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Brad Mehldau - When It Rains

When It Rains
: When It Rains
: 6.05 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 118 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 67 İndirme
: 20-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Brad Mehldau - When It Rains )
  1. Petra Sommer

    The scene with the tree, so wonderful! (The Lake House)

  2. coquijean

    ...the Lake House brought me here, searching and searching.....I LOVE the pausing an waiting for the next note during the beginning, its Romantically Haunting, Grateful💜

  3. conniebunny341 cuarzo brillante

    i came here because of nostalgia this song always made me cry, every memory sweet and sad came to me with this song and i remeber the first time i heard it it was on a rain with sun day and i will never forget it because it remiands me of when i used to be happy......

  4. Filip Verdick

    i agree

  5. Vienna비엔나

    Today is rainy days and gloomy days..


    Yes.. When It Rains.. Today is rainning. Thank U Mehldau.

  7. Brian Willis

    Simple,.yet, possessing beautiful complexities..peace.

  8. Franko

    Inspired by Jobim's Waters of March for sure

    Corstiaan Smorenburg

    Agreed, same chords, same cadence

  9. Eric Fricke

    I came here cuz of Brad Mehldau. :P

  10. BuddyBro15

    The Lake House parts are my favs, the light piano melody with the soft riff really makes an enchanting simple love tune.

  11. Vitri Mayastuti

    Came here because of The Lake House

  12. MarcoLewis & Go on a JourNey

    One of the most surprising beautiful thing I've ever listened to.

  13. Deirdre Meinke

    I always wondered what the entire song was like. #TheLakeHouse ..nice.

  14. Carlos Jorge Silva dos Santos

    The Lake House

  15. Inma Fierro

    Thanks! <3

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