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Disko Şarkıları - Jauz-Deeper Love

Jauz-Deeper Love
: Jauz-Deeper Love
: 2.87 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 102 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 75 İndirme
: 11-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Disko Şarkıları - Jauz-Deeper Love )
  1. naru ç

    Türkler kendinizi belli edin

  2. Shiro Venom

    Best Hybrid orchestral i have ever heard

  3. Michael Andres Gonzalez Morales

    buenisimo el tema

  4. Maks Bęben

    Domanu to kot

  5. BlutBad

    I listen rhis game and downloaded league og legends i love that game

  6. Valentino Douif

    Wow you are fantastic and very very good

  7. Ethan SMG


  8. Dollyn Seu amiguin

    I dont even know what is League of Legends but...*Holy Shi*-

  9. Adam T Mazlan

    Nice song

  10. SP1R1T

    That moment when you are tasked with changing the bed sheets...

  11. Nickolas Poluanskis

    Anyone here from xqc's stream? XqcL

  12. LosAngel Lx


  13. LordPain

    Leicester City - from relegation to champions anyone?

  14. kewl noob

    Best song among all other lol songs

  15. Ness -

    This makes me want to actually play league again

    puzles de espejos que reflejan rayos

    Lol nop

  16. Vicente Contreras Contreras

    Esta musica es la mejor del mundo te da la sensacion de nose temaso

  17. Shleaw Contul secundar

    The name of this type of music pls?

  18. Lewd

    With this song i went from Iron III to Gold IV

  19. Antoine BIZE

    Trop bien

  20. Text B.

    Lyrics please 😛😛🤪❤❤😍😍😍😍😍

  21. Manikandeshwar Sasidhar

    Just ekkos ult to go back to my house from school after giving attendance

  22. Quang Duy Tạ

    Today found it!

  23. SHOCK 507


  24. Mad Life

    grand master

  25. Gangplank

    the most league of legends song you could ever listen to

  26. mikail levent

    Türkler burdamı

    Kalpden Sabıkalı

    Burdayız bea

  27. αdιχ

    Riot games From game producer becomes to music producer 🔥

  28. Mohammed Kandil

    greatest song ever until now

  29. Meliere

    Y Dios dijo: "Nos vemos mañana en Esportmaníacos"

  30. 13 Vibes Only

    After you try this song when you are on MDMA you see league of legends a different way, trust me!

  31. Hy Ryuki

    NNN 2019 ?

  32. Salchipapu kwaii :3

    dj jasuo hizo esto

  33. Andrey rodrigues

    2:10 beat dropped harder than stone in Caesar

  34. Moisesouzaxd

    a riot so sabe fazer musica pq o jogo ta uma merda

  35. Feliks GamePlay

    Nice song 👌👌🙃⚠⚠🎧🎧🎧

  36. Haddad Presidente


  37. this name was stolen

    this song make you want to go play ranked and win every single game while meanwhile...

  38. DsS_ShadowGaming

    Who is here after my mom died?

  39. Đức Nguyễn Tuấn

    5/11/2019 ❤️❤️

  40. Não sei quem sou

    BRASIL caraio <3

  41. BlackWater

    I played this to my dognow I'm his dog

  42. Vincent Lascelle

    I am still bronze even though I listened to this masterpiece

  43. Tichat Dupuis


  44. Jeremy Brendel

    This Song lost NNN for me

  45. Jawaad Mahmud

    4th of the November of 2019? Anyone here...😍


    I'm late.... 5 november

  46. n Turbo

    Can we get an instrumental version of this?That'd be epic

  47. Sneaky Inteleon

    This is not a song . Its a masterpiece.

  48. Murat Orhan

    this is E P I C

  49. TodoranAlexandru

    who is here before I was born?

  50. xemgin karacan

    türk yokmu lan (çok beğendim)

  51. Arczi 121

    2:07 when you see tha fighting game I like Piercing Lights :D

  52. Jonathan G.

    Here after the most epic Games between G2 and SKT, Skt has fallen

  53. MrTramix

    pepeD pepeD pepeD

  54. WADID

    G2 ez vs skt! <3

  55. Garehhh

    Who's here after G2 win against SKT!!!

  56. David Pacak

    after g2 win baby

  57. Daniel Di Gregorio

    Wp Mako

  58. DenoLike Best Forever

    TÜRK yok mu?

  59. Jason De Jesus

    2:10 when i knocked airborne an enemy alone, and I'm a braindead yasuo player so i just hit that R

  60. pointathim

    pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD

  61. ShaolinMonkster

    Shat my pants when i saw the new riot games

  62. MerSaj

    Michaaaaał haloooooooooooooooo

  63. zeus hot

    Какже это охуено

  64. Hardan Mohsen


  65. El-_ B4RT0_-

    Me gusta esta canción para motivarme después de jugar al fútbol.

  66. Bałoo

    This should be their official music teme

  67. Cardboard Box

    My dog listened to this song.It now has 700 stacks.

    Thanh Ngân Bùi

    Nasus :) lol

    death mark

    He* . Show respect to the dowg

  68. Gand

    pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD

  69. Kohri’s ASMR

    So good

  70. Rainix

    2:08, when you are the only fed guy and is unkillable and fight a 1v5.

  71. Clarke Franco

    I have faced too many battles by bow I'm level 478 I can't go on anymore good 🙋

  72. skullkid99

    This past 10 years. This for you kid.And they're the next 10

  73. Depressionn

    alguem quer duo? sou bronze <3

  74. Davide Scuderi

    Non so nulla di LOL ma è troppo bella😂😎

  75. Dead Gamer

    Finaly i found the best Music ever

  76. NebELmEeR

    i will return here again 2030

    Dead Gamer

    انشاء الله

  77. ultRACER Xbox

    This music makes you play League of Legends even tho u never played it

  78. Skrub Lord

    Whos here from waiting room?pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD

  79. Polo LGL


    The Saltiest Nation

    This is the original

  80. Bartelar

    Was listening to it right when it came out. Now it's almost 4 years. Such nostalgia <3

    Louis Buckley

    same here... i feel as old as league xD


    I started playing lol in 2015 i know this music well

  81. 서하늘

    노래좋누 ㅋㅋ

  82. Attila Balogh

    Best song #2020

  83. Károly Kamu

    Csá Ati

  84. Kunal Bhardwaj

    You ever heard of a song that gives you chills?Well here it is

  85. goran Snortsse

    Never played LoL, always CS, but this track is some crazy good sheittt...

  86. Joao Victor Ohn


  87. ragazza :0

    Thought this was mf game of thrones Aight Imma head out

  88. Daniel Barros

    Doctor: You have 3 minutes to liveMe: *listens to this song*Doctor : But you won't even finish itGod: I allow it

  89. kdadri othmane

    Riot songs

  90. Jhin Shishou

    The drop at 2:10 is actually insane, one of the best ones I've ever heard honestly.

  91. Cosmin

    After 10 years I will return to listen this song again and see this comment.

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