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Edward Maya - feat Vika Jigulina-Stereo Love

feat Vika Jigulina-Stereo Love
: feat Vika Jigulina-Stereo Love
: 3.85 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 592 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 488 İndirme
: 18-09-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Edward Maya - feat Vika Jigulina-Stereo Love )
  1. Distrix

    1:35 why the drum sounds a bit like brooks on "if only i could" :v

  2. Nathan Rocha

    This song cured my crippling depression

    bakirtopraklar nokta com

    Nathan Rocha all is gonna be ok dear friend, be strong

    Nathan Rocha

    @bakirtopraklar nokta com I appreciate it! Trying to finish the school semester out strong! This song blessed my soul! Haven't heard it in years

  3. Lucas Souza

    Sdds bomba patch <3

  4. spell saggin backwards

    I always thought this song sounds french,Found out it ain't 10 years later.

  5. Traves

    11 Years and the comment section is still insane.

  6. Ronaldo Persaud

    Man this songs brings back so much childhood memories

  7. DB Productions

    this song gives me life

  8. That boi Brian

    I've never felt more older in my life

  9. * mystia *

    if you're ever been in Greece you know the feeling when you watch the song but i don't even know if it's filmed in Greece lol

  10. SoaringEagle 175

    2009: what a great song2018: what a great throwback2019: what a great meme

  11. EdHuHeVa260306

    1:34 a 1:49

  12. Caique Costa

    Só lembro do bomba pacht kkkkkk

  13. - A T -

    I finally found it heard this by the pool when I was at a hotel in Antalya Turkey back in 2011 or sum and it started playing in my head today outta nowhere

  14. Anas Rajpoot


  15. ツNex0N

    Proijoshel Steve Huis.

  16. Amir M

    Not a bad recommendation YouTube ....

  17. Connor Kelley

    1:15 for build up

  18. Kevin Panji

    then: wow this song is a memenow: wow this song is a dead meme

  19. MrChan

    Кто после стрима?

  20. Eli chu

    Omg memorys💞💞😭😭😭

  21. Dark


  22. José Henrique

    Lembro na prainha de *Rosana* Bons Tempos Vey

  23. Mega Prinx


  24. Nick santos


  25. sharad bhardwaj

    *thanks to instagram and meme pages* 😍😍

  26. Eddie Correa Jr.

    Memes have ruined this song. Smh.

  27. Solidurr

    This song calms me down for some reason

  28. samik banerjee

    Memes helped me to find this song and i loved it so much ,😍😍😍😍

  29. Jessie Productions

    Y’all looking for 1:34

  30. Ameer Animates

    *N I 🅱️ 🅱️ A*

  31. John Medina

    Ah yes, 9 years later and I finally find it

  32. Spingebill Spongepants

    .01% came to see the song99.9% CAME FOR THE MEMES

  33. Islam kara

    Nostalgie ...

  34. Bruna Cavalcante Bruna

    Top demais


    Same music like THAT IS MY NAME...

  36. Самарканд титаник Нодирбек 91

    2019 > 2020

  37. elena nadie

    Where this was filmed?

  38. Аня Иванова

    I was 5 years in 2009

  39. Emma Asis

    Minuto 1:19 meme

  40. anonim

    1:33 :)

  41. Юрий Ложкин

    1:34 N I 🅱️ 🅱️ A

  42. Hassan Kamal

    The only reason this song is not as popular as "on the floor" is bcz peeps Can't find its name either "on the floor" feels like as same to same copy of this song

  43. IAmNimo

    Who here after its the no 1 Meme Song😂


    Anyone is still cant find the name of the music Like=to find it whenever you need

  45. Lucas Gamer

    Aguem brasil

  46. Himanshu Kr

    Ok i come here for this 1:34

  47. Reaction Bhai

    O my the background music is sick😻😻😻

  48. Igor Kosyk

    стив хуйс.

  49. Nakiwaga Garetterd

    Steve Hyis

  50. Black Cat

    стив хуйс

  51. Eylül Çalışkan

    Levent Yüksel?

  52. Ina Mel 2

    Na época eu estava em casa estudando para a semana de provas da faculdade quando passa um carro com essa música alta! Na mesma hora fui pro YouTube procurar “música da sanfoninha”, e lá se vão 10 anos....

  53. Aftab Rahman

    anyone from 2095

  54. Ange blanche


  55. Technical PC

    Meme music 😂😂

  56. INK


  57. NaHiD ReDoY

    Who is there in November?

  58. cesar soriano

    Recuerdos que llegan hasta el corazón😢

  59. Rakib's World

    After trying 1000000 times I found this..Who else is like me?hit the like button

  60. King Crimson

    Teacher:what is 1+1Me: 2 Teacher:calls otherClassmate:2Teacher: correctMe: 3:05 dafuq?!

  61. said jabbouri

    La chonson ou j ai bien soufrire mais j ai une fille qui m'a fait l oublie d un extase amour tellement fou

  62. Kuilet

    Beyond a decade old now.

  63. Hinatinha Hyūga

    AAAAAAAA muita nostalgia aqui

  64. Ivan Villalaz

    edm masterpiece excellent

  65. Greenzinho OTP

    SAUDADES 2009

  66. Тимофей Илясов


    Patrick Star

    vladimir putin

  67. Pão Chan uwu

    Favorite music to watch while an freaking world cup(I was watching it while 2014 cup, idk)

  68. Dinomine 3000

    why does it sound like a theme park sound

  69. Flow Vevo

    *Essa Música Ai e Um Sucesso Até Hoje, Apesar Que Quase Ninguém Do Brasil Ouve Mais**Que Nostalgia Essa Música**Vendo Em 19 De Novembro De 2019*

    Yago Dias

    Eu escuto

  70. jjsx

    2005-2012 Romania had the best dance/electronic music in the world

  71. MAXIMal Lost

    Real nostalgia

  72. Daftpunker_

    __👴🍏👕Стив хуйс

  73. Samuel tavares

    Nostalgia do Caraí

  74. Hassan Kamal

    Nostalgia on peak rn

  75. sa xx


  76. Hinata Hyuga

    Thank you Tik Tok

  77. Slass Sev


  78. Fire Phoenixx

    cant this music come back to be trending😫

  79. 4ikibambog 666

    Стив Хуйс

  80. Niñorata1232

    Vine por un meme :v

    Brian P

    *De minecraft? xd*

  81. You are ugly

    Yes, Memes brought me here, now stop begging for like.

  82. H D

    Great Song

  83. MD Rocky

    what a music....i love it so much

  84. CrisLP

    01:33 the first word that came on your mind?)))))

    Patrick Star

    I like girl😁😁

  85. ali ganteng


  86. Patrick Star

    1:35 meme 😂😂

  87. Wesley amassando FF

    UE parece que eles eram mais bonitos kkkkk

  88. Spinnin' Records

    How did this suddenly become a meme? 🤔

    100 subs with no Videos



    🅽 🇮 🅱️🅱️🇦

    IEatToaster . exe

    Only Legends knows it

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