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Daya - Safe

: Daya
: Safe
: 3.19 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 94 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 82 İndirme
: 28-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Daya - Safe )
  1. nessma youssef

    Hey Daya, if u happen to read this, just know that u are such an amazing and unique artist.i like your voice a lot mashallah you deserve better you are the best for me your voice calms me .you are the best .now i am your fan from algeria. love you you re nice keep going girl 💗💗💗 .

  2. Furqan Ahmed

    daya i love u

  3. starxsirius

    Raisa Bruner says: " "There is not much comfort in this place," she admits about the present. Yet her song -- cushiony and melodic, with feathery falsetto hits -- offers up elemets of the exact kind of lullaby dreamland she would like to conjure back to reality, a small blessing in a time of euncertainty. "

  4. Deepak saxena

    Why the hell this song is so underrated?

  5. Veronica Wakefield

    i care for the years because back then it was safe but in our days we can't even walk on the streets with out watching out around your siroundings

  6. SU3WOOF3R

    Been searching for this song for months i finally found it at beats headphones demo stand just bought a solo 3 because of this

  7. J J

    Absolutely in love with the song and her voice, but WHO CAME UP with the concept of this video???? What

  8. Chen V

    jeez she's ugly

  9. Ismail Ibrahim

    I wish I could like your video more than once

  10. Jarrett Williams

    Her voice is angelic😇 this song makes love to your ears

  11. Drew X

    I discovered you testing headphones at the Fnac physical store and I don't regret it

  12. Osheen Babu

    Why is this song so underrated ???

  13. Synne Nederhoed

    Can somebody make an instrumental version omg

  14. My music world

    I love this song so you guys should hear it.

  15. Solay Paige

    She looks so sad and depressed. FR fr.

  16. Repi Satriawan

    what's wrong with the viewers?

  17. Meca Ela

    The ah-aha-aha-aha-aha part actually reminds me of that girl who can call the animals in the movie Enchanted lol 😅

  18. alex G

    Shes the ultimate popstar of 20xx

  19. Angela Hensley

    I remember the riseWe were running backyard to yardWasn't scared of going too far, staying out til it's too darkNow daylight don't make it rightAnd you would really know thisClosed hearts make closed mindsI won't tell you it's all butterflies and rosesWhen I back in timeWhen we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeThere's not much comfort in this placeAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeWhen you can't fight the bitter tasteAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeI don't remember it allBut I know that I was invincibleLike the heroes in the cartoonsSaving lives through my living roomNow daylight don't make it rightAnd you would really know thisClosed hearts make closed mindsI won't tell you it's all butterflies and rosesWhen I back in timeWhen we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeThere's not much comfort in this placeAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeWhen you can't fight the bitter tasteAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeI know that I'm a fighterYeah, always been a fighterBut I tried to play with fire and I got burnedDon't know how to help usYeah, I'm feeling kind of helplessYeah, maybe you so selfish if it don't wanna hurtI know that I'm a fighterYeah, always been a fighterBut I tried to play with fire and I got burnedDon't know how to help usYeah, I'm feeling kind of helplessYeah, maybe you so selfish if it don't wanna hurtThere's not much comfort in this placeAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeWhen you can't fight the bitter tasteAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

  20. Brad

    Dont like this video. Shes too emotionless

  21. Daniel Arkangel


  22. Annie LeBlanc

    Idk why she isn't on billboardf

  23. Bryan Julian

    Anyone else hear this on the beats showcase

  24. Am Edwin M

    i like it :)

  25. star Boy


  26. Akita

    Daya 😏❤️🍆🥚🥚

  27. Sean Playz

    2019?! Come on guys lets hit her to 5 mill views on this song We can do it!

  28. its oussamazaidi

    Oh god still underrated this my fv track in 2018🇩🇿❤

  29. Nirmala G

    Addictive 😍


    When lorde had a daughter.

  31. James Daza

    La Ame!!! 💖💖💖

  32. ronite

    I heard this at a local JB HIFI and loved this song

  33. Xiaowu Zhu

    You sound like Lored

  34. His Angel

    This song is making me company during my autumn walks. Xo

  35. justin junior

    Ay loveyou Daya

  36. Reed Thibaudeau

    I just found this oh my god

  37. sweetpatot0

    It's so GOOD!

  38. ankur biswas

    She's 20 and so talented. Dafuq!! I'm so in love with you girl.

  39. Wyssal Mi

    my ex told me to listen to this song when we were together 😊🙋

  40. Smart Kyly

    Why z she soo underated😟😥

  41. Smart Kyly

    Her voice 😰😍😍

  42. Smart Kyly

    This song ..(makes me feel safe ....the voiceeeeeeeee👌

  43. He's Adiityan

    This is my favorite song... i love you daya

  44. mulenga chewe


  45. Tamzid Hussain


  46. StefenLaw

    That hmm at 0:35 💕

  47. Mohamad abo taim

    Voice beautiful best voice in world fantastic music video ⚘⚘⚘⚘☕⚘☕🐝

  48. Chorili

    If you listen to this song with headphones and put your volume at full, its the best.

  49. Dany Bright

    Love it... thank you for this song

  50. claudio olavarria

    This song gives me goosebumps! What a beautiful voice ❤"I know that I'm a fighterYeah, always been a fighterBut I tried to play with fire and I got burned"🔥

  51. Shazaib Ali

    Solo Queen. ♥

  52. The Daily Happening

    WTH! Only 3.5 million??? I love this song though... What happened to people's choice of music. !!

  53. Lana D

    Daya love your songs !!!!!

  54. Zah Kam

    wow , her words are soo peaceful

  55. Lexie LaBelle

    Hater drinking that haterade

  56. - Cuhfs

    Came from In The Dark show on CW. I used shazam app to find out the name of the song. 👀

  57. Jojo Lloyd

    So sad that this song flop :(

  58. Luana Carvalho


  59. deepika thapa

    Ohh daya you look soo pretty and your voice oh my godYou killed it girl❤😍👌

  60. Annie LeBlanc

    Everything about this video is beautiful, Daya included

  61. Yire Pmqz

    Niceee songggg

  62. Violet Evergreen

    This is great

  63. Kid Christ

    I wish they focused less on her sexuality and more on her voice. She's very pretty but that's not what keeps me coming back to her music.

  64. zain ali

    If she had add one more line(pussy on the face) in this song she had 500 million views 😀

  65. Gimini 07

    Super love this music😍

  66. Joshua Bbash

    Soooo good!

  67. Reyna Dini Wigustha


  68. Шона Динова


  69. topovaya totya

    The song amazing 💗💗

  70. SuperOTAKO

    Anyone from sutos?

  71. Alexandra Welch

    Hope Daya plays this when she opens for Marina next month in Toronto. It's gorgeous.


    The song is good and you are beautiful here - but from the performance, I saw you for the first time - sit still look pretty - I thought you are the rebel and your song supported me greatly, but now they are dressing you like other stars, same make up same colours in videos, same clothes, and I cant feel the energy that you possessed back then, though videos are high level. But I m not trying to criticize its just my own feelings, still, you are unique and your songs are good, modern and filled with something rea/ thank you for your great efforts

  73. homica king

    You ripped it love. Much love 👏👏👏👏👏

  74. idfc_heart Magda

    I have the song downloaded for a year, I can only now see who sings you are more beautiful than I thought

  75. Kedeen Smith

    Your songs r amazing but i loved your hair when it wasnt cut

  76. owais mlk

    Your eyes though daya love you from pakistan

  77. Mabbyset Vevo

    I love this song daya

  78. yilda mairena

    My love !! Te amo !!!!!!!

  79. Prince Arora

    still listening to this in 2019

  80. RobloxGirl

    0:37 that part gave me a tingle 😍

  81. jannie bliss

    I need someone to keep me safe~

  82. أم نايل فرح

    You are my best✌🥰🥰

  83. Cher Lloyd

    Stream her album on spotify!!

  84. Satsuna !

    Your face = 🤢🤮

  85. sister location Cry baiby

    Its my favorite song i love it sooo🥺🥺🥺

  86. Chaima Del

    My love it's amazing

  87. Mohamad abo taim

    The best voice in the world voice beautiful fantastic 🤷‍♂️😘

  88. Raymond D.

    I can’t get over her voice, so beautiful.

  89. margeart sherwood

    is it just me or does she look like prim in the hunger games

  90. Waleed Malik

    This is the most underrated song on YouTube ever !

  91. BenjaminLRD

    I remember the riseWe were running backyard to yardWasn't scared of going too far, staying out til it's too darkNow daylight don't make it rightAnd you would really know thisClosed hearts make closed mindsI won't tell you it's all butterflies and rosesWhen I back in timeWhen we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeThere's not much comfort in this placeAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeWhen you can't fight the bitter tasteAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeI don't remember it allBut I know that I was invincibleLike the heroes in the cartoonsSaving lives through my living roomNow daylight don't make it rightAnd you would really know thisClosed hearts make closed mindsI won't tell you it's all butterflies and rosesWhen I back in timeWhen we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeThere's not much comfort in this placeAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeWhen you can't fight the bitter tasteAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeI know that I'm a fighterYeah, always been a fighterBut I tried to play with fire and I got burnedDon't know how to help usYeah, I'm feeling kind of helplessYeah, maybe you so selfish if it don't wanna hurtI know that I'm a fighterYeah, always been a fighterBut I tried to play with fire and I got burnedDon't know how to help usYeah, I'm feeling kind of helplessYeah, maybe you so selfish if it don't wanna hurtThere's not much comfort in this placeAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeWhen you can't fight the bitter tasteAh-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safeBack then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

  92. Валерія Волошина


  93. Marco RC

    "Safe", my favourite song

  94. Philip Juma


  95. Harvito87

    Love ur voice ❤❤❤❤

  96. insan kerdil

    happy anniversary 1 year release ;)

  97. Francheska Thomas

    Published a year ago, today 🙌🏽

  98. ayu dyah

    u have an amazing voice, and it's really a good song, kongpob and arthit edit bring me here, it's really great to know you and hear your good song and voice, pls make another great music next time, GBU!

    abi gea

    Me too...

    abi gea

    Me too..

    ayu dyah

    @abi gea peraya team hahaha.. I hope there's another drama about kit and singto love story

Safe Şarkı Sözü
Yükselişi hatırlıyorum
I remember the rise

Arka bahçeden bahçeye koşuyorduk
We were running backyard to yard

Çok uzağa gitmekten korkmadım, hava kararıncaya kadar dışarıda kalmak
Wasn't scared of going too far, staying out til it's too dark
Şimdi günışığı doğru yapmıyor
Now daylight don't make it right

Ve bunu gerçekten biliyor olurdun
And you would really know this

Kapalı kalpler, zihinleri kapalı tutar.
Closed hearts make closed minds

Söylemeyeceğim, hepsi kelebekler ve güller.
I won't tell you it's all butterflies and roses

Zamanda geri döndüğümde
When I back in time
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha'nın güvende olduğu zamanlarda
When we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

O zamanlar ah-aha-aha-aha-aha güvende olduğumuzda
Back then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

Bu yerde fazla konfor yok
There's not much comfort in this place

Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha Seni koruyacağım
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safe

Acı tadıyla dövüşemediğinde
When you can't fight the bitter taste

Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha Seni koruyacağım
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safe
Hepsini hatırlamıyorum
I don't remember it all

Ama yenilmez olduğumu biliyorum
But I know that I was invincible

Çizgi filmdeki kahramanlar gibi
Like the heroes in the cartoons

Oturma odamdan hayat kurtarmak
Saving lives through my living room
Şimdi günışığı doğru yapmıyor
Now daylight don't make it right

Ve bunu gerçekten biliyor olurdun
And you would really know this

Kapalı kalpler, zihinleri kapalı tutar.
Closed hearts make closed minds

Söylemeyeceğim, hepsi kelebekler ve güller.
I won't tell you it's all butterflies and roses

Zamanda geri döndüğümde
When I back in time
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha'nın güvende olduğu zamanlarda
When we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

O zamanlar ah-aha-aha-aha-aha güvende olduğumuzda
Back then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

Bu yerde fazla konfor yok
There's not much comfort in this place

Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha Seni koruyacağım
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safe

Acı tadıyla dövüşemediğinde
When you can't fight the bitter taste

Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha Seni koruyacağım
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safe
Ben bir dövüşçü olduğumu biliyorum
I know that I'm a fighter

Evet, her zaman bir savaşçı olmuştur
Yeah, always been a fighter

Ama ateşle oynamaya çalıştım ve yandım
But I tried to play with fire and I got burned

Bize nasıl yardım edeceğimizi bilmiyorum
Don't know how to help us

Evet, kendimi çaresiz hissediyorum
Yeah, I'm feeling kind of helpless

Evet, belki incinmek istemezsen çok bencilsin.
Yeah, maybe you so selfish if it don't wanna hurt

Ben bir dövüşçü olduğumu biliyorum
I know that I'm a fighter

Evet, her zaman bir savaşçı olmuştur
Yeah, always been a fighter

Ama ateşle oynamaya çalıştım ve yandım
But I tried to play with fire and I got burned

Bize nasıl yardım edeceğimizi bilmiyorum
Don't know how to help us

Evet, kendimi çaresiz hissediyorum
Yeah, I'm feeling kind of helpless

Evet, belki incinmek istemezsen çok bencilsin.
Yeah, maybe you so selfish if it don't wanna hurt
Bu yerde fazla konfor yok
There's not much comfort in this place

Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha Seni koruyacağım
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safe

Acı tadıyla dövüşemediğinde
When you can't fight the bitter taste

Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha Seni koruyacağım
Ah-aha-aha-aha-aha I'll keep you safe

O zamanlar ah-aha-aha-aha-aha güvende olduğumuzda
Back then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

O zamanlar ah-aha-aha-aha-aha güvende olduğumuzda
Back then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

O zamanlar ah-aha-aha-aha-aha güvende olduğumuzda
Back then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

O zamanlar ah-aha-aha-aha-aha güvende olduğumuzda
Back then when we were ah-aha-aha-aha-aha safe

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