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Evanescence - Call Me When Youre Sober

Call Me When Youre Sober
: Call Me When Youre Sober
: 3.24 MB
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: 100 İndirme
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: 75 İndirme
: 09-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Evanescence - Call Me When Youre Sober )
  1. Ingrid Padilha

    Não gosto como a Bateria parece estar em um volume maior que a voz da Amy Lee, mas não da pra negar de forma alguma, ESSA MULHER SABE CANTAR, não tem duvida nenhuma sobre isso, ela é uma verdadeira vocalista.

  2. Harper Draws

    yeah the mic is wayyyyy too quiet.

  3. MoochnNique

    Shut up guys.... She’s great! Running while doing opera style vocals... Sometimes it’s about the experience. Plus, most of us couldn’t hold a candle next to her shine!

  4. matteastwood87

    She got fat

  5. Shatter Machine 99

    Her voice is something else always gives me chills!Ignore the haters..

  6. Darth Jalap

    I hate this song

    Chandler Sleziak

    @Darth Jalap Who cares man? Why even come to the video if you hate this song? It's common sense to not watch a video or listen to a song that you don't like.

  7. Cathy Scott


  8. Bujang Senang

    Evanescence i love u vry much..i love u.muahhhh hepi new year2019 rock & roll babehhh😘😘😘

  9. Jason M

    This woman can sing and mesmerize me any time

  10. George Andriopoulos

    i wish i could see her live

  11. Marta Maria

    Que voz..

  12. daniel louden

    Sexy out Amy Lee

  13. Art Vandelay

    this chick....patty benatar....ann wilson. three of the finest female voices in rock history.

  14. warlen antonio


  15. Tim Laird

    Have Evanescence and Nightwish ever toured together? If not, that would make for one hell of a show

  16. Sarah Morais

    Amy Lee ❤️. Voz perfeita 12/2018

  17. Marcelo Bielsa

    Esa canción fue escrita cómo dedicatoria a su ex que era alcólico, con las ganas que la canta pareciera que nunca se va a arrepentir de haberla escrito jajaja.

  18. DONNAI1210

    Love Love Love Her Sang Girl 💕💃🏾💃🏾❌⭕️❌⭕️🤩

  19. Thiago Carvalho

    Observem a diferença:

  20. Miguel Quintero

    La mejor epoca😣

  21. Nicole scherzinger no1 Fan

    this woman is beyond beautiful

  22. bluegrassmagnolia superhulk

    madison davenport should play amy lee in biopic of evanescence

  23. michael scott

    goddamn she's hot

  24. Flame Shadow

    I personally think the little cracks are adorable. ;P

  25. Dedy-sanボケの天才

    imagine if Mike Terrana Replace the drummer

  26. Andrey Random World

    So amazing! :D Love IT! :)

  27. Joseph

    Shes developing that opera singer look.

  28. Marcelo Cruz

    Ammy lee this wonderful voice ...

  29. noob master69

    we have a lot of vocal experts here in comment section lmao

  30. Asep Lustmord Butcher

    Incredibly powerfull stamina and voices

  31. Franco Jesús

    Wowww tan perfecto !!!!

  32. Umer Munir

    Man she is amazing.... I mean singing this song live with this power is just phenomenal...... Its never easy singing this song that good along with running over the stage with expressiions..... It requires alot of stamina!

  33. Melissa Q

    Perfect song. How can anyone not love her voice?

  34. Purely Idle

    How is this out of tune, can someone explain where?

  35. Pierluigi Del Mastro

    Singer out of tune..

  36. Not a Stranger

    The hell she can’t sing live. She’s one of the best live singers in the last 20 years

  37. Alejandro Garcia

    from all the people commenting here... has anyone really been there among the public to give true testimony ?usually live performances are not well recorded nor equalized unless it's a big epic festival, an unplugged version or a live concert that later will make a CD or DVD to sell... I'm surprised seeing many "experts" here talking about "weak voice". If I record Pavarotti with my Wiko Pulp 4G and upload it to Youtube I wonder what they will say...

  38. JOÃOPaulo Da Silva

    🔴🔵⚪ Que banda perfeita! eu torço muito para que a Amy Lee nunca deixe essa banda. O mais interessante que a voz dela combinou muito com Rock , ficou uma coisa diferente. A voz da Amy é baixinha suave e de repente aumenta,ah deixa pra lá , só sei que as músicas são excelentes pra ouvir no carro , no celular ou no quarto bem baixinha até adormecer. . .👇C.G-PARAIBA (BRASIL )

  39. I B_2

    It's fucking cool!...

  40. Belladonna Noir

    Evanescence, Bjork, The Cure, and My Chemical Romance will by the artist that I will always love until the end of time.



  41. Sheila Silva

    Que linda. Ótima cantora 😊😊😊

  42. ShadowedWinter

    Amy Lee is not fat! It's because she gave birth and stuff!

    Fran R

    Frostcloud I think she is cool like this

  43. John Galeas

    She’s so good live

  44. Pamela Doce

    Pra que ser tao perfeita Amy?

  45. Law For All

    Drummer performance considering the caliber of evanescance, is bad

  46. Sam Bell

    Yea! Amy can run around that stage for hrs & still have enough breath to sing like that, and really most actors & singers are overrated, most don't sing with much energy or emotion anyway, I watched all Amy's concert videos, they play long hard rocking sets & she moves around the whole time, that's hard to do, & there's lots of hidden mistakes in live performances anyway.

  47. FallenEvArmy

    This isn't a weak performance, her mic volume is incredibly low here, the music is drowning her out and making her sound like she has no power, but this was actually a strong performance. Shame on those of you being negative.

    mark friedem

    I totally agree with you...Ive searched other live performances and Ive come to one conclusion....the sound man sucks. One concert shes not loud enough, another cant hear the lead guitarist...etc etc etc

    John Lewis

    Mic volume doesn't sound low to me and she does sound great.

    Franco Jesús


    Tao Jones

    This band plays so loud that it's really hard to get a good mix for indoor venues.I've seen them


    Is it still a low mic problem when she can't hit the highest notes in the special before the last chorus and generally struggles the whole song?

  48. KitCat Dacute

    Her vocals is beyond humanity! Her voice is immortal.. My immortal Amy Lee!!!

  49. Petrea Jane

    For those saying this is a weak performance I'm pretty sure she's not long had a baby at this point so wouldn't have been able to train meaning her voice would naturally decline As the saying goes "don't use it you loose it " and also I waw her live in June 2017 and her voice was pretty much studio quality

  50. mostafa Rock

    i think she's cry

  51. mostafa Rock

    those sick minds only can hear those sick minds like niki and those beginners amylee for only civilized hearts and mindif you wanna hear amylee you most hear it with your heart before your ears sorry for my language

  52. Luna

    I was reading on the internet and now I reallize that this song was wrote to her ex boyfriend that was an alcoholic

    Lokii V3

    Luna Nightmare lead singer for Seether but yeah

    steve dzurinda

    And a heroin addict.

  53. Marleferreira Gomes

    Amy Lee love you

  54. Jessica Grant

    Sing that song girl

  55. Karolina Florczak

    I was on Evanescence concert and I heard Amy live. She have amazing Voice and singing clear while running,jumping and do this whole handbanging on the stage. I really Love Evanescence ❤❤❤

  56. Jessica B

    live always sounds different then on a album,they don't have all the tools that make their voice change in a live concert like they do in the studio..I think she did an awesome job,yes their was a few parts where it sounded off but she's running around the stage and killing the song..

  57. spikecustom


    It Me

    spikecustom spikecustom for your information Amy does write all of her songs and her dad is not Rich. And she looks beautiful in that outfit. You are setting a very terrible impression for your niece. I feel sorry for her, she has to deal with a judgmental piece of shit like you. Oh and one more thing. Amy has been playing the piano for about twenty one years, so I doubt your ten year old niece is better than her.

  58. Murray Thompson

    Ridiculously good voice!!

  59. T town

    My wife in a past life, what is with this crowd? DO THEY NOT REALIZE THAT THIS IS HER ???? GO FUCKIN CRAZY. god damn.

  60. _ S3vv3n_

    Suffocating. Need to eat less)))

    It Me

    _ S3vv3n_ How mature. The fact that you are clearly twelve years old tells me how stupid you really are.

    _ S3vv3n_

    Haylee Loves Amy Lee EV what u want bitch? i'm thirty ur chance to guess is gone)))

    It Me

    _ S3vv3n_ with the way you're acting, I don't believe that for a second

    _ S3vv3n_

    Haylee Loves Amy Lee EV Teach me good and justice my princess)

    _ S3vv3n_

    Haylee Loves Amy Lee EV Don't leave me my princess give me chance plz)

  61. Jana Indrackova

    I love this music.

  62. Peyton Taylor

    yas Queen! ahhhh! 😍😃

  63. Jorge P-rez

    saw her for the first time in Hartford Connecticut in 2008 or something

  64. Amber Lindemann


  65. juan pablo

    dedicate to shaun morgan...


    Performance perfeita!!!! mas pqp que público desanimado!! Só de ver a Amy Lee eu iria berrar kk

    sara heloisa

    Marcelo Ruan Esse foi o show que eles foram mais vaiados

  67. Julio Velásquez

    desafina mucho y no canta con mucha fuerza pero aun si me gusta su música en estudio te amo amylee :p

  68. Nilrebave

    Is this really live? o.O I can't believe it, she's so good!

  69. MsCherryeating

    as a singer myself, i'd have to say, that this song requires an enormous amount of breath and imagine this not being the first song she sang that night. so keep your feet still and do it yourself then. \m/


    Yeah. From a singer's POV, this was clearly somewhere in the middle of the set. The song requires quite a bit of breath control. You could tell she was out of breath from the beginning. And as such, as the performance progressed, that affected her pitch (intonation). I don't blame her though. One performance doesn't define someone.

  70. Aliya Afiqah

    those who says shittty things like how she sucks live. this song sounded easy to sing but really, give it a try while running jumping and headbanging. she nailed this, i bet some of you cant even hit the notes in this song even when youre sitting doing nothing

    Tracey Groenleer

    Aliya Afiqah . Agreed, I know I could not even get one note out!

  71. Juli Gomez


  72. Rambo P. Brown

    she's growing fat ,

    that's so nia

    rambu prakarsa she's 35, she had a baby. and by the way, she's not fat at all, she looks beautiful.


    And her weight is so important, why?


    I'm assuming the girl in your picture is you. If so, you're fat.

    Fran R

    you are fat too, look at yourself bitch

  73. erwin olsthoorn

    still rockbitch nr 1:)

  74. Jeremy Alcoser

    TYPICAL!! Kick a man when hes down

    Tobias Knapp

    Jeremy Alcoser no not really... The leadsinger from Seether is her Ex-Boyfriend, and he first wrote the song "Breakdown" after that she wrote "call me when ur sober " (:

  75. Gabe Reptar

    People always got to hate. Can't please everyone.. oh well fuck you haters!

  76. arif darmawan


  77. Nicolaz Martinez

    2016 and still as strong as 2003 amy lee the best

  78. RockFa1ry

    This is one forced song.

  79. Mesut güccük


  80. Stacey Welch

    Amy Lee has such an amazing voice & talented as well!!! She is so beautiful, and she totally ROCKS the Gothic look ♥♥♥♥

  81. Camila De La Fuente

    Cuando MTV pasaba buena música :')

    Jonathan Sánchez

    Camila De La Fuente Cuando MTV pasaba música :v

  82. Aylee

    all the people saying she can't sing live: Try putting Justin beiber or Nicki minaj up there singing this song. see how good it will be. nobody can sing and hit high notes while head banging running around on stage, and to top it all, maturing more over the years like Amy Lee can. Id like to see you up there sing it like she does.


    Aviation TV Evanescence still makes music.


    Aviation TV They made two new albums.

    Belladonna Noir

    Dat Boi The only reason why she doesn't sound good live is because of all the jumping around she does while singing. She always sounds better when she's playing piano because she's not moving around.

    Derik Henderson

    There is still a few with amazing vocal range and stamina. Right now I would say Ariana Grande is tops. Watch the Tonight Show where she imitates Amy.

    jason Rader

    @Aviation TV Sebastian Bach could hit those high notes

  83. Abigail Lev

    listen guys, unless you have been running around a stage, head banging, trying to hit insanely high notes you would be out of breath too. it's why if you actually think about it amy Lee is an exceptional performer because she still can hit those notes and it relatively sounds like the studio albums which means she doesnt alter her voice. thats more than I can say for a lot of bands and artists nowadays


    Maron Maes She only auto tuned the Fallen Album.

    Maron Maes

    The-Cake-Loving-Ninia, She autotunes all of her albums. I don't know who or what you have been listening to...and she doesn't autotune anything. The company she works for does, her music was all altered greatly. It's the same thing more popular artists of today do.


    Maron Maes oh. Someone told me only Fallen was auto-tuned. That was what I was told.Thanks for the information.

    Maron Maes

    The-Cake-Loving-Ninia No problem.


    @Maron Maes Have you heard any of the acoustic performances of this song or the recent Synthesis tour? Saying that she can't sing is kind of insane.

  84. dem0aikido

    the crowd is dead


    no they are just trying to hear her gorgeous voice.

  85. Aviation TV

    Looks like she ended up swimming home.

  86. dchenkin02

    Saw Evanescence in Boston 2012, awesome.

  87. Antonino Sabetta

    Out of tune...


    Was it played in tune? Yes.Was there a couple of bung notes? Yes.Did she kick ass and show she is as powerful and stunning as ever? Yes

    Milica Sajkic

    Id be very grateful if you would go burry yourself alive..😑

    angel rose

    Antonino Sabetta she's a good singer how can u say oh she's out of tune she's not she is doing the right note at the right time and she totally on tune and don't fucking sit here and say oh shes out of tune! I love her music 🎶 I sing her songs all the time so don't put out that bullshit

    Sam Bell

    People need to realize that live isn't about perfect, your fans just want to see you show up & give it your all, most so called great bands I like I noticed they don't sound good on some live shows, but I excuse it if I feel they're giving it up for us, stop this nonsense. We all love music.

    Guillaume Glain

    Yep, a bit too low during the whole song, not that much though, maybe is she having a hard time hearing herself, it happens...

  88. art syko

    +Max Miller Respect Her Please! What If She Came Over To Your House And Called YOU Fat?

    Drew Truesdell

    lmfao just the thought.

  89. JB Johnson

    She's talented, no doubt, but she's pretty weak in concert.


    do you even know how difficult it is to hit the notes that she belts out? not to metion she has a massive range. if only more people were educated in music they would realize how amazing she is as an artist.

    Nicolaz Martinez

    i see you are a miley cyrus fan, since you dont know real live music

    Leslie Baldelomar

    JB Johnson are you idiot?


    Nicolaz Martinez hahahaahhaahahahahhah yessss

    Asgardian Protector

    JB Johnson it's the mic douchebag

  90. Yamisleidy Valles


  91. OlgaNacharova

    Yes, her voice has changed. It became more powerful. She sings her songs from the last album very good. Unfortunately, she can't sing The Open Door songs with studio voice. But I like her anyway. She's real goddes/queen of rock for me. This performance is awesome, so full of energy!!! I know she can sing by far better. Listen to acoustic performances. It is beautiful! And in 2007, and in 2011. She is just tired. And I don't understand people who tells Amy can't sing!!!

  92. Maxxxshop

    Change your screen resolution to 256 x 768 and she looks great. :-D

  93. Heather C

    She's beautiful. :I

  94. Max Miller

    surprised by the fact, as Amy fucking grown fat


    it's guts and musle darling nobody is perfect


    Dude! She got pregnant!

    Anna Bárbara

    nobody cares if you think so, fucking wanker

  95. pocabarbie


Call Me When Youre Sober Şarkı Sözü
Don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with meYou want me

Come find me

Make up your mind

Should I let you fall, lose it all?

So maybe you can remember yourself

Can't keep believing

We're only deceiving ourselves

And I'm sick of the lie

And you're too late

Don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with me

You want me

Come find me

Make up your mind

Couldn't take the blame, sick with shame

Must be exhausting to lose your own game

Selfishly hated, no wonder you're jaded

You can't play the victim this time

And you're too late

So don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with me

You want me

Come find me

Make up your mind

You never call me when you're sober

You only want it 'cause it's over, it's over

How could I, have burned paradise?

How could I, you were never mine

So don't cry to me

If you loved me

You would be here with me

Don't lie to me

Just get your things

I've made up your mind

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