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Elvis Presley - Don't

: Don't
: 2.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 85 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 64 İndirme
: 18-01-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Elvis Presley - Don't )
  1. kevelyn moura

    Algum BR aqui?

  2. Nathan Irvine

    Freddie starrs better at this lol

  3. Paula Sykes

    Amazing 💕


    **THERE WAS TWO ELVIS PRESLEYS** Younger and woman lover Elvis, then...1975 to his death was a sad and dark Elvis with the DRUGS! That's what killed him like rock stars since (Kurt Cobain,Bobby Sheenan (Blues Traveler) Amy Winehouse, even Michael Jackson) rehab was not available in those years like it is 21st century!

  5. Mimi smith

    Heel mooi nummer niemand heeft hem nog geevenaard ik was toen 21jaar hou er mooie herinneringen aan over. Thank You Elvis

  6. FanClub Comics

    Love this song 😍🥰😘My younger brother doesn’t like Elvis🤬 grrI love Elvis he’s the best singer ever he’s the definition of good music 🎵 there will never be another king 👑 Elvis didnt die he went home 🏠 😇

  7. slingbladejeff


  8. Tracy Noble

    Beautiful what else can I say

  9. Preston Wasden

    he's amazing!

  10. Lydia Furnò

    Sempre stupendo!

  11. Tahar Medjdoube

    Tout pour lui la voix, mélodieuse,le physique, le king !!!

  12. April Longerbeam

    I absolutely love Elvis. One of my favorite songs

  13. anna maria facchiano

    Good Night, sweet King!

  14. jack freeman

    This was Scotty Moore's favourite song of Elvis.

  15. Franky

    nothing to say...just beauty....

  16. Cathy Cash

    I first heard this song when I was 9 years old. I am now 70 and still love the song and Elvis as much as ever.

  17. Bernice Hinds

    I would say Yes Yes 😍😍

  18. anna maria facchiano

    Parker was also able to relieve two great song writers as Leiber and Stoller whom Elvis was very fond of and that they might have written other wonderful songs for him.

  19. Brian Griffin


  20. Don Howson

    He was king in his day and still in my mind n thoughts such talent goneforever dam shame

  21. gina. rimmer

    Beautiful picture and a beautiful song I still love this man and I'm 73❤❤❤

  22. Diane Anderson

    There will never be another elvis he is the one.and only .he nay be gone but not forgotten. R.i.p.

  23. rosangela pereira

    Parabéns pelo vídeo muito lindo as fotos então 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏espetacular e esta voz maravilhosa do MY LOVE ELVIS💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  24. Lorraine Llamas


  25. marguerite louise

    Still Good!!!

  26. Martina Arpino


  27. Bernice Hinds

    Dont say don't Love it !

  28. Ladybug

    Super super gorgeous man with an amazing voice that will live forever. RIP gorgeous man🥰❤️

  29. Luiz F

    Amo USA!!! Love Brasil!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  30. Eddie eddie

    No one ever as good as the king 🐾💂‍♂️👑💂‍♂️🐾

  31. Taruna Cell

    Don't trust a stranger ....don't love a stranger ....don't make your self in happy ....Don't.....

  32. pamela vandijk

    Love Elvis too and I just turned seventy-one in July 2019

  33. Richard Brown

    White lanes

  34. Debra Dillinger

    62 and Elvis was my first love. Won’t ever get over him.

  35. Anna Frankreiter

    Ich Liebe Dich für immer Peter mein Herz ❤️😭Ich vermisse dich so sehr

  36. pam wicks

    I am 81 and still love him have enjojyed his music and movies since he first started singing❤️🥰

  37. Pat Foley

    Elvis could sing anything.

  38. Bernice Hinds

    Beautiful one of my favorite songs .What a voice love u Elvis

  39. bon1042

    Has anyone watched the TV series on HBO, Big Little Lies with Witherspoon, Kidman, Laura Dern, etc. David E. Kelly's script has a social party one night where couples dress as Audrey Hepburn fm Breakfast at Tiffany's or My Fair Lady and men as Elvis. Zoe Kravitz sings Don't, one husband sings The Wonder of You but the one that really gets me is that one husband sings How's The World Treating You. That one is fm Elvis' second album out in 1956. Kelley must have really appreciated Elvis. He's my age, about 76 and to have this writer director DIG way back to a song like that which is so early Elvis, not even a hit, just a kind of obscure sweet ballad fm his second album. It really is wonderful and of course Don't, an early hit came out my sophomore year in high school, 1957-1958. Pull up How's The World Treating you here on YTube. I used to sit in my upstairs room and play that album and sing softly along with him.

  40. Marija Trajkovska


  41. carolann clement

    I first heard this on Big Little Lies and fell in love with how sexy Zoe Kravtiz sang it. I had never heard this song by Elvis. Thank you for posting and all the information about this song. It is a true gem!

  42. Ken Hoover

    This has always been one of my favorite Elvis songs.

  43. diane millican

    I miss you so much..thanks for being there when no one else is😭

  44. 19Neil67

    The vocals in this song are stunning 🙏🏼

  45. Cheryl Fitzgerald


  46. Diane Anderson

    22nd June 2019 still listening to the king of rock an roll.

  47. Penny Giessinger

    The most talented, handsomest, sexy man EVER!!!

  48. Ken Hatchett

    Well my dearest love another year has passed by the10 years since I lost you have been extremely heavy and shall be until the end,this is our song from 60 years ago today and will always remind me of all those wonderful years we were together. R I P my dearest jan xxx

  49. Christine Wilkinson

    Beautiful voice, stunningly handsome and beautiful song, I love it when he sings so low. There will never be another Elvis. God bless Elvis, we miss you x

  50. pam wicks

    So very very special no one else could sing that song, ELVIS was truly wonderful he was the most wonderful singer

  51. Jean Phillips

    Only Elvis now and forever.

    Shaun Garratt

    Too true!

  52. Bile Trajkovska


  53. Rosie

    Only 21 years old when he recorded this song.. Every song he sang, he sang from the very depths of his soul. He put a lot of emotion behind every word. What a beautiful voice. What a beautiful man. What a terrible loss!!RIP Elvis ~ it's been almost 42 yrs since you've been gone. Just as many years as you were here on this earth. And you're still remembered and honored. Who else can say that? No one.. TCB

  54. Betty Burke

    Best ever for sure.

  55. Claudia Padua

    There are places in my soul that this man touches. Miss you.My favourite Elvis song, hands down..

  56. Grover Bennington

    Good lord. 62 years ago..

  57. Yvonne Anderson

    Freddie starr singing this with the Jordanies is amazing

  58. P L

    Time is not easing the pain of knowing this remarkable man has left us....sigh.💔 😕Was it all a dream? Was he real? That face. That voice. Untouchable.Epic.Greatness. 👑🎶🎼🎶🎼

  59. Jean Gough

    You look back and realise how sexy he was! None of it paid for too!

  60. jeff monkeyz

    One of Elvis´s best but then there are so many!His voice on this song is amazing, thank the Lord for Elvis Presley

  61. HHS AB

    David Gilmour covering this makes it more amazing.

  62. Linda Gilbert

    I had no idea he recorded this song so early in his career. THESE ARE THE EARLY YEARS OF THE GREATEST ARTIST AND ENTERTAINER EVER TO WALK THIS EARTH! !

  63. Lance Na

    that song is beautiful Elvis sang with his heart.

  64. Nicole Schmitz

    One of his best song with the unforgetable Jordanaires..

  65. castiger1000


  66. Lesley Metthews

    My grandson looks like him,really,lucky boy

  67. Grover Bennington

    Loved this early stuff. What a voice..what an icon. Still sorely missed. .

  68. Lee Neale

    Freddie Starr brought me here.😁

  69. Cachoux Lechat

    Ma chanson préférer depuis que j’ai l’age De 12 ans

  70. Colin Westwood

    Always has and always will be the King. 🙌👌

  71. Diane Anderson

    2nd may 2019 still listening to the king

  72. 1987mrbenn

    Love this song, Elvis at his best.

  73. jennifur sun

    my second fav Elvis song. one of the Jordanairs said it was their favorite song of all the ones he sang with them

  74. oozing sauce

    elvis voice was gold

  75. BARB COX

    OMG...i was a dee jay for 45 years...i always loved this song..i even have it on a clean 45.....

  76. Kyle muckian

    elvis is the best ever

  77. maria cameron

    I love Elvis and I love his music and I love the song Don't I love the song Don't auspicious mines he is my favorite singer of all times I love you Elvis you rock and you're roll and you're the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen you're the prettiest blue eyes I ever seen love you Elvis Maria camera p Rhea Camero

  78. BlueEyes Brittany

    Love being the most risky and uncertain proposition, I am staying away ... and that way I will not suffer in any manner...

  79. werner haase

    Thanks to all comments

  80. Linda Hetzel

    I just love how he sings this. ❤❤

  81. Ken Hatchett

    This guy will still be around long long after we’ve all gone.

  82. ขส.ทบ. fm102MHz

    ม่ายนะ Don't

  83. Rita VanHove

    Amazing voice

  84. GreGory H.

    Quelle voix ! je comprends que mon épouse l'adore...Quelle émotion quand en janvier nous sommes allés à Graceland.

  85. Ethna Mccallion

    Oh my god memories of this beautiful man what a voice he had most gorgeous man ever love you elvis forever x ☓ 💜 2019 x ☓ 💜 ❤️

  86. Fran Falco

    I’m 75 and remninissing when I was in love in the late 50’s.

  87. Pauline Maxwell

    Great voice still listen to him today gone but will never be forgotten xxx

  88. TheThepandis

    ...och så blev jag intresserad av "popmusic" och var 10 år gammal :)

  89. Graeme Smellie


  90. Desiredanekempe Kempe


  91. Simone Sampaio

    I miss you, Elvis!

  92. Benjamin Lim

    ELVIS FOREVER!!!!!🍇🍎🥝🥒🍄🥑🍏🍈🍐🍆🥜🥜🌰🌰🍑🍊🍋🍒🥕🍞🥐🌽🍓🌶🥖🥖🍘🍘🍱🥗🌭🌮🥗🍜🍠🍣🍱🌮🥗🥗🍢🍢🍬🥛🍼

  93. Rosa Saron

    não dou sou daquela época que pena mais o admiro muito lindo mesmo que voz não existe outro igual e não existirá ele é o rei do rock e da música . beijos eterno.

  94. Carol Lindley

    If ever l'd been lucky enough to have met up with this beautiful man l definitely wouldn't have said DON'T....

  95. Adam Hope

    This truly reason Elvis will always be number 1 vocally,the range in hus voice as he sings is truly magical.God the world could do with Elvis.

  96. Ms Ladybird Dream

    One of my favourites! ❤.

  97. raywhittenjr


  98. diane millican

    I cry every time I hear this😥my

  99. Morena Arizona

    I will never leave you heaven knows I won't.. love you always and forever 💕..

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