):455K 🔓456K 🔐457K 🔒458K 🔒459K 🔒460K 🔒Stream Fever in Gfriend Official Youtube Account. Link:

  22. Dave Bacarra

    Navillera views (2019.11.14):56.6M 🔓56.7M 🔐56.8M 🔒56.9M 🔒57M 🔒Stream Fever in Gfriend Official Youtube Account. Link:

  23. L A N

    This music looks like love live game 😯


    The start of Navillera really reminds me of Infinite's The Chaser 😂😂😂

  25. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    662k fight!ng.... :)

  26. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    653k fight!ng... :)

  27. sunghee fans


  28. 정재민

    이때가 여친 최전성기였던거같음 3년전으로 돌아가고싶다^^

  29. Logan Mangadi

    I Love gfriend they inspire me to dance,and sing 😁😊


    Me too !! This is why I love them

  30. Gremory Chavez

    Avant Garde <3

  31. Dave Bacarra

    Navillera likes (2019.11.11):454K 🔓455K 🔐456K 🔒457K 🔒458K 🔒459K 🔒460K 🔒

  32. fitria luppy

    Ga ada rapnya

    Yaz yaz

    Ga semua lagu kpop ada rapnya mbak

  33. 달지쌤좋아!

    여기에서 보이는예린은 귀신이예요.귀신역할이예요.

  34. soft artist

    y'all know that eunha openly commented yerin and her act like a couple on purpouse this whole mv right?

  35. tthomik krnwn

    Stan gfriend

  36. tthomik krnwn

    Kim sojung

  37. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    625k fight!ng... :)

  38. Salomão de Medeiros

    Eunha I love You.

  39. chilly_ multi

    They were doing the 90s aesthetic before america did, step up dummys

  40. daniel270108

    Their second 56MCong❤❤💚💚💜💜💙💙💛💛In 3years56.62M

  41. Naiihrr Dryden-Mason

    I want to watch this Slice of Life anime

  42. Happy Face

    So I dont understand... they are under bighit label? Or they're associated partly with bighit? Wtf

    Karla With a Wish

    Gfriend is a group under Source music Entertainment, and Source music is a Sub label under Bighit :)

    UmjiWillGrow WithBeef

    They are under SouMu entertainment but SouMu has become a company/label under BigHit.

    Happy Face

    Source and Soumou? Got it.....

    UmjiWillGrow WithBeef

    @Happy Face Sorry if i confused you SouMu is just a shortened name for Source Music which is Gfriend's company 😂 hopefully i helped

    Happy Face

    @UmjiWillGrow WithBeef Ohhh I see now lol. No worries, haha I just wanted to know what the whole hype was about

  43. maria lilibeth cueva

    Its that true that gfriend belong to bighit enter.

    Karla With a Wish

    Yes is true

    UmjiWillGrow WithBeef

    They are under SouMu but SouMu ent. is now under BigHit ent. <3

  44. M u l t i f a n d o m

    Muito fofas e talentosas :3Acabou de entrar para a minha lista de melhores GG <3

  45. Dave Bacarra

    Navillera views (2019.11.05)56.6M 🔓56.7M 🔐56.8M 🔒56.9M 🔒57M 🔒

  46. 凜香사향

    💗Vote for GFRIEND💗!!!!!!Mwave- -



  48. 박선영

    혹시 승희 아냐? ㅣㅇ단콤보ㅡadt

  49. 박선영

    물한잔 줫더니 구현 종이 십단콤보

  50. flower girl

    november 2019?

  51. ᄃᄋᄅ

    예린이 귀신인가요?

    star shine

    여기서 귀신일 가능성이 크다는 이론이 있어용

  52. Nurmalita Buddy Indo

    Go 60 M!

  53. 전채원

    소원언니 넘 좋아

  54. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    584k fight!ng... :)



  56. 김선프리파라

    근데 진짜 궁금한게 스캐이트1개야

  57. 김선프리파라

    예린이언니너어저있어근대맨더들이안도와줘 귀신. ..

  58. 김선프리파라


  59. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    575k fight!ng... :)

  60. Bangchin Blossom

    Whos still listening to this song this month of november.?

  61. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    570k fight!ng... :)

  62. juanjo fabiano

    "Mean Encantado" :)

  63. juanjo fabiano

    "Mis brujas" :)

  64. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    567k fight!ng... :)

  65. Anadia Vira

    Stan Gfriend forever!

  66. Buddy Yerin Gfriend

    Who is still listening Navillera in November 2019 ?

  67. Baby

    Please don't support Gfriend only because they are under BigHit now. Rather support them because you genuinely like them and their songs. We buddies don't care for fans quantity, but for quality.

  68. Dfjsnkdjfn kdjfnsk

    1:47 Yerin is so beautiful.

  69. Sad Potatoo

    What is the history of mv? I'm in KPOP for 5 years but I didn't memorize their name 😔 someone help me

    Karla With a Wish

    GFRIEND is a group debuted in 2015MembersSowon (Leader, vocalist)Yerin (lead Dancer, vocalist)Eunha (Lead vocal)Yuju (Main vocal)Sinb ( Main Dancer, vocalist)Umji (Maknae, vocalist)The story of the video is part of a storyline through all its videos that is based on their friendship and how they support each other before the difficulty of losing a member of the group of friends, this video talks about Navillera that is a Korean poem related to time travel that's why retro details are seen 😊

    Sad Potatoo

    @Karla With a Wish thank you, but the history it's not about a couple? 🤔I know Sinb 'cause she's looks like Jessica (ex SNSD) 😂

    Karla With a Wish

    @Sad Potatoo Well we don't know because the theory isn't confirmed yet and that history came because two members Yerin and Eunha once said their characters were in love because the scenes in the MV but we don't know if they were just joking or what for me I think was a joke but if not still the story is focus on how they overcome the death of one of those members that is Eunha :)

  70. Mike Rojano

    will never get over Sinbi's look at the beginning of the video, it's so entrancing

  71. 이선우

    너무 슬퍼 ㅠㅠ

  72. eun laxy

    i really like gfriend songs in the ends solo electro guitar parts !!

  73. eun laxy

    i love gfriend songs !

  74. eun laxy

    gfriend have the most beautiful consept i have ever seen in kpop!

  75. eun laxy


  76. eun laxy

    summer girls !

  77. eun laxy

    yerin without bangs parts 💞

  78. eun laxy

    sinb's hair cut so beautiful 🤤😍💗

  79. eun laxy

    i love this song!!!

  80. eun laxy

    second most viewed gfriend song after rough kkk~

    Beloved Sleed

    Wouldve been me gustas tu if it wasn't deleted off genie...

    eun laxy

    @Beloved Sleed of course :(

  81. student buddy


  82. student buddy




  84. Joerem Beltran

    Don't forget to STREAM FALLIN LIGHT ! and VOTE GFRIEND at MAMA !!!

  85. Samantha Navarrete

    I´m here for the talent and for the gay couple of course.

  86. misophetamenos




    XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    Hahaha hi... hater.. :) don't stress

    주영 ᄏ


  87. daniel270108

    Their second 56MCong❤❤💚💚💜💜💙💙💛💛In 3years56.55M

  88. Muhammad Rifa'i

    Is okkkk

  89. juanjo fabiano


  90. juanjo fabiano


  91. juanjo fabiano


  92. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    547k fight!ng... :)

  93. XnarusukeX XbuddyX

    540k fight!ng... :)

  94. GotBang TwicePink

    WTF they are so talented I have been sleeping on them

    GotBang TwicePink

    @UmjiWillGrow WithBeef i already watch these youtubers nowAnd i can tell your bias is umji in gfriend by your user name but who is your bias in bts . You can tell mine from the profile pic. My bias in gfriend is sowon , it was like love at first sight Even though im a girl

    UmjiWillGrow WithBeef

    @GotBang TwicePink My bias is Yoongi in BTS and Umji and Yoongi are my ult biases <333

    GotBang TwicePink

    @UmjiWillGrow WithBeef 😯😯 anyways i purple u bye

    UmjiWillGrow WithBeef

    @GotBang TwicePink byeee ✌



  95. 고양이춤


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