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Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho

Sweet but Psycho
: Sweet but Psycho
: 2.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 435 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 151 İndirme
: 11-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho )
  1. SinNombre flechaStelar


  2. Happy Canuck

    heard this on Dancing with the Stars...never heard before....what a great song.

  3. Maria Ani


  4. NORA

    She is very high pitch crazy😂😂😂

  5. stefani tefy

    Amoh ava max💖💖

  6. Daisy Lara

    That guy must be stupid because he was cheating on her if i was him i would never cheat on her because no one will ever replace her and she would never become like this

  7. Norma Contreras Chas


  8. Nicoleta show


  9. Pfisterer Rebecca

    Love you Ava max

  10. Miki 1232


  11. hello lalisa

    Me encanta

  12. Double Ag

    Me thinking about my non existent gf


    The attitude...silent killer😍😍

  14. Noreen Rivas

    Ava Max 💚💚💚💚💚

  15. Trọng VượngMVP

    Tuyệt vời...

  16. kot kot

    post malone better

  17. Alucardu

    oh shit pussy cycle

  18. SPL• MİRAÇ•

    Love you

  19. Ranc Obami

    who is still addicted to this music in november 2019?

  20. Julia Mazgaj

    Kocham te piosenke

  21. Cecilia Calisti

    bellissima questa canzone

  22. Jerico

    For people who cheat :(

  23. Portakal Reçeli Reçel


  24. Youflix On

    Lady gaga + Sia = Ava Max

  25. amanda lopes


  26. Алекс Gacha Life

    Ava Max 😙😙😙😙

  27. Anita Yulistia


  28. Patrisha Nicole Barrera

    i thought she was lady gaga . She was also good. ❤️

  29. Mohan Kumar

    Lady Gaga Part 2

  30. dog von A

    Talent 100/Video clip 100/beautiful voice 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/

  31. valerie gan

    Ahhhhh my fav song

  32. Mark Silva

    A very guilty pleasure.

  33. siti hadijah

    Gw berfikir ini ky short movie dara cuman ver. Song nya wkwk

  34. Helsuz C

    Who randomly came back to this song on November?


    1:20 They eat Pollo a la Brasa 🇵🇪

  36. Kim Lee

    Love her red hair

  37. Kim Lee

    Who loves white hair hit a like for red comment?

  38. Rosemarie Kent

    Stop asking about 2019 ....we will be here till the end of time💯

  39. Blue Diamond

    Too much cleavage

  40. FreeDom

    Every day I hear it Is there anyone like me

  41. Mark Lumetta

    Ava looks like she's wearing a wig by the way my name is Ava to

  42. BigHit's Trash

    after watching this video i'm gonna search the name of that guy xD

  43. Gabriellbom

    Ela é bem gostosa pq n mostrar logo as teta inteira

  44. Lovely leah

    i see dua lipa in her only me ok

  45. fartingfingers Love Billie

    Who came from Tik TokNobody absolutely nobodyMe: you lying mf

  46. Nameless Nazi

    Doctor: You have 3 minutes to liveMe: But this song is-God: IT’S OKAY

  47. Nikita fodboll master

    Ava Max the best like for best

  48. Ámbar Griezmann

    la conozco por tik tok y me encanta 😍

  49. Faizan Ahmed

    Just an opinion, doesn't this sound like a lesbian song?

  50. Mateo Cobo

    I love this song. This song is the one I love most of all.Barcelona loves Ava Max.

  51. Levi Ackerman

    What is the name of guy in this vidéo

  52. Dope Videos

    Ava Max - Let it be [ Music Video ] for watching ! ❤

  53. Tom Camp

    Oh Ava Maxx has no talent, but she's a cumduster.A little sperm recepticle.At night she's screaming c-c-c-um in my useless face

  54. Роман Стемасов

    Who is this girl and where is Tramp?

  55. Muantea Pachuau

    Still listen, 2 nov 2019

  56. Portakal Reçeli Reçel

    He is not hondsome

  57. sarah olsen

    Me I am listing in November 2019

  58. Júlio Pipa Francisco

    I love this song, if you love it too, give me a like here♥

  59. Júlio Pipa Francisco

    I love this song, if you love it too, give me a like here♥

  60. Katia Marques

    Alguém Br ???? 🇧🇷

  61. Emma Omo

    If you love this song let me seen your likes

  62. Aziza Rachid

    I love you❤❤❤

  63. Raiden Thunder master

    Barber: do you wont short or long hair?Ava Max: what about both

  64. Gabby ASMR

    I kimda dont get whats happning but THIS IS AMAZING


    Love ur voice sis :*

  66. Aink Suep

    Ava when she read the comment :"Why you bullin' me"

  67. Lawrence Mareya

    Drama queen!!!!

  68. Design Studio

    I liderally thought she would stab him and pluss whats the things drippin from her nails?

  69. EnchantedTiger

    When I try to look normal in front of my crush but end up looking like this 1:23

  70. Μανδριδου Δομνικη

    Ακούω μόνο και μόνο γιατί μπήκε στην ταινία της harley quinn

  71. Gabbie Sings

    i just found out this song was by ava max and then fell in love w/ her IMMEDIATELY!

  72. CeX18

    📲*00212645752301* *Whatapps*📲ســمــعــت🧏‍♂️ كــثــيــر مــن الــشــبــاب يــبــحــثــون عـن طـريـقـة فـعـالـة✅ لـتـكـبـيـر الـقـضـيـبوأنــا أبــشــركــم😉 أنـي حـصـلـت عــلــى الــطــريــقــة الأصــح👍 والـمـنـاسـبـة👍 وهـتـشـكـرنـي بــعــديــهــاتـواصـل مــعــي وأنــا بـشـرح لـك سـر الـوصـفـة الـواتـسـاب *00212.645.75.23.01*📲

  73. Adrian Niță

    2-11-2019 cine o asculta? 🇹🇩

  74. ken addi4mullah

    check out this

  75. Cutie Pie

    Fifty shades: guy abuses girlAva: IMMA COME BACK LIKE A BOOMERANG!

  76. Lord Bzohan

    Сиси отпад ёпта...

  77. lalisy

    Türkler ortaya çıksın yada AVA MAX HAYRANLARIII

  78. lalisy


  79. Rovin Villaver

    Who is being psycho watching this

  80. NoahPlaysGames

    Why does it get faster when i watch it repeatedly?

  81. Patrick Kikwai

    Ava,ur the best.Luv ur singing

  82. M2 Zee

    ฟังทุกวัน 💛



  84. Khải XG

    Number Of Loved Ones Ava Max2019?👇🏻Like

  85. Diana yakusa

    Ava Max 😱?????Lady Gaga 😨?????

  86. risnitawati risnitawati

    Ava max good hair his color a red

  87. risnitawati risnitawati

    Ava max bagusan rambutnya warna merah daripada putih

  88. Melanie Aime Garrido Lagunes

    Nadie habla español

    Cristo Alv :v

    Aqui Estoy Yo :3

  89. EWA Gat

    I Love you😊

  90. eloise

    remember when the radio wouldnt shut up about this song

  91. Ava Max

    Loved hanging with Songkick in London! Check out the full video here:

    Destiny Baker


    Kim Lee

    So lucky support all the way

    stefani tefy

    Love you ava max 😍💖

    stefani tefy

    @maria gachinhaYT tbm kk mais mandei comentario em inglês kk

    stefani tefy

    @maria gachinhaYT É noisss✌

Sweet but Psycho Şarkı Sözü
Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Oh, she's hot but a psycho
So left but she's right though
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
She'll make you curse, but she a blessing
She'll rip your shirt within a second
You'll be coming back, back for seconds
With your plate, you just can't help it
No, no, you'll play along
Let her lead you on, on, on
You'll be saying, "No, no"
Then saying, "Yes, yes, yes"
'Cause she messin' with your head
Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Oh, she's hot but a psycho
So left but she's right though
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Grab a cop gun kinda crazy
She's poison but tasty
Yeah, people say, "Run, don't walk away"
'Cause she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
See, someone said, "Don't drink her potions"
She'll kiss your neck with no emotion
When she's mean, you know you love it
'Cause she tastes so sweet, don't sugarcoat it
No, no, you'll play along
Let her lead you on, on, on
You'll be saying, "No (no, no, no, no), no (no, no)"
Then saying, "Yes, yes, yes"
'Cause she messin' with your head
Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Oh, she's hot but a psycho
So left but she's right though
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Grab a cop gun kinda crazy
She's poison but tasty
Yeah, people say, "Run, don't walk away"
'Cause she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
You're just like me, you're out your mind
I know it's strange, we're both the crazy kind
You're tellin' me that I'm insane
Boy, don't pretend that you don't love the pain
Oh, she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Oh, she's hot but a psycho
So left but she's right though
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Grab a cop gun kinda crazy
She's poison but tasty
Yeah, people say, "Run, don't walk away"
'Cause she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

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