mp3 indir dur

Faydee - Catch Me

Catch Me
: Catch Me
: 3.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 149 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 112 İndirme
: 16-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Faydee - Catch Me )
  1. Sara :D

    COOL song ❤️

  2. Çılğın kız

    Catch me is perfect song.😍♥️

  3. Avonuo Angami

    Good song i love you N

  4. Flower Alkathem

    2 0 1 9Anyone??❤❤❤❤ love this song

  5. Fiorella Ella

    I love it amazing Lyric and song 🌹🌹🌹😭

  6. Cole F

    Am I the only one who thinks in the beginning before lyrics starts "D-D-D-D-D-D D-dora " 😂😂😂 hate myself

  7. ASMAydjgh SALEH

    My favourite singer


    whos watching 2019

  9. Sweet Sin


  10. LightWorker


  11. Suchi Sinha

    faydee your song is mood fresher

  12. Fatima MBalaka

    Love this song 😍😍 Who agress 🙈

  13. Osama Fawaz

    I still watch songs this old. 2999 #Nevergetsold>:3

  14. Babacar Sarr


  15. Îtz_Stär light


  16. Anna Marie

    Tuesday 22th 2018 Cein homework sheep 17:50Anna - Marie 17:50Homeowners 17:51 Xxxxx

  17. Dark Voyager

    I'm gonna sing fore my school

  18. Derpy Llama Girl

    I'm School Thursday Cein red black

  19. Reuben Banks

    Faydee Captures my life in all songs

  20. Derpy Llama Girl

    i Anna. - Marie Cein red backThursday. 29 20182018. summer. March. Sun. ok old. 18old. 1517:14

  21. Suchi Sinha

    I can't stop listening to it

  22. Pegah Nk

    22/3/18 at 11:22 PM

  23. toleen bassam

    Vvbn 3:33

  24. Derpy Llama Girl

    Mondays. 5. 2018l love Cein 11c back people School. 09:53mp ❤🔊

  25. Oye amanulla


  26. Derpy Llama Girl

    Cein red black. Sutuday. 24. 2018

  27. Derpy Llama Girl

    we. car. love. your 💜💜💜

  28. Derpy Llama Girl

    Wow. Cein red black Thursday. 22. 2018,love. see. 💔❤

  29. The MkTube

    you Must have 20k subscribers

  30. Zabiba Hussen

    who's listining 2018😍

    iixMel Fanxii

    2019 here,missed 2018.

  31. _Pantelis YT_

    Dybala fan's

  32. _Pantelis YT_

    its perfect song and great music bravo faydee points1000



  34. Casey

    Nice beat👌👍💙

  35. Samsam Mohammed

    this boy is amazing cute beautiful sweet

  36. Tamsin Barrett

    Love this xxx

  37. Mochizou

    2017 FAYDEE!!💞👑💘

  38. shahd bouziane

    i think i m falling in love with this song


    Wake up 1 million

  40. xilkas ina nor

    crazy for you faydeeeeeeeeeee


    142 dislike??? What the f

  42. Garbage Human

    Whose watching this in 2017?

  43. Mello Gang


  44. IssahH Hafiz

    nice song

  45. Madison Barrera

    Literally all his songs are soooooo good!!! 😍😍💞😍

  46. Merry Khan

    I love this song

  47. MCFC-BLUE-BOY- hi

    yo wassup yall if you think this should be on spotify give this post a like <3

  48. Christian 4 stars Worship

    Still in 2017!!

  49. Ramona Danielaa

    here 😍


    I love thisssss toooo muchhhh...catch me faydee I am falling for u...Love u

  51. aastha subedi

    I found faydee out of nowhere and now I am in love with your every songs ❤️️💕💕

  52. Taddy Muddy

    Das lied geht voll ab 😀

  53. Charlie Rainey

    who's watching 2017

  54. Luffy

    Can someone give me the Instrumental/Karaoke of this song? <3

  55. Sana Bahram

    2017 still watchin 💖

  56. Kandy xx

    1) think of ur crush2) make a ♥ wit ur hands3) say ur crush's LAST name in ur heart4) place ur ♥ hand where ur real ♥ is5) paste this 2 ur fav. love song nd ur crush wil ask u out the nxt time u c them

  57. Kader ÇAYLI

    OLey be sonunda söyleyebiliyom yaa BuAradaHiçMİTÜRKyok

  58. Tania T


  59. Back wulf GL

    Who's watching in 2017

    Mack James

    Kelly Junior 1234 YT 2018👏

    Floriza Hammoud


  60. Amelia Price

    Who is wanting in 2017 ME

  61. Mavluda Yuldosheva

    I really love this song thanks for you Faydee

  62. Jeremie Fuentes

    why isn't this famous? or on the top charts?!

  63. HTTYD toothless

    just ausome

  64. Alice Zexal 18

    That's very nice song that, i like it so much :D

  65. Γιώργος Ανωνιμος


  66. sunny flores

    Would you catch me im falling for you perfect song very relatable

  67. Akila Touati

    i can't stop listening to this song *-*

  68. Zimrah Vizaar

    SHOW THE LOVE! DoNt LiKe BuT lOvE tHiS CoMmEnT For Faydee<3<3<3

  69. ali nice

    Ilove all songs of faydee

  70. Yãsminè Sridi


    assassin wolf

    No 2018

    kate !!!!

    Yãsminè Sridi 2018

    Korean Alexandra

    Yãsminè SridiFacebook Alexandra stoian love you ❤️ ❤️

    Floriza Roumie

    Yãsminè Sridi nope 2018😊

  71. FOREVER chanel


  72. Rose Lutz20901

    Hey is there anyone who else is emo/bi like me or am I the only one?

    ThTCrazy Llama

    Lps Rose20901 your ugly asffff a lesbian (like me) wouldn't want you or a guy your just so uglly

    Aleks Langdon

    If Rose's ugly, then so are you. (Coming from a bi edgelord)

  73. Siara V

    when I listen to this song, I just get up and dance like nobody is watching

  74. ibra Tube

    I can catch me

  75. Maddy _

    2nd part I thought of the lyrics he sed at the last part not of the si g th beginning in the 2nd part vidf the lyrics it sed visor wen I wnt to say it does f fun uo so fun wtf lol it sed wtf fr me kol not lol thought kol wtf lol now it cums up lol is a wrd shift hmbl n u j, veg, ke viking um so I thought he sed thunk o the lady yh of the lyrics but hyf hit was do

    samantha biles


    Floriza Roumie

    Maddy _ its said

  76. Laraib Faraz


  77. Lina Lina

    faydeeeeee 😍😍😍❤❤❤

  78. Marceline The queen

    why,whyI don't know a thing about Faydee..But I can recognize all the songs..

  79. D V

    Would you catch me? I m falling for you. Is good pickup line

  80. Ahtziri Ramirez

    why didnt i find out about him sooner? 😣 i heard ONE somg and i instantly fell in love. With his songs and Faydee 💜

    hanine mihimid

    guys wesch. me a good luck case am going to porform for my grils


    I only found him 4 days ago 😁


    XFantasy GirlX onuda sen düşün aq

    Ajay b

    i also came to about my bf later that he had a 💘

    Reuben Banks

    XFantasy GirlX same

  81. 111 111


    Rebecca H M B

    +Dima Jl no bro l will not be shocked l will love too be ur friend

    Rebecca H M B

    +Dima Jl yah l would like to be ur friend

    Rebecca H M B

    +Dima Jl does ur gf knows we are friends

    Dima Jl

    +Rebecca H M B i like to be ur friend too

  82. Alo Cell


  83. Alo Cell

    Awesome song faydee .keep it up🎉

  84. Cute Bell

    Love you song

  85. ali tokar

    faydee is my little bother


    Realy?Tell him that he is great...AND YOU TOO IF IT IS TRUE

    Lina Lina

    +RFM SPAWN KILLER hahaha no no don't beleive him he's lying ..he's not faydee brother


    ali tokar güzel yutturmuşsun aq sjsjsj

    Barış Kutluğ

    Aynen iyi yedirtmissin cjdmchdjcud

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