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Eluveitie - King

: King
: 4.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 69 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 54 İndirme
: 28-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Eluveitie - King )
  1. pablo fernando marina

    3:20...3:21 😍😍😍 una locura

  2. J Villa

    2019 I've finally seen them live.... Been a fan for over a decade and finally caught them in reading this year! Had vip pass and was able to meet them all.... What an experience and I will never forget it! You all are so nice it was a pleasure!

  3. Сергей Поздняков

    Шекарно!!! Ранние Элуветие 🔥, и этот клипак (и все клипаки этой группы дешевые, но выглядят просто бомба.. просто пи..ц, жму руку режиссеру!)

  4. pallav sarkar

    i am here for 2:41

  5. Draleks68


  6. Talal rafi


  7. Tomcio Paluch


  8. Dorian Torres

    I am the clown of Gallia aaaaand pikachu is my namee

  9. Serahlah 24

    Saya curiga dengan background dibalik pembuatan video clip ini.

  10. Sarah Therese

    This has to be one of my favourite of their songs

  11. rafi suvo

    Don't listen this song using headphone low volume. Sound Up.

  12. jack daniels

    Bill Burr's son in "F is for Family" (Shire of Frodo groupie) would cream his fucking trousers if he heard this.

  13. Karim Benzema

    This song sounds like the Final Boss of a game or a very EPIC Creature introducing itself a VERY AWESOME WAY !brilliant song and the music is just OUT OF THIS WORLD !

  14. CATELlegend1

    I am the oak! Australiaaa!

  15. Panger Imchen

    I just madly love their instrument.. ❤... Love their magical play ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  16. imakefunn123

    4:14 :)

  17. Shady Steve

    Someone help me, is that a violin or a viola?

    A B

    I think it's a violin, not sure though

    Adolfo Salinas Pérez

    It's a violin played by Nicole Ansperger :)

  18. Not a cat

    Omfg, Anna's growls are very good!

  19. Atvena

    Some solid swedecore from the swiss here.

  20. เเมนยูฯ สู้ตาย!!


  21. WhyWeCantHaveNiceThings

    ...I think I just became a manI’m 36...

  22. wang leevon

    I feel like a king whenever I hear ths song

  23. jack daniels

    This guy's a fuckin nerd

  24. wantage1973

    They must have a bloody long extension lead to get those guitars and amps working all the way out there.

  25. Grease Monkey

    This song is just brilliant. Everything about it is amazing, especially when that fiddle and flute kick in for that solo. Damn.

  26. Leianne Lazarus

    Currently enveloping myself in this song and must say thank you for the music release after a very it up!!

  27. Ginpachi Sensei

    i got eargasm 3 times while enjoying this masterpiece

  28. Antony Indigo

    "And Pikachu IS MY NAME!WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"Badass lyrics.

    Adolfo Salinas Pérez

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha

  29. TreyTheTerrible

    So badaas

  30. Júlio Barboza Chiquetto

    Eluveitie makes this combination of power and poetry in a very unique way 👊🏽❤️✨

  31. Adrien Faucheux

    Me : playing the song on loudspeakersNeighbours : " here we go again … "

  32. Sangui C

    Pure fucking Folk Death Metal

  33. Tomcio Paluch

    Ciekawe czy teraz Galijskie plemiona ogarnie święty gniew?

  34. Ray Thompson

    Wow did not know this kind of music existed they are very talented all the way from the singer's to people playing the musical instruments its like a heavy metal Orchestra

  35. Chapi_Boi

    daaaamn 3:18 is to die for

  36. André Aquino

    Música épica demais, caralhooo 💥🤟

  37. Вадим Абрамчук

    Отличная атмосфера.

  38. Tomcio Paluch

    Stwórca - Nie jestem Dębem qrrrr possibble

  39. Tomcio Paluch

    Belive what You want. Dont be empty digital beast. Feelings exist.

  40. Bugra Akdemir

    Ambikaktüs is may neymarrrrrrr

  41. Bugra Akdemir

    03:36 <3

  42. Alex Van Shumm

    Задорно получилось, молодца!

  43. Nasty Bedazzler

    Okay seriously, even though I've commented on this video probably ten times, this song just kicks so much fucking ass it blows my mind. Eluveitie basically is the best metal band out right now I can't get enough of every single thing they do. Their new album also is amazing.

  44. M R

    im so happy for the servant of the donuts children. He did it his way

  45. Leo

    Not a Manowar cover? Bye

  46. TheOtherGuys2

    So I literally just found this video out of nowhere and gave it a listen. The music is fantastic, every single part of it. Unfortunately I have to say that the vocal style just doesn't work for me. This song would have been brilliant if it had been sung instead of growled.

    A B

    If you like the style but not the singing, they have two acoustic albums where their female singer sings!I would suggest call of the mountains for something still a bit metal, or Epona for something more folk-ish. There are lots of good songs though!

  47. ゆういち

    LOVE  大好きなバンド(´∀`*)♪

  48. Faceless

    I love a chick who can play fiddle and scream.

  49. Dimitris Drakopoulos

    I can see Natsu Dragneel fighting with this violin solo in background

  50. Terrorgheist

    In the books of J-F Jaworski, Ambigate is ... Well, a magnificent bastard, and a ruthless killer. More my kind of king !

  51. dragothica

    4 years later, the song is still epic as fuck but the audio quality on this is abhorrent. It's like 128 kbps bitrate and almost monotonous, takes all the power off from the song, just as I wrote 4 years ago.

  52. Banana Battle Bean

    I love death metal, but I must admit that the music vids are pretty cringy.

  53. Yasin Bulut

    I dont like metal but i love this song

  54. Erik Hamburg

    Yes there is energy in this.

  55. Pork Pie


  56. Frytergaming

    Best play on flute i have ever seen :D what the hell

  57. Shoyo

    Happy Cactus.... is my name!!!

  58. von von

    oh hell ya!!!

  59. Hossain Pobon


  60. Rubén Pérez García

    I fucking love this song .

  61. Lance Uppercut


  62. Jesper Nielsen

    WOW thank you

  63. Sven Asgard

    Great Song of a Great Album by an awesome band!

  64. Mizuchi Salvatore ✅

    It looks like a anime epic OST ... lol i love it ❤

  65. Moonles night

    this is epic, I fucking love the violin and flute, best of the bands ever.

  66. Mike M

    Aye! Hi, King!

  67. Lydia Penilla

    Perfect! Gives me goosebumps every time.

  68. Theegecko Gamer

    These guys need to play at Pops Nightclub in Sauget Illinois soon I wanna see these guys live they are badass

  69. Stemis

    Just found this band today. Love it. Any band that uses a hurdy gurdy is good in my book.

  70. Fernando Santana

    Brazil *Eluveitie*

  71. Joseph Matthews

    King of Gallia? Lol were you the father of the fucking mighty Crixus? If so ish ien americana let your son know his memory lives on strongly and i will never forget it capua was fully basically under his strong control anyway so he will always be there in control after 72 bc just as the spirit of almighty Gallic god

  72. Remeirock

    08.feburary.2019 Who is still here ? <3

  73. TreyTheTerrible

    I fucking love Eluveitie

  74. ElKevinTrip

    Sounds like Mago de OZ

    Adolfo Salinas Pérez

    No, I don't think so. But Mägo de Oz is good band

  75. Trochsler Fritz

    #antifrostvisionswisssoundcliptipp und #antifrostvision sagen merci #antifrostsoundcliptipp

  76. Mr Driftwood

    Love em or hate em but they can recreate this style of metal live they are brilliant a big fan of them is i !!!

  77. victor stagnetti

    if the lead singer had a haircut like Ragnar Lothbrok it would be 2x times more badass

  78. Reaper Kezia

    I am the crowwwn of Narnia

  79. Peter Großer

    auch hier wieder Film in Sächsische Schweiz _königstein (?)

  80. José Augusto dos Santos


  81. Lucas_Orochy


  82. Aryan Ahmed Akash

    The guitar 1:53 🔥

  83. Michel Rodriguez


  84. ivan fernando vargas valbuena

    el folkmrtal me parece el subgénero del metal más auténtico y sincero,mediante i instrumentos tipicos y la fuerza del metal te cuentan su historia y te llevan a tierras lejanas.....GRANDIOSA BANDA...QUISIERA VERLA EN VIVO...

  85. Ryan Greening

    One my favorite songs; learning league guitar.

  86. Zenkyorno Or Shadow Dragon

    Interviewer: do you have a steady hand?Cameraman: noInterviewer: you're hired!

  87. Sorrow Song

    SHIT man this band has it all!!

  88. Shane Dorsey

    I love this killer band

  89. taufikkurniadi

    Flute is metal!

  90. Winter's King

    When is someone gonna do a song about Brennus sacking Rome?

  91. Augij07 HC

    No soy muy fanatica del rock, metal o lo que sea jaa (ya lo notan) xd pero carajo, está canción es ARTE, ARTE, ARTE

    Aren Rist

    No pos para no ser fanática, te gusta una canción bastante inusual

  92. Kitchen Appliance

    His lows kinda sound like Demon Hunter

  93. An drés

    0:52--> that guitar <3

  94. Nick Martinez

    Who’s here after Alex Hefner!

  95. KiLL DoZeR

    nasty teeth nasty dreads cool song at least

  96. puteraslayer

    When you play SKYRIM and killing some giant while listening to this song so EPIC.

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