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Disko Şarkıları - Robin Schulz-OK

Robin Schulz-OK
: Robin Schulz-OK
: 3.30 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 55 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 41 İndirme
: 11-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Disko Şarkıları - Robin Schulz-OK )
  1. sara cc

    Time flies way too fast. I need much more time to travel to the places I want to see. That's what's going through my head when I listen to it.

  2. Sandra Krzyk

    Hey, somebody can say me what is title of movie used to this videoclip?

  3. Elena

    Super song


    Love moc tema expetacular temaso para jugar a ful hgg y buenos recuerdos amor

  5. Paul Arturo Garcia Lopez

    I love this song

  6. Μαρια Γεωργιου

    Ειναι πολυ μα πολυ ωρεο το τραγουδι

  7. Christoph Wappl

    fllYyyy siolllergrillllll hahahah k lobd thsis so g om yo drunk 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 supergril i love the wornd fuck .ksmi.s hahabahah heim litlwr hhaahahha i. a atbni heim hitlet omg im drunk heilbsvan hiehdzmrt

  8. Christoph Wappl

    omg this song ks lso gooof

  9. Christoph Wappl

    hahahaahah i love thsis almc

  10. Christoph Wappl

    duede im so duckinf dri sl

  11. Lìda Guzmán

    Amo esta rola💕🎶

  12. Anon Broadcast

    Und wenn du, das Spiel gewinnst,ganz oben stehst, dann steh’n wir hier und sing’: Borussia, Borussia BVB!Und wenn du, das Spiel verlierst, ganz unten stehst, dann steh’n wir hier und sing’: Borussia, Borussia BVB!Was auch immer geschieht,wir steh'n dir bei, bis in den Tod und sing’ für dich, für dich Borussia. Borussia BVB!

  13. Oleg Dokanov-Dobrovolskyi

    Who is this blonde girl?

  14. Olek Drzewinski

    ta piosenka jest super kiegy miałem 4 lat a teraz mam 9 i jeszcze joł lubie ta piosenka jest najlepsza na świecie polecam toł piosenka ona naprawdę jest super

  15. Jenny Grace


  16. Jed Len

    Reminds me of life is strange (maxin & Chloe)

  17. Slawomir Gwozdzinski

    Gänsehaut, das Lied einfach...

  18. Hastin Nuraini

    want sing this

  19. Kostas Tsel

    October 2019 ? 🔥

  20. Melanie Morgan

    Who are the girls in the video?

  21. Dodge veysel .

    Aqq lezleri sizi

  22. Princess Emilly

    Can someone please explain the ending of this song to me? 😔

    wat is this shit

    well the other girl got her Supergirl they are in love with each other

  23. Алёна Фишер

    my first lesbian video ❤

  24. [ HFH ] Brokkoli-Creme-Suppe

    It's cool, that someone covered that Song. No hate, but in my Opinions she can't transport the same emotions as Reamonn did.

  25. Goran Pelovski

    very positive song i love it simply :)

  26. Артур Артуров

    Неправильная любовь двух супергерлов!!

  27. Meluzyna7

    To jest cover piosenki zespołu Reamonn! I dla mnie oryginał jest hitem, a nie covery z teledyskiem o zabarwieniu tęczowym 😛

  28. Jose Hernandez

    Exelente rola... No conosco a ninguna chava en donde yo vivo que le guste esta musica, por eso sigo soltero, este es mi estilo de musica creo seguire soltero hasta mi vejez lo mas probable🥺🥺🥺

  29. Emilie Mjilka12

    Эта песня мне напоминает лето 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  30. Shin Da

    Is this video clip from a movie or something?

  31. Sasha Durand

    Клип про ДЕЗБУХ👎👎👎

  32. Fynn _04

    My mother is a super Girl! She was near to die bevor 2 years an now she can Walk like bevor this all. She is soo strong and i‘m so Proud of her and so proud beeing her son

  33. Mamle HB

    My dear friend ✨my bright doc Thank you , 🖤🌟 this song is very important to me 🦋 bcuz of ya.

  34. Edgaras Petronis

    Lovely song

  35. Sandra Quintana Domínguez

    Love song

  36. Jesperoo

    can you fly ?

  37. TheUrzur

    yeah, you keep looking at those "beautiful girls" videos, never realizing what does it do to those not beautiful girls until they stomp your heads in. welcome to capitalism. money makes what people are like meanwhile world is made of what people are capable of-

  38. ITACHI

    Поставьте лайк что бы иностранцы подумали что я написала что то крутое 😉😊👍


    @Алексей Яндринский спс

    Святослав Журавлев

    Ваще изи

  39. Steven Castaneda

    This song is sooo good. The scenery looked nice and then I realized that it was shot where I live.

  40. Владимир Вечный Житель Вселенной

    Кто то есть с Украины . Поставте Лайкосик.

  41. Kornelia .K

    My mum os supergirl. I love you mom !!!❤️🤙

  42. Galaxy Leon

    Geklaut von eno bunte farben

  43. ZERO 0


  44. Dany Chert

    I didn't know Ray Garvey sang the original. So excited, he's such a lovely and awesome man!

  45. David #

    ugh i wish i ever find a supergirl...

  46. Max R

    ♡♡♡♡♡♡ 2019 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ★★★★★ COLOMBIA

  47. Олександр Виговський

    Супер!! Курва...

  48. Chris Gamer.1

    i like the song but i dont like lesbians

    Eric Becker

    i like lesbians but i dont like the song


    I like the Song, i like Lesbians but i don't like u :(

    Chris Gamer.1

    @_-Takiroshi-_ yeye fuck off

  49. Samuel Marque

    Super chanson

  50. rüya naz

    Kızlara bakyaa resmen çalıp çırpmışlar😂😂😂😂

  51. Sunset Lover

    This could be me and my bff but its over

  52. Neo

    fuck lesbians

  53. Irmak.k

    2014 den bu yanaSupergirlJust fly... 👀

    F H

    Super kız senmisin yoksa


    Я до сих пор восхищена клипом :* 2019 год 29 сентября :D

  55. Palinka Paniol

    Ktoś przetłumaczy na polski co one tam gadają 😂

  56. Ioanna sam

    my song ... ❤ and ...

  57. susan haydon

    Love this ❤️

  58. Kir Goz

    Original better

  59. Ειρήνη Πεχλιβανιδου

    This song is for every f... time you are not good for 2015 2020 2050 and for ever

  60. jan fertig

    Mom you're doing everything for me Thank you❤❤

  61. D S

    Apaixonada pela música

  62. markmd9

    Original (Reamon) song is better

  63. Edgar NL

    Beautiful song end Best.

  64. Šimon Kupec

    Crying so hard, but I don't know if because of hapinnes or sadness...

  65. Elina M

    Listen to the original, this is trash

    weirdos creation

    This song is better for me

  66. Арина Доробкова

    Взяли и слямзили текст у Reamon - Super Girl.

  67. Roksana Tomczyk


  68. Dawid Kaczmarczyk

    Sprawdzam obecność w połowie września?Polacy dawać....

  69. 汪軒


  70. Nikita Razin


  71. kai 46

    she's my supergirl ❤️

  72. Grzybek ;3

    Alle farben IS THE BESTalle farben JEST NAJLEPSZE

  73. Dženi Mh

    Supergirls don't cry <3

  74. Arael Lountre


  75. Ability Drain

    Tbh I watch an entire series about these two robbing shit.

  76. filip daněk

    Who listening tu music in 2019? Kpt

  77. Елена Х

    Анечка, люблю тебя!!!!!!!!!!!Ты супер гел!!!!!!!!!!¡

  78. Tonya Kioroglo

    Mariah Bonner is gorg 💕

  79. i d a

    does someone know where this place is (state, country, etc. ...) 💖💖💖

  80. Marius Jasas

    PriceField? c:

  81. сергий трикур


  82. Вадим Кармацких

    концовка этого клипа вкатила.Типа чувак пошел за сигами,и встретил мадам свою,которая рада была из всего этого блуда вылезти,и что ей не придется грабить лавку она наверное тоже была рада

  83. Shiv

    Absolutely stunning video and production on this song.

  84. xzuza_ azuzx

    Szukałam tego 😁


    Ja też

  85. Асхат Жуманьязов

    классная песенка

  86. John Chester

    This song makes me sooo nostalgic but I LOVE IT <3

  87. Je Nny

    Thank u reamonn!

  88. Малик Исмаилов

    Cool sound. I LIKE ❤️

  89. Murtagha Ibraheem

    Name the film please

  90. Hilpmrs 23

    This song makes me feel really good about myself for some reason

  91. Reyyan Başpınar

    pis nalet hırsızlar boğazınıza dursun milletin hakkı inş

  92. Peter Bresto

    durch Zufall wieder gefunden den Song -:) War seinerzeit mein Lieblingslied, gute 20 Jahre her?

  93. ScriptZ

    2019? Polska? Powraca ktoś? Ehh stare czasy kiedy się zaczeło z Dj-ką

    Paweł Karcz

    ScriptZ lekko😁😁💪

    O wszystkim i o niczym

    Pamiętne czasu pierwszej pracy i jak leciało non stop w radiu :D


    @O wszystkim i o niczym Pamiętasz Hoziera lub Tiesto - Secrets?

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