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Çocuk Şarkıları - Johny Johny Yes Papa

Johny Johny Yes Papa
: Johny Johny Yes Papa
: 4.28 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 1106 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 655 İndirme
: 30-10-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Çocuk Şarkıları - Johny Johny Yes Papa )
  1. Crizabhel Adey

    Nice song

  2. Azaan 619


  3. James Trapnell

    0:15I love how Johnny is just like“F**k this s**t I’m out!”

  4. Technical Unboxer

    Old papa

  5. amit sharma

    Nice poem

  6. Limario ChipsmunkJichuJerry

    Not me i'm not ready. Byebye

  7. Thatboitbh

    First of all WhY Is HIm PapA 1000 YeArs OLd

  8. Sab Aguinaldo

    How could he get up there

  9. Grace and Lucas

    Johny Johny Yes PaPa❤

  10. Patrick Londres

    I hear the music❤💙

  11. Tamasha Byaese


  12. Tamasha Byaese

    Johny Johny yes papa eating sugar no papa

  13. Violet Moon

    Uh why am i here

  14. Roblox expert hacker

    Papa: johny watching t-seriesJohnny: no PapaPapa: watch PewDiePie!!!!

  15. Avi-a Singh

    Old grandpa is his papa what the f

  16. Sithu Lwin


  17. Aishath Ahmed

    This song is good now my baby is sleeping one year baby zivian a boy thank you very much😊

  18. frank garcia


  19. Brenner Ledbetter

    booooooooooooooooooooooo this sucks

  20. Fatma Andara

    Apa hanya gue yg orang indonesia

  21. Leileane Rodrigues

    48:38 qual o canal desse vídeo??

  22. Meme ClassRedWolf


  23. Цыган Орифлейма

    Я один ужкюе тронулся?

  24. Мейрамхан Айтенов

    Плохо 💅😑

  25. Мейрамхан Айтенов


    Мейрамхан Айтенов

    плохо совсем плохо

  26. Kids TV

    Follow my channel KidsTV, videos for kids to learn, entertain and have fun. Also German videos available! Come and have fun! :)

  27. Varmeet Vig


  28. Настя Креваручка

    Вы можите хоть 1 слово писать на руском

  29. 61deg

    people who have gone rogue, should be worried!!

  30. Luciane SantosAlves

    Joy Hulk

  31. mcdonagh Mcdonagh


  32. mcdonagh Mcdonagh


  33. Bangladeshi Vlogger in Europe

    I’m watching with my 6month baby 🙈🙈🙈🙈

  34. Tofy Gamer 99

    اذا عربي لايك

  35. Gulbahit Nurimbet


  36. hamza abdelrahim


  37. Delfi Berkah Abadi

    Enak kali lagu nya orang tua pun suka lagi anak bayi pun suka puluknya baggus deh

  38. maurice mukendi

    Je veux que tu dormes dans les WC broyeur Bye baby nomade je t’en ai donné un à Lisbonne jusqu’à Lisbonne Johnny Johnny et les papas

  39. Da Gamer Ace

    You suck BABY SONGS

  40. Cringe Normie

    Surprised the comments haven’t been turned off for this video yet

    Nabila Peerzada

    Cringe Normie wsq

    Cringe Normie

    Nabila Peerzada what?

    Chloroform Clovers

    Cringe Normie this whole comment section is filled with random jumbled sentences, it’s strange

  41. Ramsey Lloyd Martin

    I love it 😘

  42. Sevimli Dostlar Tube


  43. Aisha Cummings

    Anyone else’s kid listen to this at least 50 times a day lolol

    Big Sizzle

    Me and wife damn near know every somg word for word lol

    Aisha Cummings

    Big Sizzle lmao me too. Hahaha

    Aries Acosta

    @Aishath Ahmed pokie

    Aries Acosta


  44. DJRIPP

    how does he telaport

  45. Oscar The FunnyDoggo

    I randomly thought of this, and decided to search it... I have issues.

  46. Ruby Doherty

    You are really good

  47. Alfaro Lopuo

    Ch vvvvcvvm V j00hyttyyý

    Lisa Tran

    Alfaro Lopuo j

  48. Erica Balde

    Helloing 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍎🍧🍞🥚👥👥👁👥👥👥👥👥

  49. Samira Andras

    Trop bien

  50. Zarif Azim


  51. Not a gamer

    Omg the worst "song" ive ever heard

  52. alderhill

    Terrible robo-video made purely to make money off your infant's innocence. Give this a thumbs down!

    Bhanu Prakash

    alderhill from ji

  53. Brian Dowling



    Cochinadas de videos que ebseñan a niños


    Como el de jhony jhony es Pampa XD

  55. Diceroller 27

    You eat all my beans !

  56. jungshooked TAE

    This baby is going to get diabetes

    K-Pop's My Jam


    Laurie Auclair

    T fer tqtt709e

    jungshooked TAE

    @Laurie Auclair spammer

  57. anthony bellegarde

    How can you dislike this !

  58. Frεε Heart and Paw Necklace on my Profile

    Such adorable! 🐱🐾

  59. تدابير لارا لكل ما يخص المرأة العربية

    رائع جميل from Algeria

  60. Juana Garcia

    Suck dick

  61. Bong Pheap

    Heiqck to sign up

    S .R

    شتركو في قناتي 👍👍👍

  62. Mišo Sučević


  63. بعومي بعومي


    1997 08


  64. ibrahim ali


  65. Ebrahim Ismailjee

    ALLLLIIOOO2vo-(@??(((*((@(#(#(#¥#¥$¥*#*#('zmllKLLLPPMKKMMNBCCFHHOKKK 9KZMMMK1kmj

  66. Colors the Toys

    Лайк ПоставилОт

    Pablo Dias

    YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube

    Nalini Naresh

    @john benson 1223%45t6677889000\dghmm, wš4tyuoppaxvl C/-😃5🐱🐱+=L.878<î789123456⅞889#222±'@$#»¢€€€ Da12^e3t566[c9 v

    Meme ClassRedWolf

    Are these all babies smashing their dads keyboards?

    jerome estimada

    zfc d vsnj gc bc gxv Djazia c

  67. Fernando jr Panagsagan

    Fudge joe

  68. 0199871156 01998

    My baby like this songs

    Not a gamer

    For me this song SUCKS

  69. 0199871156 01998

    Hey your songs is cool😁😁😁

  70. Yes motherfucker

    Dad : Johnny JohnnySon : Yes papaDad : Watching hentaili ? Son : No papa ? Dad : Show me your search historySon : oh no

    Team MusicTM


    hamsa vathi

    Thank ‘

  71. Sneha Rai


  72. Morgan Prior

    Anyone from 2019?

    Mrs B

    Only everyone

  73. Phoenix The dutchie

    How can that child not walk but skateboard like a friking bossDoes anyone else think Danny Gonzalez should review this video

  74. Francisco no comando


  75. Delmy Rodriguez

    Lose y porra

  76. gustavo alves dias

    wow what the hell yes papa

    j Millz


  77. Alex Muchoki

    kijana mpanda madola

  78. Triell Johnson

    V. B. B Lkjbv.

  79. Banards World

    More like Jonny Jonny yes grandpa lol

  80. Maria De Lurdes

    Love it porra

  81. Maria De Lurdes

    Minha ímã ama essa música

  82. Cousin's Fun

    Yhf is my day

    rizwan khan

    @Gurbet Tıraktar slakestwjfvs

    Yared Asmelash

    rizwan khan hjh

    ذVeritas Ifehنتتفیندذبانذاخختذ

    Khan hbjjbyhh. H

  83. JoJoジョジョ

    2:02 His grandfather is really agile :D

    Llama Kids

    JoJoジョジョ xD true

  84. LooLoo Kids - Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs

    😀👉👉Our last video - 👈👈👈

    nguyen nguyet

    An Sokphea hbnljjp pop hRSok Hdhp

    Jackie Juanzon

    LooLoo Kids - Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs and videos of the following

    Jackie Juanzon

    The following user camera name of the following. Find

    Memo Nano


Johny Johny Yes Papa Şarkı Sözü
Johny Johny

Yes Papa

Eating sugar?No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth

Ah, ah, ah!

Johny, Johny

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth

Ah, ah, ah!

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