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Alice Jemima - Dodged a Bullet

Dodged a Bullet
: Dodged a Bullet
: 3.37 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 60 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 21-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Alice Jemima - Dodged a Bullet )
  1. Eva Jursyte

    beautiful vocals

  2. Josue Gamaliel Hernadez Bautista.


  3. Carsten Jensen

    Ja ba da.. formulated to the extent.. Love You're Music Alice..!!

  4. Eléonore Bem

    Amazing video clip for an amazing song :)

  5. ciberbeto1919

    Greetings from México. Could someone share the lyrics of "NO MORE"?

  6. Rebecca Aubert


  7. Richard Cheese

    Went to see Alice in Manchester last night. Lovely voice and a lovely girl.

  8. Oh my God It's crapman!


    Lily_ Niamh

    Daniel Hobbs She's my friend's sister.


    she doesn't have a sister

  9. Megan Bunning

    I know you !!

  10. nacho muntadas

    I love this songggg ❤️❤️❤️, i wish you the best!!!

  11. Fernando Guzmán

    Es tan hermoso.

  12. siren says

    Good work, Jemima. keep it up! hope to see you on tour in the next few years.

  13. pukka89

    where can i find the lyrics?

    Butter Bienchen

    pukka89 I would google it :)


    Я как русский человек заявляю ты ахуенная :З

  15. Risa Hall

    You've always been ace since supporting Nerina! X congrats on a great tune ! Xx

  16. Dominique Keller

    D'une voix douce comme le velours perchée sur des beats électro aussi langoureux que des caresses, mais parfois plus sulfureux qu'un fouet qui claque, *Alice Jemina* fusionne pop et trip-hop depuis 2013 à Devon, sur des textes intimes aux émotions universelles, insinués autant par ses lectures que ses propres amours, que la jeune Anglaise recouvre d'un tempo pudique, qui n'en rend que plus émouvant le ballet de ses échecs, futur objet, avec ce _Dodged A Bullet_, d'un premier long format en 2017.

  17. Alicia M.

    Just Beautiful.<3 I love it, well done!

  18. Never Enough Notes

    Gorgeous work, AJ!

  19. DJKC

    It is so sweeeet

  20. Al R

    Nice cool out song, handsome cast.

  21. rinofthemill

    I loved the song even beforehand but This is stunning, beautifully crafted video <3

  22. Vlaky

    Awesome Country Music ♡

  23. Info Kun

    Awesome :3

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