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Ferry Corsten - Gouryella Anahera

Gouryella Anahera
: Gouryella Anahera
: 4.13 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 60 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 42 İndirme
: 02-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ferry Corsten - Gouryella Anahera )
  1. theone

    Going strong into 2020! Timeless.

  2. Pedro B

    Simplemente... Gracias Ferry 🙌

  3. Anthoine

    I love this song!!!!!! Energy space!!!

  4. PortPowerAZ

    I still remember when Ferry played this song and video at Maya in Old Town Scottsdale a couple years ago, and I was awash in the feels the whole time.. Thank You, Ferry!!

  5. hola soy Damian

    Thanks for fix my heart ❤️

  6. Usuario Anonimo

    A su puta madre no se como llegue aquí pero que bueno si

  7. Alex Moreno

    I love this músic!😎🥰🥰

  8. hetty hrvthv

    "The God of gods, Jehovah, has spoken;He summons the earth From the rising of the sun until its setting...For every wild animal of the forest is mine,Even the beasts upon a thousand mountains. I know every bird of the mountains;The countless animals of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you,For the productive land and everything in it is mine.." Psalms 50 May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth. Ps.83

  9. Enrico Figliola

    One of the best works of trance music of all time.

  10. Foma Kiniayev

    superb Ferry`s style of beautifull and kind music.

  11. hswany

    This is the definition of TRANCE!!!

  12. Diane Crosher

    I have a lot of ferry corston music he’s my go to music dd Crosher

  13. Herman Hassan

    Thank you Ferry Corsten , was thankful that i was in your presence in Zouk many years back. This is one of the best , if not the best track you've produced . Takes me back to good times in my life . . .

  14. Igorj Asessorov

    Ocenj krutɔ

  15. Nikola Kovacevic

    Kakva jebena stvaaaaaar isuse majko moja

  16. Taylor

    This tune has made my shitty week a lot better.... Thank you. 😁

  17. Allen Mena

    Any in 2019?

  18. miguel rodriguez

    Music is a reminder that there is a GOD. Only GOD can make something so beautiful possible.

  19. Jai Freeman

    Old Skool Trance at its very best!!! Pukka Choon. Still pumping this out in my house and car in October 2019!!! Who else is there with me?!!! X

  20. R B

    Trance cures depression. This is true trance. The gateway to the heart.

  21. Graham Liddell

    0.55 aw man


    *Emotions* 💙😎

  23. scott nyc

    It’s like watching a genetically modified battle of Ai against the natural fingerprints of nature.

  24. marjan miceski

    Amazing !!!

  25. Elizabeth Popova

    This is my anthem!

  26. adrian zammit

    Malta 2019 🇲🇹

  27. Florian Libawski

    I shared this to my 94 years old uncle.He wrote back.....-"Amazing".

    haidan mcculloch

    Your uncle has good taste

  28. Oscar Portillo

    loooooove specially the first part I just can imagine good and fantastic things, good an amazing places, good and real feelings....only a good and nice song can create that Amazing!!!!.....great work !!!!!!

  29. 郭哲禎


  30. DjAdi27

    Awesome track " wyjebany " in space :() :)

  31. Viden Ivanov


  32. sam krsamai

    Awesome Ferry ❤

  33. Sound Rider

    The song is awesome and I love the space theme in everything but why so much religious and creationist pushing?

  34. mangamania29

    te weinig waardering gehad top tracKKKK!!

  35. United One Family.

    Onwards and Upwards.

  36. MultiMemich

    All hail System F!


    What an absolute TUNE! This one is right up there. Viva Anahera! 🧡

  38. RaDeck

    Ktoś jeszcze pamięta? 2019 ?

  39. haithem dhan


  40. Sunny Ram

    Wow what an epic track just discovered this today from armins untold 2017 set, amazing!

  41. moltres1530

    The old trance.. The best feeling..

  42. Ma TrIce

    This will be remebererd same as the 5th and 9th of Beethoven... THX FERRY!!!!

  43. Niamh Nightingale

    ((( <3 )))

  44. José Antonio Sosa Nambo

    awesome song!!!! It's Magic!!!

  45. Reins Phoenix

    This sounds 1000x better than any other version :'(

  46. Axnaider 09

    Este genero tiene mucha pasion El video es una referencia de lo que pensamos al escucharlo los sonidos Son demasiado envolventes y aparte agradable para el Oido Este es de otro nivel Pero sigan asiendo caciones como estas Att Desde Honduras el centro de America

  47. Reins Phoenix

    stupid onion cutters in my neighbourhood :'(

  48. Orochi1488

    I didn't know that little creature is called Nautic Mussel till I watch this clip XD

  49. Stevn Reed

    What a tune

  50. Frank Neuhaus

    Mega Geil !!

  51. Alberto Garcia

    Thanks Ferry, a month ago I was diagnosed with HIV and with broken words I tell you. Thank you, thank you for your music, thank you because every time I feel that everything is lost, your music transmits the opposite to me. thanks Ferry.

  52. Matt guest

    wicked tune and a wicked video. nice one mate. :)

  53. Na M

    Great song, but I didn't care for the pseudo-science "Intelligent Design" message.


    ye someone who never understood evolution made this video

  54. Bart Je

    Legendary ..... (L)

  55. Patrick bustos lopez


  56. doggie doggie

    Trance is Felling as always. now - forever.

  57. Jan B.

    0:31 Loaded question.3:03 Non-Sequitor.3:10 Unfounded assertion.3:39 Unfounded assertion.3:47 Non-Sequitor.Music is great, but the Video could be part of a creationist's lecture.

    Red Alien

    you're trying to debunk a music video mate...kent hovind videos are that way >>>>>

    Jan B.

    @Red Alien I know. But creationist's preachings are mainly watched by those already indoctrinated. This music video is a lot more dangerous than any creationist's preaching because the religious nonsense reaches everyday people.Besides, I was very disappointed seeing a random music video with great music tainted with apologetics and I felt like I had to do something about it.

  58. Jan B.

    0:31 Loaded question.3:03 Non-Sequitor.3:10 Unfounded assertion.3:39 Unfounded assertion.3:47 Non-Sequitor.Music is great, but the Video could be part of a creationist's lecture.

  59. Jan B.

    0:31 Loaded question.3:03 Non-Sequitor.3:10 Unfounded assertion.3:39 Unfounded assertion.3:47 Non-Sequitor.Music is great, but the Video could be part of a creationist's lecture.

  60. Jan B.

    Why is the Video trying to convert me to Deiism with the Teleological Argument?

  61. Jan B.

    Why is the Video trying to convert me to Deiism with the Teleological Argument?

  62. Jan B.

    Why is the Video trying to convert me to Deiism with the Teleological Argument?

  63. Quentin

    Ferry Corsten !!!!

  64. ron paul

    teares i love you ferry

  65. TheTanthius

    What a heart warming and tremendously uplifting tune!! OMG!!! Trance is power beyond measure!!

  66. iubu cristian

    Someone asked me why I love trance music, the answer of my heart was and is next, trance music is more than a word, sound, rhythm or energy, it is something that goes beyond the power of understanding behind the words, it is pure and simple of soul, only the soul can understand and comprehend everything.Eternity is the one you find well preserved only in memories. The memories are made up of unique and unrepeatable moments.

  67. Dave Marsan

    Why can’t they make music like this any more?

  68. George Itzep

    I love this track and video since the first time I saw it. I purchased the video on itunes but the quality sucks :-(... this youtube version is way better

  69. Raymond Manis

    Still the best track, ever.

  70. 007mdf


  71. Ацкий Якубович


  72. PSP

    Thanks Ferry, you great trance producer!!!

  73. ales marhoun

    Great music

  74. Josue Ra

    De esto se habla cuándo nos referimos al verdadero TRANCE, ese que hace que la piel se erize, ese que te hace volar cuándo cierras los ojos

    Alberto Garcia

    Te hace olvidar por esos minutos que solo existes tú y el universo.

  75. Jose Aleman

    I'm here because of AVB playing it at Untold last weekend.. absolutely fantastic tune.. 👍

  76. John Lundström

    Till MIT bröllop hade ja dena bit

  77. scott nyc

    The universe is electric and consumed with radioactive cosmic dust.Beauty is in nature,we are only here for a short time,the universe is eternal.We engineer and mess with nature where it ends up bringing out worse consequences.We can’t play God.The infinite power to wipe us off earth is a fine line.

  78. Khoo Khoo Wan yin

    Find squad

  79. Michael Sum

    Can I just comment this is freaking epic! Why I get out if bed everyday! 🔥🔥🔥

  80. Polley

    One of the best trance tracks ever made. Lacks nothing.

  81. Alonso UpliftingTrance

    if u wan cry, cryif u want smile, smileif u want jump, jumpbut if u want fly justclose u eyes and fly...

  82. CoreG7

    this song so emotional

  83. Jim Bao

    FInally, a somewhat intelligent video for a cosmic anthem. Step in the right direction, but doesn't come close to matching the sound.

  84. 2Alkohol

    August 2019 and i'm still crying

  85. Marcin Szulc

    Reactivation of project, the comprehensive view of Gouryella discography mixed on "From The Heavens" compilation, caused my great progress as a fan of Trance. It's hard to describe the experience, what happens inside me listening to the next productions. I could use every existing words to describe the emotions. Gouryella is probably the most epic, sophisticated and refined project of the electronic club music, the artistic and philosophical value is here priceless. You can also just dance to these, but you won't miss the deep feeling and the message that Gouryella provides to our mind and soul. Tears appear in my eyes thanks to Ferry Corsten.

  86. J F Z28

    This sounds like The Sonnet and Out of the Blue in some parts and a few others (after all this is Ferry :P) Such a a great song! These types of songs are just so good it's hard to believe they exist.

  87. R. S.

    Powerful. One of the best trance track ever. Ferry Corsten is the greatest trance producer.

  88. Eden Winstone

    Still magic


    AOST 900.....MEXICO!!!!! 😍

  90. Marina Bolčević

    After 4 years of making this song/video, l still get goosebumps and l do cry...because human life in one way is something so wonderful and in the way so sad when we think of all this problems around us. Lets celebrate life because it is only life that we have, right here and right now! <3 Love and respect Ferry. <3

  91. Caroline Marley

    Omg anybody July 2019? Hope you are hearing this Sophie! Xxxx

  92. Kirill

    Отличное название у песни :D

  93. Thomas Hoff

    Dabei kann ich Bestens abschallten und die Seele baumeln lassen😌At the same time, I can buff my ears and relax😌

  94. Christopher Hardrain

    Dammn I’m crying right now 😭

  95. Daniel Percival

    Ferry has 140k subscribers? Eh? When I was 16. Everyone knew this guy. System f. Out of the blue.

  96. Daniel Percival

    And the creator is mankind.

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