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Evanescence - Lacrymosa

: Lacrymosa
: 3.32 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 68 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 09-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Evanescence - Lacrymosa )
  1. Daddy #53

    Well,Girlfriends voice is as powerful as ever!Bravo!!!

  2. Filip

    Poor Mozart , his music was badly raped :/

  3. Linaïss08

    Waou ❤️

  4. queenofhades 0


  5. Stefanny B.R


  6. Kat Garcia

    1:06 i love the warmth of the violinist’s smile towards Amy whipping her hair

  7. Rafael Galán

    Que pedazo de artista. Impresionante.

  8. Podrick Payne

    Was always my favorite ftom the open door and now synthesis

  9. John Verner

    Ela é única.... Perfeita

  10. Rose B.

    When she's just singing like that without moving around too much her voice is so perfect.... Moving around while moving around is so hard tho that's why i idolize her so much. The only singer i idolize.

  11. Matthew Poulter

    Kurt kabain on the drums 😂 😂

  12. Jagoda Kott


  13. Cristina Fung

    wow this is amazinnnnnggggggg

  14. QueOnda 123

    Holy shit...

  15. Mad Rad Revolutionary

    i think she sings synthesis way better live than she does at rock concerts

  16. Andre Machado

    esses violinos são sinistros o som da arrepios é o que da emoção pra música e é umas das minhas musicas preferidas

  17. Andreea Ilie

    Amy Lee has such an amazing voice......

  18. Judith Soyka


  19. Alejandra López

    This is TRUE ART! THIS ENTIRE ALBUM embodies all the key elements to creating incredible music - Passion, soul, ambition, vision! It’s a masterpiece of some of the greatest musical influences ever known to mankind. It’s like I can hear Mozart in the room with her! 🖤

  20. Larwood

    holy fuck dude

  21. paulo hanson

    Amazing voice and band!


    Lol I bet Morzat is proudly resting in his grave saying you rocked girl

  23. Tiffany Kautz

    No voice can ever match.

  24. Fiksius


  25. Elibeth todo x Dios

    me encanta la música del grupo evanescence mil bendiciones desde Colombia

  26. Karen García


  27. Pablo Pablo

    Wow ! How the music can be so powerful. Thanks Evanescence for bringing back Lacrymosa from Mozart.

  28. Kendal

    Evanescence is back and stronger. That drummer is amazing.

  29. Jovani Santana

    Amy 😍🖤

  30. Florencia Soehandoko

    This was where classic and rock music met

  31. MyKenzie ray Mason

    Help I've fallen into her luring vioce

  32. Lenice Alves


  33. james Goebbels

    Por favor, Mozart deve ter se contorcido no túmulo, vai pra PQP...

  34. Martina Ochoa

    wooooooooooooooooooo why I didnt saw this!!! beautifull


    Uggh i really want to see amy in a concert in ny la amo tanto my idola 😞👑💕

  36. Just Julie

    I was once listening to one of Evanescence's songs and my dad was like: ,,What the hell are you listening to."*I was o f f e n d e d* even for E :"D such beautiful music<3

  37. tonynitrox

    Stupid camera panned away from her on the high notes wtf!

  38. Romanoff

    Essa mulher é Deus e nada mais importa

  39. ChrisS82

    Timeless voice, timeless beauty

  40. Ivan Pandzic


  41. David May

    This gave me goosebumps the entire time....that was incredible!

  42. KES

    Best album hear that voice and just enjoy it beautifully

  43. cabeça de vento

    Aff velho essa mulher é top de mais😍❤

  44. Yasya Indra

    What is dislike button?

  45. Tranquil GlitterzPink09

    I'm crying how beautiful this song.

  46. Podrick Payne

    An omg those high notes at the end sheesh

  47. Podrick Payne

    Her voice and her body is an amazing instrument she plays it well

  48. Marie Godwin

    I love you music...but where on earth did you get that dress? I am in love with it!

  49. Moon Blossom

    Simple beautiful*2019*

  50. Sarah Holler

    I saw them live. Amazing gives me the goosebumps. Out of this world

  51. Stella

    this is OUTSTANDING

  52. Daniele Oliveira

    Lacrimosa: performance perfeita!

  53. Саша Пупкин


  54. Eric De Stefano


  55. Michael Dewitt

    And powerful ❣️

  56. Michael Dewitt

    I'm speechless wow I we'll see you live in the future have to you are the best artists in the world I don't care live that's amazing

  57. Draagnipur

    Wow, the drummer is insane. And Amy is Amy - as always.

  58. Karen Idrani

    Uma pena que não trouxeram o Syntesis pro Brasil... Ver ao vivo esse concerto maravilhoso fica nos sonhos mesmo!!!! 🖤💙

  59. Ghost with the Most

    161 ppl are just deaf.

  60. Podrick Payne

    The drummer is so bad ass and Amy is so hot

  61. Podrick Payne

    She sang her heart out the notes at the end maan best female rock singer of that generation

  62. Podrick Payne

    Whole production Is amazing. Fuck.

  63. Liza Lopez

    She really is incredible...

  64. Alejandro Briglia

    muy buena musica! muy buena voz!

  65. Nayane kook

    Nossa não tenho palavras pra agradecer. Emoção que passa pra nós

  66. Raquel Simões

    wow wow wow wow wow

  67. raistakilhara

    that´s ma girl, still awesome

  68. tamana

    Wow. 🥺

  69. Rob P

    amazing voice suits rock band or orchestra

  70. Marcelo Vallejos

    Wow!!! Perfect versión Amy I love you!!Your voice and the excelent band..Bravisimo 👏🥀

  71. TheGreatAndPowerfulDC


  72. Oleg Danko

    Жирная тварь.

  73. ленар миндияров

    я один тут ? из русскоязычных?

  74. CL T

    Why keep rewriting the same album? You've lost your core audience playing around for years.

  75. Самира 95


  76. Liana Muthrtung


  77. Marcela Geiger

    Does she even realize how amazing her voice is?

  78. Мария Короленко

    Amy, it's so amazing....WOW!

  79. Kristian Perea Lozano

    es tan envolvente, enigmática, y lucida la voz de Amy Lee que este tipo rock, con esa buena banda de musica clasica que està ahi, esta cancion fue una explosion total para el oido: super buena.

  80. Ariel Alvarez

    Mozart se sentiría orgulloso de esta reinterpretación de Lacrymosa

  81. Robiyabonu Tashpulatova

    Amy Lee Supper Supper Supper

  82. hafiz jafarov

    mozart listens to her

  83. Darkmoon S

    🌹🌹 Amy Lee 🌹🌹I never find any female singers her voice Can touch my heart and my soul like AMY LEE ♥🌹💗

  84. 73MRRoboto

    Lmao wasn't Metallica enough with a symphony orchestra, Amy Lee this comes across as lame dribble. I guess her 15 is up !

  85. soledad diaz

    Nada en el planeta se compara a esa maravilla voz... te atrapa y te sumerge en una atmósfera indescriptible ❤️❤️

  86. Jessica Criscone

    or even mad i listen to your music

  87. Jessica Criscone

    please read this comment i will be so great full

  88. Jessica Criscone

    also i grew up listening your music and now i'm in highschool and still listening your music like i will always listen your music untill i die your like the best thing that ever happend to me and i'm great full of that like when ever i'm sad i listen your music and it makes me happy.

  89. Jessica Criscone

    your my favorite singer of all time Amy lee

  90. Luciana Freire

    Maravilhosa essa mulher, sem palavras ❤❤❤

  91. wow Medina

    Awsome!! 🤘💪

  92. Suci Elvionita Gates

    Great Job Amy

  93. Дима Закрутик

    Эмка шикарная

  94. Серж Хомкин

    какая экспрессия уххх

Lacrymosa Şarkı Sözü
Out on your own

Cold and alone again

Can this be what you really wanted, baby?

Blame it on me

Set your guilt free

Nothing can hold you back now

Now that you're gone

Feel like myself again

Grieving the things I can't repair and willing

To let you blame it on me

And set your guilt free

I don't want to hold you back now, love

I can't change who I am

Not this time

I won't lie to keep you near me

And in this short life

There's no time to waste on giving up

My love wasn't enough

And you can blame it on me

Just set your guilt free, honey

I don't want to hold you back now, love

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