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Beyonce - Hip Hop Star

Hip Hop Star
: Hip Hop Star
: 3.44 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 94 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 65 İndirme
: 27-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Beyonce - Hip Hop Star )
  1. nelle maya

    chorus reminds me of rihanna

  2. Charmaine Espeut

    2019, this sing randomly popped inside of my head and I'm glad it did!

  3. JR 07

    Horrible song, coming from a Bey fan

  4. India Miller

    Yasss !!! 😍😍🙏🏾😘🙌🏾✊🏾👑👑💖👏🏾👸🏾🤴🏾

  5. Open Bacardi

    this song is so sasha fierce

  6. Shauntay Denise

    Are you infatuated with me, I could kill your curiosity... If you don't think I'm to rude here's your chance to make ya move. I sit and wait for nobody... People say my style is so crazy!

  7. Georgialyn Guice

    2003 Cartoon Network

  8. Walter Kee

    I am Wayne Kee , brother of John. P. Kee .I had the pleasure of recording the track with Bryce Wilson, Darryl Brown, and Makada Davis . Yes it was ahead of it's time !!!

  9. Trent Rama

    this was on the groove theory album

  10. Nene Ware

    Soon as I heard this song on her album I knew it was sumn special 🤯😛

  11. iwannaseeit1979

    So slept on...hey👋👋👋@sleepybrown @bigboi

  12. Jessica McGregor

    Baby let me know if you wanna roll wit a HIP HOP 🌟 STAR!😍😍😍🎶🎶🎶🎶🎧🎧🎧🎤🎤🎤🎸🎸🎸

  13. Cheradele_xxx

    Only real fans rock this

  14. Celebritylifestyleyanyan

    Uh uh I tried to come back years later to see if i would like it but no this is one song I hate from her what’s it’s gonna he should’ve been on the album instead of this

  15. Pachuco Juan

    Shes exposig her ass lol.. i love her

  16. Pachuco Juan

    "Blow you ..away"

  17. Босс Вертолет Femdom music video. (Play - list) Watch

  18. Honeymoon Globe

    Happy birthday Beyoncé

  19. Honeymoon Globe

    I used to love this song

  20. oliverrando

    man like this song is dope but who is sleepy brown

  21. 2Ne1BTSBlaCkPinkGot7SeVeNteEnNuEsT GO

    Beyoncé - Hip Hop Star Album

  22. Juanita Peters

    Df i never heard this before

  23. Takaya in Action

    Great video

  24. Erick L Williams


  25. Kingston Bess aka KING

    Beat still fire in 2018

  26. Zsaya Beset

    This song called to my spirit after Welcome to Hollywood

  27. La Shone Bryant

    Angel, La Shone, Quiana and P...good Beyonce cover girl.

  28. Candy Love

    This album is nice!

  29. Bri Williams

    She should bring this song out now nobody would notice that it's 4 years old bcux it's b4 itd yime

  30. Cin Lalala

    I think you like it "blazing" what I thought she said all these years. Whoops.

  31. Nelma Reis

    Zzzz men chettttt

  32. xxxTIN0xxx

    Favourite song from her first album, it sounds so diverse compared to all her songs in general.

  33. Anada Farr

    this alrdy sounds good😍😍😍😍😍😍


    your like fat boy


    hard as a rock your like

  36. Kemi Adorin'

    i cant hear it.... its not beyonce..its her label!!! this song shouldve went to PINK! lol its too much

  37. Jeff Calvin

    those are clams

  38. Rabia Dila Parlak

    bu şarkı nasıl bu kadar az dinlenir aklım almıyor....

  39. dstgre

    20 sec ad for looking at this still?

  40. JebronLamez

    Todrick Hall brought me here

  41. tanchik9320 Соболева

    listening at 2016/10

  42. T P

    This is dope!

  43. Marlon Leal

    #FormationWorldTour me trouxe aqui

    lucas Tuber

    kkkkkk pq ? Ela canta essa música na tur ?

    Marlon Leal

    +Lucas Gabriel sim

    Sadity Talk



    lucas Tuber essa música aparece em um interlude


    @Marlon Leal É sempre esquisito quando um cantor canta uma canção no concerto e essa canção nunca foi no radio e que quase ninguém fala dela

  44. Dr. Jé

    ..I could end ya curiosity

  45. mutabarukadada

    I tried hard to hate Beyonce but this song made me fall in love with her.


    Okay, hate is the wrong word. Never wanted to be a fan would be more like it.

    Candies Williams

    +mutabarukadada she's sorry but not sorry and were u afraid to be juged?


    LMAOOO??? OOOOooooo-tay!!! Give this person a cookie for taking the time to type this.

  46. Sue McCracken

    this song would of ben a lot better if they left out the rap

    Deja Johnson

    It's called hip hop star?? Smfh


    Dede Johnson the rap would be fine if it was good but it sucks

    Loyal Philly fan

    Sue McCracken the rap is good y’all just don’t know what y’all talking about.

    Tanisha Capri

    thats BiG Boy from outkast...u trippn...both from da south

    Eeye's TV

    @Loyal Philly fan ikr they don't know what they talking about!

  47. Tracie Rivera

    I'm mostly for the old school music and gospel, but in this new music era, my girl, Beyoncé, rarely lets me down. She and Chris Brown always knows how to please, when it comes to music and performing in these times.

  48. Jhirae Talmadge

    She needs to perform this live!!!


    She did on beyonce live at wembley 2003

    Dr. Jé

    +Brizzzle I want her to do SIGNS live

    Franklin Webber

    +Jhirae Talmadge its on her set list for the formation tour

    Jhirae Talmadge

    +Franklin Webber Cool!!


    it's just a interlude, not even on the setlist

  49. Deshawn Lloyd

    I always skipped this song on the album 😕 idk it's just 😖 . I loved all the other songs tho!

  50. javonleday Demitris

    Love this song fareal like,

  51. Nicka Carebear

    I used to hate this song but now I love it <33

    DeeJay Fikes

    everyone hates this song lol.

    Nicka Carebear

    +DeeJay Holmes lol

    Beylieve_ 219

    DeeJay Holmes not me

    Gody Gody

    Your ears were over dirty

  52. Jazzy 20

    I remember this song. :)

  53. idbreezy04

    This song was before it's time! It took 4 years after Hip Hop Star for artists to record similar technique music.

    Amiriah Scott

    idbreezy04 no lmfao she stole this style from Amerie. Most styles Beyoncé gets from smaller artists. Look it up. Of course it doesn’t take away from her beings the best dancer and one of the best vocalists, but Beyoncé gets way overhyped and it overshadowed a lot of talent. That’s not fair. Her fans literally just see her

    scorpion juice 11

    @Amiriah Scott LMAO people say that without knowing your fatcs the facts are Beyoncé solo career started in 2003 and she already has this sound then came 2005 when Amari released her first album 3 years after beyonce with the same sound therefore she stole the sound anybody who knows the facts and was old enough back then would know this.

  54. caramal brown

    Sleepy brown is that nigga baby 👏👏👏

  55. Dominique Porter

    My favorite album by beyonce! #QueenB!

  56. Dominique Porter

    My favorite album by beyonce! #QueenB!

  57. Ben Fisher

    Much Love

    Berna Simpson

    My all time favorite!

  58. Tyler Tate

    I hated this song when I first got the album 2003, now I love everything about it

    Raphael Keney

    tylerwhoitbe it grows on you!!


    Me too. It's 2018 and I love it!

    Jasmine Biscoe

    Same 👌🏾😂😭

    James Harrison


    Better Late Than Broke

    Lol I always loved it

  59. Noe Aparicio

    Love this song B about to ride the bike #Jamming To It ;-) Ajuaaa!!


    @Noe Aparicio About to ride dick but doing the same! :-D

  60. C.batista Da Silva Batista

    Séx, Intelectual, Linda,e Maravilhosa, Parabenz

  61. valencia motley

    Wow back when beyonce actually looked like a light skin BLACK woman lol now she look like both her parents are white.


    @valencia motley You mean back when she wore bronzer/tanned?

    Anonymous Anonymous

    One she was tanning during this era, two, it's called lighting & makeup.

    L. Hill

    +smthcmnl Exactly. People make some of the dumbest comments.

    Jasmine Wills

    She’d used to be heavily tanned back in her earlier days and her make up artist always used make up that was too dark for skin. Look at pictures of her younger self and even Blue Ivy. She always been lightskin.

  62. Shawn Simon

    Just think this was ten years ago! Time go's by fast

    you and i are like my buttcheeks after all the shit that goes between us we always get back together

    its 13 years ago now

    Zerm Cherry

    15 yearz ago now :)

    Shauntay Denise

    Zerm Cherry Yes because my baby is 12! And I used to stay jamming to this before I had him!

    Terrance Tyson

    This comment is 5 years old 😱

  63. Smellycat718

    this just sounds like something kelis would do tho.

  64. MichaelJfan4real

    She did perform this song in one of her earlier concerts. It used to be on youtube but idk if it still is.

  65. Gody Gody

    love this song. but never performed !

  66. Daniel boy

    Such a lovely song!

  67. Daniel boy

    excuse me. how dare you. ur the only ...... here.

  68. Dr. Jé

    Now what you got , and respect what you don't. Always walk away with your dignity, even if you live a little. Crazy what the mind can do to the body, I don't they ready for this jelly LOL if that was great.......I dare you to undress me then I aint gon be able to get rid of ya but thats a good I'm patiently to pounce..LOL

  69. Dona Deathtress

    Forever love this song

  70. ShayShay Brooks

    i miss this too know she is calling people bad words

  71. Sebastián Párraga

    excuse you

  72. Hana Blakqori

    beyonce is the same bitch

  73. LG Junior

    I didn't click on the video to say I didn't like it. I clicked on the video back when I was listening to the songs from Beyonce's first albums (hence the comment about how bad they are). And when I comment it is not to get Beyonce to change something. That's obvious. It's to voice my opinion. And I called you sweetheart because I feel as if I'm talking to a five year old. Are you catching my drift here, sweetie?

  74. LG Junior

    Because I love Beyonce. She's my favorite artist, and I am a fan of her music. So, as a fan, if I did not like something of hers, I have the RIGHT to comment and say so. This is a free country and you should really get used to people giving their opinions. That's what freedom of speech is sweetheart.

  75. Teodor Stanojevic

    shes better now

  76. Yuri Aialaa

    The person can't understand that she grows up, she is other firl now, and changed her songs.

  77. LG Junior

    If you say so...

  78. tragicmulatto

    that whole album was almost as good as the writings on the wall

  79. igor perlucho

    It's the same BEYONCE, good like ever !!!

  80. peacenlove1989

    i think she's still the very same lol she still makes the same kinda music...she's lived more so the words are different but you can tell it's the same girl going through life.

  81. Candice Debebe

    I forgot about this song...and stop comparing artist that sound like douche bags...

  82. LG Junior

    I don't. Besides her 4 hits. Every song on this album made me want to scratch me ears off......

  83. NaturalDivineGoddess

    ' a star STAR star STAR '

  84. sadesfg

    shes darker in this picture because of the LIGHTING nothin more nothing less. okay?? gosh! is it such a problem?? she is a black girl u know

  85. Kyron Paige

    you're right about jay-z helping rihanna but since seeing how he is beyonce's husband there's no doubt he played a role in beyonce's career which blew up. but everyone gets help from someone so saying that rihanna got help from him doesnt take away from the fact that shes a great artist

  86. Kyron Paige

    i knor rihanna & beyonce cant be compared but rihanna is on some hot shit right now. she's had live four albums back to back.

  87. Charnae Chie

    @OnlyAyoooALex F ya bishhhh!

  88. Qube Goodie

    Big boi!!!!!!!

  89. BrokenEnglish92

    This is why I say Rihanna is just a fake ass Beyonce. This sounds like the songs Rihanna puts out now, but Beyonce was doing this 10 years ago... I definantly disagree with the people that are saying this was the best album & they want this Beyonce back tho. She is SOOOO much better now & up untill '4' Beyonce's albums have progressively gotten better & better. 'I Am... Sasha Fierce' is her best, followed by 'B'Day', & then '4'... 'Dangerously In Love was an amazing album, but MY least favorite.

    Super Savage

    BrokenEnglish92 Sasha fierce is her worst album by far

  90. Alex Robinson

    Rihanna better

  91. Alex Robinson


  92. Jaleesa Conker

    @kirstenloveable -__________- who are you??

  93. Jazmine Nicole

    @trillbytch93 lol ok whatever

  94. Jaleesa Conker

    @ohsoprettycourt but she is..

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