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Düğün Dans Müzikleri - Faith Hill-Breathe

Faith Hill-Breathe
: Faith Hill-Breathe
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: 137 İndirme
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: 110 İndirme
: 11-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Düğün Dans Müzikleri - Faith Hill-Breathe )
  1. Jay Saley

    1974.. the genius is unparalleled. this man will never be forgotten

  2. Romania sa dea tonul !!! TheVenusProject

    The funds comes from federal institutions??? Whattt? In 74...

  3. Infinite Being

    This man CREATED The Jetsons cartoon!!!

  4. Vito nanocchio

    Even if this system comes to pass, I still have an uncomfortable feeling that there will be a dark side to keep people ignorant of what’s behind the global elite secret agenda.

  5. Adam Forrest

    I Love u Jacque, RIP or enjoy the 5D plain or where ever you are

  6. Robby Combs

    This is a Brilliant Man; and this is the first I ever heard of him!!

  7. Man Le

    This guy is about 300-500 years ahead of his time. Amazing person.


    intelligence over ignorance

  9. Paradox

    45 years later and nothing changed!

  10. Queenly Queenly

    Very wise man

  11. Edis Grudic

    Awesome speach as any given by Jacque. I really love when he uses the phrase " what you call.." as seen at 14:01, it always makes me question why we say certain things the way we say it and just makes you remember that most of the things you think of are not specific to yourself but by your culture. I like this way of thinking because it means that as long as you change the culture you can change your way of thinking, and evolve as human beings. :)

  12. Tassone Classics

    Jacque you are my inspiration thank you!

  13. Higher Primate

    We getting so close, nowadays AI and Robotics are blowing up. This isn't an "Utopia" any more. Society needs to let go ancient believe systems. We can be a real "Civilización".

  14. Sbeast

    Some people are years ahead of their time; Fresco was decades if not centuries.

  15. Thoughtsurfer Zone

    100 years of thinking, designing and caring.

  16. HostileRick1

    I miss you mentor . Your work carries on.#VoteRick2024

  17. TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    Good old days when i believed this b.s people are now using his ideas to go back 2 the gilded age fresco was wrong on money 2 *modern monetary theory*Well misleading not wrong all money is debt private debt and deficits spending is not the same thing defcit spending got us out of the depression payed for ww2 and the military industrial complex today private banking debt in place of spending on top of clintons 08 fed gov suplusWe need natural non monocrop farming today tech.fixes and industrial scale anything cannot do that returning to nature is the right idea between market forces waiting everything and climate change we are probably dead anyways hopefully only we go extinct not all multicell life except microbs every single tech industry is making monopoly strong holds one app at a time transport uber, shipping amazon,media dont get me started another neolibral gift of the last 40 years and even peter jospeh himself parrots right wing think tanks idc anymore i wana go back 2 zombie land

    TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    I fogot full employment model after almost 100 years of blood sweat an tears fighting to get only lasted till 1970 was no stagflation opec and vietnam caused that i think maybe even on purpose incomes were leveling out there was a utopian like middle class

    TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    Without the mass murder of the east and i friccan know only for quote on quote white people even tho those same whites hated fought and killed each other the previous century

  18. Ethiopia Mel

    This guy amazing he was predicting the technology ..talking about flat screen tv, streaming musics and videos ...back in 1975 sounds like he’s talking about iTunes , and on video demand .

  19. Gabe B

    Jacque was centuries ahead of his time. I'll never forget this beautiful man.

  20. Mashed Potatoes

    feck, waay more people need to watch these videos. I find it ridiculous how many people are caught up in new pop music and so on.... this project is bloody fantastic

  21. Diverdjent

    Jacque Fresco wins, flawless victory!

  22. R77lee 1

    How ironic that Larry king is more known than the genuine he's talking to.

  23. Accelerationist

    And now we have Trump! America is falling deeper and deeper into madness!

  24. Me Too

    If you liked or not this is happening just right now, under your eyes ;) ... after 20 years it will be just history.. Respect 4 Fresco !

  25. Paul Lally


  26. Steve McQueen

    Minute 24 on transportation is amazing. Exactly what they've done today in Japan and Switzerland. RIP Jacque Fresco.

  27. Nites2k

    We will always love you Jacque, your work will never die but multiply for an RBE will be a reality. Maybe not now, or soon, but "one day" people will wake up

  28. Andy Carswell

    am so sorry to tell you all the icon legacy Jacque Fresco died peacefully on the morning of May 18, 2017 at 101 years of age he will be miss but me alternative vision of hope for a better world

  29. kyle eaton

    At 3:40 Jacque should have responded to larry's question with "you're doing it right now". A severe departure in thought is quite easy to do if you're not afraid to do it.

  30. Aka Poolka

    Great video!

  31. BlueCrestRealty1

    I thinks its funny that people are not awake and aware of the robotic,software taking over our job today. he is thinking in the right direction u

  32. BeardedDragonBornGaming

    the problem with this, once people start to join the organisation, people's own corrupt agenda will poisen the idea for their own gain.

  33. Rafael Vignoli

    This man could save the whole planet and humankind if he had power enough to materialize this shit

  34. Sari Kasid predicted the Robot Kitchen with the multichannel tape whatever.

  35. Mikolaj Kraszewski

    What about SCIENCE CENTERS ?! You talked only about culture but what if science is art for some people ? They can't develop... They never could, they can't now, and they will not be let to self-development...

  36. fukmoney1

    amazing thinker. We need more people to be exposed to his ideas

  37. Dr Quantum

    I would like to see these two talk again.

  38. David Folluws

    milton heynes am tyhyn o'@thr mo. XXX

  39. WickedTornado

    You think he's right on target with everything he's been saying? This was taped in 1974...and he guaranteed us what.....that we'll be dead in 7 years?

  40. WickedTornado

    I guess you're in luck if you're into art centers.

  41. WickedTornado

    And everybody's just gonna live happily ever after, huh?  No thanks....I enjoy my free will. These ideas all sound so good....and he sounds so convincing because he himself is convinced of the plausibility of it being successful. No governments? All this means folks, is that you'll be completely subject to the commands of the so-called intelligencia that thinks they know better than everybody else. Human beings will always be human beings....with all their innate flawed desires. We are slaves to our fleshly desires. Guaranteed this "utopia" will have 99% of the population living under the extremely strict thumb of the 1% that runs this panacean setup.




    What you don't take into account is that the world DOES NOT OWE YOU A LIVIN'....IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. You don't want to be a "slave to the banks"? ....then don't borrow money from them. Can't buy a home without the bank granting you a loan? No sweat. Go live in a cardboard hut like they do down in Mexico. Don't want to be a "big slave" to "big oil"??  Don't buy an automobile....bicycle everywhere. Nobody says you MUST have a car.  You don't HAVE to be a slave to these entities, unless you desire a certain the choice is yours all the way.

    Dr Quantum

    The evidence suggests that you dont have free will. This is why this is possible. we can shape ourselves in a way of thinking to make this work.


    You clearly need to do your research. Why do we need governments? they serve no purpose....they have no skill that society needs....and offcourse we as human beings have flawed but wouldnt you rather try to understand where these flaws come from?We ellimate money from this world and we should end a lot of suffering...think about it how many problems are associated with money? we are not greedy by nature....we have been conditioned that way.There is no such thing as utopia....but there can be a progression....a better way of living needs to be implemented....we as humans are the worst disease to this beautiful earth


    Very interesting way of thinking, and i applaud your comment....very well structured.I have have objections and believe change will happen once we truly start to educate ourselves.Its funny it does make me quite sad to be living in this consumer based society!.You do make a good point...i need to stop feeling so sad....I hate going to work...wasting 8 hours of my day to do something that i know will not help change the world for the better.....but it like you said....i have to be happy with myself and my situation.Have a good life to bro

  42. Tut J'wandian

    2016. I'm 19 years old. Where is the future i could of had right now?



    Mikolaj Kraszewski

    Humanism - cultural excitation stops everything. No funding for science, just culture.

    Deks Roning

    Under current socio-economic system, too many are un-educated about what we could have done back in 1974, let alone today.Most people are simply ignorant... and this needs to be corrected before or while transitioning to Resource Based Economy (Sociocyberneering as it was known before).However, we do live in the information age and information like this is spreading a lot faster than it would otherwise.On top of that, Capitalism and monetary based system in general is eating itself out of existence with massive automation which is replacing everyone everywhere.The current figures of 45% of jobs being automated in 25 years are at best uneducated guesses based on mild info on what's happening... however, that's a linear projection.These people don't understand that technology and science are evolving now at FASTER than exponential pace.So, instead of thinking of 45% of jobs being automated in 25 years, try rather 90% of them (or 100%) automated by 2030.That's without taking into account that we could have EASILY transitioned into RBE decades ago if we wanted to.My advice would be to get educated about The Venus Project... read up on it's FAQ section and chat people up about it.Plant the knowledge/information into their heads about it being a viable replacement for a monetary system in a fully automated world.


    he says what we could have right now, not what we should have

  43. Josh

    This all makes so much more sense than what we're trying to achieve today..

  44. juan jose Lopez

    im a follower of fresco´s ideas but i just came to a deep thought, if all this tecnology is aplicated to such extent as described by jacque we would produce problems really big, i´ll take the ocean currents for example which is to help avoid the red tide, then supose we build that structure then our population grows or becomes dependent on that technology and if it fails it would produce a really big problem because the red algaes which produce that red tide phenomenon would have become "stronger" so to say, and would strike with more power which would be disastrous, and thats just one example

  45. Sean Suomi

    jacque is ahead of time. You already saw it ahead. The current social - economic structure will collapse . It is just a matter of time


    Ummmm...your savior Jacque gave us 7 years until total doomsday....guaranteed. It's now 2016. How many other claims of his will be proven as laughingly incorrect?

    Mark M

    well obviously doomsday sayers are just trying to appeal to fear tactics to sway people but can you argue against his economic points?

  46. Mdcn Hh

    Jacque should expose his work on TED talks

  47. Mdcn Hh

    #TED talks

  48. Ridhuan AB

    one of the best video on youtube of all time


    totally agreed

    John Smith

    "What happens when one group of people attacks another group of people?" - "It will not happen!" - Great argument there really. When someone asks me a question I don't have an answer to I'll just say it won't happen and it's cool. People will worship me and stuff.

    TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    John Smith dude..... read more or atleast watch his video's plural he reference 100s of other people and has donated his life to helping ppl unlike money grubbin goverment hatting philanthropist don't get shit on him homie one


    @jack frost you tell him good sir.✊

  49. Bukaloom

    Please look up the video below if you are curious as to how much longer we have until a social collapse. Dr. Meadows is one of the few academics willing point out the need for drastic social change.*'Dr. Dennis Meadows: Strategies for Success in a World with Limits'*

  50. Engraved

    One of my heros

  51. Clint Loran Rand

    1974... and he predicted the 2016.. CLOUDS ...MUSIC TV PHOTOS...i-phone, i-pad.... MAGLEV-TRAIN...on magnetic fields (being researched since 1970s and first ever build in China in Shanghai - airport recently). The humanity obviously is holt down by selfishness of 1% rich or unaware... Banking systems, politicians, money-society and so called MARKET ECONOMY are enemies of humanity and any progress. Unfortunately, Jacque and me and many of us won't be on this planet when his ideas will come alive, as there is no other way but on brutal way - in which he doesn't believe - to replace the old with the new, and that is a revolution. Soviet Union was a great idea... but failed due to exactly mentality of few...e.g. Stalin and "human" selfishness. One thing only I'd like to add - there is NO CIVILISATION WITHOUT "CONTROL" OF BIRTH.. Anarchy in this sector is not a civilisation. India can not have that many uncontrolled population growth... Some religious "modern" groups are a way backward thinkers - non thinkers... putting female human population in "other sector" while having families of 10+ kids. This is no way forward...and one day OIL will run out - how they will feed their large families. Jacque never mentioned RELIGIONS - that is a major obstacle too - for humanity as such to progress. Our history is our obstacle to progress. Only major revolution with young thinkers is the way to end 3000 years of horrible history of humanity and start a new one, based on technology and science, and not on religious books, colonial powers, weapons and number of soldiers ready to kill. Long live Jacque and all similar thinkers and humans.

  52. dzitiatri

    No doubt ths coud be introduced agaiin in saturdy morning television to refresh peoples mind.

  53. LukeBoys2

    Shut up and take my money. O wait this is a money-less system. Erm, shut up and take me

    Charles Dotson

    +LukeBoys2 Working my ass off to see this become a reality..

  54. Kayla Starling

    this man's ideas should seriously be implemented asap


    I would suggest implementing JUST ONE of his ideas at first. Start by by building only one system....and see how plausible and practical it is. See who will build it for no money. See who will maintain it for just the good of the masses. Seriously....let's try one.....and if it's successful.....try one more.

    Zach Santerre

    Dr. Fresco would surely have realized that this would take much time to implement successfully, as well as getting the masses on board. I believe, however, that he hoped that with enough people interested, societies everywhere would see his genius (or rather the potential of humanity AND individuality), turn a 180, dump the mundane lifestyles and the needless concerns coupled with them and immediately pool resources (no money needed) to the greater cause that humanity was meant to undertake.But then politics happened...

    Justin Richards

    The idea's start with us implementing them instead of waiting around for someone else to do it for us. Checkout get involved. It starts with us sharing goods and services which is something we can begin to do right now. The more advanced things such as the new cities can come later after we've updated our value system towards sharing planetary resources.

  55. WewillcollidE1

    at 10:00 he speaks of what is now just becoming available, automated chefs

  56. wahlstrmphoto

    Presenting Netflix, Spotify and the flatscreen TV in 1974.. Not bad! :)

    Shotgun Pete

    This man is so far ahead of his time his parents haven't met yet.

    pitu toup

    He didn't take virtual into account. Shows the might of capital.

  57. Friend1

    I know that he's a well understood man in all knowledge areas, including psychology, but I think he's neglecting man's greed. Thinking about it, In concern to culture and political relations, it's really hard to create a society without conflict. My prediction is that, in the futuristic societies, the biggest problem will be have a good global policy system to cover that.Also, maybe it was just me, but this city's architecture gave me a feeling of claustrophobia or whatever. It's like the film "The Giver" in which humans do not feel emotions... After all, there is nothing more human than our chaotic cities.

    S.R Woodward

    +Friend1 one of Jacque & the Venus Project's feelings is that the greed is accelerated by the current society we live in, with the reality (or sometimes illusion) of scarcity... in his ideal system, there would be less need for that kind of unfavorable reaction out of people

  58. Dina Strange

    Great man, reminds of Tesla ideas. Basically visionary.

    Sorin Ichim

    +Dina Strange Tesla, Train Vuia or Henri Coanda this kind of scientist make the world a litlle more better then politiciens ! This guy one day will be among them as great thinker that world give to humanity !!!

    Chris Kuhl

    +Sorin Ichim - I look at this video, then compare it to Bernie Sanders speeches today. Take a look at this tax plan. And I think we are all in agreement, "This transition towards positive change is possible." There's a nano fabricator and 3D printer at UTA right now. There are graduate students coming up with environmental solutions for sustainability. My physics professor used to work at CERN and Fermilab. I'm personally going into genomics for personalized medicine for better treatment options from various diseases like cancer or leukemia. I'm not that great at engineering, but we all know what society we want. The solution and type of society is clear. This is our destiny. Everything else seems so superfluous now. Let's get to work.

    John Smith

    Video is Fresco ripping on engineers suggesting they're dumb because they try to upgrade existing stuff instead of destroying everything and starting from scratch. Basically, when you think about it you'll realize Fresco is wrong and is not a real engineer but a sci-fi geek who just takes everything out of context and gives no real solutions to any problems. Basically selling BS for decades now. Please don't compare him to Tesla, it's a ridiculous comparison. He is more like George Lucas than Tesla.

  59. Acoubella

    Jacque's ideas are great, but We don't need to build our cities like that nor do we need to get rid of jobs like waitressing or cooking or garbage men or mechanize agriculture, growing food the natural way is better than in plastic houses.We can achieve human freedom that Jacque talks about right now with our current way of living and improve on it later, some people enjoy farming, some enjoy cooking, as for the boring jobs we can all share them

    Cardale Goddard

    +Ahmad Hadder I think you are confusing a lot of topics. First who WANTS to be a waitress? I know some people like to cook and they still will be able to they just WONT BE REQUIRED to survive. This frees people to pursue things that inspire them regardless of what it is. If you want to live in a far out building and grow your own food you can do that. What ever inspires you.Second you miss the point entirely about farming in respects to mass-production. Most people DO NOT want to farm. They have other inspirations. That is fine. Most farmers especially once you get further away from the equator use solar mass green houses so they can produce food year round. Also most fruit bearing(tomato) gardening is done in green houses so you can do it organically without worrying about pests. Also you are forgetting watering, nutrient consumption and nutrient dense foods. This is a major problem farmers contend with every season. You are forgetting composting and a ton of other things. We can live the way you suggest and that will of course be an option. Why wouldn't it? This is just for people that aspire to more things. This is so we can design society so we can have all the comforts of modern intellect, but also while being sustainable and conducive to human health.

  60. kyle eaton

    This might seem a little old but don't worry, it's miles better than what we have now.

    Raul J. Silva

    All Day We Kicking This Into Action #PROJECTNEWAMERICANA!

  61. ॐ Jordan Gould

    I wish I lived on a planet where humans could build these type of cities. Just think how much happier everyone would be


    And I"d say to you to quit being the lunchroom monitor of the YouTube post areas. I'll write what I feel is pertinent. If you don't like what I write, simply move along or comment...either way is cool by me. Personally, I love capitalism. It's worked for me beautifully. I'm an entrepreneur who just retired at 59 ....3 yrs. ago. I've worked hard physical labor since I was 15....always had a job whenever I wanted one....from about 1969 onward. I always moved up any ladder that was available in whichever job I held, because I always showed up on time, or called in if I had a legit reason to be late......always worked my ass of without complaining...and DOING MORE THAN WAS EXPECTED OF ME within the job's description, always pitched in to help fellow employees with their workloads IF ASKED and my time allowed, was not a clock watcher and even though I smoked the heck out of weed and loved my whiskey back in the day.....I NEVER showed up stoned or with alky still effecting me when it was time to go to work. I kept my mouth shut....DIDN"T STEAL....did my thing...and watched how other's jobs were set up, so I could do those jobs too if there needed to be a pinch hitter in an emergency. If you're still reading this...and I"d say it's 50/50 you prob. think I'm full of b.s. about all this. I assure you, it's the truth. Because of these attributes....I MOVED UP LADDERS QUICKLY. It wasn't rocket science....I just did an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. I always KNEW that I wasn't going to stay at minimum wage....and if a promotion and a better pay grade seemed slow in forthcoming....I either told my employers that I felt I was worth more...and WHY....or I gave my 2 weeks notice and moved on. I didn't have to do that very often. NOW.....once I owned my owned companies....I PROMOTED THE PEOPLE THAT HAD THE SAME WORK ETHIC AS ME. I always paid more than the avg. pay for similar work...and back in the day would give each of my employees $1000 bucks CASH for a Christmas Bonus. I SWEAR TO THE ALMIGHTY, THIS IS ALL TRUE. So, you see......the problem in this country....that gets blamed on that compared to the way employees were several decades's entry-level employees.....ON AVERAGE...I'M NOT SAYING EVERY ONE...OK....does not have the same work ethic as I did. They're not getting it taught to them at home, which both my hard-working parents taught me. But that's not my problem....unless they're dogging me at my business. They get a warning....get written up a legal, etc. ....and if it keeps up they get invited to leave.  It is THESE people that squawk so often about how "America sucks" and "there aren't any good paying jobs".  Hell...just trying to get an employee to show up on time in a major feat. Oh.....don't get me started. Anyhow...that's my story. That's the truth as I KNOW IT. Capitalism isn't the's the new American employee that's the general problem.

    kyle eaton

    You are ridiculous, the monetary system is absolutely the problem. It created differential advantage in a competitive marketplace. Differential advantage creates wage gaps, wage gaps create structural violence and structural violence is the leading cause of death in the world, in history.

    TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    WickedTornado one word for u dumb dumb finance. Completely abstract of no value an real people starve because of it. The amount of people participate never goes past 15% of pop of given country . There is no ladder work ethic has nothing to do with it . lasty looking up to fools like you is why people are pulling there hair out working three part time jobs unhealthy an sleep deprived never seeing there children.... i can't even do this i seriously want you too look around. The connection in the grey matter in the section were your forheads located is broken

    TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    WickedTornado video games sequenced genomes and cured whole varieties of viruses by sharing computing power and simple coding they trained military an hospital personal.

    Sheon Morgan

    WickedTornado you missed the points. Try learning more before commenting, there are plenty of vids explaining his points

  62. Chris Mastoroudes

    Oh my God! He was talking about YOUTUBE in 1974. Just watch around 14:50. Listen to the description and when he says you dial up, imagine the internet!!!


    ya vess

    daniel brazeau

    Yes, amazing! #tvp

    Captain Caveman

    Streaming media services of all kinds. Bad mother fucker!

  63. Floyd Stone

    Jacque has never been ahead of his time. It's the ignorance of man, the restrictions created by governance and huge corporations which stop us developing as humans, damaging the earth and bleeding the earths resources stopping this system becoming reality, why? Because of profit, millions of men women and children are killed needlessly, are starving to death. Over a billion people on this earth at the moment is starting, all because of the obsession we have with money. The inequality is heartbreaking. We must change, now!


    well put

    p g

    1 billiion starving ?prob not even half that , starvation and global poverty is at a historical low

    TheCanMan Can Since 1990

    Weetabix and Frosties no its increasing an every life support system is in decline do not defend the neolibral scum or club of ruthless transnational hoarders give u the number but youve probably already tuned me out " you will rethink this when they fuck you in the ass or you will hang it up 40 suicides for every thousand layoffs an on in on an on

  64. Nathaniel Vargas


  65. Arius Tran

    He's talking about Moley Robotics in 1974 o.o


    King:This is madness! Fresco:Madness? This is VENUS PROJECT, PHUUUM!!!! Insanly clever guy, I really admire his work for all humankind!!

  67. dmjaded

    Possibly the most influential Human of all time. Too bad religion & currency have such a tight stranglehold on the minds of the masses.Earth First! We'll destroy the other planets later.

  68. Dal Chand Choudhary

    this man is way ahead of his time... I can understand how hard it would have been to explain all those things to someone at that time.


    +Brealfrank25 he just talks it, not done nothing yet, also has a filthy mouth and is a denier of truth!


    +Dal Chand Choudhary I think it might be a case of humanity in general being behind the times rather than he being ahead of his time. Of course that's just how I see it and I don't mean to say you are wrong.


    +hussayn19 hahahaha easier said then done, there are loads of humans that ha e great ideas to enhance the life of human beings.the problem is the very world we live in has nothing to do with enhancing human life, us humans today do not look at what we need, but more at what we want.the monetary system does not make a person to believe in better for man, but more like, what can one person gain and say Dr fresco has done nothing and speaks only bit has not put anything into action of what he has said.I understand where you are coming from, but Dr fresco is not a multi billionaire that can just out everything he says into action.this man is a scientist of physics,engineering and Mathematics.he is not not a global elite.but be sure if this man had the power, money and resources, not only would Dr fresco have done most of what he says, but you and many other human would be living a better life in every aspect and not the one we are living today E.G war, poverty, capitalism, racism, and economic bullshit that we think is so important today.Dr fresco has been totally bashed by the major petrol industries, and politicians, not for his ideas but because his ideas are not self centred.and in a world of today no major power wants others to live or benefit life equally, due to the fact of greed, power, and corruption.the world that Dr fresco has for you is a world that you must be very open minded to, and forget about race, religion,politics and a world based on differences.just think of the life all man women and child could have, if we were totally free of all unnecessary political bullshit that we think is so important today.think if you wanted to go to university, no problem you can, you want to be something inn our life that now is almost or is impossible, but would be totally possible for you to achieve, you would ha e no concern of employement, no concern of how to pay your rent, no concern how to support your family in any situation, and anything you need at anytime would be at your disposal right there and then at your request.sorry for the long message, and I hope it has helped you to understand.

    John Smith

    In regards to technology you could say so but when it comes to social issues he's completely clueless. I would hire him to design my house, he seems to have talent for that. However, his description of society is half Sci-fi and half BS.


    @John Smith well at least he has better answers than politicians.Politicians couldn't answer half his questions or give half of his ideas.Every system has flaws, but jaques has fewer then the system we use today, politics only benfits some people, what about the rest that it doesn't.So seeing that you can't put that together, of course you will say it's BS.But with all respect I rather have a person like Jacques fresco instead of that orange skin cluless fuck of a leader called trump that will probably bring war to our front doors.So keep voting and preying because at the end it won't make a God damn difference.

  69. New world

    can anyone explain to me what did Jacques meant by Ultrasound will create cavitation in the insects.....does he mean visible cavities in the inset.? or another Phenomena?


    +New world Exactly. As insects are exoskeleton, ultrasound would turn their innards to mush.

  70. Mr. Hyde

    Both these guys are grade school dropouts.


    +Needles Kane your point? My philosophy teacher didn't graduate, and is getting his PHD in philosophy. Try something else, your argument is void.

    Mr. Hyde

    @PressForEarthWho's arguing? I'm just stating an interesting fact. There was no negativity intended with my comment. If anything, it's a compliment to Jacque as he's led a very successful and inspirational life. You just interpreted it wrong.


    @Needles Kane You make a fantastic point. My mistake my friend. Yes, he has led a very successful life. And inspired myself to continue his vision. My apologies, Even I still make assumptions sometimes. It is difficult to get out of that way of thinking. 


    if you have a passion for something, graduation does not matter, you just do what you love and it will be allright. The problem today is that people see studying for example as a chore, not as a joy. if you were brought up that watching TV was a chore and studying a joy, people like Fresco would be everywhere.

  71. Vegan Rican1

    I was gitty with joy and laughter at how right Mr Fresco is. Our society is run by stupid people.

    Vegan Rican1

    @Πετρος Μανος Speak for yourself

  72. SomeBodyIUsedToKnow

    He never came back to controlling the weather :(


    SomeBodyIUsedToKnow (PROJECT HARRP ) By beaming up over 5 million watts of electricity into the sky.Project harrp was designed for 2 reasons.1. Being able to communicate with submarines.2. To move clouds to other countries where they have water shortages.Unfortunately the U.S.A turned this technology into a weapon.AMEN.

  73. jomossino

    I wonder does Larry King still remember this interview?

    Rick Sanchez

    no doubt

  74. Kaz ualty

    Absolutely genius. Remove the limitations of money and build based on technology and resources. #VenusProject

  75. Melanie Day

    Love it when JF talks about people not wanting big tv sets, record players etc, but instead a flat screen on the wall and all entertainment on a computer where you just select what music or program you want.. I mean wow imagine that.. He talks of these things in 1974, 8 years before I was even born, yet I remember cd and dvd discs being viewed as ultimate technology revolution, pah.. This man is not a fool, he just has a very efficient way of thinking and understanding.. He is not an inventor thinking about marketing and profit, he is thinking about efficiency and wellbeing.. Driven by the complete opposite motivation of those who are the inventors within the market economy.. People think it sounds radical and therefore fear what he is saying.. Larry King even freaked out at the idea of a computer providing us with all our entertainment and flat screens on the wall.. Fear of the unknown.. To me, the radical societal system is the one that creates mass starvation on this planet, where abhorrent behaviour is financially rewarded, where we deliberately pollute the air despite having clean alternatives as we are motivated by profit, and where we have towns and cities in our so called "developed" countries where empty properties, and homeless people, are just staring at each other.. That is a society build on madness.. All of these problems have solutions, but of course, they don't make any money so we carry on with our madness as it suits those who profit from this lunacy!! People, listen to Jacques and others who share this way of thinking, don't be afraid of the ideas just because they are different from what we know now !! :)

  76. Akgul Sherikan

    Jacque Fresco is just a big cop out. He looks for excuses for our behaviour. The truth is that we ourselves have to understand our behaviour prior to any outward influence or environment. We have to understand and then transcend the environment. Real change begins inwardly. Fresco wants to escape the problem by just creating an outward change in environment. It is good, but not essential to human civilisation. We have to understand our own psychological conditionings by first-hand experience. Not what someone else tells us. 

    Sašo Luznar

    @Rick Sullivan Yes Rick we can only try to show people the door, we cannot push them through it. Luckly there is more and more people in TVP emails that want to get involved, that are overcoming the old patterns of thinking. I see them every day and they want to learn. Those I like to spend my time with. Others, we just try to present the alternatives and fallacies in their thought and then politely thank them for the attention and move on to the next person that is ready for new kind of thinking :)

    Sašo Luznar

    @Rick Sullivan Rick if you ever wanna get more involved locally or globally send me a message to [email protected] and let me know what you are up to and where. Perhaps we can connect and collaborate.Take care!

    Akgul Sherikan

    @Rick Sullivan Yes I have some recommendations. Read Freedom from The Known by Jiddu Krishnamurti and even The Power of Now by Echkart Tolle. Their core message is that we need a shift in consciousness that can only come from within. And the second thing is that you have to question the idea that the environment is the only factor that shapes our behaviour. In conscious people the environment has 0% effect on their behaviour no matter what. Third thing is to degrade Fresco from his pedestal and rely primarily on your own conclusions not what Fresco tells you.

    Kaz ualty

    We are all products of our environment. Look up his video of him in a classroom in 1999. He speaks of environmental effects and why they are essential in everything we are. Maybe we can't fix everyone today but it will fix our children and provide them with everything we have wanted and needed.

    New world

    +Akgul Sherikan Can you anyone explains to me what did he mean when he said "Ultrasound will produce cavitation in the insects"? what cavitation means exactly?..

  77. daniel brazeau

    Best video on YouTube.


    yessss :)

    daniel brazeau

    +Renovación When did you discover Mr Fresco?How long has it been and how you found him?twitter@daniel_brazeau


    +daniel brazeau mi english is fatal, searching documentaries in Youtube, 1 year past discover that man at in paradisr or oblivion, mi in 15 years old in my mind this concept. Jacque go to the concept at the limit itss thAts good men concept and viAbility, politicqs are ficticius job, world is tecnic, natur is thecnhic, politics nothing mind all stupid minds politics, whre dou you live?

  78. Buck Nelson

    Spread the awareness

  79. The Nordic Viking

    Best solution I have seen and heard of for todays problems! Jacque will be remembered in the future as the pioneer of the new cities.

    Deks Roning

    Yes, and those solutions are 45 years 'outdated'.Just imagine what would happen if we used contemporary science and technology in the mix.Phew...

    Charlie Freeman

    Beautiful comment. Anybody with any love and caring for others and this planet at all can see what he’s presented to be the the best solution to the worlds problems at this point.

    Charlie Freeman

    Deks Roning intelligent life from elsewhere probably would have seen that we’re not mere apes and actually came and spoken openly to us by now if we lived in a society that didn’t murder each other in record numbers. Rather loved and respected our Earth and the people on it. Great comment.

  80. MrMarioSupermario

    Dont believe in god but I think he just send Jesus 2......

  81. conformist

    his ideas seem somewhat similar to nikola tesla's


    @individualist00000 semantics and train of thoughts

  82. Kliter Semson

    I like when Larry calls him a "wild cat."

  83. Evan Mueller

    Was Larry able to get Jacque a special?  If not, why didn't it happen?

  84. If you want to be free, follow Jesus.

    I wish he was my Dad. Jacue you are awesome man!

  85. gurgy3

    lol. i haven't heard genius ideas like these since the last charlie manson interview. first he says we just can't build houses for individual people, we all need to live in boxes. then he touts out his cute little architectural concepts for individualized homes. so who gets these houses? the collectivist party elites like himself?


    dude, he said some countries have individual houses, and some in flats, due to over populated nations.could you imagine having to build 1.8 billion individual homes in India, there is not enough land to do so. e.g Australia has 23 million, and its the 6th biggest continent in the world so it´s possible to build individual´s not his fault that people breed like rats, he is giving you solutions and ideas, for the amount of space.  

  86. Chellsey Capri

    hey hey! Have you heard about - Supreme Panic Magic (erm, check it on google should be there)? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my auntie after many years said ta ta the anxiety issue with it.

  87. Stannis LeDragonian

    I congratulate his wish for a better future and his ability to think out of the box. Now we need real engineers to take his ideas and make them workable.


    Engineers have these ideas and they're possible but profit controls everything in the system the world operates in so something like this would never get done, no matter how good for the world.

  88. Jordan Bryan Aguilar

    "All politicians, all lawyers, all businessmen will be phase out." <--- That is what should become a reality at some point.


    Its going to happen eventually

    Ridhuan AB

    larry king was clapping when he said that

  89. Roberts

    What a man. I just watched his extensive interview at London Real. He was 96 when the interview was taken in 2012. And he is still coherent, logical and and wit. It's amazing. The only person who comes to mind similar to Jacque is Jack Lalane who, unfortunately, recently passed away.

  90. Horea Christian

    I like his look while he lies to everybody's face by saying all those things wee technologically possible in the ... wait for it... 70's :DD Most are impossible now ffs! He should have written sci-fi instead.


    @Horea Christian that's what jacque is trying to say. He means that engineers today aren't given these kinds of assignments to begin with. If we were to bring scientists and engineers together and order them to build a machine cook, they could easily do it with todays technology if given the task and proper resources. Just look up "robot cook " on Youtube and you'll see som examples of robot chef showing promise.

    Dr Aquafresh A.K.A Brad King

    @Horea Christian Actually, he was not lying about the technology.


    +Horea Christian He said you could choose your menu. He didn't say it was limitless. Cooking procedures are quite simple. flair is added by the chef, not the knife. Cut/prep product, spice & cook the product to specified tastes. How many people do you know, who eat the world's vast variety of ethnic, cultural, religious, personal & regional dishes? Even if you ate a different dish every day, 3 times a day, for a year, you're still about 2,000 shy.As he said, if we can send a ship to the moon, using computerized components, remotely, with accuracy, and return and land it safely, surely we can use our intellect for the advancement of Humanity. Computers can be updated.Covert science & technology is usually much more advanced than the public is aware of. About 30-40 years passes before it is declassified, and publicized, then sold. Check out Keyhole, Corona, & Infrared military satellites.Automation is already ready to be utilized in most "1st world" countries, for when the poor service sector slaves finally die off in the slow burn of the economic, environmental collapse. Shit, we almost have humanoid robots for ground troops...just a couple more years...since the poor won't be there to kill, cook, and clean for them, anymore.


    +Horea Christian I hope you will learn it in time :) all of this is posibel :)


    Gregg Wayling its all here ots been here this world is possible. It is feasible people dont like change.

  91. Alexis Soto

    these ideas are the besst, but dammmm humanity is fucked, this video is so old

  92. stoney harmon

    Jacqe, you are admired, and will be remembered!

    Stannis LeDragonian

    @XMrSpyX The only thing he was wrong in his sentence was the spelling of the inventor's name.

  93. Max DC

    "The world Im talking about has been possible since the 20's" - JF


    Barry Bee Benson Its sad that he was right.

  94. Fabio Scimeca

    Absolutely brilliant! Genius and so far ahead of his time!

  95. drinkteaeveryday

    monoraaaiill monoraaaillll


    LIKE WATER....


    YES WE CAN!!!!!

  98. SentientGhost

    This is very possible, we can easily build cities like this today.

  99. Euvie Karijoredjo

    Yes yes yes. Technology as I always have thought should make life easier for human beings, so they can indeed have more time for the essence of life itself.

    sincear coleman

    OK where do I find more girls who know about the venus project

    Euvie Karijoredjo

    Anywhere you want.Keep on searching :-)

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