mp3 indir dur

Andrea Romani - Napole

: Napole
: 6.77 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 51 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 35 İndirme
: 01-03-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Andrea Romani - Napole )
  1. tonyHern865


  2. pippo baudo

    Ci sono più americani che ossanano Roma che italiani... Oke

  3. Master Junky

    I'm from Rome 🇮🇹

  4. R Borat

    Who really created this music??

  5. gmpr61

    Atene e Roma hanno creato la Civiltà Occidentale.

  6. Lo Schizògene

    "Una delle disgrazie dell'Italia è anche avere per capitale una città come Roma, così sproporzionata in tutto rispetto ad un popolo che quando grida 'Forza Roma!' allude solo ad una squadra di calcio" (Indro Montanelli)

  7. Lo Schizògene

    Roma Caput Mundi 🇮🇹

  8. Er Fascio

    C'era un sogno che era RomaFigli degli dei, nati per regnare

  9. Neil Wiggs

    Funny. The Beast itself and all its horns and somehow, it too came under Christendom. A Beast with two backs comes to make war to the Holy Land and now here we are. What exactly are we admiring about Rome, but its absolute and terrible glory? The Capitol of the World is still in Jerusalem, and I don't think it will be many more decades before we all get to see that fact established across the world. Man, I was born in some seriously awesome times.

  10. Андрей Мартини :

    Amo te Roma ille popvlv romani Nos omnian grivido Heil repvblic ex Roma et morteUt omnian Republikas latin Amerikaes

  11. Gennaro Esposito

    In quel periodo Roma faceva tremare il mondo!

  12. Lory 912

    Il nostro ricordo più bello😢

  13. Rios Salvajes

    This would make a great Wake Up alarm ringer.

  14. mrprofix

    The Roman sculptures look very Albanian

  15. Manuel Mattei

    The real Europe Flag

  16. Un Utente YouTube

    Altro che Milano

  17. RikaZua 4335


  18. Radle Grebdron

    Makes me proud to be Norwegian (the inheritors of Rome).

  19. Augustus Jr

    My empire!!!

  20. solid snake

    0:50 oh its beautiful

  21. Red Dragon

    Roma Caput mundi!!

  22. Elena Zakroeva/ Dmitry Arciuolo Kosholkin

    I sollemnly promise to all of you, that Rome will reborne! I swear it on the blood of all the legionaries who died fighting with my Sarmatian and Roxolanian ancestor, whose barbarian blood I curse! I swear it on the lives of thousands of men who passed all their live building piece by piece the world my ancestors had destroyed! I swear it on the cult of Caesars, their Geni, the Dea Roma, the Lares and the Penates, Iupiter, Iuno, Minerva, Vesta, Mars, Quirinus, Venus, Diana, Ianus, Fortuna, Ops, Annona and all the other gods and goddesses forgotten for a so long time by sons of clients of the Urbs blinded by a highly intolerant Jewish cult, and by descends of Goths, Vandals, Langobards, Franks and Avars! I swear it on the pure and stedfast memory of Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Lucius Iunius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, Horatius Cocles and Clelia, Publius Valerius Publicola and Gaius Servilius Structus Ahala, Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and Marcus Furius Camillus, Lucius Sextius Lateranus and Gaius Licinius Stolo, Quintus Fabius Rullianus, Manius Curius Dentatus and Gaius Flaminius Nepos, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator and Marcus Claudius Marcellus, Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus and Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus, Titus Quinctius Flamininus and Lucius Mummius, Quintus Servilius Caepio and Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus, Manius Acilius Glabrio and Marcus Porcius Cato, Manius Aquilius and Publius Rupilius, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Gaius Sempronius Gracchus, Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Gaius Marius, Lucius Cornelius Cinna, Lucius Valerius Flaccus and Gaius Flavius Fimbria, Lucius Licinius Lucullus and Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Lucius Iulius Caesar and Gaius Iulius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo and Gnaeus Pompeius Magbus, Lucius Licinius Crassus and Marcus Licinius Crassus, the divine Augustus, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Lucius Caesar and Gaius Caesar the sons of Agrippa, Tiberius Claudius Nero and Drusus Claudius Nero, Iulius Caesar Germanicus the son of Drusus, the divine Tiberius Claudius Nero Drusus Germanicus, Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo, the divine Titus Flavius Vespasianus and his son Titus, Titus Flavius Domitianus, Marcus Cocceius Nerva, the divine Marcus Ulpius Traianus and Pompeia Plotina, the divine Publius Aelius Hadrianus and Vibia Sabina, the divine Arrius Antoninus Pius and Faustina Maior, Lucius Aelius Commodus Verus, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Faustina Minor, the divine Helvius Pertinax, Lucius Septimius Severus and Iulia Domna, Publius Septimius Geta, Septimius Severus Alexander, Clodius Pupienus and Calvinus Balbinus, the three Gordiani, Quintus Messius Decius, Publius Licinius Valerianus and his son Gallienus, the divine Flavius Aurelius Claudius Gothicus, Lucius Domitius Aurelianus, Gaius Valerius Diocletianus Iovius and Marcus Aurelius Maximianus Herculeus, Valerius Galerius, Valerius Maxentius, Flavius Claudius Iulianus and Flavius Eugenius! Ave Roma felix, ave victoriosa, ave aeterna!

  23. italian patriot 63

    I'm pride to be italicoBy italian patriot 63

  24. Pulakeshin II

    Fake as fuck

  25. Connor shaw

    "Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant"

  26. larry aniel

    lyra money chow good bye

  27. larry aniel

    jesus was a jew and had a family muhammed was an orphan

  28. Matteo Balanzino

    Fiero di essere italiano

  29. Tania Mara Campos Reis

    Hail Rome March.

  30. Tania Mara Campos Reis

    Moldando os futuros súditos do Imperador. O próprio Imperador.

  31. Tania Mara Campos Reis

    Mais três vidas vividas e volto ao meu trono. Grato senhores. 2720 anos.

  32. FLN charlie

    Eravamo i migliori e sempre lo saremo. S.P.Q.R. per sempre!

  33. Rod Samp

    I'm proud to be a Braziian where my ancestors were from the Roman Empire !! Roma Invicta!!!

  34. The Centvrion

    Risorgi ROMA dalle tue ceneriRisplendi dal candore dei tuoi marmiTorna a far tremare il mondo con i passi delle tue LegioniInfondi in Noi i Valori della tua*CIVILTÀ*

  35. Joe Goins

    Goins was there

  36. napoli

    hail to rome!the mother of world civilisation

  37. Vlad

    Every European should be proud of Roman Empire. It's our common history, it's our land, we are at home! Roma Invicta! Make Europe Great Again!

  38. Cumaali İnceler

    Ottoman empire in roma empire out

  39. diegoribas28juve

    Italy roman

  40. Sandro Gismondi

    Grazie a Dio, sono nato a Roma. Gira la parola e leggi AMOR.

  41. ilias georgiou



    Rom is a fallen Empire

  43. Europa Surge

    Roma volontà degli Dèi.

  44. Magali Elishev

    May I ask the title of this hymn please? I have been desperately looking for it :)

  45. Império do Brazil

    I am Brazilian and i Ask the Union of the Latin nations to be a new and BIG Roman Empire ItáliaFranceSpainPortugalBrazil UruguaiParaguaiArgentina MéxicoChilePeruVenezuelaColômbiaGermanyEnglandTurqueyRomaniaParts of north africa tooI Ask These nations to united forces and territory to be a new and porweful ROMAN EMPIRE I sorry my new english i am Brazilian......

  46. ULISSE

    The lighthouse of civilization. Rome is the west. Romans, let us not forget our history and continue to bring the light into the world.

  47. Fabio Pelosi

    Roma ad astra est

  48. The boys YT

    Glory Roman Empire glory Cesar ave SPQR


    All hail Roman Empire from Alexanderia

  50. Kaiser Franz Joseph

    Vivat lingua Latina!

  51. Florin Catana

    Remove France, Glory of the Roman Empire!

  52. Endchri 117

    Roma invicta


    wish rome never broke apartwish the great schism didnt happenwish that byzantium (the last remenant of rome) didnt fall to the turks allong with Constantine the Great's city of Constantinopleonly dreams....

    Mister Omen

    Constantinopolis will be christian again.


    @Mister Omen lets be real , it wont , turkey is a strong regional power , and to add salt to the wound it is in NATO , and Russia (aka 3rd Rome) has gone thru the godless communist revolution , and even tho communism isnt in russia any more ,they dont care or dont have the means to take back contstantinople from the barbarians who have alied themselves with those trecherous western bastards

  54. Greco-Americano

    I am Greek and I love this. Greco-Roman GLORY!

    the greenman

    Always will love Greece from Italy ☺️ we have same blood 🇮🇹🇬🇷

  55. Navak

    Rome is the mother of the West. Germanic tribes are its father.

  56. Cobrium II

    Gloria Cesaer, Gloria Deorum, Gloria Roma!!

  57. Saint Antoine

    Ave Caesar✋

  58. Ion Papazoglou

    Nobody can dispute the Glory of the Roman Empire! But also nobody can dispute the fact that all of the Roman ideals, laws, glory, relegion, art, culture, even the language and all the other goods were inspired by the Hellenics...

  59. Frederico Herwig Henkel

    I will bring back theRoman glory to the world.

  60. W4R

    3:40 best part.

  61. Spring Starflower

    There were no national hymn at that time.

  62. Lewton Fernandes


  63. Deborah Miller

    I’m lucky. My ancestors were Romans

  64. Fabrizio Rossi

    Queste sono le mie radici la mia storia il mio passato saprò onorarle difenderle e proteggerle finché avrò un alito di vita !

  65. Chris Herrera

    Roma aeterna! Roma invictus! Ave Cezar!

  66. Count Rufus

    If Greece was the mother ROM was the father of our civilisation. Interestingly we call Germany and Russia Motherland and Fatherland since they succeeded the western and eastern Roman Empire

  67. Joe Biernacki

    The Roman Empire didn't have a hymn.

    osco sannita

    Carmen Saeculare by Ovidius

  68. Federico Bourges

    Doenst exist such thing

  69. S RG

    Roman empire? Where's it now? Lol

  70. red eagles

    just close your eyes and imagine listening this epic soundtrack how it was ages ago the Roman Empire !!!! ROME !ROME !ROME !!!

  71. Pleiodes

    libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

  72. Θάνος Πορφυρός


  73. Suren Kalantarian

    Everyone write with Latin letters wtf

  74. Matteo Cazzola

    Ascoltare e stare zitti.. say thank to Roma for your fucking and ridiculous life.

  75. Tor Svärdtorp

    A Quinto Fabio Massimo il temporeggiatore!

  76. maggy129

    Great song. I will take what our founding fathers did over Rome. Our founding fathers started real Democracy. A far greater accomplishment than conquering people.

  77. Giorgia Pasco

    Perfetta per il mio lavoro di storiaaaa. Poi vi dico il voto :)

    Giorgia Pasco

    ma chi ti conosceeee

  78. Adrien Dupont

    The Germanians are the best. Es lebe die Franken!

    Christian Sono io

    Adrien Dupont ignorante, barbari siete e barbari rimarrete. Non riuscirete mai a eguagliare Roma. Cavernicoli.

    italian patriot 63

    Adrien DuPont fuck You and GermansWe are the Building of europe

  79. Mason57

    proud to be European.

  80. Carmine F. Petrungaro

    Back to the glory of Rome. Defender of the West.

  81. Max451Lux

    Mi familia es italiana, VIVA ROMA!

  82. Joseph Sayles

    Veni vidi vici

  83. Agent Hunk

    is this the notes used based on the 2,000 year old roman empire national anthem hymn?

  84. fabio hilbrat

    possiamo fare meglio

  85. Marcel H

    why in Ceasar's name has a 5 min hymn a 15 min runtime

  86. Gwidonus 11

    Ave Cezar!

  87. Canal Sensum Sensum channel

    The long silence after the music have a symbolic meaning, it represents the time passed since the.... bla bla bla fuck you!

  88. Aan Najwan

    Flag of

  89. Aan Najwan

    Kana ad

  90. Wino

    I live in an empire like rome, but we are fading, like rome. This is the song of our receding.

  91. Aan Najwan

    Jak and a

  92. Aan Najwan

    La cd sn

    Aan Najwan


  93. Aan Najwan


  94. JacobTheDoggo

    Rome never had a national athem -_-

  95. Kemal Sezgin

    Trust me turks are the leader of the world. Anatolian,asia,europe...

  96. Jonathan Torres

    Romans, the only moment in history when the italian people were truly glorious, we need a ceaser to unite our world today.

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