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Celine Dion - Ashes

: Ashes
: 3.57 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 106 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 92 İndirme
: 19-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Celine Dion - Ashes )
  1. paolah

    her every song makes me cry ... i don´t know ... is it because of her voice? i don´t know

  2. Khalil Prado

    That punchline on the end 🤣🤣

  3. Abhinav Pratap Singh

    Dude. I love this a lot😝 still i watch this song many times 😝♥️😍

  4. Teresa Osorio

    grande mulher parabens Celion,admiro tua Forca .coragem.vencente.chegaste topo forca tens adorote es exemplo mulher.sou tua fa beijinhos do coracaoXi grande(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(♡ω♡ ) ~♪(♡ω♡ ) ~♪(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

  5. TZX Ammar

    who loves Deadpool give me a Like

  6. Jan Pool

    i dont know why the dislikes this is a master piece

  7. S.V. Claybaugh

    Those heels look painful as f*ck.

  8. Ivan-耘嘉

    literarily my favorite

  9. Daniela Sisalema

    I love this song!

  10. Dezarae Johnson

    Ryan got moves


    The dancer is Yanis Marshall. 👌🏼😊🖖🏼

  11. Lang Ming

    anyone got the link to this dress lol

  12. Ana Carolina

    Música mais linda do mundo❤❤❤❤

  13. Ana Carolina

    2019BrasilQue hino 😍😍😍😍Eu choro😢

  14. pcmafak faka

    What song is this really ? Oh I think I know it Nevermind. Oh yeah I love iiiiittttt If you this song press this

  15. John Esma


  16. Leonardo Nunes De Couto

    What did she say at the end?

  17. The Devil's Pyromaniac

    Finding out the dancer is not really Ryan but Yanis Marshall is like finding out Santa Claus is not real :(

  18. Jourell NOVA

    “This thing only goes to 11” 💁‍♀️💅Love Celine!!

  19. OX1947

    Hahahahahahha, Celine Dion's button was hilarious!

  20. Aiden Coupe

    I love when you sang this song

  21. AbAn AshrAf

    To think, all of this was directed by one of the guys who killed the dog in John Wick

  22. Alexandre Silva

    Proving how pop culture (comics, movies and video games) save people’s life’s such as myself ☺️

  23. Alexandre Silva

    Proving how pop culture (comics, movies and video games) save people’s life’s such as myself ☺️

  24. M Usman Siddique

    My mood is so Deadpool.

  25. DogOfHades

    More special effects were used for this music video than the whole Deadpool 2 movie

  26. Stefaa .27

    "Zip it Thanos!"'Zip it black Black Widow!"

  27. Jackson Woolsey

    Ok, so we're going to make a music video for Celine Dion's new song "Ashes" any idea'sWe should have Deadpool in high heels yes

  28. Valentina

    *74 million views*

  29. Just Me

    She become kind of ugly... that make up....under her eyes...ugh!!!...

  30. Angel David

    Spiderman 😭😂

  31. Samuel Bright Asiedu

    Didn’t know Deadpool could dance so well..


    Yep, because dancing Deadpool is Yanis Marshall.

  32. Melissa Skillens

    how was this not nominated for an Oscar?

  33. Umair Sayyed

    The blend between Celine's voice and deadpool's dance steps was a priceless one.

  34. Elena Matica

    Imi place postarea de blog recuperări în ediția electronică de identitate si drag Romancier de ieri de azi și de mâine.

  35. Elena Matica

    Multumesc ptru toata muzica sublimă le-ai comasat cu cele din google plus stii sa ma tii lângă sufletului tau stiu cat iti este de greu dar așteptăm să fie bine sănătos și te iubesc nespus de mult timp ok cineva acolo sus ne iubeste pe Amândoi ok mergem la culcare somn ușor puilor sufletul meu pereche ok cuvintele sunt de prisos faptele vorbesc stai linistit ca sunt cumințenie pământului nostru drag Romancier de ieri de azi și de mâine .

  36. Kobi Cat

    Yass Saleen Deeyon

  37. Nik B.

    This video is why YouTube recommended a video of Deadpool pole dancing to me.

  38. Nico Fede

    Celine with the gender ideology is so obvious, Deadpool using high hills hahaha

  39. Tammy Ryan

    Beautiful song love it

  40. TheBigBoss YT

    Hi Wade!..

  41. Chief Sheesh

    When you didn’t finish no nut november

  42. adam malinowski

    Try this in 0,25 tempo 😂 especially the end with "Spiderman" 😂😂😂

  43. Just Curious

    Celine and Deadpool at the end 🤣🤣🤣

  44. Minecraft Kunoichi

    I can't believe that there were so people being so emotional during this song that they accidentally hit the dislike button

  45. oxvenomousxo

    I wanna say I bet we'll never see that lame lil chubby kid again. Cant wait to see what he does when 3 comes out, especially with Disney behind him wanting to help promote it.

  46. Jackson Primm

    They deserved a happy life together.... 😞

  47. Martin Moreno

    This video really makes you FEEL like Spider-Man

  48. Muthui Kamotho

    Only one man can move like that in heels. Yanis Marshall.

    Jomar Palahang

    Hahaha yeah

    Robyn Johnson

    I had no idea it was him but now that I do, I can't believe I didn't recognise him sooner. You're right - only one man can move like that in heels

  49. Peter Pan Bird

    Super star forever

  50. Susan Hutchings

    [email protected] and a very good one with all the e in the 🍧

  51. Nimmy

    And people think Katy Perry can sing.

  52. Tasera

    I don't know how Celine Dion was able to keep a straight face with Deadpool dancing around her in heels.

  53. Jackson Primm

    This song makes me feel the feels man..!!!

  54. Noor noor

    I can’t believe Old town road broke the charts, but this song didn’t!! So disappointed in this world.😔

  55. Quesia Cruz

    Gosto de mais dessa música 😍

  56. Gemma Quigley

    That dress is just absolutely stunning...

  57. irene gomez

    So beat it spiderman bruh I died and came back lol😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂

  58. Swan City

    She looks like CGI.

  59. Becky Norris

    I liked the song but not this video

  60. TheBigBoss

    I absolutely love this song!

  61. LilLiza

    What's with the gay Deadpool...?

  62. Antoshka Games

    *я ложусь спать*Мой мозг: 2:17

  63. GoDoFcRaP42


  64. HEADIZ

    i love deadpool fromethailand

  65. Cicero Jose

    Vc e maravilhosa minha diva amo está voz . Que Deus abençoe

  66. Miss Lizz

    I know it's not actually Ryan dancing in the costume (the dancer's name escapes me) but let's be real, would anybody be surprised if he did learn to ballet dance just to do this?


    The dancer is Yanis Marshall. (He is Classically trained) 😊🖖🏼

  67. Bookish Nymph85

    The dancer in the Deadpool suit is Yanis Marshall. He's a great pairing with Celine Dion, I think.


    i guest it was him so recognizable!

  68. Julia T


  69. Ryan Tun

    Are you dead?????I've heard about plane crashed!!!!!!That was you in it??????????

  70. Katherine Gabrielle

    Have y'all seen the Carpool Karaoke with her? She's fucking epic, hilarious as fuck 👌🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  71. Rajesh Maharana


  72. The BreathTaking Screen

    Soulful voice♥️♥️

  73. Molyvann Pheng

    who else saw the fake new saying she died in a plane crash 😠

  74. Noel Lalruatkimi Zote


  75. James Clarke

    This video is basically why Canada is the greatest country on Earth.


    With a little help from France. 😉😊 The dancer is the French choreographer/dancer, Yanis Marshall

  76. GINGERbloodSUGARsex


  77. Kevin Santos


  78. Norazlyn Norazlyn

    What does ashes have to do in common with Deadpool 2 im confused

    Swan City

    nothing, that's the point, singer like Celine Dion is serious, diva, artistic and Deadpool is comedy, they just put two unsuitable things together. If they would want song that suits the movie, they would ask Simple Plan or something like that.

  79. OriginalRAB

    Deadpool 2 had a better Bond intro than most Bond films.

  80. Vixie Merryman

    Me: *enjoying the video*Deadpool: *is wearing heels*Me: *dead*


    What if this song was a subliminal spoiler for the avengers?

  82. LCTR4Kat

    I totally sound like that when I sing in the shower

  83. Darkos036

    I have a 🎩

  84. Tony Chalmers

    Yet another awesome song by a AWESOME SINGER.

  85. The Vegan Homeschooler: MyCafe'Terria

    I will forever love this video! Very beautifully done!🥰🥰

  86. Mia smith

    Loveee deadpool even more

  87. T. R.

    top song but holy shit celine dion is worse than some of the worst instagreamreality shots. you dont have to do this to you celine. dont photoshop yourself

  88. Teguh Bawono

    1x listening: ordinary song 2x listening: it's good3x listening: wow it's too good4x listening: i cant stop listening of this song

  89. Scott Klingensmith

    Despite Deadpool being in this its a great song

  90. Christopher Dørum

    "can beauty come out of assets"

  91. Pizza Peku

    God i should ask *NSYNC... Well, atleast we know, who's gonna make theme for DP3!

  92. wael IQ

    الاغنية في غاية الروعة

  93. LunarMoon13

    This song needs to be longer I love it

  94. logant1990

    Not gonna lie Celine Dion was the last person i would expect to have anything to do with Deadpool

  95. Heber DelaR

    Hubiera salido mejor Celin Dion vestida con el traje de Dead Pool, se hubiera visto perron

  96. Rick Ray

    I love it when Celine says, "beat it Spider-Man"... ;-)

Ashes Şarkı Sözü
Söylenecek ne kaldı?
What's left to say?

Bu dualar artık çalışmıyor
These prayers ain't working anymore

Her kelime alevler içinde vuruldu
Every word shot down in flames

Yerdeki bu kırık parçalarla yapacak ne kaldı?
What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?

Seni kaybederek sesimi kaybediyorum
I'm losing my voice calling on you
Çünkü titriyordum
'Cause I've been shaking

Kırılıncaya kadar geriye doğru eğildim
I've been bending backwards till I'm broke

Tüm bu hayallerin izini sürüyor duman içinde
Watching all these dreams go up in smoke
Güzellik küllerinden çıksın
Let beauty come out of ashes

Güzellik küllerinden çıksın
Let beauty come out of ashes

Tanrıya dua ettiğimde tek istediğim şey şu.
And when I pray to God all I ask is

Güzellik küllerden çıkabilir mi?
Can beauty come out of ashes?
Bu gözyaşlarını ruhumdaki yangınları söndürmek için kullanabilir misiniz?
Can you use these tears to put out the fires in my soul?

Çünkü sana burada ihtiyacım var.
'Cause I need you here, woah
Çünkü titriyordum
'Cause I've been shaking

Kırılıncaya kadar geriye doğru eğildim
I've been bending backwards till I'm broke

Tüm bu hayallerin izini sürüyor duman içinde
Watching all these dreams go up in smoke
Güzellik küllerinden çıksın
Let beauty come out of ashes

Güzellik küllerinden çıksın
Let beauty come out of ashes

Tanrıya dua ettiğimde tek istediğim şey şu.
And when I pray to God all I ask is

Güzellik küllerden çıkabilir mi?
Can beauty come out of ashes?
Güzellik küllerden çıkabilir mi?
Can beauty come out of ashes?

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