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Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes

World In My Eyes
: World In My Eyes
: 4.08 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 77 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 57 İndirme
: 31-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes )
  1. Игорь Ануфриев

    Revolution 90 year.shank "dм".

  2. Charlie Rose

    2:44 this part gives me a type of feeling I cannot explain.

  3. Termoaire HVAC

    Ladys and gentleman.... Depeche mode!!!!

  4. Mariano P

    Perfect style yeeeeeaa 🤘 2019 steel................mmm

  5. Tom Lancee

    Hmmmm getting crazy Youri style

  6. DJ Haleh Sultanpour

  7. Warwar Dsw

    Это не описуемо !!

  8. duck food

    I'm listening to 9 year olds listening to old Town road in 2019 wishing I grew up in the 80's

  9. Citlalli Castro

    2019 💕

  10. Pmp Master

    Целесная, мощная подача каторая держить

  11. Anilina Lj

    😍😍😍😘😘😘🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥sexy Dave

  12. MegaHector38

    I love Violator ❤😍

  13. Florencia Soler

    Simply awesome!


    So damned elegant

  15. Diana Yuncar

    love this song

  16. Camilly Lynch

    they're with me since 2017 (i was 15) and since then i couldn't live without listen to their musics for just one day. thank you, guys. i love you and being a devotee had made my days. 💕

  17. jelle de hertogh

    I feel strange haha ... the world in my ass ...

  18. Parmis Hadiyani

    the sexiest song evaaaa

  19. Fly Johnson

    Is there a better song ever?

  20. Johnny Napalm

    You just gotta love the classic analogue metal bass sound of the opening chords. Very reminiscent of the early Korgs and Roland Jupiter's. Worst days work I ever did was sell my old Juno 6 and SH101, could get some really good and different sounds out of the SH101. Just took a bloody fortnight to set it up manually.

  21. Ernesto Moran

    Thank you Martin and Alan..the best thing that happened to me meeting you both...until next time..cheers!!

  22. maribell borgos

    Is 2019 and this here still sounds dope and always will!

  23. Termoaire HVAC

    Best albums from DM :1 Violator2 Music for the masses3 SOFAD


    best albums ever 1 MFTM 2 Rymdblomma (Di Leva) 3 Ultra 4 Violator 5 BC 6 Vem ska jag tro på? (Di Leva) 7 På ett fat (Di Leva) 8 SOFAD 9 Pussel (Di Leva) 10 Kiss me kiss me kiss me (The Cure)

  24. tcladyt584

    My first dm song i ever heard,

  25. Gabriel Espinoza

    Me encanta este tema

  26. Stuart Cumings

    World in my own eyes is shit....Great song anyway and grew up with there very early music

  27. Ironpyrites

    I used to blindfold my g/f (at the time ), tie her to the bed put my headphones on her and run my mouth all over her body whilst she listen to this, she told me she loved it.

  28. Sully Flight

    Someone listening on bucle??? ... 😂😂💖💖💖

  29. Jorge Zuniga


  30. Nadège S

    Dave Gahan: plus sexy, tu meurs😍

  31. George Felipe


  32. Stoney Curtis

    "I'll take you the highest mountain, to the depths of the deepest sea, and you wont need a map , believe me..Let my body do the moving, and my hands do the soothing.......

  33. The Oswald

    I love Depeche Mode

  34. Mi Mi

    Los autocinemas😂.Uuyy ya llovió!!!😹😹😹

  35. Кое Кто

    МИР МОИМИ ГЛАЗАМИпозволь тебя в путешествие взять,— ...по всему миру, и обратно... —и тебе не надо будет никуда ехать, просто сиди спокойно.теперь пусть твоё сознание прогуляется,...и пусть моё тело говорит само за себя...показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь мне!возьму тебя на самую гору высокую,в глубины моря самого глубокого, —и карта не понадобится нам, поверь мне!теперь позволь двигаться телу моему,— ...и пусть тебя успокоят мои руки... —показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь мне!...это всё, что есть у меня, —нет ничего больше, чем то, что можешь почувствовать сейчас,— это всё, что есть у меня!...отправить на корабль тебя позволь, —..для путешествия долгого-предолгого.....твои губы с моими совсем рядом......все в океане острова.....все в движении небеса..позволь мне показать тебе мир моими глазами!...это всё, что есть у меня, —нет ничего больше, чем то, что можешь почувствовать сейчас,— это всё, что есть у меня!......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь......показать тебе мир моими глазами позволь...

  36. Brujita Luna Llena

    Que temazo....grandes..

  37. Сергей Шаров

    просто классика жанра...вечный хит!!! ооуууееееааа)))))))

  38. Felipe Sanchez Domingez De La Cruz

    cette chanson me rappelle ma femme qui est partie et qui a divorcé. parce qu'elle était confuse et ne connaissait que la colère pour gérer ses émotions. Je l'aime et la compagnie me manque. Mais je ne manque pas d'être pris dans sa nature abusive. Nous pouvons tous être méchants. Je peux être très méchant, mais je fais de mon mieux pour le contrôler pour le bien des autres.

  39. Tina Kakuch

    From Russia With Love. 2019!!!

  40. ChumChum Anonymous

    This is the sexiest pop song ever written.

  41. Adriano César

    thank you England for songs 80'sDM <3

  42. Ben Red

    Absolutely fantastic song!!!!

  43. stephen cain

    If ever a song needs to be re-released its this. Straight to #1 and 1000 Trillion Views on YT will follow. But 4K video update needed. Yeah?

  44. Blackteo79

    Violator album was released in Milan 1990. And They had spent a Very nightlife time....In our City. Full of fun and....more....

  45. Dirk van der Merwe


  46. Gina Marie


  47. Michelle guzman_12

    Déjame mostrarte el mundo en mis ojos

  48. Tammy Burton

    Feeling so nostalgic today. Found some letters from 1984 a friend and I would pass between classes and them being exclusively about Duran Duran. I can't believe how long ago that was. But you know, I don't think my mind has grown away from being a young one and my enjoyment of these guys, including jelly shoes and masses of band pins on our jackets. :) Actually, I think I dig them more than I did in 94!Depeche was a later obsession for me. :)

  49. Rene Nitschke


  50. timothy honey

    My favorite Depeche Mode song. I saw them in the early 90s in Kansas City and they kicked ass.

  51. Darcy Royce - Therapeutic Art ln Rhythm and Rhyme

    The miracle that came out of Essex..😀❤️

  52. Sergio Jimenez

    Best band ever

  53. Paolo Corsini

    It looks like it's out today, but it's almost 30 years old! Immortal.

  54. turbofanlover

    If I had to pick my absolute fav DM song, then this would be it. Incredible stuff.

  55. Epic Terry

    2:48 when she asks is it in yet

  56. Wyatt

    kept thinkin bout this girl at my work and this song lol.. didnt talk 2 her for few days cuz i was sick then today when im bout to make a move she goes around a corner and i couldnt find her lmao.. tomorrow tho

  57. Fred G Silva C

    This song is really depeche mode are ...i love this song my favorite ...greetings from Managua Nicaragua C.A

  58. TheMrkcl

    Irresistable Dave

  59. reynaldo ramirez

    Excelenteeee uno de los mejores temas!!

  60. david castillo

    hasta el infinito y mas allá.........!!!!

  61. Andrey Zhuk

    Какая нахрен там технология - чуханы

  62. Torsten Kinzel

    DM!🖤😈 ^^

  63. Miglanc

    My favourite! Or something...

  64. Elizabeth barrera

    Depeche mode como lo amo es un extasis escucharlo

  65. Rossella Cavallo

    Incredible! I love this song 😍😍

  66. El Papa Clemente

    ¡¡ Qué gran canción !!

  67. Vladimip Frinkeln

    Бля, как можно было поставить дизлайк??

  68. Bruce Krom

    2019 anyone??

    Tammy Burton

    Better in 2019. Seems the older I get, the more I dig them!

  69. SPVProfessione Immobiliare

    this song is my mantra <3

  70. Sandro

    what a masterpiece. I have to puke when I listen to today's crap

    Captain Fox

    @rabXS Sub Pop? Hardly Art Records? Anything from the new wave orchestral era? If all you listen to is the mainstream radio and your Spotify recommended then of course you're bound to be disappointed.

    Shaiyan Hossain

    Shame you cant look for good modern music... (yes it exists, seems that you are too lazy to look for it)

    Captain Fox

    @Shaiyan Hossain see? someone gets it.


    Yup. Overall, music in the 21st Century blows.

    Captain Fox

    @turbofanlover Definitely haven't been looking, then.

  71. Drty Luver

    It's his voice that ruins us. It's pure love...

  72. Black'n'White Fox

    ya know, world in his eyes looks LIT

  73. Wicked

    i bet this guy got more ass than a toilette seat lol

  74. A Vern

    Liquid sex!

  75. Joanna Kalicińska

    Niesamowity kawałek...

  76. Claudio Luongo

    DM its a religion

  77. Kppot

    ждал на новый 1991 год когда артемий кивовчич покажет по тв! в своей программе сразу стренж и стренж 2

  78. cuky23

    nice vid find

  79. Sully Flight


  80. Anikó Szabó


  81. Downhill2211

    only less people in world are abled to make really good music.....Depeche Mode are one of these less people and they make it really superior ;)

  82. Stixches

    2019 ♡

  83. tubeMonger

    Depeche Mode is a big part of the soundtrack of my life.

  84. Soul KamoKaze

    Greetings from Germany!

  85. ЕЛЕНА Фатина

    In some stream....

  86. Wayne Holmes

    Ridiculously good. Anyone here for August 2019?

    Bi susar mısın

    Sept 2019

  87. MegaHector38

    Genialidad de depeche mode ♥️🎶🎵

  88. Lacy Bridgemon

    Your argument is rap did not make you do it ice cube....

  89. Master Rain

    Let me take you on a tripAround the world and backAnd you won't have to moveYou just sit still Now let your mind do the walkingAnd let my body do the talkingLet me show you the world in my eyes I'll take you to the highest mountainTo the depths of the deepest seaWe won't need a map, believe me Now let my body do the movingAnd let my hands do the soothingLet me show you the world in my eyes That's all there isNothing more than you can feel nowThat's all there is Let me put you on a shipOn a long, long tripYour lips close to my lipsAll the islands in the oceanAll the heaven's in the motionLet me show you the world in my eyes That's all there isNothing more than you can touch nowThat's all there is Let me show you the world in my eyes

  90. Leopard Trek

    the song is a Masterpiece, but the album it is NOT. Case closed.

  91. MsLauragrey

    Such a sexy voice... he drives me crazy...

  92. Sergio Jimenez

    Éste tema es de otro mundo.

  93. Oleg Payne

    2019 год. Мне 23, и я просто без ума от этой песни

  94. Gorgar

    one of the greatest alan's production masterpieces

  95. Spooky Jim

    2019 can’t compete with this

  96. p01 echeverria collante

    Sandra Calle Rangel, let me show you...

World In My Eyes Şarkı Sözü
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
And you won't have to move
You just sit still
Now let your mind do the walking
And let my body do the talking
Let me show you the world in my eyes
I'll take you to the highest mountain
To the depths of the deepest sea
We won't need a map, believe me
Now let my body do the moving
And let my hands do the soothing
Let me show you the world in my eyes
That's all there is
Nothing more than you can feel now
That's all there is
Let me put you on a ship
On a long, long trip
Your lips close to my lips
All the islands in the ocean
All the heaven's in the motion
Let me show you the world in my eyes
That's all there is
Nothing more than you can touch now
That's all there is
Let me show you the world in my eyes

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