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French Montana - Montana

: Montana
: 3.15 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 117 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 79 İndirme
: 13-12-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (French Montana - Montana )


  2. Yukino Koyuki

    Funny how SOME people think this was okay. Imagine if that was your sister that devoted herself to your God. Smh. Nowadays man. Respecting other people's belief seems a very hard thing to do.

  3. Mona Mona

    Ha, yeah Graduated, but I'm aggravated From the half that made it, we was drinkin', faded Me, and life and death is half-related (H-half-related) Masturbatin' on a scale for a hundred millionAskin' God how we made it Watchin' John David Robinson, now my dawg robbin' son Half a David, freedom got confiscated We mob-related, John Gotti, RICO, life like a free throw Yeah, school of gladiators, makin' Salaat on a fox rug Black glove, hot slug for these cold women Militant like the Middle East, go from ménages 69’s to 6ix9ine conspiracies Triple threat, trinity Triangle officers, label execs, get all the profit They hit your brain, mop it, clean What type of fiends? Put the needle in your ass, keep they table green Multi-millionaire, strapped like Oda Can't teach new tricks to old dog (Bom-bom-bom) [ French Montana] I told mama, "Pray for me", baby, wait here for me Got a cage waitin' for me, the hate, came from me Millions I made from it, chains, waitin' for me Change, I made from it, Montana ain't a dummy, uh

  4. Y Ayash

    MONTANAA ! this the real Montana shit fire

  5. Marvellouz


  6. Rem112 Rem112

    I think that this person is victim of productor

  7. Nasrin Ab

    French u good but u going crazy. What’s up?’???

  8. William Perry

    Smh...time to hang the mic up..

  9. Gabriel Alexander


  10. DeAnna Carreen

    How sad, a contradiction. Let us pray for these rappers that sell out for fame and money. Peace be Allah 🙏.

  11. Lewis Lopez


  12. NJ stay

    From Italia 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹❤🖐

  13. RoyalVybz inc


  14. ibm jojo

    Hamara naggar lover french fek Marokkaans

  15. Sirizo Bdv


  16. Donovan Mitchell

    Me and life and death is half related 😤

  17. Sushil Kumar Rai

    Music is dope🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  18. Sebastian Eriksson

    Does anybody recognize the instrumental that starts 2:00 from another song? Maybe some old hiphop song or something

  19. Rus Abdykalykov

    Montana is one of hip-hop Shaitan. Who worships only the devil.

  20. new money jones


  21. Cade Munoz

    What I noticed is beautiful women....modesty is beautiful. It isnt an insult to should be proud. Theres no asses out no pussy poppin no twerking no skin....just the simplicity of a beautiful face. Islam should be proud.

  22. okniceguy

    Explain the disrespect in the video, someone

  23. Russky

    Been listening to this album all day long

  24. A& B


  25. Maram Emad

    You sold your soul to shataan i dont blame you for doing this for Islam cuz you dont have a brain you just afraid from shataan so you do what it order from you.. I wish everybody understand this.. Who dont respect a religion what ever it was, will not respect you.. What ever you be, a great fan, a normal human or a celebrityThank you for reading

  26. Abdi


  27. Priszena Bandeira

    At least he is not displaying naked women, call women names. The woman are covered up and just seating there. Did I miss something?

  28. Jaleel Rehman

    First time I heard this i was like oh no! But now I'm listening to it i understand what he saying it makes sence quite deep

  29. Sarah1113kp k

    Oh hell noooo... 🤯

  30. Alexandru Antal

    Hbd french

  31. Ryan Curran

    This shit bang! Remind me of the old French!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

  32. Emperor Areh

    Whole album🔥

  33. KingsHD tv

    No offence to my Muslim bothers but this is pure art...

  34. Aziz Aziz

    Wan toma tar jmo Lia ach Kay gol had lbghal jahanam matuah la haula ua la 9oua ila bi allah as tagh fi ro allah al 3ali al3adim sir tob ra kayna 3a lmot allah yhdik

  35. Khalanjo ABDIGANI


  36. Bull Shit

    montana is a satanic faggot sold his soul and his ass to old white khazarian dudes of the entertainment industry

  37. abdou beni

    العودة إلى الوراء يقول الكاتب محمد عمارة: في احد المجالس، التفت أحد المدعوين العلمانيين تجاهي وخاطبني مستهزئًا: هل أفهم من كتاباتك أنك تريد تطبيق أحكام الشريعة والعودة بنا الى الوراء. فأجبته متسائلًا:هل تقصد بالوراء يعني حوالي 100 سنة عندما كان السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني يحكم نصف الكرة الأرضية ؟ أو عندما كان ملوك أوروبا يحكمون شعوبهم بتفويض من السلطان العثمانيأم قصدك أكثر للوراء زمن حكم المماليك الذين أنقذوا العالم من المغول والتتار؟ أم للوراء أكثر عندما حكم العباسيون نصف الأرض؟أم للوراء أيام الأمويون أم قبلهم سيدنا عمر الذي حكم أكثر الكرة الأرضية؟أم قصدك عندما بدأ هارون الرشيد رسالته الى ملك الروم نقفور : من هارون أمير المؤمنين الى نقفور كلب الروم..؟أم الى زمن عبدالرحمن الداخل الذي طوّق جيشه ايطاليا وفرنسا ؟هذا سياسيا..أم قصدك علميا... عندما كان علماء العرب مثل ابن سينا و الفارابي وابن جبير و الخوارزمي وابن رشد وابن خلدون الخ، يعلّمون العالم العربي والغربي الطب والصيدلة والهندسة والفلك والشعر؟!أم قصدك كرامة... عندما عبث رومي بعباءة امرأة فصاحت وامعتصماه، فجرّد المعتصم جيشا أخرى ارض الدولة من المعتظين بينما اليوم النساء تغتصب اغتصابا واهل ابسلكة ساكتون؟!أم قصدك عندما أنشأ المسلمون أول جامعة تعرفها أرض أوروبا في اسبانيا؟ ومن وقتها أصبح الزيّ العربي (العباءة) هو لباس التخرج في كل جامعات العالم، ولليوم وقبعة التخرج مسطّحة ولليوم أيضًا لأنه كان يتم وضع القرآن فوقها في احتفال التخرج؟! أم قصدك لما كانت القاهرة أجمل مدينة بالعالم؟ او عندما كان الهاربون من أوروبا الفقيرة يتوجهون الى الاسكندرية او عندما طلبت أمريكا من مصر إنقاذ أوروبا من المجاعة؟منتظرك تشرح لي قصدك وتخبرني كم تريد أن نرجع لَلوَراء..

  38. E fro

    Where these at on the album 👀

  39. Ahmed Ahmed

    ser tsale

  40. Simohammed Zizi

    I love it


    Although, I don’t like the videoclip style, I loved a song with the scream at the beginning. 😂

  42. Mario Lübeck

    Interessantes Video 😅, aber die Musik überzeugt mich nicht wirklich 😅

  43. Mohammed Shakoure

    🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦 We the best

  44. Arouna Baziemo


  45. saad slaoui

    He needs to team up with a skilled singer, to whisper some few words and stay on the shadow ...

  46. Juan Cortez

    This shit sound like that old French 🔥💯💪🏼🙏🏻

  47. Simply Uniique TV

    0.23 got the symbol up

  48. ridha ibrahim

    Can someone tell me what's wrong with this song🙇🏻‍♂️🙏

  49. Kazow Aya

    Maybe this why he ended up in comma but I wish him all the best

  50. Muskoka Movers


  51. Marchelle Griffin

    God bless his heart good at heart his beautiful funny and loveable hateful enemies flee from us

  52. Khadi Haramain

    Allah showed you a sign. You got out of it in His will. So repent. Not promote the album again!

  53. Princesse de Hegba Princesse de Hegba

    Anti Illuminati song

  54. Nabs nabyl

    the first part is a masterpiece.

  55. Alive79311

    When’s the album coming?!

  56. الإنسانية لا دين لها انسان


  57. Jerry Miah

    This video is great. I love it. Aesthetically pleasing.

  58. Cha K-bwaвидео.htmlOh shitt! Just clik

  59. Younes 020видео.html listen to MRD

  60. Awesome Videos

    Music is HARAM! That is Sheytan work to deceive people with his friend one eyed! Music is still haram even if it sing it man/women with muslim name! Fear for you sins Dont follow west, dont fall in this trap! Be humble and belive/pray, we are living in last last time! Only way we can save our self form dajjal and iblis is praying 5 times a day and leavinig this music, movies, and other entertainments!

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