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Beyonce - feat Shakira-Beautiful Liar

feat Shakira-Beautiful Liar
: feat Shakira-Beautiful Liar
: 3.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 308 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 200 İndirme
: 27-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Beyonce - feat Shakira-Beautiful Liar )
  1. Sofía angelica Rojas Sánchez


  2. Lina Madi

    2k19 🧿

  3. Beverly Ixcayau Beltrán

    Alguien en él 2019?

  4. Epsybriant

    2:40 best part

  5. Valentina Lirusso


  6. troy Taylor

    And Beyonce

  7. Michy007

    Go in my canel YouTube please

  8. alissya sissilia

    Shakira her beauty classic and lovely

  9. alissya sissilia

    Love shakira

  10. Tayná Santtos

    Estamos em 2019 e nada supera esse hino

  11. Sheila Farias

    Quem nunca conheceu a beautiful liar?! Haha

  12. Amy Smith

    Who else is randomly listening to old songs

  13. gabe p

    whos here from rickey and denzial

  14. Robert Vlogs


  15. Jeon Junglebook

    Who is watching this in November 2019?

    Dariusz Idzikowski

    02 nov, birthday :))

  16. Bluerey Lopez

    I need Shakira with Nicki now👑👑

  17. ItzCookies YT

    How do you guys feel about JLO and Shakira doing Super Bowl 54 this year

  18. Jessica Longet

    Toute les deux font un trés font duo continuer pour mais oreille s'il vous plait les filles 😘😘😘😘😘😘

  19. Joe Kensei

    You might think that the clap like sounds you can hear in the background are really claps. You would be wrong. It is my 14 year old self masturbating furiously to this video. I developed a taste for Shakira's songs ever since. Good old days.

  20. Shayonce Carter


  21. Patrick Robinson

    For some reason I got this song on repeat, it’s that GOOD!

  22. Rickayla Chevannes

    Gorgeous women...they make me so so happy I'm a women..

    Rickayla Chevannes

    I'm a woman

  23. Lauanne Alves


  24. michelle elliott

    The fact that I forgot about this song makes me sad 😞. But rickey and denzel brought this back to me

  25. Sergio Conti


  26. fab sofia


  27. Denis Angelov

    Better then K pop

  28. Cesariinn Velazquez cruz

    #Shakira #Shakira

  29. Ash mok

    Oh my God i've never seen such a hotttttttt sceneeee❤❤❤

  30. Ash mok

    Oh my God i've never seen such a hotttttttt sceneeee❤❤❤

  31. Jeancarlos Begambre

    Shakira shakiraa

  32. Jose

    SuperBowl 2020 Need this song!!

  33. wandera phionah

    I failed to identify both of them who twerked better

  34. meşi meşi

    one of the most powerful duets of all the times

  35. leen abu ayyash


  36. leen abu ayyash


  37. leen abu ayyash


  38. Yktv Gang

    Here because or Rickey

  39. Don Pipa

    Beyonce: I have a song and music video I'd like to feature you inShakira: YaaaSsS let's do it!Beyonce: Ok b!tch but we're going with your music & dance style!Results: Could not have been better than thiis

  40. nunya bizzness

    What if they both got played

  41. Alex Garcia

    It could be amazing if Shak invited Beyonce to sing this masterpiece at the SB

  42. Asia G

    I love this hair on Bey

  43. BennyConcepts1


    L3 Oficial


  44. Thiago Martins

    Brasillll, 2019 alguém?

  45. Epitome Stylist

    beyonce on the thumbnail 😂

  46. COCO

    Les beautés✨ du SIÈCLE ✨

  47. Cas.y Virgen

    *_Algún latin@ aquí recordando en 2019 !! ✌..__*

  48. 3Viveking ##

    Corporative find you difference between shakira and BeyonceMe: both are same

  49. Salvo Laudani

    I love Shakira and Beyoncé

  50. saeed bilali

    Do you believe Beyoncé has her royal roots?

  51. Sinenhlanhla Chauke

    This is the moment i realized I'm a STAN

  52. Mathieu Lafrance

    Goal: Beyoncé in the streetsShakira in the sheets

  53. Jessica W.

    DAMN this song makes me get up and DANCE

  54. Los Angeles

    Shakira better bring queen b for the superbowl

  55. Jesus Ortiz

    2019 💚🥰

  56. Michael Pandoro

    I love this song so sexy

  57. Salvador Gamero

    Shakira and Beyoncé super bowl 2020 😍 beautiful liar 💣

  58. Red Hawk

    I knew this song from Just Dance 3

  59. Goat Reacts

    Talk about a 3some. I wouldn't make it out


    je suis de bonne moralité devant a beauoup de ceque va de vrai accord a demain pour ca posture de vous donner a se que de votre amour nous la devons sa compil de vrai avoue je vous dois de bonne assistance et deca je dois de bonne a vous a vous bonne chance!!!

  61. Camila Leal Avella

    Recuerdo esta canción del tono de llamada de mi mamá cuando yo era niña. Ahora me encanta, aunque sigo asociándolo con los BlackBerry :v

  62. Reneejaguar Jackson

    'Shakira' was the one who show 'Beyonce' how to hip round 'Beautiful liar' 'Beyonce' ft 'Shakira'. Why y'all think 'Beyonce' everything buy herself,She don't.

  63. Christian Castillo

    Dale Like si la sigues escuchando en 2k19 😍

  64. Mae Blue

    Never gets old ayyyyy

  65. Kims Bee

    Before i knew shakira and Beyonce i watch this video and i thought they were twins😂😂

  66. Frank Y juegos

    Aquí está tu comentario en español like si hablas español

  67. Q. Garvizu Castro

    Add RiRi in there and a remix

  68. Cherry

    all time favrt <3 2019 <3

  69. Еманоил Кплев


  70. Bag Bag

    Rickey did it better

  71. Rose Natalia

    Who is still here in oct 2019

  72. Гулжанат Жума

    2019 ❤❤❤❤❤🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶💃💃💃💃

  73. Gursahib Singh

    My teenage

  74. Walter Escamilla

    2019 las grandes de la música pop!

  75. Maruzzella Mary

    La sensualità sotto le lenzuola con il grande desiderio💕👍

  76. Kaoutar Aitifiss

    Tigger and cat . Miss u Beyoncé

  77. Israel Diaz

    Alguien más pensó que en 2:45 la de adelante era beyonce pero en realidad es Shakira? That bitxh are trying to confuse y'all

  78. CheesyPoutineStudios


  79. Leka Buuu

    Ricky and Denzel brought me back here perioddd

  80. sahara-love Campbell

    Deadass rickey Thompson awakened memories I didnt even know I had.

  81. Ilham Sbai

    wtf am I doing here 😂 2019 and still can't move on

  82. Ömer faruk Yz

    Let’s not kill the karma

  83. crystal fraser

    October 2019!

  84. bella Lovecraft


  85. seyi

    who else is here from ricky and denzels dAnce-

    Faeton Kouakou



    Anyone here after watching Denzel and Ricky ??? 😂😂😂

  87. Mahi-mahi

    I remember dancing this with my sister infront of my mother we even did the dancing on the ground thing like in the video...

  88. Kathryn Kim Jeon


  89. total stella

    Denzel brought me back here lol


    total stella ikr

  90. Aymen Sassy

    Rickey & denzel brought me here 😂😂

  91. Eduardo García

    I’m here because of Rickey Thompson

    Alayna Dowdell


    yoona hwasa rose lisa lisa

    I think u all must be born after "2003". Now ur age must be between 10-16!!!😀😀I m 19 I knew this song before.....I just miss this song & I m here.......😀😀 I first listen it when I m 10



    Sienna Estareja

    Same 😂

    Tereza Drlikova

    @amy brooks fsfs e z w r haw sj f w r aods

  92. Tommiedam

    Rickey Thompson and Denzel Dion brought me here! 😂😍


    Tommiedam sameeee

    André DH



    I just watched it with them stitches 😂😂😂

    Petrae Amor

    Same 🤣

  93. dzlove

    Love the Arab vibea of this song and video. Shakira' s Lebanese roots on display.

  94. Aibek Myrzakhmetov

    Oh, where is my 20 years old time?

  95. floresnicolas

    La mejor colaboración

feat Shakira-Beautiful Liar Şarkı Sözü
Oh, Beyonce, Beyonce

Oh, Shakira, Shakira (hey)

He said I'm worth it, his one desire

I know things about that him you wouldn't want to read about

He kissed me, his one and only, (yes) beautiful liar

Tell me how you tolerate the things you just found out about

You'll never know

Why are we the ones who suffer?

I have to let go

He won't be the one to cry

Let's not kill the karma

(Ay) Let's not start a fight

(Ay) It's not worth the drama

For a beautiful liar

(Oh) Can't we laugh about it?

(Oh) It's not worth our time

(Oh) We can live without him

Just a beautiful liar

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