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Disko Şarkıları - Oliver Heldens-Ghost

Oliver Heldens-Ghost
: Oliver Heldens-Ghost
: 4.79 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 88 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 58 İndirme
: 11-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Disko Şarkıları - Oliver Heldens-Ghost )
  1. Kyyhkynen

    omg nobody ever told me darth vader can sing :D

  2. M1lkL1zard

    Here because of the FitBit Versa 2 commercial 🙃

  3. Teshiku

    Dude, can we just make a decision where we’re gonna meet up fella

  4. Arafan Appu

    Who did came from noice shot x air lunching ads😍😍

  5. Freeto

    Im here cus i work at tacobell and this song always plays

  6. Fausto Sanchez

    I come here for a porn video :^ dont ask me what porn video i see

  7. Jbl Testerッ

    So nice on a 3000 w subwoofer 👌👌😂

  8. Archil Rathore

    @go_noise ad brought me here..

    Akash Pawar

    Same here

  9. najmul salam

    I came here from noise X1A

  10. jagger

    great Wedding tune

  11. Gaurav Prakash

    I come here from a commercial ad of noise Airpods in india region

  12. Rob Washere

    i came here from a vid about the worlds first boombox,the concert boy transistor 4000i got 1 recently and in the vid he plays this song..i Had to find it ;)

  13. Yuuki Aichanon

    I was looking for this song for a few days now and I finally found it 😂

  14. Spencer Morgan

    Great song!

  15. Taqui Siddiqui

    What a music🎤🎼🎹🎶 Just awsm 😍

  16. sudheer lucky

    2019 who came here after me like he so they can know how good this music 🥰

  17. Pero Juric

    Do you wanna fuck me in the East?Yall.Do you wanna fuck me in the West?Yall.

  18. Jeff Tiemann

    MLB CENTRAL THEME SONG!!! I had no idea it was an actual song made by not one, but several artists and even has a music video lol. I assumed it was just some generic, shit theme song that the producers at MLB network put together just so their daily morning show would have a theme song

  19. Dadeadman88

    Batwoman brought me here.

  20. AlexTheMenace

    Here from FIFA 18

  21. Ferris Like the wheel

    I predict great things for this! I first heard this in Berlin on holiday and just shared this with my UK friends :) absolutely love the sick deep beat and the trumpet! I love everything about this

  22. slide to unlock 2

    The iPhone X

  23. Caros._. love

    Bin ich der deutsche kommi den du gesucht hast??

  24. Deanna Doostdar

    I love this song

  25. Bill Johnson

    Americans make great music!From Santana to Sly to these guys!Rock on!Stay original

  26. Radames Boscolo

    I think ever love to..

  27. Shana Sessler

    Came here cuz played on my store's soundtrack! Great with bass!

    INK Joe eccles

    Shana Sessler u work at Taco Bell ?

    Shana Sessler

    No it was a seasonal Halloween store. 🎃

  28. Hussein M

    Really nice good 1. Amazing.

  29. Осман Муртазалиев

    The very best music

  30. Werner Krause Soares

    Sua Puta!!! Partiu Swing!!! É Nóis!!!

  31. Felipe Genuino

    Bora x1 FIFA?


    Man is that good!!!!!!

  33. womp womp womp womp

    What the fuck this was my first liked video

  34. Claudia Can barrales


  35. Quest

    Anyone here from band?

  36. Vicky Sebastian


  37. Justin Mueller

    woah, this video is 2 years old now! loved seeing them live this month in L.A.

  38. Kari Tacoma

    The main singer looks like Jennifer Lawerence.

  39. Kari Tacoma

    This was already 2 years ago? Shit.

  40. Андрей Андрей

    SOFI TAKER :-)

  41. Legion

    *Batwoman 1x03 brought me here.*Loved it in the party scene!

  42. Jolinda Yopp

    I love this song but the Asian girls part is questionable

  43. Babita Singh


  44. raiden stark

    Batwoman brought me here

  45. Gwendolyn Becerra

    2:49 -Me and my friends doing TikTok dances at lunch

  46. Lucy Jane

    Cute AF.

  47. Tanyapoom Taechasomsukdee

    From iPhoneX

  48. SuicideBunny6

    I don't know about the iPhone commercial, I just heard this on the radio

  49. canceled

    this song is so weird yet so intriguing

  50. Isaac Bobonis

    Who came here after Batwoman episode 3?

  51. Babita Singh

    2019 ANYONE????

  52. Anton Turantsrv

    Что написано в начале видео?

  53. Jennifer Whitney

    FIFA 18?

  54. Manuel Tuz

    I love Alisa Ueno ❤ 1:55

  55. Morteza Asadi

    love it

  56. Natalie Alfonso

    I heard this from the radio 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  57. ricoudu641

    you are young, you are nice, you play good music so take full advantage of every moment because time flies....

  58. francisco rios nava

    Grabado con un iPhone X

  59. Anastasia Jane

    The iPhone X commercial omg

  60. I love my Indian memes

    Who just came here from Iphone *X* and FIFA 18?

  61. Unique Aniyah

    My friend forced me to watch this but I already know the song she ain't special

  62. pahama

    Dan Balan - Funny Love

  63. pahama copie. ?

  64. Solis 1996

    FIFA 18 brought me here 🤟

  65. Alycat N

    Who looked up this song after dance clas

    abby augustin

    Alycat N me!!

  66. Anonoz Chong

    Everytime you come back to your room in Capri by Fraser

  67. Gabs Souza

    Who's here just because SOFI is amazing?

  68. Reiber Krisztián

    FIFA 18❤️💁

  69. Ragad Alenizi

    I hear this song everyday in my bus and I kept looking for it and I FINALLY found it <3

  70. Jill Stanford

    This video will always remind me of The Tribe. Brings back memories

  71. Mady Harvey

    The knocks at 0:49 looks like john Cusack

  72. тік ток злату ня

    👍 class💙💛


    After fifa 18

  74. armen 05/12/66

    I really want to fck Sophie tukker she is cute

  75. Júlio Cesar

    Oct 2019

  76. Yannick Nijboer

    Everybody says iPhoneX of Samsung but it’s stil a FIFA song...

  77. Replica

    айфон 11 гавно

  78. struggler 87

    The worst lip singer

  79. Rodrigo Garcia

    Fifa 18

  80. Joey Loi

    Taco Bell brought me here man

  81. thespiritofada

    Definitely not a milennial, yet my students and I had fab dance number on this, for my retirement. Thanks, guys!

  82. Sushi Bee

    I kinda miss hearing this song on a radio though bring me back in 9th grade

  83. MatriX 11


  84. giulio c

    Fifa 18?

  85. JD 1979

    I came cause I’m a grown man

  86. Jason Bam

    Sofi Tukker brought me here

  87. Hurricane Dorian

    I came here from a iOS 14 meme

  88. Olivier Dennis

    I come here after Running man. 😆

  89. Ash Jb

    Fifa 18

  90. Nirvana Supermind

    The 13K dislikers are from Samsung employees

  91. 2 Poniatowska

    Jebać orange złodzieje

  92. 2 Poniatowska

    Jebać orange złodzieje

  93. Elfan Feyziyev

    Favorit time 1.30

  94. Britt Volkonskaya

    Here because of the radio..

  95. Daniel Andrei Rusu

    This is the most horrible song I have ever heard, after Purple Lamborghini.

  96. dancer07

    i love her music

  97. 조민규

    May I use this music to my UCC video?

  98. Phila Mtolo

    I came here from FIFA 18

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