Yahshuah IS the Messias
YHWH is holy
Read the Bible
Holy shit, it's Darude Sandstorm.
2019, whatup.
why is this song not a meme yet??
In my opinion their best song. Still rocking this shit in 2019.
Wish we had a true 10800 of this video
Not gonna lie the brunette girl is kind of mesmerizing me..
Do that and be dad and die!
Viva kiedyś to było :)
It's a feeling I got inside tell me just why oh why did he die.Feeling strange time to rearrange.
Эх вспоминаю свою юность, ностальгия😔
Listening in 2030! Still no flying cars!
2019 and still better than most of that dance crap that's out today #eurotrance
the good old days…. listening in 2019?
yep, and wondering that 480p was called HQ once upon a time...
real tistone still listening in 2019 bro when music was good
SBS type beat
Fuck u and all ur fucking ads Bye
It's 2019 and still listening to this every now and then :)
yadesh bekheyr 😍
What 00s shit is this
New Zealand, Australia, Italy and United kingdom. This is a bond between all those countries.
I will this blue and black pants
A classic dance hit !and the guys are hot !!
ah VIVA :)
2019 anyone?😂😂♥️👋🏼
Still listening & I wont stop
Esa canción para mi es nostálgica y muuuuy buena,porque me hizo recordar cuando tenia 4 años,Esaa es mi cancion dance 2000 favoritaaaaa :)
The brunette's disposable. This appears to be the 3rd in as many videos.
Tracey packham looks like Bridget Moynihan of Blue Bloods. ??? Ecclestone looks like Actress Jennifer O'Dell
2018 but ı m still here
The old VIVA Logo ... it makes me sad.
What a wonderful song! I love the romance of the lyrics and the men of course.
20!8 😏
This is where early 2000s pop stereotypes come from.
😍😍😍😍 2018 my song when I was a child 💗
I love the electricity shooting out of her hands.
I miss futuristic music videos.
Little did they know the multi-axis gyroscope would stabilize the future of humanity “Still like around the world better”
I still listen to this song and band after almost 10 yrs
ATC - the Do Da De Da band.
Crap song
31.08.2018 still listening to this song...
I love atc
2018..oo the memories
I wish they'd reunite.
2 0 1 8:)
Omaigoshh :"3
Shame where not big in England but ya like band got one songs long ago but know I own album . Great stuff miss this days
July 2018
Is this dance music?..I love it
I remember trying to loose weight to look anorexic like Sarah. I guess all teenagers do that kind of thing though. Oh & Trance & virgil too.
Cały czas zajebiste.
2008 is my bithday
I like the 2:37 to 2:57 part the best--that by itself is a "different trip."
90s musics is best but 2018s musics is only shit
Marku Podziękować
This is 2000 music,not 90s
i had crush's on both those chicks as a kid :)
I'm you biggest fan love u 😍
2018 :D
This is such a bop band
I like it
This song never gets old
Underrated song from them. I'll pump this shit until it's 100Mill.
Also the templar laboratory from the game PATH OF EXILE - FALL OF ORIATH look like this installation
This installation from this clip is transporter interdimensional. Few vloggers from Romania believeing that would existing so installation like in this clip into a secret bunker under the mountains Bucegi.
you right! This device is just a stargate machine
Under Bucegi!? A clip from in Brasov with a cave under Tampa populated by baggers asserting that and under the mountain Tampa would be a laboratory interdimensional. But this is lay. I verified the cave and the bunkers in Brasov under Tampa, and don't exist so lab. In Bucegi maybe existing a bunker like Mountauk
djura rumdija rumdaj he he 🇵🇱😀
Viva... 😢 😢 😢
Very nice
I just discovered this last night and I like the song but man, it's as if this music video was inspired by the X-Men. Did the group finish watching the X-Men and decide, "Yeah we need a music video that looks similar to that"? Not to mention the black outfits for some reason reminded me of what the X-Men wore.
It’s so great and has a good luricsu
my music and is it just me or is the blond boy hot like if you agree
I would have a question to the director of the video. The song title.
Black Bride!
Why do you cry, Willie?
The good, old time! 💖👌🔝
molto bella !!! Yesss
Skvela pecka!