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Alan Walker - Different World

Different World
: Different World
: 3.39 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 286 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 113 İndirme
: 04-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Alan Walker - Different World )
  1. Michael Sparrow

    You should make a movie explaining the videos and the history of the walkers

  2. Nathan Lewis

    You're the best videos make another video it will be awesome I bet

  3. Fermina Gomez

    Alan walker hello de panama

  4. Tracy Thao

    Someone tell me why this trailer sounds better then the real one😮🤔🤔🤔🤔

  5. Carmina Gallego

    You are my idol alan

  6. divirta-se com Sabrina

    Like se vc fala português ksms

  7. Victoria Chirinos

    Thanks to you . Alan walker you are the best I love all your songs some made me cry for a good reason. Because I felt in my heart something that changed my life thanks ..... beautiful music and songs 💖💖💖 We have to take care of our planet ... Thanks for letting us know Alan Walker. Global warming can harm our planet. The earth is where we live. We must not pollute it ... we must all unite and make one to protect our earth.

  8. THE ASR

    I am one of you Walker

  9. THE ASR

    I am from Indian I am also a Walkers

  10. Gajendra Rawat

    And also in creating a different world

  11. Filippovesigna

    📲*00212.645.75.23.01* *Whatapps*📲شـبـاب🙋‍♂️ لاحـظـت كــثــيــر كــومــنــتــات عــن تـكـبـيـر الـقـضـيـب وضــعــف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الــقــذفولا يـهـمـك😉 تــواصــلــو مــع الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نــصــحــنــي بـوصـفـة اسـتـعـمـلـتـهـا كــم أســبــوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نـتـايـج مـذهـلـة🤩🥳الــلــي عـايـز الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مــعــه الـواتـسـاب *00212.645.75.23.01*📲

  12. Morshello real

    You no how to hack

  13. Mudassir Reza

    i ' am back to see all your video

  14. Edwin Fernando Arboleda Puse

    Dienten razon debemos cuidar el.medio ambiente todos es una responsabilidad de todos like si te gusta el planeta

  15. Glenda Lisett Alfaro Roblero

    yo creo que que hay que hacernos responsables de nuestro propio planeta porque casi todos dicen hay mi planeta pero nadie se hace cargo de el, NOSOTROS ESTAMOS DESTRUYENDO NUESTRO PLANETA. y gracias a alanwalkerfamily por su trabajo asi deberiamos de ser todos, dan un buen ejemplo para nosotros y las futuras generaciones espero que el trabajo que hacemos de fruto en el futuro dale un like si quieres cambiar el mundo y tambien si te gusto la cancion les mando un beso y un abrazo a alan walker family y a Sofia Carson

    Glenda Lisett Alfaro Roblero

    espero que esto haga rasonar a todo el resto del mundo thanks bye i love you planet

  16. MissGourmandefr

    This intro song is just so so good, I wished he would release a longer version

  17. fred hawthorne

    Soy español

  18. Kai Sun

    I don't want to leave this world until it is clean I come from a small town and I see so much trash here it SUCK I LOVE THE EARTH I NEED IT WE NEED IT

  19. Yeibi Alonso


  20. •candy_ kawaii•

    Por eso me en cantan sus canciones❤💗❤💗❤💗❤💗

  21. Cristino Pablo

    Mame a better World p.l.s

  22. ariel pineda

    yiyiyiyi crak

    ariel pineda

    eres un crak

  23. Tamil Selvi

    Nice song 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😙😙😙😙😙😙😙✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘👍👍👍👍☝👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅

  24. सानू कान्छा के सि खेलौ दोहोरी

    Who are Alan walker fans like

  25. सानू कान्छा के सि खेलौ दोहोरी

    Alan walker fans like

  26. Nombre Apellido

    New música noviembre 2019

  27. 12ebraun

    I am a unofficial w41k3r5

  28. Bad_ Banana

    The 2.5k dislikes have got to be a mistake they missed the like button

  29. Bad_ Banana

    Don’t know how but this made me cry a little 😢

  30. Marianne Arendt

    Sound 📢🔊🔉

  31. Jilan ZA

    I want this song, pls

  32. सानू कान्छा के सि खेलौ दोहोरी

    Yes who see this video in 2019 like

  33. nam võ dinh nam

    do you love ha noi in vietnam iam from viet nam i love your video

  34. prais the lord of bananas

    This is why I love alan walker cause he isNice Good at djAnd hes songs are really kind and nice

  35. awsome leader

    Allan I wanna get to know how to make songs and become famous like you

  36. Xime Na

    Si dl mundo debe cambiar su estilo de vida para salvar dl planets

  37. Lil Noob

    Hello im From Poland Dziendobry Alan Walker



  39. Martina Vavrova

    yes wy nitt diferend Word end diferend Popels

  40. Icysaurus

    Different world is my favourite song!!

  41. Eddie Van Halen

    "We have to stop contaminating our earth."One hour later, after an Alan Walker concert, lots of trash left in the floor

  42. claudia andrea alvarez sanchez

    Like a este video por cada walker

  43. defience gamer

    This is life changing, walkers have to stop all this from happening. Walkers join.

  44. •candy_ kawaii•

    Ahora se porque me enamore de sus canciones

  45. Erick esneider Fajardo paramo

    Deberíamos apollar

  46. Rudra pratap Rathor

    Why is this melody so beautiful. 😅😍😍❤❤❤

  47. Ni putu ayu Putri widyanti

    We have to save our planet!For the best

  48. U.S National: pollution Society

    Alan Walker you've made a lot of good songs over the past few years this one was one of my favorites keep up the good songs

  49. Rolda Scott

    Grenada y Venezuela we are ready

  50. gaming eleat

    If we dont act now the air will get to polluted to breath and the trees will die all plants then the animals and then us

  51. Pal Kumar status maker

    Hi DJ king

  52. Gavyn Hoerner

    Walker's Unite let the community be as one One Voice as many we can change the planet if we unite together I won't be able to help as much because I'm actually slowly dying and I've been doing my best to help out with the time I still have

  53. KittySylveon Amvs

    Walkers forever 💕💕💕

  54. 김샌디tv


  55. Galaxy Milky Way

    30 years for end of humans we need to clean the planet befor is late

  56. Emma Sworld

    I would love Alan Walker to do a set on my birthday next Friday on the 4th of October lol

  57. Rodrigo Farias

    Different world...Eu sou Rodrigo e topo fazer different world espero que eu possa contar com ajuda das outras pessoas para ter um mundo bonito sem lixo...WALKERS...

  58. Stormtrooper 500

    Walkers are the best!

  59. evil tigger tiger

    It needs to stop littering or we all die it needs to change

  60. purnachandra tanti

    Team Walker -pls based on the topic can we start to save the world

  61. Manoj Kr Rai

    Why other hates Alan Walker I love Alan wAlker because he has a art to made great songs 🔊

  62. Lucas Barraza

    Walkers forever

  63. Maria Fiorellino

    Grazie 💙make The change ..togheter ....

  64. Mar C

    you dont do concerts in Barcelona, no?


    With Sofía Carson

  66. Manyetik Adam 119

    Turk walkers? ??

  67. Lais Veloso


  68. Tanya Paxton

    The walkers are awesome


    Cry ,so dont delete tree ,jangan hancurkan hutan

  70. Lara Alobaidi


  71. Tanya Paxton

    AW thanks alan

  72. Renato Abreu

    Cadê os brasileiros que curt Alan Walker também?♥️🤙👏👏🎵🎶

  73. Teresa Narváez

    alan walker is winnn marchmello no

  74. Tanya Paxton

    Guys I am sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  75. Tanya Paxton

    😭😭😭😭 Alan I wish I came

  76. Shannon Phillips

    1 like = 1 save the earth

  77. Jeferson gomes


  78. Nicoleta Enache


  79. Eagle Eye Cyprus - 4K Drone Video & Photo

    Hi Alan, i'm in the beginning of my drone video journey and i would like to use a couple of your song in my footage bcs i think ur muaic fits the best with my footage. Can i do that ? :)

  80. Viet An Phan 4Sl Slottsvångsskolan

    Hi ALAN WALKER IM yours biggest fan i hopes if you can have a consert in sweden helsingborg hopes if you can

  81. Sunflower_ Emily

    Army's, we made a forest dedicated to RM. We need to make one dedicated to Alan Walker... all Walkers need to go out and plant trees, it doesn't matter where, just plant it and let it grow. After a year, put signs up dedicating it to Alan walker. I have to go a project in school about something we are passionate about, and this is what I'm doing it on. Please help me!!!Edit 1: I have it all planned out and I'm going to go get seeds for flowers, trees, etc. I'm nervous...

  82. Cordelia McQuiston

    our world is in trouble, help our world and stop world pollution and globe warming

  83. María Menacho Talavera

    Puedo ser un walker me aceptas alan walker

  84. Man Éxplose

    Stop 🛑 mot plastic🚫🚫❌

  85. Davit Saragihi

    Different world amazing ❤️

  86. C.D. C

    I really wanna make a song on this instrument...

  87. Sol Mendieta


  88. América Garcia B Martinez

    Hay que unirse para conservar el mundo yo ya me uni

  89. Elizabeth McKechnie

    I'm so sad it's been 6 months since I went to his Different World concert in Charlotte :(

  90. pebrian maulana rohman

    you goob job

  91. Dilter Clara Andreolli Gelmini

    Vamos lá já faso parte da comunidade Walker mesmo sem te conhecer

  92. Theo The Metal Milita


  93. Jake Nob

    Most people just know the basic roots of pollution and many of the people who are against pollution too. To understand this, we have to go deeper to understand this cycle which all of us are walking on somehow unwillingly. Understand science, corruption, politics, people's problems (poor, uneducated people), climate changes, etc. We have to first understand all the branches of pollution and then say about it, because then we will get the right to say "Don't POLLUTE our EARTH". Because saying is simple but doing that is very hard. I saw a post of National Geographic, it was about a dead whale which had a big amount of plastic in it's stomach. All of this just makes a hole in my heart, because I don't have power to do anything because I'm ALONE !!!

  94. Gogeta Fusion dance

    Walker's are right

  95. Jodie M Briffa

    I think you all noticed how hot the summer was and some parts it Even rained a lot and I feel this is because of us and i think we all should start by at least when going to the beach we remove 10 items and if at least 3 people do this that will be 30 items leads so imagen if we Walkers show that we are strong and we really want a different world.LETS CHANGE THE WORLD FOR GOOD

  96. dumbass hoe

    Bruh the melody is better then the whole album


    Mejor Alan Walker eres el mejor Saludos desde GUATEMALA Soy ANDREA

  98. Joanna Marquez

    Work gave us the life we needed the world is like our sick mom and we have to take care of herWorld gave us life and we treat it like this?We are walkers

Different World Şarkı Sözü
All we know

Left untold

Beaten by a broken dreamNothing like what it used to be

(Used to be)

We've been chasing our demons down an empty road

Been watching our castle turning into dust

Escaping our shadows just to end up here, once more

And we both know

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

But we got time

And even though we might have lost tonight

The skyline reminds us of a different time

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

Broken smile, tired eyes

I can feel your longing heart

Call my name, howling from afar

We've been fighting our demons just to stay afloat

Been building a castle just to watch it fall

Been running forever just to end up here, once more

And now we know

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

But we got time

And even though we might have lost tonight

The skyline reminds us of a different time

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

Take me back

Back to the mountainside

Under the Northern Lights

Chasing the stars

Take me back

Back to the mountainside

When we were full of life

Back to the start

And we both know that

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

But we got time

And even though we might have lost tonight

The skyline reminds us of a different time

This is not the world we had in mind

But we got time

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