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Aqua - My Oh My

My Oh My
: Aqua
: My Oh My
: 3.14 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 111 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 81 İndirme
: 03-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Aqua - My Oh My )
  1. Pixie Dust

    Im wonder where are the singer now?

  2. Adi Adi


  3. Elayne Nds

    That song is still good

  4. Aepol Ae

    90's music 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶❤️❤️

  5. Septi Maulidia


  6. ryan adikara


  7. B D➹

    اغنية الفرة انا وعلاوي 😂😂😂👍🏻

  8. Sobre Política


  9. Abraham J

    2019 and still know the lyrics 😂😂

  10. Aaron Maldini

    Aqua made some ridiculously dope trax, said as an underground hip hop fan

  11. GRAF Mikanski

    Lene beautiful

  12. Jho kriboo

    Yang baru nonton lagi november 2019 ini pasti kebayang waktu masa kecil dengerin lagu ini, masa dimana nyanyi gak jelas yg penting iramanya masuk😂😂

  13. Зубов Виталий

    Май,о май,как же мне нравится этот месяц...напоминает об ушедшем прекрасном времени...

  14. Cristian Fonseca


  15. Barun Jena

    Listening this song for the first time in 2019! Much better than cardi b

  16. Avengers Endgame

    Who watchin in 2019?

    Muke Stylinson

    Im glad im not the only one getting nostalgic

    Avengers Endgame

    I want to back 90`s


    2020 ??

  18. Vũ Thắng

    2020 🔥

  19. Hayat Boujarfaoui

    Super original tank you very Much

  20. D&I vlog


  21. Lolita Neyman

    Дискач 98🤣🤦😆оуо🤣👌я былаdj и первая ♥️ Аква 🔥♥️👌🤣

  22. Leo Fog

    С-ка дослёз

  23. Kakada Suong

    Oct 2019

  24. Runner Liberty


  25. ธีระพงษ์ พลน้ําเที่ยง


  26. Manuela de Freitas

    Eu qero q as muzicas ea aqa xege a 100000000000 esqritos

  27. ลัน' ลาร์


  28. Deschanels 07

    À Barbie girl on a Playmobil ship! So glamour!

  29. Uganda [Comander]

    2:52 WhatTheFuck.

  30. Teresa Fatelo

    Senhor Ramalho 1965

  31. Hannah Kruger



    My favorite 90's eurodance song. Still listening on 20/10/2019 😊 the rhythm and beat so catchy ❤

  33. Hugo Fernando Fatelo David

    Professor João Felipe 1967

  34. Hugo Fernando Fatelo David

    Professor Luís Pontes 1957

  35. huda M. K

    Yo yo yooo....boys in 90' ......

  36. 10 B

    Professora Teresa Pinto 1967

  37. Hugo Fatelo

    Professora Teresa Caetano 1974

  38. Hugo Fatelo

    Professora Catarina Ferreira 1966

  39. Hugo Fatelo

    Rodrigo Sousa 2003

  40. Peter Podrumac

    Barbie girl is awesome song, but my oh blows my mind.

  41. Darren Garrison

    0:39 , did anyone else think that was Simon Cowell at first glance ? aha

  42. Syahrezan Adham

    October 2019??


    tu vieja

    Katusha Серая

    I'm Barby girl:))(Я русская:))

    Barun Jena

    November 2019

  43. Brian Ojeda

    La música de 90 mis recuerdos de mi infancia muy lindo y triste lo recuerdo 💜💚

  44. Hening Tinambunan

    Oct 2019 :D

  45. Luca Tognotti

    October 2019: Damn! Lene was so beautiful....

  46. Aurora Mikailova

    Nostalgic My Childhood ❤😭

  47. marti nebiu

    Aqua is so underrated not appreciated enough when they are one of the best😍😍

  48. marti nebiu

    2019 still love aqua my childhood fav group 🥰

  49. Fan[{ 迪丽热巴 }]

    6/10/2019 😁😁

  50. edsondantas hotmailcom

    Amo demais essa banda

  51. GRAF Mikanski

    Aqua super Lene fantastic women💓👍🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝 I so love AQUA

  52. Tanan manomai

    Love Love

  53. derpy duck



    Happy Birthday

  55. Александр Коршунов

    С днём рожденья Лене. В детстве это был мой самый ваш любимый клип)


    Thanks a lot!

  57. Александр Павлов

    пфффф, только англоговорящие в комментах!!! Я тут походу один кто видел этот клип по стс в 90ые. Наряду с другими😂😂😂

    Mr. Nice Guy

    эх, галилео...

  58. tea tea

    She is soo beautifull

  59. Joseph Dide

    my oh my do you want to say goodbye 2019..2020 coming...

  60. Are Nih

    This song remind me about my cousin that past away last year😭he's always play this song before go to work....😣

  61. Dominik Kuharić

    This part here makes me uncomfortable: 1:29Captain bold guy looks weird.

  62. Dominik Kuharić

    I love the beginning of this: this part here: 0:46 it shows how pirates are dirty and cruel, mocking you in the face xD

  63. Camila Elisandra

    Tempos bons que não voltam mais !!!😍😍😍

  64. dravo mess


  65. GGES120/9l School

    I need more awesome vides like this one

  66. Wcanywayz

    Lene looks like she's enjoying that whipping.Didnt notice in my younger days!


    Me: Coming to school wearing all black and a serious face

  68. Jash Pharm

    OMG Am crying 20 years ago......😥

  69. BaoLam Nguyen

    Sep 2019?:Đ

  70. phamgamga ngugenganga

    Bueno... Vengo por 8cho...Who's here on a 90's pop music/eurodance nostalgia streak?

  71. Alexandre !!!

    2019 hhááááá!!!!!

  72. Dicky Yulian

    2019 september??? 🤔

  73. phamgamcM nguhenganga

    I don’t think people ever appreciate how clever and well made these songs were. Great popBueno... Vengo por 8cho...

  74. Crystal Wind

    Vengo por 8cho nuestro senpai pero aun asi la canción es un puto temazo

  75. Superwoman Hudawasjuan

    Are they alive?

  76. SpookyEva

    I had a doll that sang this

  77. ꧁༺Pé Vу༻꧂

    Đúng là nhạc tuổi thơ của tuoiiii 😆😆

  78. Emily Dos santos gomes

    BRS? Alguém

  79. Debankan Mukherjee

    The 90's songs actually tried to compose good catchy tunes, unlike today's music where they mostly repeat the same tune 1000 times till it get's artificially stuck to your head.

    Arthur Yong

    Dude we're now in a generation were everything is hit or miss

  80. david xee

    1865??? Anyone

  81. Saya Gay

    i always thot the bald guy is hot and wanna hug him

  82. Aquita Surya

    Still nice even when listening to this for now.. 2019 🙋🔥🌷

  83. Catarina Ferreira

    Catarina Venda 1986

  84. Hugo Fernando Fatelo David

    Vanessa Dois 1992

  85. Mr Shaon

    My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why?My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To rule the Country, baby, you and I?If you were my King...My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why?My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To rule the Country, baby, you and I?Little princess in a terrible messA kingdom alone, but no love to confessDreams of a prince on a tall white horseRuns like a spirit by the castle wallsGotta steal from the rich when they don't know I'm comin'Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'My oh my, don't you cry, 'cause there's no way I'm stayin'I will leave, say "bye bye", I'm going my wayMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why?My oh

  86. Moon Ray


  87. Chelzy Jeon

    Its already 2019 but im still listening to this song❤❤

  88. Danilo Pochini

    who else is on a 90s binge?

  89. zyrus oyong

    Sept 2019

  90. Rheo Ricardo

    Aqua... Dari jaman gwe SD ampek anak gwe SD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣... Enakan lagu jadul la...

  91. Hugo Fatelo

    Mãe da Rita Paulo 1979

  92. Ghost

    how can she be norwegian, if she has a black hair?

  93. Amy Forgacs

    Who's listening to this in 2019? I didn't know there was a video to this till I saw it just now... Like it!

  94. Mathieu Rebuffet

    When you discover that Aqua did'nt do just Barbie Girl

    idris aleeyu

    Have no idea she did more than one song 🎵

    Debankan Mukherjee

    Had the cassette, there were some other hit songs there too, try Dr. Jones

    carlosds MTV

    They were all played on MTV: Barbie Girl, Dr. Jones, Goodmorning Sunshine, Cartoon Heroes, Around The world and this

  95. Chenzy Khen

    U know guys the signature of aquas mv are the BELLS, before the mv start their intro and it makes u excite..... Their songs we're present always in the disco fest and radio always in top10

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