mp3 indir dur

Daddy Yankee - Despacito

: Despacito
: 4.30 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 298 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 205 İndirme
: 06-09-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Daddy Yankee - Despacito )
  1. ImFlynn

    This is how old my expired milk is 🥛 ☝️

  2. 300 Nándor

    1k like?

  3. عقيل الكروشي

    احلى اغنيه

  4. Ste Jay 史杰

    Why has this got 6.5b views..

  5. 팡엘

    와 지구 전체 인구가 다봤누;;;

  6. Cristian Gámez

    Por cada like escribo despacito👇Despacito 1

  7. Темирлан Мукушев

    There are over 3 miilion comments, you are really Lucky, you find my comment!!!!!!!!Hello FROM Kazakhstan 😁😁😁😁😁

  8. Jahnvi Singh

    Who is listening despacito in 2019 feb like

  9. bandana guy


  10. Rahul Rai Official


    Abe saale💥💥

  12. david bibin

    Half of the world has seen this video

  13. Dr.T Inc

  14. iohan1337

    Кто русский лайк


    iohan1337 привтет

  15. Maria Luz Mamani Umasi

    me ancato

  16. 1TOP


  17. Ayushi Jha

    Despacito! Teri muh pe laat marito,khake gajar or papito,jassi ki biwi paramjeeto,despacito!

  18. Lucifer GøD

    Who is better??Luis Fonsi:Like👍Daddy Yankee:Comment💬

  19. xXenonite Xx

    Hi randon person! Lucky to find me! If you do DONT and I said DONT like this comment. I want it to be a challenge,just comment that you've found it

  20. gamer girl

    yaşasın tek türk benim

  21. ชื่อ คน นามสกุล มนุษย์ ฉายา กะตุ๊ด เเละ มนุษย์ต่างดาว


  22. Просто Саня

    Русские есть?

  23. Abin Jose

    Any one in 2022

  24. Gangarani Devi

    Go listen to living proof by camila cabelo you won't regret it

  25. Abin Jose

    Any one from india

  26. Lika Biersack

    i wish real masterpiece like Guns'n'Roses or Alice Cooper had THAT much views...

  27. Nikolai Stefanov

    This song is different from others. Yes it is

  28. Namuga Josephine

    Ohh my God all this 3.1M comments if you find mine may God bless you

  29. X x_MrMan_x X

    If you see this comment, you will have good luck in the future

  30. Аделя всем мир

    *огонь супер*

  31. TToZzParty

    Who listening this son in 2019?

  32. 3f officiel

    *23 nov 2019?*

  33. 3f officiel

    " 23 nov 2019? "

  34. 3f officiel

    "23 nov 2019?"

  35. 3f officiel

    23 nov 2019?

  36. Football star

    I still like the song 😂😂

  37. Красный нинзя

    3.1 million koment

  38. battleroy gt

    There are 3.1 million comment if u find mine u will be famouse and Rich in the future.

  39. Noob Gmerss

    The comments are still been on:It's been 2 years!But,If u find mineThen do nothing😄

  40. Abhijeet Suman

    Who enjoys in 2019

  41. Mayr Remix

    Просто посмотрите на число просмотров...

  42. AngeloDE

    Top comment?

  43. 下瀬川直哉


  44. Prxnce Anime

    Am i the only thinks he doesnt have to sing againBecause youtube alone makes him rich

  45. Di Chornobyl


  46. Abhay Ranade

    *Calendars were invented in 1582**People before 1582 - Who's watching this on 23 Nov 1582?*

  47. Hemant Kumar

    who is not listening this song in 2025 hit 👍

  48. EASY ART

    Today is my birthdayCan you give me a like?😖😖😞😞

  49. HARI CR7

    There are 3.1M comments and if you found me your a legend

    Mithu Bhadson

    Me I'm legend 😂😂🤣🤣

  50. 강유리

    여주컨셉 뭔가요? 창녀에요?

  51. Jung Hoseok

    It's funny how girls don't understand that guys use their boobs and butts for views 😂

  52. JustNikitosik

    *Will ot have 7bill?*

  53. Etelka Marković

    Super ste

  54. Infinity officiel

    this Music is the classic i love that title 😀😀😘😘💖💖 😄😄😄😄😄😄

  55. Syn Cloud

    0:38 she’s beautiful!

  56. Jackson Gaming

    Still had the best beat Lmao

  57. Majalaya 2019

    November 2019?

  58. Jsr Vlog

    Who listen it in November 2019?HIT A LIKE!




    There's 3.2m Comments here if u find mine you all'be rich next year :)

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