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Disko Şarkıları - Bassjackers-Bring That Beat

Bassjackers-Bring That Beat
: Bassjackers-Bring That Beat
: 3.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 122 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 96 İndirme
: 11-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Disko Şarkıları - Bassjackers-Bring That Beat )
  1. shulyov


  2. Cat Killer

    мне не наравится

  3. Jasmine Dee

    I can't work out how to use this as my ringtone😞

  4. •Møchi• Ťräsh Edïts•

    Memes I made by hand:IPhone Users: THIS IS OURS. YOU ANDROIDS HAVE TRASHAfter this..IPhone users: Hold my tea I hear my phone ringingAndroid users: Hello. We do not have trash we have R E V E N G E-IPhone-2. Android users use this as their new ringtoneMe in class: **minds own business**My phone: **does this ringtone**Every IPhone user in my class: MY IPHONE IS RINGINGMe: **walks to backpack and silents phone**IPhone users: Wut-- You have IPhoneMe: No ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°IPhone users: wotMe: **dab**THIS HAPPENS.3. Android users use this--FBI OPEN UP4. Me: **plays song**IPhone user (idk): Pick up the pHoNe!Me: No one's is ringing?IPhone User: But-Me: YA YEET5. (Last one)When you set this to your android ringtone..IPhone users: MY PHONE!! WHO'S PHONE IS RINGING!?!?!? NOT MINE!Me: **declines call**Me: Like I care?

  5. Dj Cozza Nostra

    time to make this into a ringtone

  6. Nick Yen

    Me daydreaming while listening to my friend text me

  7. Luca Preston

    This song makes me want to study for a drug test

  8. Kuba Mazurczak

    epic music BROOOO!!!!!!!

  9. Rouch

    Топ видос

  10. Jessthekiller

    Me and my friends love this ring tone and we're all sad when the ring tone ends 😂😆😆😆

  11. Dhein Austria

    I'm using this as my ringtone I can't answer it it's to lit 😂😂

  12. Zoli 144

    IPhone ❤️❤️❤️❤️😎😎😎

  13. RazorSharp10

    When your phone is just vibing

  14. Arisha Islam

    Where is the link ?

  15. Uzma Naqvi

    how to download as iphone ringtone

  16. sayda van moorter

    Yeaaaa i heard this ring tone and then i made it my ring tone

  17. Gamer Tech Shreyan

    And here I am Listening this iPhone song on an Samsung 😂😂

  18. ThePauloTM

    can i use this song in the background of my video?

  19. Shila Sikder


  20. Jerald Gudes


  21. Varru Ok

    Fudu phone

  22. GnoTHIN Beats

    just rappin on da beat!

  23. Lol Gry w

    😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

  24. Reny Kamboj

    I used it at my XS (NOT MAX)("u have to mention its not max or people don't understand")

  25. MasterSJ 2008

    Best trap remix eveeeer

  26. Lianne Santos Santana


  27. egorkaship


  28. aniruddha joshi

    @ 0:12 Can anyone tell me how can i find similar music & what is it called as!!!???

  29. Godzilla 2019

    Girls Ringtone : *Camila Cabello Senorita*Boys Ringtone :

  30. Lokendra Panwar

    Using this as a prank on my friends phone

  31. Eliete Mendes

    Sim sim sim vito

  32. Dsiy

    Me: *waiting for the beat to drop*dad: Why did you took so long?!

  33. N¡co¿ ?Rūbîo

    Like zu ciwjes poe ijsrab byrrin

  34. Vio Season VR

    Me in 2019 - Katai jahar

  35. TerstinEkStra :DdD


  36. КомпоМан

    Somebody who likes bass boosted music: basss boost this!Me: *it's already bass bossted.*

  37. Treck The Gamer

    Shout out to all of the android users watching this...CoUgH cOuGh I mean iPhone users. 💀


    JJajajaja la.mesclaron bien buena buena bediciones

  39. MasterOfGaming

    Youtuber: Trap CityMe: Instantly thinks of Fortnite tilted towers

  40. Mousumi Mahapatra

    Gosh who is calling me while I am watching at night

  41. Enzo the Inkling

    My bother gets pissed

  42. Shobha Nagarajaiah

    Watched this on an android...Well now i have an i phone! 😁


    So what song should I make now?Mom: *calls me*Me: *freestyles*Friend: *gets lit*

  44. Roger Nathan

    This is 🔥 now is great OMG ❤️

  45. AnimationMaker 2187

    627452346254365427463542364537654236453645276576245372654256354723654276543276453645234573265723657267637826357623752356238248374283798473837829375982546277487248784752482974879287482589624622191920912012909012901290129201192091029012902190219021290119029120129012902190129012901291832721986271642374623743462547632547632546725472654663245276543675274623754263453267542736453624276453645234632546237654372654325672346573426574326753246574232634576543723654275673425676357 missed calls

  46. Ashton Ireland

  47. Pøtâtø Crùm

    Friend calls:Me:Forgets about friends and starts dancing

    Shadutaku !

    i . dont have friend

  48. PIXEL X

    When ur crush calls you ringtone be like

  49. Divya Nambam

    Link please

  50. PlasmaPlayz

    If ur parents give u an android phone but you wanted an iPhone..Play this

  51. Kulo Nuwun

    Android users : what's good about this?Apple users : you wouldn't get it

  52. Boneless Jager Main

    Lmao play this on x1. 00 speed and the first part sounds like the iPhone ringtone 😂😂😂

  53. Pratap Kadam


  54. Music Vibes

    So...This is my new ringtone on my Samsung.

  55. AnimationMaker 2187


  56. idontknowmyname1090 -ROBLOX-

    This Beat Was So Sick That..One Direction went the other direction Taylor Swift fell off her treadmill Alan Walker stopped walkingTwenty One Pilots lost one pilotChainsmokers stopped smokingEngland became a cityPanic at the Disco stopped panicking Snoop Dog stopped SnoopingImagine Dragons stopped Imagining Dora the explorer stopped being a explorerThanos Stopped snappingApple found their missing pieceAnd My Hotel Isn’t Trivago anymore.


    Mantep ajg

  58. Why you bully me?

    When the beat really went down my android turned into an iPhone.

  59. Tony Love


  60. Kedar Mahalle

    My phone rings in classTeacher ask to close itI play it louderTeacher call the principalPrincipal removes the teacher

  61. 10k subs without any video

    Who is listening in android😂

  62. sara_une_gourmandise

    Ses ma sonnerie dans mon portable 😂❤😘

  63. movie club00 ring original

  64. Grandpa Goku

    dislikes are from android users

  65. Gunrox

    *Hears this song*🕳️🚶

  66. Su Na


  67. Teppanyaki Gaming

    How do I save this to my ringtone?

  68. Luiz Orlando Brito

    I troll in my daddy

  69. Sir. Pasta

    The beat dropped harder than my two last brain cells colliding wondering why the hell I clicked on this video.

  70. Dead Men

    I hate iphones but music is dope sick

  71. Talib Ali

    Good songs

  72. Afro-valak

    sweeeeeet ... cool trap... mine 's the Afro Dance Version.


    Who listem in iph Xs?

  74. Soheil Hassanzade

    Was get

  75. 地獄Ichigo

    Кто слушает с айфона?

  76. мимимик кодексу

    Кто русский го лайк

  77. Syon Patel

    Wow this sounds so good at 1.5 speed

  78. camara miracle

    nace song coollll

  79. WeatherKid Channel

    Is this copyrighted

  80. Pedro Teodomiro

    How can I download the beat?

  81. [{SYR PLAYER}]

    ياخي شو خطر عبالك😂😂😂😂😂

  82. Thedestroyer J

    I would set this to my ringtone, but it would take about 2 minutes for me to pick up 😂

  83. Google Narrador

    melhor q funk

  84. sanpal Jhajj

    I thik it is my real phoneringtone🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😅

  85. Ptayusha Banerjee

    Whatttt! Oh my God goood😮😮😮😮😯😯😯🥰🥰🥰

  86. Евчето В.

    Lol Love you

  87. Elijah Sakala

    i made my dog listen to this and now he is no longer a dog he is a dawg😎😎😎

  88. Trap City

    Who is using this as their new ringtone?


    Comment 400


    But how to use this as a new ringtone

    Johero Padilla

    Im andoid

    Mes différents pseudonymes

    Psy city


    Ur a wizard

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