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Enrique Iglesias - Finally Found You

Finally Found You
: Finally Found You
: 3.62 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 344 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 318 İndirme
: 13-01-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Enrique Iglesias - Finally Found You )
  1. Kareena Narayan

    At first, i thought it's like those wattpad betrayed me!

  2. MyLDivas

    Noviembre 2019?

  3. David Valdo Rojo

    Enrique iglesias finally found you

  4. Juliana BTASP

    Adoroooooo 😍 essa música...😍

  5. Jeaneth Aguilar

    2020 ahah

  6. Nicole Irene

    Enrique is the most sexiest man ❤️❤️❤️ So hawt af ❤️❤️

  7. deivison moreno

    Que linda música

  8. Janete Almeida

    Ele é lindo e a voz também cara romântico

  9. Vitória Cunha

    Amoo essa musica e linda demaisss melhor ja feitaaa😘❤❤❤❤❤

  10. Amarnath Shivraj tondare

    Enrique free man and always he do what he feel heart beet lovely lover boy

  11. Mamta Rai


  12. Blandkhalel Khalel Bland

    New songs ft Miley Cyrus

  13. مستر بين

    📲whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲ولاحـظــت كـثـيـر مـن الـتـعـالـيـق عـن تـكـبـيـر الــقــضــيــب وضــعــف الانـتـصـاب وســرعــة الـقـذفوأبـغـى أبــشــركــم🥳 أنـي حــصــلــت عـلـى مـعـلـومـات مـفـيـدة🤩 هـتـنـفـعـكـم كــثــيــر ومــجــربــهــا شــخــصــيــا ونـفـعـتـنـي✅تـواصـل مــعــي🙋‍♂️ وأنــا بـشـرح لــك سـر الـوصـفـة😉 الـواتـسـاب *00212645760441*

  14. Senhorita milly


  15. Mary Kharkongor

    I finally found him... Thankyou Enrique! 😍💑❤👍

  16. Aaditya Mallik

    I finally found..... I finally found you...... 😣😭😭

  17. Dirty Dan

    Dang I totally forgot about this song 🤧

  18. Warleson Martins

    Finalmente encontrei você2019 Brasil 😎

  19. Gusttavo Lima

    Angaria 1 regra Usher a

  20. Gusttavo Lima

    Umas vem unhas

  21. Gusttavo Lima

    organ urânio s

  22. yoly palomo


  23. Maria do socorro Lopis farias Farias

    2019 ?

  24. Stephanie sp Cncowner.

    2019 .y sigo escuchando esta canción de mi ídolo de la infancia.: v .

    Luis Chávez Sánchez

    Porfin un comentario en español 😂

    Stephanie sp Cncowner.

    @Luis Chávez Sánchez jaja. X q sólo mi hermano sabe inglés pero tengo q aprender igual x Joel de cnco. X mis boys

    Melany Santos

    Haz visto la version con daddy yankre es mejor q esta

  25. kman20

    Is it me or does the little boy look 10 and the girl is like 18?

  26. Elena Dercaci


  27. Mohit soni

    I finally found you 😍

  28. Hilario Lopes


  29. Nezahat Aslan


  30. Aleyna Üsküp

    You are the man of my dreams😍

  31. Chipi Barijho

    El último tema bueno que saco Iglesias

  32. Пра Ппап


  33. Jidha M

    Sammy Addams part was amazing

  34. secutejailey

    I completely forgot about sammy Adams

  35. Amymarie Skutnisky

    At the end he totally went against the song and left her so bascically he waited like about 10 years for a one night stand. The song should of been I finally f*cked you. Just saying.

  36. Rayyan

    ghost produced by R3HAB🤷🏻‍♂️

  37. Carlitos

    Does anyone know why it’s not available for purchase or not Available in any streaming services besides YouTube ?

  38. Durgesh sagar

    Love from india

  39. yuisae coco


  40. le la

    10/17/2019_Việt Nam

  41. Dawn Gardiner

    What a great choice...either you’re coming with me or I’m coming with you...yes please!

  42. Bibek Ghimire

    2k19 octuber anyone☺️

  43. Diana N.

    Ce timbru vocal !!

  44. Ashutosh Sharma

    October 2019?Excellent song

  45. chegar fati fleuri


  46. Jessica Lynn Beck

    Love song

  47. Ꮖᖇᔑᕼᗩᗞ ᗩᕼᗰᗩᗞ


  48. Bourib Jamal

    2019 novo chênes

  49. Cristian Daniel Gyorfi

    This song is the best I ever listened.

  50. Shakil Farooqi

    Finally I 😊 u

  51. Thar pu victor

    🇲🇲🇲🇲🇲🇲🇲🇲 ❤❤❤

  52. Maria Delacruz

    Eeeeeeeeenriqueeeeeeee. Quien te pone ati con una mujer pues abrasado at pues. Yo no quiero ver eso ok. Mira. Me voy a tomar foto aga con romeo y con arjona si abrassndoli y dandoke in beso en la nebula yyyy a challenge agarrando como en titanic ok. Yyyyy con. Mi Mir secretory papi. Eso no li digo porque pero te gustaria verme eee yyyy me falta otros aver. No me gusta que te ponfan asi ok. Pero si quisiera abrasar arjona y verlo pues en un concerto algun dia. Pero. No pongas pues. Yyyyyy me quieres. MI. MAS. HO ME AS QUERIDO MAS QUE A OTRAS. DIME. SI SI OK YO TAMBIEN TE QUIERO Y NUNCA IMAHINE ESTO OERO DE DIOS VIENE TODO YYY SABES DESDE ce in ano empece acer horacion desde que estuviste en mb ayo y junio 2018 when we stay close each other four first time dormi. At that time in honest in field. Something grandiose yyy algo marVilloso. Queriiaaa nomas abkar. Contigoooo escucharte. Si. Pirque. Eres. Diferente. Yyyy esoeraba el monento. Nonas. De ablar. Contigo. Escucharte. Y me enamored y ya dezpues. Me tuve que. Desanomarar y poner lis pies en ka tierra puro sufrimiento yyy adta ahorita. Ni te e visto. NJ darte la gracias pur li que hicuste pir mi. I love you. Y nunca estado con nadie no me an tocado estoy con diosito at buensz personS que me quiere. Piquito tienen prna pie mi pirque yo estoy grande yyy no estoy loca. Perk tengo algo que no siy miguel s todos pues. Peroooo me quiere yyyy no me engines ok no me enganar ok se sinsero conmugk yo te comptendo ok ok

  53. Nicole Bones

    Thank you for english!!

  54. Cintia luiz Rodrigues

    Alguém sabe o nome da modelo desse clipe?

  55. چوگگليےتھ چوگگليےتھ


  56. Janaina Mota

    2019 eu amo

  57. Analia Ramona Diaz

    Hola !!!!!, me gusta los colores del video. Saludos.

  58. Cecília Bernardino

    Todas nós queríamos apertar daquele jeito a bunda do Iglesias. Kkkkkk crush desde 1997. 😍🇧🇷

  59. Wikimliu Newmai

    My favorite song

  60. Arindam Chatterjee

    October 2019 ?

  61. Safeer Jaan

    Advance for 2020

  62. ozumcan

    routine clap :d

  63. Alinne Muniz Muniz

    Salve Jorge nostalgia

  64. Guess Time

    I forgot about this song until now.

  65. Nchimunya Habanji

    I love this song and always will love it

  66. Zubair Khan

    Thanks to found me

  67. Hector Rivas

    Ignora: 50 años de mala suerteLike: tu crush te hará caso y 100 años de buena suerte

  68. John Smith

    16K dislikes , f.... loosers, the man sings very nice ! those are prop wankers , enjoy

  69. Alexandra Jimenez

    Enrique Iglesias has been my crush of all my life ♥️

  70. Prashant Singh

    Finally found you for one night stand😂😁


    brasil presente aqui???

  72. Cherry Cola

    When I find my favorite snack in the fridge

  73. Наталья Жувагина


  74. Sainai mewzik

  75. Nazir Hakimi

    You are the beast i love youEnrique iglesias

  76. erhan karaboğa


  77. Avio Alaric

    Where's the mole when he was a kid.

  78. Sooraj Singh

    Oct. 2019??

  79. Ongtho Langching

    Love you Enrique Iglesias

  80. Elisandra Velozo

    Amo esse homem maravilhoso ,que moreno lindo , que perfeição ,fora que ele é um fofo , muito simpático carismático , sempre atencioso tá sempre de bom humor nas entrevistas que ele dá ,romântico de um olhar sedutor de um sorriso lindo , admiro demais a beleza e o talento desse homem .Te amo Enrique ♥️♥️♥️🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🎶🎶👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😘😘😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  81. Infamous X

    wAiT so does he know it's his child hood friend..

  82. Makhni G

    MY AGE MATE === +-3 ONLY

  83. Kaan Gökerk

    You know I'm gon get ya, yeahBiliyorsun seni alacağım, yeahWhatever it takes, get thereNe pahasına olursa olsun, oraya geleceğimNo I won't drop youHayır seni bırakmayacağımLike everybody else doesHerkesin yaptığı gibiForget about your friends they don't care where we goArkadaşlarını unut, nereye gittiğimiz onların umrunda bile değilIf they do look like lost, stand in a crowd of peopleEğer kaybolmuş görünürlerse, kalabalığın içinde durI've been looking for you forever baby we goSeni ezelden beri arıyorum bebeğim haydi gidelimTogether baby we go, we goBeraber gidelim bebeğimIn this crazy world the choices i've only got a fewBu çılgın dünyada seçeneklerim çok az kaldıEither you're coming with me, or i'm coming with youYa benimle geliyorsun yada ben seninle geliyorumCause I finally found, I finally found youÇünkü sonunda seni buldum, sonunda seni buldumYou never lie don't worry if I what I say is trueAsla yalan söylemezsin merak etme söylediğim doğruGirl i've been looking for youKız seni arıyordumAnd when I saw you I knewve seni gördüğüm zaman biliyordumThat I finally found, I finally found youSonunda bulduğumu, sonunda seni buldumI'm coming i'll get ya, yeahGeliyorum seni alacağım, yeahWe have a connection, that's rightAramızda bir bağ var bu doğruThis girl i'm not letting goSeni bırakmıyorumI'm gonna make you feel right, oh yeaSeni iyi hissettireceğim, oh yeaForget about your friends they don't care where we goArkadaşlarını unut, nereye gittiğimiz onların umrunda bile değilIf they do look like lost, stand in a crowd of peopleEğer kaybolmuş görünürlerse, kalabalığın içinde durI've been looking for you forever baby we goSeni ezelden beri arıyorum bebeğim haydi gidelimTogether baby we go, we goBeraber gidelim bebeğimIn this crazy world the choices i've only got a fewBu çılgın dünyada seçeneklerim çok az kaldıEither you're coming with me, or i'm coming with you[ reklamı gizle ]Ya benimle geliyorsun yada ben seninle geliyorumCause I finally found, I finally found youÇünkü sonunda seni buldum, sonunda seni buldumYou never lie don't worry if I what I say is trueAsla yalan söylemezsin merak etme söylediğim doğruGirl i've been looking for youKız seni arıyordumAnd when I saw you I knewve seni gördüğüm zaman biliyordumThat I finally found, I finally found youSonunda bulduğumu, sonunda seni buldumYeah, can I get love, too much to ask forEvet, aşkı elde edebilir miyim, çok şey mi istiyorumReally so tough, fight yourself, move awaygerçekten çok zor, kendinle savaşmak, uzaklaşmakGot my hands full, grabbing on skirt, skirtsellerim dolu, eteklerin altındaHands up, hands up, just flo chilling with ho two cupseller yukarı, eller yukarı, iki bardağı dondurarakCan't stop spilling, cause i'm drunk as f–kDönmeyi durduramıyorum, çünkü sarhoşumAnd my song comes on, and the club goes nutsve şarkım çalıyor, ve klüp çılgınlaşıyorEverytime the side goes, seems to ya sleep, best to ya knowher seferinde bir taraf gidiyor, uyuyor görünüyor, en iyisini senRunning around, and doing all these showsetrafta koşuyorsun ve tüm bu şovu yapıyorsunRound the whole globe, and come, and you go girlTüm dünyanın çevresinde, ve gel, ve sen git kızAin't it need to think of itdüşünmek gerekmezJust wrap for the night, baby live a bitsadece geceyi sarmala, bebeğim bir parça yaşaWith a place to hit, and your plans to seevuracak bir yer, ve planlarını görelimYou can make a scene and party, are you into itbir sahne ve parti yapabilirsin, ve sen içindesinIn this crazy world the choices i've only got a fewBu çılgın dünyada sadece çok az seçme şansım olduEither you're coming with me, or i'm coming with youYa benimle geliyorsun yada ben seninle geliyorumCause I finally found, I finally found youÇünkü sonunda seni buldum, sonunda seni buldumYou never lie don't worry if I what I say is trueAsla yalan söylemezsin merak etme söylediğim doğruGirl i've been looking for youKız seni arıyordumAnd when I saw you I knewve seni gördüğüm zaman biliyordumThat I finally found, I finally found youSonunda bulduğumu, sonunda seni buldum

  84. Rita Ravi


  85. Naukima Kimazote

    The boy is so cute

  86. Sumita Singha

    Anyone in september???🤘💚

  87. Janete Almeida

    Amo esse homem lindo romantico😍musicas lindas tudo de bom

  88. Sveta Darii


  89. khumraj shakya

    Khattra video

  90. Jos Leyva

    amooo esta canción que tiempooos

  91. amelsellami mabrouk

    nice sang

Finally Found You Şarkı Sözü
Enrique Iglesias Finally Found You Sözleri

You know i'm gon get ya
Whatever it takes, get there
No I won't drop you
Like everybody else does

Forget about your friends they don't care where we go
If they do look them hostile bad people
I've been looking for you forever baby we go
Together baby we go, we go

In this crazy world the choices i've only got a few
Either you're coming with me, or i'm coming with you
Cause I finally found, I finally found you
You never lie don't worry if I what I say is true
Girl i've been looking for you
And when I saw you I knew
That I finally found, I finally found you

I'm coming i'll get ya
We have a connection, that's right
This girl i'm not letting go
I'm gonna make you feel right, oh yea

Forget about your friends they don't care where we go
If they do look them hostile bad people
I've been looking for you forever baby we go
Together baby we go, we go

In this crazy world the choices i've only got a few
Either you're coming with me, or i'm coming with you
Cause I finally found, I finally found you
You never lie don't worry if I what I say is true Girl i've been looking for you
And when I saw you I knew
That I finally found, I finally found you

I finally found, I finally found you

(Sammy Adams)
Yeah, can I get love, too much to ask for
Really so tough, fight yourself, move away
Way to sex in the drums
Got my hands full, grabbing on skirt, skirts
Hands up, hands up, just flo chilling with ho two cups
Can't stop spilling, cause i'm drunk as f-ck
And my song comes on, and the club goes nuts
Everytime the side goes, seems to ya sleep, best to ya know
Running around, and doing all these shows
Round the whole globe, and come, and you go girl
Ain't it need to think of it
Just wrap for the night, baby live a bit
With a place to hit, and your plans to see
You can make a scene and party, are you into it

In this crazy world the choices i've only got a few
Either you're coming with me, or i'm coming with you
Cause I finally found, I finally found you

Finally finally finally found you
Finally finally finally found
Finally found, I finally found you

You know I will get ya

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