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Clean Bandit - Come Over

Come Over
: Come Over
: 3.73 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 167 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 68 İndirme
: 06-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Clean Bandit - Come Over )
  1. xKL.

    The Adan sound in the beginning? Are you kidding me? it's not fun and not cool to use it in the songs, Adan is for Pray & Pray only, hh will you ever respect our religion?God !!

  2. Erick Soto

    Sublime y epicamente simétricaEse es el gran estilo de CLEAN BANDIT"Nosotros no tenemos nada que esconder"-El nutrileche 2019

  3. Alex Farris

    1984???? Anyone???

  4. Temia Morrison

    This gives me memories of my old nest friend bc we would just play this so loud and shout the lyrics 😭💖 I miss her

  5. kamal miah

    Remove the Adhan you idiots.

  6. Tania Lopez

    This is a badass song 👌😍😍 🙌

  7. Eilaf Loofa

    you can't make azan part of song👊👊👊

    Kevin Raulfs

    why not ? what is azan?


    @Kevin Raulfs it's our call to pray, they must respect that !!

  8. Lola Molina Marzolini

    This girl is the real astrid

  9. Buggy Bugson

    Anyone here in 2005?

  10. Waider Monginzin

    the muslims in this comments section are triggered for the adzan at the beginning of the song. dont demand respect. its annoying especially when you dont have concreate evidence of your God existence and depends fully on indoctrination, fallacy, and faith to keep on surviving. considering how terrorist justify killing non muslims with quran

  11. Ayuq Qorri


  12. Dede yaya

    Love allah like

  13. Yasin Yare

    my high school 👌👌

  14. muhammad danish khan

    hold on... is that Adhaan in the very starting of the song? if so then you should not, instead remove it..its not something you should put it on songs.!!!!

  15. hassaan asif khan

    i really like u guyz but Azan at start was not cool please respect others religion.....

  16. Elvis Gakuru

    A simple explanation of underrated songs!!!5 years down the line 29 million its just not fair

  17. Feri Febrian. A

    21 Juli 2014 (release video ini)Netizen +62, 2019 baru koar koar 🤣 lu pada belum pernah denger lagu Bohemian Rhapsody lur ! Coba lu dengerin terus komen PENISTAAN juga dong 🤣 ngakak yg bawa bawa nama islam tapi ngomong aja gak bisa dijaga + suka berburuk sangka ! Salam, saya islam ktp.

  18. Mohd Hafizan

    I hope this song is changed or deleted. Im so sad :(

    Gary Lorenz

    Lol no this song is great

  19. nirmalakshi p

    I'm the biggest fan of clean bandit. Awesome ...creative video...🥇 wonderful creation...i liked it..

  20. Pit Taka


  21. TheDarkhounds

    Weird sound effect at the begining thats making people cry? I wouldnt have noticed it unless people pointed it out lol what a retarded sound to cry about haha the main song is awesome and the violin is on point

  22. iTi

    Just discovered this experience. I love your music

  23. Umberto Ferrari

    Ok his pronunciation is kinda funny. I really like this song btw 🖤

  24. hatim chadli

    المغرب في كل مكان

  25. милый котик

    а почему собачку в начале поранели лучше бы малыша поранили

  26. T Dk

    Where is this location,?

  27. Benjamin Kanoza

    Y"Guess you're gonna run out of luck now sonner or later; better take time to sit down and put pen to paper" best words of wisdom even this many years after!

  28. Saffarul Saffarul

    Call me anytime

  29. poisoned leaves


  30. Joana Beckah

    Isso q eu chamo de conexão

  31. Techmo Manser

    You bring me sun sun sun shine


    Who is listening today? And now

  33. DD JNRS

    I never said any of this was gonna be simpleBut sometimes all it takes is just a symbol, ooh ohBecause the place you want to reach is right in front of youYou're getting strongerSo just keep on that bit longerRa pa pumGirl come overMi want you closerTired of the rainy daysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineSo before the night overI want you to know thatI'm willing to change my waysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineCome over, come overCome over, come, come overCome over, come overCome over, come, come overI guess you're gonna run out luck love sooner or laterYou better make time to sit down and put pen to paperBecause the things you want to do will slip away from youIt won't be long nowSo just keep on being strong nowRa pa pumGirl come overMi want you closerI'm tired of the rainy daysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineSo before the nights overI want you to know thatI'm willing to change my waysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineOn regular she blow my mindNah tell no lieMi can't live without youWithout youGirl you got me weak at my kneesSeven days of the weekMi stop think about youAbout youCome over, come overCome over, come, come overCome over, come overCome over, come, come overSun sun sun sunshineCome over, come overCome over, come, come overCome over, come overCome over, come, come overLook how much time mi tell you say mi sorry girlAbout time now fi you spend the night over90 days past and mi nu see you girlBaby make we move on cause the fight overRegular she curse meTell her friend dem bout she nu trust meWell if a so it have to be so let it beSince the last three months mi know you a fi meMi want pick up mi phone but mi can't call youHold heap of questions mi a go ask youBaby mi love you why you a go on soNow you a show off a bag man want youMi want pick up the phone but mi can't call youHold heap of questions mi a go ask youBaby mi love you why you a go on soNow you a show off a bag man want youRa pa pumGirl come overMi want you closerI'm tired of the rainy daysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineSo before the nights overI want you to know thatI'm willing to change my waysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sunshineCome over, come overCome over, come, come overSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring me sun, sun, sun, sunshineCome over, come overCome over, come, come overSun, sun, sun, sunshineYou bring me sun, sun, sun, sunshine

  34. Public Enemy

    02:20 What is the name of this instrument?! PLEASE!

    Jackson Leonard

    Steel drums

  35. Cynthia Febriani

    Semoga kelak kalian jd mualaf ya :)

  36. Fanta Williams

    I love the steel pan

  37. syarifuddin 765

    I love sun sun shine 😘😘😘😍😍😍😍 grace chatto very beautiful look's

  38. Wendel Remix2019


  39. Ma Ma

    Vive Maroc ❤

  40. Mamedaz

    Wtf this music video is bully islam

  41. Sticky Animations

    I never new what the beginning in the song ment until now he said *I ask forgiveness*

  42. Sticky Animations

    Hey its almost 2020 so anyone 2020?

  43. Aldy Lande

    Dasar babi clen bandit, ayo semua report vidio ini

  44. ѕlєєp wαlkíng

    Ajg bapak kauu

  45. Lira Rizola

    Ingat allah akan membalas prbuatan klian! Mksdnya apasih masuk masukin suara azan kaya gitu trs udh suara azan ada anjg?!

  46. Ümid Xuduzade

    Türk varmı🇦🇿🇹🇷

  47. Mohammad Ibrahim

    Anyone listening in August 2019

  48. evita arista

    hearing the song and reading the radical comments :) ,sounds fun

  49. Myoutsider 90


  50. Ta Sy

    Racism sound of adzan in 02.00 >:( Laknattullah!!!

  51. ikram remidi

    Best song ever 2019

  52. WerecatPlayz 62

    My dad would listen to this, I began to love this song!

  53. EvoGaming

    2:17 and 2:29 those expressions 😍

  54. nadia gunawan

    You do not respect our religionYou’re so bad so so bad oh i don’t know.are you have brain?? Hmmm please think before postingDon't you think about we religion? O westerners, don't be too proud of your facemay Allah punish youAamiin


    shut up its a song bitch

    nadia gunawan

    Jakša Mladenović are you hear adzan?in the first song haa??are you hear this is an insultyou can combine music and call to prayer where are your thoughts?

    nadia gunawan

    Sector yeah it’s true so bad

    nadia gunawan

    Jakša Mladenović what do you say?

  55. sonal p

    Remove tht...muslim word from starting....its makes showoff of this super song...

  56. febrianbtx

    Ayo kita report sama sama chanel nya!!!!

  57. W. Moore

    "The judgment is only Allah's; He relates the truth and He is the best of deciders". [6:57] The Adzan is in Tribute here. If YOU have an issue, it's 100% YOUR Fault In Having It! NO ONE Else! If you look for fault You WILL Find It! If you CHOOSE to be offended YOU ALWAYS Will Be!

  58. Ai Nu Ra

    Kenapa pada bacot skrng?

  59. Suci Aprilyani

    Astagfirullah dipikir suara adzan itu lelucon, semoga Allah SwT tdk murka dg kalian..

  60. noeg 666

    Clean bandit fuck is dog

  61. Beta Karlin

    Wonderfull come over

  62. Fahmi Farhan

    Report !

  63. ابطالPIBG العرب

    اغنيه جميله لماذا مشاهدات قليله

  64. om kecil

    are you healthy may God protect you before your death comes

  65. dian Saqina

    Yang awalnya suka dengar lagu lagu mereka, tapi kali ini kok kek ngehina gtu yaaaa😑😑😑😑😑

  66. Bang DanZ

    I like your song 😍 ❤😘 Aku suka sekali lagu muu... Wkwkkwkwkw 🤣

  67. Orang Awam

    Sobat gurun ngegas semuaHahah sad

  68. Dass

    Hey im sorry dude? maybe in this song there is something wrong because there is a Muslim prayer call to prayerDid I just mishear?

  69. عاشقة ناروتو شيبودن

    2019???? Anyone

  70. عاشقة ناروتو شيبودن

    2019???? Anyone

  71. Baper Project


  72. Rancha HM

    Assalamualaikum , why you use adzan in intro 😭😭 , adzan not for song

  73. Regi Septia


  74. NYILL_ YT

    Bajingan apaan itu voice firs adzan?

  75. Dhimas Muhammad Fauji

    Kok awalnya ada suara Adzan ya?, maksudnya apa?

  76. naila sabitha

    i’m sorry, why first video must voice adzan?

  77. S10 Football

    Why first voice adzan i'm so sad

  78. Muzakkii Nugrahanugraha143

    Duarr meme

  79. Repan Yusuf

    Bangsat emang Cland bandit. Kalian boleh bangga di dunia dengan segala kenikmatan. Tapi tunggu lah di akhirat nanti. Neraka tempat tinggal kalian selamanya. lahaula walakuata illabillah hil aliyil adzim. Laknat nya orang kafir

  80. Tasyadzik 123

    Gua yg islam g kesinggung ada azan apa gmn, tapi itu yg vidio takbir, azan dll diremix knp diem aja kalian? Jangan terlalu barbar lah apalagi ini artis inter, komen tentang islam berlebihan..... Malu ogeb

  81. tushar aggarwal

    I have heard and seen lots of movies or songs using references, chants, names of gods, etc. But why only muslims gets offended in such things I never got offended when a hindu prayer or chant is used and I laugh when foreigners make fun of Indian culture in comical way (even when lots of them are untrue) but i still laugh..... And they are saying "give me sunshine'' how is that inappropriate and can violate any religious sentiments.I AM NOT ABUSING ANY RELIGION HERE JUST ASKING TO STOP GETTING OFFENDED IN SMALL THINGS THIS ONLY BIRTHS HATE

  82. U Kang

    Hey fool.... U think u can good?... Haha... U and u geng... Go hell... I promise

  83. Danz official

    Zaman akhir:(

  84. Azkia Rifqi Rabbani

    Tolol Bgsd

  85. Adiep Aravy

    Assalamualaikum,how come azan is ready for a photo of dog,you really kimak,pantek who made this song,there's no brain you pantek

  86. A. Rafita

    Why first voice i hear adzan,

  87. A. Rafita

    Why first voice i hear adzan,

  88. wiinda zurianii

    Sengaja itu biar lagu nya viral.Dengan cara memancing keributanAutomatis, yg muslim nonton, viewers nambah yg komen juga banyakHahahah ~ jahanam strategi bejat

  89. Alya Arthesa

    Clean bandit mulut anda kotor

  90. Febi Aja

    Report aja ini lagu ga bermutu!!!!

  91. Lily NATO

    Kasihan ma negara +62 w...

  92. Keane Harris

    Yall such ducking snowflakes honestly asif they meant to offend your religion get a fucking grip telling people to report the vid/ someone’s hard work, fucking ridiculous

  93. Nurisqi Ramadhan

    :v adzan bukannya sholat malah nyanyi

  94. Steven Deck

    Dasar people +62 GBLK nya murni!!Azan di remix, takbiran di remix pada adem ayem aja, giliran denger suara azan gtu doang malah pada ngebacod!!

  95. Rif Play

    haha INDO, orang muslim timur tengah aja gaada yg komen tentang adzan, bahkan ini video diambil di negara maroko, orang maroko pun gaada yg komen kwkwk lucu

    fitri novar27

    Ngotak klo ngomng!

    Rif Play

    gangotak gimana ? bisa jelasin? kenapa di kolom komentar yg komen adzan orang indo doang ? sedangkan muslim diluar negri ga komen. bisa jelasin ?

    fitri novar27

    Nih ya klo lu pinter lu bisa jwb tuh pertanyaan bego lu

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