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Ace of Base - Living in Danger

Living in Danger
: Living in Danger
: 2.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 88 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 63 İndirme
: 02-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ace of Base - Living in Danger )
  1. Елена Новиченко


  2. Patty Patty

    What exactly is this song about ?

  3. Ariel Pola

    Esta musica marco mi adolescencia! Que buenos recuerdos! Saludos desde Argentina

  4. Francisco Salazar

    Cuando en Suecia , vivían los suecos .

  5. sirenita77ful

    comp extreme Los 90

  6. Иванов Иван

    Кто слушает в 2019?👍😉

    Lora Sweetie

    You are and I am:)

    Иванов Иван

    @Lora Sweetie 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🔊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    Евгений Полонец

    И йа! 😀😉🔥🔥🔥💖💖💖

  7. Alexandra Murillo Yoza

    Linda canción nunca pasará de moda 😘🎧🎶🎵

  8. Ярослав Яцук

    Каждое десятилетие шведы приносят нам супер группу

  9. Э. А.

    Туз базы.

  10. Humbrrto Davila pinedo

    Dios que tiempos aquellos los noventa ace of base inolvidable adoro este grupo bellezas de mujer y la voz espectacular saludos desde piura Peru octubre 2019

  11. Lora Hooper

    Love these guys

  12. Julie Dallas Texas

    Обожаю эту группу👍👍👍👍👍

  13. Русский Twitch

    священник с серьгой в ухе, как зовут актера?

  14. Букля


  15. Marcus Paul Woodard

    The best song of 1994 on 97.5FM KWTX

  16. Aquiles Boy

    mamitas vikingas! lo mejor de los 90s sin duda...

  17. евгений вепрев

    Блондинка очень красивая девушка скандинавская красавица

  18. ahmed nowaiser

    The beauty of Ace of base..first heard at when I was 13 years old maybe or am 34 and still listening!

  19. Роман Риттер

    Не хера не понял.

  20. Taha Muneeb

    🇮🇶🎧 iraq -

  21. Maritza Lopez

    🎧 🇲🇽

  22. Carlos Tojim

    Que musica hermosa gratos recuerdos 2019

  23. Virgilio Arbux

    Great pop music!

  24. Jamie Lee

    Damn, 1992.. Happy Nation album was both the most successful debut album, but at the same time the last for AOB..

  25. Палесски Ваукалак

    Простите,а как имя дамы со светлыми волосикоми?

  26. Палесски Ваукалак

    Красавица.Всех благ тебе.

  27. Music Cons

    Pleaseeeee, more synth songs like this one!!! Amazing!!!! 💛💚💜💙

  28. Jorge Guerrero

    Que buena canción

  29. Sako Gonzik


  30. Eber Ribeiro De Melo

    Adoro ace of base!!!

  31. house10 studio

    all their beat sound same

  32. claudine25000

    I'm also.listening this in 2019 ...😎💕💓

  33. Joen Sullivan compres

  34. EL Savaro

    Adorava a batida dessa banda

  35. Horacio Hernandez

    Cuando la oia en la radio en los 93 96 en mi México lindo querido...ya sonaban fuerte la música tecno eurodance todo en Inglés no sabíamos que decían pero el ritmo estaba fenomenal en ese tiempo...

  36. Hybrid H,E

    Hello!!Love this music,plus the Unique accent is very lovely.😍😘💘

  37. Lorena Torres

    The BEST of 90's...

  38. Monica Garcia

    The best!

  39. BegginersPack

    Это было наше время это была наша молодость Я очень рада что мы прожили её

  40. Алексей Бондаренко

    Обажаю блондинку.

  41. Иван Петров

    Is It's the music of my childhood. I am from Russia. You have no idea how popular this music was with us in the 90s

  42. Pavel Goncharoff

    Швеция и Британия лидеры, по выпуску легендарных музыкальных коллективов.

  43. Kenny Thai

    Damn I remember this song when I was 15 lol time flies wow 😭 still the best 2K19 anyone still listen to it? 😂

  44. Bugsy Seigel

    Much Love and Respect for y'all coming from the Little Rock Area

  45. frenk lukas


  46. valerik7311

    Аж мурашки по коже. Вся молодость перед глазами пролетела.

  47. Tommy Hui

    Live for yourself, it's a wonderful thingYou can do what you want, you can live in a dreamGet up, get in, get the rhythm, get downYou're living your life in peace and in harmonyYou making your own decisionsThat's how it's got to be for you and meSo many people are running around and 'roundWithout no sense of logicI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerLive for yourself it's a wonderful thingYou can do what you wantYou can live in a dreamGet up, get in, get the rhythm, get downKeep moving your feetDon't go wasting your timeEverybody's moving, yeah they're getting in lineGet up, get in, get the rhythm, get downI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerPeople are the same today as they used to beThe same expectationsSo high no one can reach that highNot I nor you get satisfied todayWe'll never get enoughI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerPeople are the same today as they used to beWe'll never get enoughI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerWhoaYou'll be living in dangerI see li-esIn the eyes of a strangerLook into the eyes of a strangerOh so much danger, oh so much dangerLook into the eyes of a strangerOh so much danger, oh so much dangerLook into the eyes of a stranger,In the eyes of a stranger,You'll be living, in danger

  48. Felixiam

    Recordé este temón , hoy en setiembre 2019 , con una situación ad hoc a la letra...

  49. Chalky

    We don't need to give our kids the stranger danger talk when we can just play them this song.

  50. Slavqna Ivanova

    I'm still listening that music in the car. Livining in danger, Happy nation, Cruel summer...

  51. Lenyn Dejesus

    Yo aun la escucho en 2019, i still listening in 2019, and you?

  52. جمال صالح الصباحي

    صباح الروعه .

  53. Anonymous

    This song is about living with a covert narcissist

  54. Sebastian Isla

    1:27 Game Boy and Ace of Base, my life in the 90s In 2 seconds

    Samantha Fox

    Haha true

  55. Nicusor Hutanu


  56. nestor exequiel Torres

    lo mejor los escucho desde mi adolescencia y nunca los deje de escuchar

  57. Yılmaz Kesgin

    12.09.2019 ❤❤❤❤

  58. H.M Rousseau

    Now Malin is very thin and beautiful, her hair is natural golden, very beautiful. She has three bobtails and goes for a walk with them untied, around 10:30 every night. I live four streets from her.-> I respect her

    H.M Rousseau

    @leon5443ableify jem I see her frequently, one day a girl I know told me she is Malin the singer of Ace of Base. I had never heard of that group (at least I did not remember it), however many songs are still heard on the radio.At that moment, I took my phone and searched it online. A video of "all that she wants" came out and my friend yelled at me: "No, leave that! We shouldn't disturb her, is formally forbidden!"All that mystery and its incredible beauty made me become his admirer. Since then I searched all his music online and fell madly in love with her.It is not possible to take photos without her approval. I recently had the opportunity to film it (by chance), but I was paralyzed.I see her frequently, she goes out at night with her three bobtails untied. She is cool and very beautiful! when one of the dogs approaches me, I stroke it, she looks at me and smiles at me, I almost fell!I live in Sweden, in a city called Göteborg

    Luana Darby

    The girl that appears in this article recently made by a Swedish site is Linn?

    leon5443ableify jem

    what do you mean? this link leads to an article that says nothing about Linn.

    Syik Danish

    @Luana Darby wow the woman in the photo really looks like her....could it be real???

  59. SGT

    Best ever


    D++++++++ MUSICAS BOA <3

  61. максим ешметьев

    Душа поёт вместе с ними...

  62. Ultimate Dark Knight

    I'm an urban black guy in my 30s and from 5th grade until now I've opened myself up to all European style music, spice girls, ace of base, enigma, Sarah brightman, enya, the verve, gorillaz, daft punk,oasis,rammstein, kylie minogue, ,and so many others, if you are a true music fan , u open yourself up to culture , sounds,,flows, flavor . . . . . I'm probably eccentric in music taste but hey I can literally vibe on anything and ace of base is a group I listen to daily ,,songs never get boring, especially the cruel summer remake by bananarama

    wukawuka goobagooba

    They are top and have deep message in opposite to many others

  63. Elvira Elvira


  64. MegaCinic

    в 14 лет я очень хотел беленькую.


    They had a great sound and the songs stood the test of time they've gone Classic, which is in other words Eternal!

  66. Jason Scott Smathers

    The church started with drem maniupation. like to toilet hell. 20 years tey asumed if the cosely mirored patty and I's convvrssation vs the "you need to become a martry" Sincee the used a code of theirrs, they thought I was Midlde Eastern. I'm African negro Amerian.

  67. Sara sarori


  68. J. H.

    Ulf is f.ckin hot😎

  69. Siboan Tuah

    Kembali brnostalgia


    geniales .........

  71. Hariston Hivilov

    Классная Группа,наших Дискотек.Щас одно фуфло на сцене,

  72. John Whitman

    This has the same syncopated beat and chord changes as the superior 'No Good Lover'. Had a good run but now the end was near for this 90's band.

  73. Jardel Mario

    Nu stiu de cine fugea ăia😆😆😆

  74. Adil Gali

    Я до сих пор смотрю... Вы тоже?


    abructamente bellas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,musas,,

  76. Иван Петров

    Как же она Волшебно звучит ,слов нет ,Красиво !!!!И по сей день Фантастично Красиво !!!!!!

  77. Richard CN

    Las chicas tienen caras angelicales, realmente hermosas!

  78. Jill D. Landers

    Still jamming 8-20-2019

  79. Karin Bertato

    Dal 2/9/19 basta Piede Fuori da casa a tutte quante alle donne che sono magrette magrelle Magre e maschi con Barbetta e righetta di barlettaecc.e stop a cHi fischietta,cHi fa AVANCES,cHi fa buh,cHi Sorride,cHi usa la bocca x fare aria a cHi si sente male in pubblico e a cHi gli MANCA l aria

  80. Karin Bertato

    Noi desideriamo di sbarazzarcene Da chi fischia Da chi FA buh,chi FA AVANCES dalle Bastarde Delle anoressiche dalle Bastarde Delle donne che sono magre dai Bastardi che fanno buh,che fanno AVANCES,che fischiano che scherzano e che sorridono ecc liberiamonecene Da maschi Con Barbetta e stricchetta di Barbetta vecchie bettoneghe biondine bionde anoressiche donne che sono Magre donne snelle snelline ecc a.partire Da oggi a.x sempre e Togliete Via Da padova pendolari treni viaggiatori treni e universitari chi viene Da fuori padova ecc Entro oggi

  81. Ну КАК

    Они распались в 2009 и закрылись в 2012.

  82. Humberto Ventura

    3:12 You know this is the 90´s when you a guy is playing Game Boy. That´s right.

  83. Jardel Mario

    Piesa adevarată👍🔊

  84. Кристина Салахова

    Kogda krssiwse vspominay mene

  85. Кристина Салахова

    Ctob ti kogda jrala svoyu karalevskuyu yedu tvar ob ti vspominala mene skatina

  86. Кристина Салахова

    Tvar ti, ya kak priedu ya tebe sdeluyu podojdi moralno unictoju

  87. SunBunz

    This album was the VERY first CD I ever got. Around 1993, age 7.33, now. Listening to this gives me the feels that are indescribable. I smile, want to sing and also cry because I miss those times so much.

  88. Nicomedes Salcedo

    QUIEN la sigue escuchando2019 🎧🎧🎧🎧💓💓,,,

  89. Angel Arroyo

    Very Good Memory of the 90's Greetings From La Paz- Bolivia 💜💜🎶🎶

  90. Игорь Цетурин

    Для времени , люди пыль...

  91. Carlos Guzman

    Quien le sigue subiendo el volumen .... A este temon ahora 2019 ....

  92. Галия Бегимова

    Обожаю их,моя молодость,как быстро прошли годы,но их музыка вечна

  93. Бакытнур Ашалов

    Как же давно эти песни до дыр в кассете слушали эхххх

  94. Edison Mustaine Thrash 666

    2019 Någon annanlyssna på det här konstverket , Ace of base fan forever ♥️ 😎

  95. Нигина Подольская

    Детства класс!

  96. Лани Ласкина


  97. Rajender Singh

    do they die??

  98. Базай Банзай

    Я в Чечне под неё выживал

Living in Danger Şarkı Sözü
Ace of Base - Living in Danger Sözleri

Live for yourself, it's a wonderful thing

You can so what you want, you can live in a dream

Get in, get up, get the rhythm, get down

You're living your life in peace and in harmony

You making your own desisions

That's how it's got to be for you and me

So many people are running around and 'round

Without no sense of logic

I see lies

In the eyes of a stranger


You'll be living in danger

Mp3 indir

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