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Akcent - Im Sorry

Im Sorry
: Im Sorry
: 3.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 1633 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 1609 İndirme
: 20-03-2020
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Akcent - Im Sorry )
  1. خريط. مقتدائي

    يلة بينا حبيبي يلة 😂😂

  2. HayField_7710

    Cam cringe videoclipul cu sta aia in spatele fetei

  3. NzR Udoy

    March 2020.. Anyone??

  4. sreerag ss

    ഈ പരിസരത്ത് മലയാളികൾ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ Like അടി

  5. Nodira Ismanova

    🇺🇿 UZBEKISTAN 🇺🇿

  6. M Moon

    Akcent 2010.2011.2012.2013.2014.2015.2016.2017.2018.2019.2020.2021.2022.....2099😍😍

  7. Руслан Ильясов

    i love you 😴

  8. Susanta Barman

    My febret song......?,.@%

  9. roy khan

    I'm sorry mehwish..... Saad 🇵🇰🇵🇰 2014 still sorry 2020

  10. Henrique Caetano de Souza

    After years being bullyed for being a nerd, I found out in this video that I am still not nerd enough!

  11. Ingrid Marin

    Não se esqueça fia, você ficou com algo muito melhor A MANSAO kkkkkkkkkkkkk

  12. M J

    Beautiful lyrics listening again and again

  13. Roushan Zaman Mondal

    I'm sorry I haven't listened to this earlier.

  14. Georgiana Ilas

    Akcent i.AKCENT STAY WITH ME M.Talking AKCENT Nu

  15. Nasim Islam


  16. Slavisa Nane Ivanovic

    Mine hit is amazing...from Nane Dj from te Sky...


    Any one from India 👍👇👇👇👇🌹🌹🌹👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👇👇👍👍

  18. Бобуржон Собиров

    Март 2020 😍👍

  19. Abror Uzb

    From Uzbekistan 👍🏽

  20. Deepak Kartik

    Who's listening this in Corona virus era ??

  21. Bypass tips Hindi

  22. Hilal Bgd

  23. Bypass tips Hindi

  24. Tiagoinvest invest

    Março 2020 the best eletrônicas🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  25. Abdur Rahman Khan

    lmao im getting stronger

  26. Арсен Рамазанов

    Mart let's go ✌✌✌✌

  27. Bangla Tunes

    March 2020

  28. layadi ikram

    14/03/2020 still enjoying it 💃💃

  29. Wild Stone

    Pop fever... Still listening in March 2020...

  30. Sarfaraz Newaz

    I'm sorry March 2020 still hear this ❤

  31. Abhishek Sn

    TULUNAD da yeranda ullera e song like manpunakulu

  32. Iuliana Izabela

    e una din melodiile cu care am copilărit ❤️❤️

  33. Bobur Tursunov

    13.03. 2020year best music

  34. բկςk էիξ չյչէξრ

    🇷🇸 🙋

  35. نهيد حسن

    শুধু বাংলাদেশিরাই আমাকে খুঁজে পাবে...❗🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩

  36. Ada Eylül


  37. gogo go


  38. Bilawalmalik Bilawalmalik

    NYC song

  39. Farxod Tumanov


  40. Hamid Mehar

    Nice song

  41. yunus balıkçı

    2020 oldu ve hala dinliyorum. Bütün Lise anılarımı hatırlatıyor. ❤️

  42. Prakash Gupta

    Wow...this is really awesome song

  43. Rithwik Sreechand

    Poli makkaleee

  44. marko orasanin

    good old days...Greetings from Serbia❤

  45. Beni Clocotici


  46. Jöhan Ölliver


  47. Imran Khan

    Super amazing song 😍

  48. Shamim Pathan

    Who is singing


    Yil 2020 Burda olanlar

  50. Dhananjaya B

    I think she got "Bankrupted"

  51. Javed Umer

    Wow good music this music my fvrt


    MARCH 2020 ?


    March 2020

  54. Javed Akhtar

    2nd march

  55. Asif Ahmed


  56. Raneed Rahman

    who else still may 2020

  57. хайповый из kg

    Верните мне 2012

  58. Mansoor Ali Janjua

    Everloving song ✌️❤️👌

  59. Afifa Tumpa

    Sey sorry Mariya......

  60. Elda


  61. Victorious C Mohan

    I found this song after three years, 🙈I'm now so happy

  62. Andrew Kovalev

    End of February 20....shit.....(

  63. King Corrick

    This is the first Akcent music video I had ever seen. I love them still Feb 2020, they always have realistic lyrics in their songs, and beautiful ladies.

  64. Yousuf Khan


  65. Tanmoy ki patshala bubae

    I love this song

  66. Tariq jameel fans

    You are so strong but you are doing damage to your hand good luck.

  67. Waheed Abbas

    One of the most my favourite .Love from Pakistan.

  68. md rakib


  69. Rizwan Hussain

    Romantic febles👍👍😍😍

  70. yuva yuva

    👍🏿 feb......

  71. Hamza Bashir Writes

    I remember when i was 10 years i listened this song so much. After 9 years i heard it again 😊😊 What a throwback 😭😭

  72. Samad Khan

    I like to girl

  73. Samad Khan

    My favorite song

  74. HIRA Saqib

    Call the police wat she doing

  75. Aryan Rahmatullah


  76. Rajib Sk

    Nice songs

  77. Aamir Rjpt

    Hh old mermory long time

  78. imad ben


  79. barkuat ullah

    My favourite song

  80. Sheheer Sainudeen


  81. saf in

    all is well

  82. Iqrama Tahir


  83. Deepak Kumar

    20/02/2020 anyone listing today? ?

Im Sorry Şarkı Sözü
With eyes wide open
The new life hope on
I just realize
It was no surprise
My heart is broken
You got me open
It will heal in time
I will be just fine
I'm getting stronger
I'm hurt no longer
My choice is right now
I'll take it somehow
Yalla Bina Yalla Habibi Yalla
I said I'm, said I'm sorry, said I'm sorry
Yalla Bina Yalla We eel Insha' Allah
And I said come on ask me, come on ask me
Yalla Bina Yalla Habibi Yalla
I said I'm, said I'm sorry, said I'm sorry
Yalla Bina Yalla We eel Insha' Allah
And I said come on ask me, come on ask me
My life is better
It doesnt matter
'Cause I feel so free
You're a memory
I will love again
'Cause I have a plan
I'll find a girl that's right
By the end of the night
I'm getting stronger
I'm hurt no longer
My choice is right now
I'll take it somehow
Yalla Bina Yalla Habibi Yalla
I said I'm, said I'm sorry, said I'm sorry
Yalla Bina Yalla We eel Insha' Allah
And I said come on ask me, come on ask me
Yalla Bina Yalla Habibi Yalla
I said I'm, said I'm sorry, said I'm sorry
Yalla Bina Yalla We eel Insha' Allah
And I said come on ask me, come on ask me
Yalla Bina Yalla Habibi Yalla
I said I'm, said I'm sorry, said I'm sorry
Yalla Bina Yalla We eel Insha' Allah
And I said come on ask me, come on ask me
Yalla Bina Yalla Habibi Yalla
I said I'm, said I'm sorry, said I'm sorry
Yalla Bina Yalla We eel Insha' Allah
And I said come on ask me, come on ask me

Mp3 indir

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