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Elvis Presley - Hound Dog

Hound Dog
: Hound Dog
: 2.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 211 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 158 İndirme
: 18-01-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Elvis Presley - Hound Dog )
  1. Nigel Wilson

    elvis presley-hound dog 1956 love this song

  2. A.I.O Channel

    Forrest Gump

  3. Anil Khumukcham

    Still lit

  4. Sir Quik of Rhodesia

    Like if Big Mama Thornton is better than Elvis

  5. 黃喚

    要說 我家的那隻野公狗 或我家那隻野母狗

  6. junior anthony


  7. Daunts

    Ok boomer

  8. lirios77


  9. davekanak

    If the original lyrics are: You ain't nothin but a hound dog...just Cryin all the why did Elvis sing...just Crockin all the time? Imo, lyrics that would have made more sense would be...just Barkin all the time.

  10. Kay P

    The GOAT

  11. Helyo jr Leal

    Não cheguei a conhecer, mas gostaria de ter vivido nessa época 😭 The 50 years 😍

  12. Helyo jr Leal

    Rei do rock 😍😍😍😍

  13. Rasmus Moberg

    Bra mysik

  14. Dx Playfun

    Thank you forest gump

  15. Agustin Uribe

    Michael Jackson took some of the moves and dress from here, like the white socks with black shoes

  16. Randy Sweet

    I remember meeting the king back in the day

  17. axaløvelyxx

    I had to sing this at my show at my school.

  18. Person

    Hi guys

  19. Aiman Hakim

    Huh, we all know that Elvis was inspired by Back to the future!

  20. Darkorz

    booba et rk la base i am french and fuck the english

  21. Dehydrated Potato

    I wonder who taught him those moves...

  22. Juan Ca Gallo

    Gracias Forrest Gump sin ti El Rey no existiría

  23. user0110


    Marcos Hernandez Cazan

    Leiber & Stoller the actual songwriters of this shit #NEVERFORGET

  24. Stephen Meek

    Forrest gump taught him the dance moves

  25. Pierre Prevot

    Plagia Forest gump

  26. Derek Kissane

    The Original Pole Dance.

  27. Jay Anthony

    I hate being considered apart of this current generation with all the stupid shit that's going on I'm glad i was raised correctly growing up on this.

  28. the johns 1984

    Elvis forever

  29. KC Russell

    It's been 3 years today since my dad passed away so I took a trip down memory lane to all of the oldies I was raised up on! Miss you dad! I hope you're singing with me now! 🥰🥰🥰

  30. Дэниел Ди

    Zombieland: Double Tap ?

  31. sauquoit13456

    On this day in 1956 {October 26th} Elvis' "Hound Dog" peaked at #2 {for 3 weeks} on the United Kingdom's Official Singles chart, it was the second of his seventeen records to peak at #2 in the United Kingdom...And the three weeks that "Hound Dog" was at #2, the #1 record for those three weeks was "A Woman In Love" by Frankie Laine...The rest of the Top 10 on October 26th, 1956 was:At #3. "Lay Down Your Arms" by Anne Shelton#4. "Giddy-Up-A-Ding-Dong" by Freddie Bell and the Bellboys #5. "Just Walkin' In The Rain" by Johnnie Ray#6. "Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)" by Doris Day#7. "Rockin' Through The Rye" by Billy Haley and the Comets#8. "Rock Around The Clock" by Bill Haley and the Comets#9. "Bring A Little Water Sylvie"/"Dead Or Alive" by Lonnie Donegan#10. "The Great Pretender"/"Only You" by the PlattersAnd from the 'For What It's Worth' department; exactly thirteen years later on October 26th, 1969, Elvis' "Suspicious Minds" peaked at #1 {for 1 week} on the U.S. Billboard's Top 100 chart, it was the last of his eighteen chart toppers in the U.S.A.

  32. Eduardo Silva

    Forest gump

  33. Max Havelaar

    Damn.. i was born in suck music played. Is there a time machine?? I wanna go back where the music is in the golden era..

  34. Carlos G.


  35. Konigsegg one/ 1

    I’m playing this song for my concert band at school at a consert

  36. Cam Foy

    RIP Elvis my nigga 😭

  37. Angel López

    Best song

  38. Troy Maeva

    The king

  39. Alicia Balogova

    2019 ❤️❤️❤️😂💕

  40. Jajackboss

    He was the king

  41. YoungRawTalent

    I cant believe this Bitch Elvis Presley stole this off a black woman white people are so annoying there aren't words

    Siham Sadwl

    YoungRawTalent he took some music he liked and was inspired by and added lyrics this is not a bad thing and he made it better just enjoy the song please


    @Siham Sadwl That's subjective to say that he made it better and if I'm inspired by something I would say inspired "xyz" he made it "like" it was his own, when it was not so.

  42. Cody Lee

    Can you see where Elvis moves were expanded on by Michael Jackson? Watch the feet

  43. Kia and little man toys discovery the Jackson's

    He didn't make this he got it off of somebody else and add new lyrics

    Izzard Clips

    Do you have a point? Nobody ever claimed that he wrote this song.

    Ali Baba

    Izzard Clips Nevermind these idiots who pretend to be smart that's actually worse than being stupid!! Pseudo-smart dumbasses

  44. india laurent

    Elvis didn't die he just went back home 😉

  45. Sky Fox Of Chaos

    "This aint for children eyes forrest"

  46. 8ydn3y

    Stolen from big momma Thornton make her a legend still a bop I guess...

  47. Joseph Nohelty

    Thinking about my grandpa Joseph Vrana listening to this song and Elvis.💯❤️♥️😢🤧

  48. John Vincent

    The king of rockstar 🎤🎸

  49. The Bigshow

    The King

  50. Tubbs_Above

    My nabes can hear this song rn

  51. Caro.

    Forrest Gump approves the dance.

  52. ธรรมธร คงกล้า

    Forrest teach him how to dance

  53. Craig The Beauty

    Ok you dont have to believe me but my great great grandfather just died a month ago he was 97 and i was humming this song and he said “well thats old Elvis for ya” i asked what he was talking about and apparently he new Elvis from a “concert” when he was a boy

  54. Mike Taylor

    1956 and 20 on the richter scale !!!

  55. MemesIsMyCure

    Why does almost every good singer die young !?

  56. MemesIsMyCure

    50s to 80s music was the best

  57. MemesIsMyCure

    Fun Fact: no one cares wich year you are watching

  58. Paulo Cesar Silva De Farias

    Oh my god! That's a fucking shit...

    Ali Baba

    Dorks will be dorks no matter what! if you werent so dull and such an asshole you would consider sharing such dumb opinion

  59. Jack McCrack

    it's a shame Forrest never got credit for those moves

  60. Saimon Gonçalves

    Cadê os brasucas ?

  61. Ilovepotatos

    He learned these moves because of gump

  62. Cole Nicholas

    Doctor: you got exactly 2 minutes left to liveMe: play this songDoctor: but it’s 2 minutes an...GOD: I’ll make an exception

    Romeo Zeidan

    100% my friend


    You Cant Make A Joke About God

    Uncle Iroh

    Andres bruh


    @Uncle Iroh u cant make a joke about god you know?

    Cole Nicholas

    Andres father will you please forgive though I have sinned

  63. Steven Stamford

    Big Mama Thornton's better

    Ali Baba

    So is my dick in your huge asshole which obviously has received plenty of dicks!!


    Love this one too...

  65. Hurricaine Carter

    Thanks mister Elvis !

  66. Tim’s Travels

    What lamb brain would thumbs down Elvis?

  67. Lucas Giokas

    Elvis is very hot

  68. Vito Scaletta

    :D Forest Gump

  69. 1n4r0m5d1.m31

    I sang and danced to this song back in an elementary school talent show. Nobody was dancing along and it was in front of 300 people. So embarrassing, but totally worth it.


    0.50 to 0.52 elvis is killing it

  71. Wild wolf 453

    My friend loves Elvis

  72. Carmen SanDiego

    Thank you Big Mama Thornton 🙏🏽❤️

    Ali Baba

    thank Leiber and Stoller who actually wrote it XD

  73. Diego pisa barrul Pisa barrul

    Yes Gipsy king Elvis forever

  74. Ryan perron

    this is real music! and im 11

  75. King Cozy

    This shit was terrible Elvis was trash and a fraud he couldn't dance or sing


    And yet he danced and sung in the video

    Ali Baba

    Whatever dumbass loser nigga!!

  76. László Fekete

    Run Forest, run!

  77. Iron Miners/ Goldgolem

    I got bored and played this do my whining beagle

  78. Jim Daly

    Two words: Forrest Gump

  79. fahmiall

    Forrest Gumps leg moves haha

  80. barbiquearea

    This really doesn't sound like Elvis. He normally has a deeper singing voice.

  81. Mus1c14n

    Dani california

  82. Siona Atkinson Solomon

    I sing this to my sister

  83. Guitar Lord G936

    My Grandpa and Grandma was stuck listening to elvis, the beatles,the rolling stones, Queen and isley brothers, while im stuck with justin bieber, lady gaga, shawn mendes

  84. cynthia mata esquivel

    Elvis presely is the best

  85. Big Sunday

    My PE teacher played this song once for some reason and I recognized it as the song that played in the beginning of Indiana Jones: The kingdom of the Crystal Skull lol

  86. Faber Macha

    usaba medias blancas como el rey del pop ♫ ♪

  87. M.A.B


  88. dejavoodoochild

    Big Mama Thornton brought me here..

  89. K-pop craving

    Elvis Presley akeem of his music in America 😭😭🤣

  90. cquintanamedrano

    Big Mama Thornton!

    Ali Baba


  91. mundo. louco jhon

    0%sexual things0%violence100%music in qualit

  92. cOw LoAn

    Who else has got to watch this as homework

  93. TheSavagedoll

    He stole this song from Big Mama Thornton. Elvis is a fraud!

  94. Wombat Lover

    The King, we go every year to Parkes Australia to see the best Elvis Tribute Artists, the temperature is always above 40 C BUT WE DON"T CARE !!!Elvis Presley the King!!!

  95. TheGreasyRaja

    I'm a greaser and a rockabilly, I've been listenin' to The King since I was a child and will keep on listenin' till I go six feet under... Never got bored of it

  96. Nancy zubia

    Ya no los hacen así :(

  97. Charlie 19

    Like is 2019

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