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Disko Şarkıları - Daft Punk-Around The World

Daft Punk-Around The World
: Daft Punk-Around The World
: 6.56 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 344 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 301 İndirme
: 11-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Disko Şarkıları - Daft Punk-Around The World )
  1. Kemeky

    react to the qemists

  2. Colby Compeau

    react to monstercat

  3. Bruno Viégas

    Pink Floyd !!!!!!

  4. MelloDees

    Interstella 5555 is the best music(video)-movie ever!

  5. ilham a

    React to halima aden

  6. ilham a

    React to muslim women entrepreneurs

  7. Mandy Atterbury

    please do a react to the prodigy

  8. Muñoz Muñoz

    I wanna smash Jeannie

  9. Theodore Zurek

    they where just ahead of there time!

  10. ranvids

    I think I have a mini crush on Sheila <3

  11. Sam B.

    A little mistake in your description because The Daft Punk have released their first album in 1993 be 4 years before "Around the world album" in 1997 I was 12 years old at this time (how time flies) and my parents were big daft punk's fans.

  12. Ricardo 30

    college kids react to Kelis

  13. Like Deeez

    Weekend starboy

  14. Like Deeez


  15. ilham a

    React to german rap

  16. ilham a

    React to dina tokio

  17. Samosaurus


  18. Oscar Hernandez

    React to Migos!!! lmao

  19. ReinelAntonio JuradoMariano

    College Students react to Slipknot

  20. Chicken Nugger

    Elders and or teens react to rammstein

  21. Heavy Metal Fan 5000

    You should do Korn next

  22. Araktheja Sangma love this song

    react to fetty wap

  23. Araktheja Sangma love this song

    react to fetty wap

  24. Araktheja Sangma love this song

    react to fetty wapp

  25. Motorcyclemami X

    react to Bruno mars!

  26. KeiMastare

    react to vaporwave

  27. Orutakawa Teng'a'

    Tom it's the Crescendolls!

  28. Caronor

    DMX plz

  29. Judith Esguerra

    College kids react to #KwentongJollibeeValentine Series, #Vow #Crush #Date

  30. danny fonseca


  31. Mahmoud GUASMI

    DMX !!!

  32. Habibi Hassan

    GREEN DAY!!!!

  33. Mariana Ortiz

    react to 5sos

  34. Mariana Ortiz

    react to 5sos

  35. Mariana Ortiz

    react to mexican music

  36. Cardzer

    College Kids React to Gorillaz would be awesome

  37. ingibingi2000

    the prodigy

  38. the_dudete 123

    do kids react to daft punk!!!!

  39. the_dudete 123

    the future is now,old man.

  40. Nadalein84

    React to Take That

  41. Jan nik

    React to deadmau5 hahaha

  42. yert mcgirt

    College kids react to Aphex Twin

  43. Beezus The Nerd

    jeanie could get it

  44. WillDoggDotCom

    Kriss Kross

  45. Yugi Nasai

    plz react to gorillaz

  46. Elijah Kelly

    elders react to ramstein

    Josué Hernandez

    kraftur kelly Rammstein

  47. Cameron Cieglo

    College kids react to 90's nu-metal. Limp Bizkit, Korn...

  48. Marco Zaragoza

    React to The strokes or primus

  49. skylinrg

    Daft punk were huge in France in the 2000s already

  50. KaiNoOkane

    Oh snap..I'm freaking old! Had the first album on cassette. 😰

  51. Angelo animation

    reacting to sdmn

  52. boopitybappity

    React to Madeon!

  53. Avery Whalan

    i love the one with the creepy robot i just forget the name of it



    Government Certified Entertainment


  54. education tru

    COLLEGE KIDS REACT TO: Montana of 300

  55. gengx2

    I watch this to see Sheila dance

  56. Sleez Boy

    Teens react to Primus!!!!!!

    Loop Pooper

    Jose Montoya YESSSSSSSSSS

  57. Riot

    Make them react to Flatbush Zombies!

  58. Christie Road

    college kids react to green day

  59. Antonio Navarrete


  60. The shirtless Panda

    I remember listening to lucky on the radio

  61. Miguel Suarez

    #React to Khalid

  62. Cole Johnston

    Daft Punk is love, Daft Punk is life.

    Limit _the roaster 405

    MrTooner13 your true

  63. Benjamín Santibañez


  64. Welcome To Trench

    React to MUSE please!

  65. 1007yes

    College STUDENTS react to systematic ageism, like in the title of this series.

    Samantha Lang

    Amen! It's like people don't recognize 18 as the age of majority anymore.

    cogger nicks



    cogger nicks You have a couple 20 or 30 somethings saying that these adults are inferior to them on the basis of age (i.e. they are still "kids" and should be treated as such- no rights to free speech, privacy, etc.). Indeed, ageism.

  66. Alec East

    Nothing from Tron:Legacy?

  67. funky goon

    this is a real music shiters

  68. Pink Slime


  69. Madison White

    College Kids react to Twenty One Pilots Grammy acceptance speech.

  70. Rena ASMR

    College kids react to Doodlebob - Bring me to life.

  71. Sam C.

    I am one of the living daft punk lovers from the 90s. Feast your eyes millennial children. 🤖

  72. Shadow919 Assassin

    Kids react to every kids react to videos ever

  73. Stereo Mayhem


  74. Albert Castañeda


    Stereo Mayhem


    Pocket Chimera

    Albert Castañeda yes yes yez

  75. Briggith Melo

    Daft Punk son los maestros, los escucho desde que tengo 6 años, son una leyenda que aún sigue <3 nací en el 97 justo después sacaron al aire esa hermosa canción de "One more time" simplemente perfecta.

  76. apboulos

    Most of these idiots act like they know what they're talking about

  77. Arron Taylor

    ..................ssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo. None of them know about A Story About a Dog, Androids, Firenen, and Tomatoes?

  78. JCStrainer

    React to Rammstein!

  79. Dylan Fogg

    Do React to green day

  80. Cinnamon Twirl

    im a fan but im from Poland

  81. Cinnamon Twirl

    hey guys can you do react to ,,im glad you came''?

  82. November Topaz

    When you know all of these songs, man I love daft punk

  83. Mauricio Fernández

    React: Radiohead



  84. Gibus Gang

    Kids React to Public Execution.


    Thats gonna scar them

    Gibus Gang

    Thewhitetaildeer jk jk it's just a prank bro


    allah akhbar

    Gibus Gang

    Fabien That would make for a great episode. Global terrorism is highly explosive topic.

  85. Eliška Breburdová

    WHY nobody talks about Daft Punk's films in this video ???!??

    Welcome To Trench

    Eliška Breburdová idk, but the films are amazing

    Eliška Breburdová

    Of course, they are. But apparently nobody know it. How many others bands transform their albums into films? Shame on you, FBE.

  86. Abel Zabel

    Teens react to The Weeknd!!!

  87. Fitziii


  88. Gelly


  89. Jethro Nombreda

    teen react to daft punk or college react to daft punk part (show some other song)

  90. Jethro Nombreda

    teen, college react to justice crew please do it please

  91. Derek Taylor

    the great thing about daft punk is that they adapt while staying true to themselves

  92. Cool Cat Family

    College kids react to Anderson .paak

  93. Notkevin

    Interstellar 5555 doe 👌

  94. Swag Muffin

    react to dre

  95. LaloKelch

    React to Tool!

  96. Nick Day

    Teens React To MUSE please!

  97. mooncountry1017

    Daft Punk are The Beatles of House Music

  98. JULIAN M-Shockley

    do college kids react to Marilyn Manson

  99. Neon.Molasses

    for a second there i thought the channles name was fbi

  100. FBE

    Thanks for watching today’s College Kids React - hit the thumbs up for more! Let us know what your favorite generation group should react to next. We release new videos at 2pm PST/ 5pm EST 5 days a week! - FBE TeamNote to Subscribers: YouTube is having issues sending videos to your homepage. If you want to get notified when we upload a video, hit the “bell” 🔔 icon above and you can get more regular phone or email notifications.

    Sil Aex

    FBE React to Justice place

    _. n0m ._

    FBE react to GORILLAZ PLZPLZPLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oscar Hernandez

    React to Migos!

    Daniel Cárdenas

    Make the react to the offpring

    Christopher Terry

    Do GorillaZ!

Daft Punk-Around The World Şarkı Sözü
Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world…

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